Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Chop Chop

Kunyo looked down at the prompt that indicated his success.

[Congragulations! You've completed your first Cross-Path Mission!]

[In cross-path missions, you choose between two missions. Each mission comes with different objectives, rewards and outcomes. Choose Wisely!]

[Mission 1: Merciful Saviour]

[Objective: Save the Ocean or the Moon Spirit's life.]

[Side Objective: Do it without killing anybody.]

[Side Objective: Do it without anybody finding your identity.]

{A just man doesn't care about races or sides, he only protects the victim! Save the Ocean or the Moon Spirit despite being a fire bender! Do it without hurting killing anybody to further prove your pure heart. If you can, go even beyond and take no credit for it and prove that you seek no glory from your heroic actions! A true hero seeks no glory nor any applause from his actions!}

[Reward: Spark of Divinity, Blessing of the Ocean, Water bending, increased closeness and respect from every sea creature]

[Side Reward 1: Merciful Title]

[Side Reward 2: Heroic Title, Stealth Skill Rank Upx1]

He looked down at his status and inventory in glee.

He knew there were more important things to do right now, but he couldn't help it.  It was an exciting and happy moment no matter the situation.

Name: Kunyo

Title: Fire Nation Mid-class Noble, Second Coming of Combustion God, Dragon Slayer

Class: Firebender


HP: 100%








Fire Nation Mid-class Noble: +%40 fear and respect from commoners of the Fire Nation. +%10 fear and respect from low-class nobles of the Fire Nation.

Second Coming of Combustion God: +300% Respect from the people who has practised the combustion art, or the people of the combustion village. +300% Speed of learning any combustion techniques, +100% Effectiveness of the art of combustion.

Dragon Slayer: +50% Effectiveness and learning speed of firebending. +500% Damage towards Dragon type beasts/sprits etc.

Merciful: Gain a temporary or permanent boost according to the situation, after an act of mercy. Gain an aura of a merciful individual.

Heroic: Gain a temporary or permanent boost according to the situation, after an act of heroism. Gain an aura of a trustworthy individual.


Class: Pinnacle Firebender (Novice-Adept-Expert-Master-Pinnacle)

Pinnacle Firebender:+200% Effectiveness of Firebending (less cost more firepower and style), +400% Learning speed of Firebending Techniques.


Skills: Gamer's Mind, Gamer's body, Expert Brawling, Firebending (Click to see the techniques associated with it), Novice Bladed Weapon User, Novice Bow User, Novice Stealth,

Gamer's mind: You are able to think calmly and rationally during moments that would make a regular man panic. Does not destroy emotions but gives you the ability to mute them at will.

Gamer's Body: Your body is a game character's body. How side effects (such as poison, nerf, buff...) affects your body has changed. Sleeping in a place you consider home heals you %100, fills your MP and gets rid of any bad side effects. Sleeping at a place you consider bed heals you %75, fills %75 of your MP and gets rid of weak side effects. Sleeping at an unliked (cold, stone, jungle...) place heals you %25 and fills %25 of your MP.

Expert Brawling: +60 effectiveness of melee fights with no weapons. +%60 Speed of learning of brawling techniques.

Adept Bladed Weapon User: +%30 effectiveness when using Bladed weapons. +%30 speed of learning bladed weapon techniques

Novice Bow User: +%10 effectiveness when using bows. +%10 speed of learning bow techniques

Adept Stealth: Hiding yourself is easier. You get creative when it comes to camouflage and along with that, it is easier for you to spot hiding people.

Firebending: Your innate ability of Firebending. This skill includes all of your firebending techniques.

(Blue Fire, Combustion Bending, Fire Missile, Fire Breath, Fire Bomb, Combustion Curving...)

PERKS:[Perk: Come Combust my Chakras Now]

[Effects: Combustion release is 50 times stronger when used from Forehead Chakra Point. This applies to all your chakra points{NEW!}. You can use the soles of your feet or your palms to use combustion release 5 times stronger{NEW!}]

[Perk: All Chakras Wide Open]

[Effects: +300% Speed of learning the usage of Chi and anything related to it (firebending etc.), -70% Chi usage, +70% Speed of Chi regeneration. Access to spiritual world {NEW!}]

[Blue Fire: +50% Power and +10% Speed of fire] B+

[Dragon Fire: +100% Learning speed of Firebending Techniques, Ability to add attributes (buff, debuff...) to your fire.] S-

[Blessings of the Ocean: Any being (beast, spirit... etc.) related to the ocean will have a positive impression of you at your first meeting. Any water related art, magic, fighting or controlling style efficiency +50%, you can breathe under the water, Water pressure is useless on you.]

His new two titles and perk were incredible.

Thanks to the titles, he not only gained a way to become more powerful, but also gained a way to suddenly become stronger under hardship.

'Did I just become a shounen protagonist?!'

'HAHAHAAHAHAH' he couldn't help but laugh to himself.

'I can gain strength by doing good deeds. Nice.'

Blessing basically ensured him safety under the ocean.

His explorer soul gave a smile at that.

Ocean was something even the 21st century people couldn't search properly.

Now, he could travel and explore it freely.

Animals inside wouldn't attack and the pressure of the sea wouldn't hurt him.

Increasing his talent in water bending was welcome as well.

His talent in fire bending was godly only thanks to the various boosts his system gave through the classes and perks. He was afraid his pace of advancement in other bending styles would be slow due to his original talent, but it seemed like he had already covered the water bending part thanks to the quest.

He clapped his hands to take everybody's attention.

''Alright. Now that this is dealt with, we have some other pressing matters to deal with. Like his absolutely massive fleet. But before that, Princess Yue, do you want to call some guards? You know, to take this guy into your ice prison or something, I don't actually know what kind of prisons you have here. Imprison him, execute him, do whatever you want. He damaged you guys the most, I'm sure you can come up with a good punishment.''

Yue nodded slowly. ''I don't think we can find any guards right now, but Katara could imprison them tightly, right?''

Katara nodded quickly and got to work.

She didn't show the same mercy she showed to Zuko, and made sure they couldn't escape their make shift prison.

''You guys deal with the soldiers that are already inside the Northern Water Tribe. I will deal with the fleet.''

Everybody unconsciously nodded their heads, listening to his orders as an aura of a leader surrounded him.

Iroh shook his head in wonder.

'Where was such youth when we needed him... No, perhaps he is here because we need him the most right now.'

His eyes landed on Zuko, softening. He didn't want to push his nephew to the right road. The thought a few nudges on the way would be the most he would do. But, due to the severity of the situation, he gave a push larger than he intended.

'No, he was already in the right way. I did the right thing.'

''Alright, chop chop. We can talk later, I mean, after all of this is over.'' said Kunyo, clapping his hands once more.

He wanted to become friends with Avatar so that the Avatar would protect his father once he was gone.

Of course, he wasn't just going to use the avatar. It was more of an exchange. They would help each other out.

He would help him a little bit and teach him a few tricks on fire bending and Aang would protect his father in the future.

He was a good kid, he knew he could trust him with that matter. Having the world's second strongest human protect his father would let him leave this world without regrets.

'Even though I'm not the most mature guy out there, I don't think I can actually become friends with a 12 year old child.' he thought to himself as he took off with jet propulsion instead of combustion bending.

'I should avoid using combustion bending just in case.'

As far as he could remember, nobody had ever seen him use combustion bending, but he wasn't going to risk it.


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