Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Don’t Trust People With Goatee

Seeing Kunyo jump up to the air and fly towards the ships, everybody except Iroh and Zuko quickly got to work.

Both Katara and Aang made sure the prisoners would stay there and quickly went inside the city to defeat the attackers.

Sokka followed after them with his trusty boomerang after saying goodbye to his girlfriend.

They decided to think about what just happened in the future. Taking care of the intruders was more important at that time.

Not Zuko.

He didn't care much about the invasion. He was here for his own mission, his own ''destiny''.

But, not only did he fail, he also changed his mind about his future.

Zuko sat down with a plop, thinking about the last few hours he spent there. He was... confused.

Iroh slowly and patiently approached him and sat down next to him.

He wanted to ask many things, but held back.

He understood that Zuko needed time now.


I took a deep breath and felt it fill my lungs before releasing it.


I can't help but be amazed.

Sometimes I forget how developed my nation is.

Fire Nation is really the leading figure in science of this world.

Rest of the world can't even compare at this point.

Below me, there are thousands of ships, all of them packed with weapons and soldiers.

I still haven't tried out my water bending and I'm craving on a chance to use it.

Unfortunately, this isn't one.

Best I can do is freeze their ships, which is the opposite of my aim.

I want them to leave.

My quest is over so I can kill as much as I want, but these are just regular soldiers who were following orders.

I still kind of want to kill Zhao, but not these guys.

This would be a massacre.

Welp, Zhao will probably die anyway. This incredibly traditional tribe most likely has some brutal execution punishments.

I have been flying above them for about 30 seconds now, and most of them have already seen me.

They can't help it, I'm literally flying with massive fire jets below my feet.

This is a feat even their oh so treasured Fire Lord can't achieve.

The only reason they haven't attacked me yet is because I'm very clearly a fire bender.

This doesn't stop them from pointing their fingers at me with confused faces though.

''Cough!'' I clear my throat with a  cough.

Man, I wish I knew air bending.

Maybe I could turn it into sound bending and raise my voice volume.

It would be really helpful right now.

''Admiral Zhao is captured!'' I shout out with all the power I can muster.

'I won't get a sore throat because of this, right? Whatever, my potions probably can cure it.'

''Who is the most senior person in military rank here?! Who is in charge!? Who commands you after Zhao is gone?!''

After I ask it, there are some murmurs until some of raise their hands.

I lower my altitude and get close to them to hear their response.

A young soldier, seemingly pushed to do this by his seniors, looked up at me with a nervous smile.

'He's basically shaking at this point. Don't worry bro, I don't eat men.' I wanted to say but it would ruin the mood, so I stayed silent, waiting for him to speak up.

''w-w-w-'' he murmured.

''I can't hear you.''

It's okay, I have patience.

''W-W-W-WHO WHO WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?'' he screamed out with closed eyes.


Kunyo stood there, frozen in shock.

After a few seconds, he started laughing audibly as he clutched his stomach.


''Oh, you poor, poor poor little guy.'' he said with tears in his eyes, finally calming down.

It wasn't that funny, but the unexpectedness of it cracked him up.

'Ah, that felt good.'

Laughing was indeed great.

''Tell me, which one of them forced you to say this.''

The young man nervously pointed at a man with a goatee with his shaky finger after some hesitation ''H-hhe and the guys next to him.''

''Alright.'' Kunyo patted the young man on his shoulder. ''Nothing good comes from the guys with goatees. Carve these words of wisdom into your mind.'' he nodded sagely.

Suddenly, he appeared in front of the guy with a goatee.

Kunyo already knew it was him by reading the young man's status window thanks to his observe skill. He just wanted to see whether the young man would be honest or not.

''I was asking a serious question, that wasn't very nice.'' Kunyo got closer to the shaking man's face.

''Fortunately for you, I'm in good mood today. Tell me who is the most senior officer after Zhao in this fleet.''

The man with the goatee nodded shakily.

'He didn't look this scary when he was up above.' he thought, but his mouth said something else.

''Commander of the Rising Dragon Ship. It's the second biggest ship in the fleet.''

Kunyo smiled.

''Good, good, good.'' suddenly a slap came out of nowhere, stopping right before the man's face.

He fell down with a squeal as the wind from the slap alone hurt his face.

''You should be more careful in the future. You were lucky since I happen to be the most merciful person in the world, but'' Kunyo lowered his hand and his smile vanished ''you might not be this lucky next time.''

The man nodded quickly.

Kunyo's smile got back to his face, as bright as ever.

''Good! It's nice to see people learn. Some character growth is always appreciated. Anyway, have a nice day.''

He jumped up and used his jet thrusters to fly above, trying to gain altitude to see the biggest ship easier.

He gave a happy and relaxed sigh.

''Training all day is good and all, but wow, this is just simply fun.''


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