Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Don’t Be An Aqua

[An: The 'memey' part of the fic is mostly over. I said it before and I'm saying it again: I leaned onto the comedy mostly because this is mostly a training/worldbuilding arc and it would be boring af if I didn't at least include some comedy. Now that he is setting out to the world it will get a little bit more serious. It won't be completely devoid of jokes of course since this isn't an edgy fic (it's not... right?). Since you know there isn't much that can challenge him right now.]

''WHY ARE YOU LEAVING!? You promised me, you said yes, you were gonna join me! Cmon where are you going!!''

I rub my face as I sigh. You're acting like Aqua right now Megumin. I told you my reasons like 20 times now. I swear to God I will leave without saying anything if you try to stop me again.

''As I said.'' I start by reigning in my anger and frustration. I thought she would be better than this but...Sigh

''I'm leaving for a short while. I don't want to leave this universe right now. I promise you that I will come back.''

''But you have everything you could need or want here! FOOD! ME! EXPLOSIONS! COMFY BED!-'' I stop her as she starts to get even more desperate.

''Yeah they are great and I will come back for them. But I want to discover and learn more about this world. I'm not leaving here half-assed. I have my plans and schedules okay. I'm leaving now.''

She sniffled as she nodded slowly.

It's kind of cute but I really hate how clingy she became.

Well, she wasn't this clingy. I guess she has abandonment issues?

She was forcibly sent here away from all of her friends and has been alone for years by now. She probably thinks something might happen to me. She is scared of being alone again.

But that won't happen.

Under her teaching (unfortunately, she didn't give me Konosuba adventurer card, which would have made everything easier) I learned about combustion bending a lot more.

My proficiency on Combustion is probably better than the old man by now.

I was kinda scared she couldn't teach me anything since in the show all she did was one shot, which is not much since all you need to do is put enough mp into the shot. But to my surprise, she taught me how to change their directions mid air.

Apparently when she was young she was not ''wise enough'' to see the potential of it. She was young and inexperienced so she spent all her effort into the power of the explosion without branching out.

My explosions are really flexible now. Though I have to admit that I understand her. When you change their directions, it simply doesn't feel the same. Doesn't give the same satisfaction. Of course, during a fight I won't care about the satisfaction of it and use everything I have but that doesn't mean its not the truth.

I also trained my 'Bakugo style'. There was not much to do about it really. I just got better at it and increased my physical stats a lot since it requires a strong body for it.

Name: Kunyo

Title: Fire Nation Mid-class Noble, Second Coming of Combustion God

Class: Firebender


HP: 100%







My body was damaged pretty much just because I used that style so my body evolved pretty quickly. Yeah, my body is really adaptable thanks to the system. Getting hurt raises the stats better than just normal training and my body heals very quickly even without a potion.

Neither my wisdom nor my intelligence increased but that's fine really. I wasn't expecting them to raise anyway. At this point, I would need either Quests or actual fights to raise them and if I understood this system well enough the 3rd place I'm going should give a juicy quest.

It's kind of weird I haven't gotten to pinnacle level in firebending yet though. I think I'm already better than my old teacher so what am I missing?

Oh, I haven't learned any of the other styles yet. I can't be a pinnacle master just because I can make big blasts.

That's kind of exciting to think there is so much for me to learn. Heat bending, lightning bending, light bending, photon bending, heat absorption? Can I actually even do that? I have so many ideas I have been throwing to the back of my head because let's be honest, I'm not so retarded that I would try to learn something else when I'm at the heaven of explosions. That would simply be a huge waste. Anyway.

''I promise you that everything will be fine. Just trust me.''

''I'm coming with you then.''

''You want to leave this place for me?'' That really threw me off the loop.

''I don't want you to die. I can feel your strength and there are 4 being who cou- no. There are 16 being who could kill you and there are 4 being stronger than you.''

''I'm a squishy human so I guess its entirely possible for some weird sprits to kill me despite being weaker than me but that doesn't mean you have to come with me. I will be fine.'' I say trying to assure her.

I don't actually know if I want her or not. I like her. She is fun to be with and unlike right now, most of the time she is not a pain in the ass. I'm kinda happy to be with her actually. But that doesn't mean I want to travel with her 24-7 everywhere. We're not fucking married.

''I can show you the last remaining lion turtles.''

'...Fucking hell, she knows me too much.'

I stood still as she gently tickled my greed. She knew I wanted to learn the other 3 elemental styles but didn't have the means to.

I was half sure I could get the water bending from the moon spirit and I was hoping to try my luck with the lion turtle Aang found but that was a desperate measure. It was more like Lion Turtle found him and I don't really think I can find that beast in the middle of the ocean just by myself.

Learning she could find them for me...


''You would do that even if you didn't come with me.'' She was a good friend, she wouldn't just keep that information from me just because I said no to her.

''Sigh, Yes I would... Kunyo, do you really not want me to come with you?''


Do I not want her? I don't know. Just because I like her doesn't mean I want to travel with her 24-7... I'm backtracking. I already thought of these.


Would it be really bad though? I mainly don't want her because I like traveling alone. It feels freer. That's the biggest reason.

On the other hand, I would have a cute traveling companion that I actually like, has amazing powers, and is fun to be around.

Also, how can I say no to that face?

''Sigh* You're right.''

I reach out with my hand.

''Let's travel together.''

She gives a smile that almost melts my heart as she reaches out with her hand and takes my hand.


[An: God, that felt so anime-ish. It's a big deal for him to take her along the journey so I had to add a touch of drama like this at the end of the chapter lol.]

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