Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Meeting The Dragons

Before choosing to fly to the island, Kunyo was in a dilemma.

'Do I go silent and just do everything Aang and Zuko did, or do it overbearingly?..'

That was no longer a matter of choice.


He landed on the ground after dodging another fire stream.

Now he had to choose something else.

'Peaceful or overbearing?... Let's try the first one, if it doesn't work out I can switch.'

''I COME IN PEACE!'' he said as he got his hands up in a submissive manner.

He was trying to learn the dragon dance from the dragons, killing their servants wouldn't help him on that matter.


Thankfully they don't seem that retarded.

Despite some protests, most of them stopped attacking me after seeing my surrender.

''Why have you come?'' said one of the older ones.

''I want to learn the sacred art of fire, Dragon Dance.'' I said with confidence. There was no point in hiding it, why else would somebody come here?

Elderly ones looked at each other while some of the younger ones went mad.

''How dare you!?''

''That art isn't for the likes of you!''

Kunyo muted them. They didn't dare to do much since their elders were here and he couldn't even bother to squabble with them.

Finally, one of the old guys asked a question that made sense.

''How did you learn of this.''

I smiled on the inside despite looking all righteous on the outside.

''Uncle Iroh told me to seek you. He apologizes for giving me your location but he said that the times were rough and I needed to learn from the dragons to save the world.'' I said while putting the maximum power of my acting, using Gamer's mind as a boost.

Gamer's mind allowed me to mute my emotions at will. Later on, I learned I could mute some of them while leaving the others as much as I liked.

I can act better than anybody else as my emotions outside are 100% genuine. I don't even think it counts as acting at this point. It's more like self-hypnotizing.

Some shocked glances are thrown around and elders start to whisper to themselves.

I wait patiently as they argue but the evidence is clear.

The location of this city was completely hidden, how could I find them? Iroh. Since Iroh 'told me' the location I must be a trustworthy person and everything I've said must be true, right?

Of course, I have already developed a skill to ignore Megumin's judging stare. I'm doing this for them, okay? Otherwise, I would have to kill them to get to the dragons. Then the dragons would attack me for that and they wouldn't teach me anything but whatever.

They finally come to a conclusion.

''You will first be judged by the Dragons.'' the fat elderly guy said.


I thought they would just get me to the room with the carvings and let me learn from the walls by staring at the carvings. I wasn't going to learn from them of course, since I have a side quest to learn it from the Dragons directly.

Then I had another part of my plan that would lead me to the dragons, but that's useless now.

I guess Iroh's name is bigger than I thought.

''Also, who is that small girl?'' asked another old guy.

Ugh. Since they were ignoring her, I thought she made herself invisible somehow but no.

''She is my trusty companion. Have no doubts, her talent and virtue is as high as mine.'' I said as righteously as I could. Even sun shined upon me, that's how amazing my acting was.

Megumin coughed into her hand, trying to hold in her laughter. Soon, she threw her hand back and ruffled her robe. The same hand went up and grabbed the tip of her hand as her single red eye glowed dangerously. Here it's, her famous introduction. Once again before my eyes.

''Y-yes. It is I, Megumin! My calling is that of an Explosion Goddess! The strongest of all magic!''

She kept it short, most likely to avoid lying.

She stood silent for the next few seconds as only 4 people clapped their hands while the others stared at her blankly.

She went back to her place with a blush as I took the attention once again.

''Let's go.''


[An: I'm skipping the whole ritual thing. Figured you guys would be bored from it since it would be the literally the same Aang and Zuko went through.]

I sigh internally.

'Finally. Going through that shit took longer than I expected.'

Megumin is similarly exhausted.

Around us, many firebenders squatting while holding fire circles and the others doing bunch of other stuff like hitting the drums or kowtowing again and again. They have it rough too.

'Should I stay here a bit longer just to fuck with them? I wonder if they would start falling one by one. How long can they even keep it up?'

I shut off the amusing thought in my head. Bad Kunyo, you're here for business. Serious shit. Keep it together.

We go up the stairs, but unlike Aang and Zuko we're not holding fire in our hands. Why? No idea.

After going up the stairs and Megumin catches her breath, we wait.

'How fucking rude. It's not like you have anything else to do.'

Thankfully the irritating dragons come out after 2 fucking minutes of silence.

They go around us, judging us with their stares.

I don't care about that though. I remember my mission, a side quest of mine was learning it directly from the dragons. First avatar Wan learned firebending from the dragons. I can do the same. I probably have higher talent than him thanks to all my bonuses from the system at this point. It can't be too hard.

As they stare at me judgingly, I stare back at them. Not to their eyes, but to their bodies.

Comparing their movements to the movements of Zuko and Aang from the show, learning how to implement it to myself.

I'm pretty much done. Yeah.

Unfortunately though, I don't know if this is enough. My quest was two parts; learning the dragon dance and seeing the dragon fire. I need to see the dragon fire as well.

Finally they stop (without shooting fire, to my disappointment)

I don't know much about the Dragon face and gestures but I'm pretty sure this blue one is snarling at me angrily, while the red one is grinning at me.

'That's weird.'

''Brother, surely you're not thinking...'' I hear an elegant voice.

''Heh, why not?'' another voice, this time slightly rough but beautiful nonetheless.

''YOU CAN'T!'' the elegant one bellows angrily

''I like his confidence.'' the roug- okay. Blue is elegant and the red is rough. Got that much by now.

''We can NOT teach to somebody like HIM!'' she shouts with vigor unsuitable for her voice.

This time the red one growled.

[Quest Update!]

[Quest: Sun Warrior!]

[Details: Learn the art of Dragon Dance and see the legendary Dragon Fire yourself. Fire isn't only for destroying. It's also the representative of life. Completely understand it in under a month.]

Quest Part 1: Learn it directly from the Dragons

Quest Part 2: Force the Dragon Fire Out Of Them (Rainbow colored fire of life)

Quest Part Reward 1: A Dragon Egg completely bound and loyal to you, Random Stat UPX1

Quest Part Reward 2: Dragon Fire Perk, Random Stat UPX2


'Oh, things just got a lot more interesting and simple.' Kunyo smiled devilishly, without bothering to hide it.


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