Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Provoking the Dragons

'Can I win against both of them?' 

I need to consider this carefully. I honestly have no idea how strong thes- Fucking idiot.

I activate my ability with a sigh.


Name: Qianlian (Blue Dragon)

Title: Guardian of the Innocent

Class: Fire Magician


HP: 100%







Name: ShenLong (Red Dragon)

Title: Bored King of the Fire

Class: Fire Magician


HP: 100%







In front of me stands to Eastern Dragons. Both of their powers exceeds mine.

Rank stands for their power level in general. So, not only their individual stats are higher than mine, their skills aren't half bad either. They're not just some beasts with strong bodies and weak minds. They're old monsters with intelligence and wisdom that is beyond the mind of a human.

In the past, dragon hunting was a noble sport for firebenders that pushed their race into extinction. These two survived that until Iroh, one of the strongest characters in the world came for them. And even then, it wasn't clear who won.

Thankfully, one of them has gotten bored and arrogant thanks to it. I can take advantage of that.

I would really like to act arrogant and kill them both easily but that won't cut it. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can kill them if Megumin helps in the right environment, but we aren't at the best place for such a thing. 

They're agile creatures that can fly. Her explosion magic that requires time to charge won't cut it... Who am I kidding? She can probably nuke this island. I just don't want her to. I want to win this battle with little to no help from her. This is most likely one of the last times I can get this type of excitement in this world. After this, there won't be much that could force me to go all out in a battle. I don't want to miss that chance.

I glance at Megumin and silently nod at her. Thankfully, she understands and takes a few steps back. She will help only if it's necessary, and I will make sure she won't need to.

I turn back to the dragons with mild annoyance that didn't show in my face. They're fucking arguing about whether killing me or teaching me right in front of me. They've been ignoring us for 2 whole minutes by now.

I have an idea.

''How about I prove myself to you venerable Dragons?'' I ask as respectfully as possible, trying to act humble and submissive.

Red one seems a little bit upset at that but before he can say anything, the Blue one joins in with excitement.

''Yes! When you came up here I could only see the emptiness within you. I couldn't feel even an ounce of emotion. If you're going to acquire this power, you need to be passionate, you need to respect and love the life itself. If you can prove th-'' her long talk is cut off by her brother.

''Fuck that. Let him fight us. We can see how passionate and lovely he is through his style, isn't that right?'' he says with an annoyed tone.

'Should I go the honorable way, or the other one?'

I can blast one of them with my explosion release in point-blank range very easily right now. But to do it fast, I would have to sacrifice lots of power. Hitting them before they can avoid it might mean hitting them without enough power to kill them. Then I would have to fight against both of them at the same time. Risky.

On the other hand...

I bowed my head respectfully to the Blue dragon.

''Please give me the honor of fighting you in a fair duel.'' 

A silence followed my offer just before the red one started laughing and the Blue one stars growling with frustration. That's the first time I'm hearing her growl like her brother.

''Did you just disregard EVERYTHING I've TOLD YOU?! I told you to prove your bright heart and you're inviting me to a duel?''

''HAHAHAH! SEE! I told you that was the best way to do it! Even the human knows it!'' Red kept laughing as Blue's frustration kept rising up.

Why did I offer to fight her and not the red one that would definitely accept my offer? Even though their ranks are the same, I feel like she is the weaker one. I could take her out easier. Why choose the weak one instead of the strong? If she uses her dragon flame during the fight, I will get stronger. So, even if I'm not confident about killing the red one, I'm pretty sure I can kill him after finishing the mission. My priority is finishing the mission right now.

Also, even if she refuses, I can still ask the red one for a one on one.

''FINE! I will show you your place, human.'' she said the last part with venom. 

Good, get angry like that. I still remember how the bandit became a monkey because of his anger. She is not as mad as him, but still counts. 

Both Megumin and the Red Dragon get away from us and we take our positions.

Just as we're about to start, I hear a voice behind me.

''This is a spar. If you dare to kill her, neither you nor your girlfriend will ever leave this place alive.'' says the red dragon with seriousness. This is the first time I'm hearing him like this.

I guess she is still his sister, even if the probability is low he wants to make sure she's not actually hurt.

How heartwarming. I will still kill both of you though.

I glance at my back to see Megumin nodding at me. 

Even if she's a Goddess, her physical stats except Vitaliy are even lower than mine. Being a Goddess gives her lots of vitality I suppose but I don't know how well she would handle it if the dragon right next to her decided to attack her. I can't help but doubt her abilities at such close range.

''Such insolence. You think you can touch a single scale of mine, and as if even that wasn't enough, now you're ignoring me just when our duel is about to start.'' Qianlian snarls at me quietly. Barely restraining her anger.

She was acting like being virtuous, righteous, lovely or whatever was the best thing. But the moment I slightly tickled her pride, she became a retard like this. 

I can't help but shake my head in disappointment. I expected too much from them.

[An: I want to bump up the Patreon advanced chapters to at least 10 chapters but fucking hell, due to Christmas my days are too fucking full, I can barely afford to write a single chapter at nights... Have a good Christmas you all.]


[Happy Christmas you all! You know where to look if you want to see advanced chapters and support me]

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