Lord of Fire is a Gamer



Kunyo shouted loudly with a ferocious and excited face only to sit down on the ground silently with a calm face as he started meditating.

''Um, buddy? I thought we would spar or something?'' Sokka asked with a confused face.

'How can he change expressions so quickly?'

As he had nothing to do in Fire Nation he wanted to hang out with Kunyo, his only friend around here with a mental age close to himself. Aang was nice and all, but Sokka could only see him as a little brother.

''Bah! Sokka, listen here bro, your friend here will give you the best advice you can get in a century.''


Sokka could feel the bullshit in the air but he decided to listen anyway.

''Sometimes, you need to rest your brain away from the hoes.''

''Don't you do that during the sleep? Also, hoes? The gardening tool?''

''Just sit down and meditate, it will be helpful I promise.''

''Buddy... I don't know how to tell you this, but... you might be blind.''


''I can't bend water you dumbass! What would meditating do to me? You tryna pick a fight or something? Huh? HUH!? Don't rub it all over my handsome face without my permission!''

''Pfft. Pitiful junior truly knows nothing. You can't even see the Mountain Tai, yet you dare to lecture me?!''

''What the fuck is a Mountain Tai!?''


''Nonya fucking business!''

''That's it you piece of fire turd, I will carve the glorious art of boomerang bending onto your soul.''

''Alright, alright sit down. I actually wanted to give you something.''

''If you say my dick or something I will destroy your balls.''

Kunyo didn't answer and just tossed him a new sword and boomerang.

Sokka them in the air by reflex with a confused face, but when he looked down his eyes widened in shock.


He was no blacksmith and had no proper formal training with swords or boomerang, but even he could see something valuable when he had them in his hands.

''Truly a frog in a well, to even-''

''I was about to thank you but I don't feel like it now.''

Kunyo only smiled and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, he heard a firm voice.

''Thank you.''

''Haha, you're making it as if I made you a bender or something. It's just some treasures I picked along the way and thought that they would suit you the best. Don't think much of it.''

Both the sword and boomerang were nothing but ordinary. 

Sword was nigh-indestructible for this world's standards, it wouldn't rot, it wouldn't age, it wouldn't break. Kunyo couldn't add some special effects like spewing out fire but decided against it as it would only cause trouble to Sokka. It would be fine if the equipment were still in the mortal standards, they would just be seen as incredible tools and that's it, but if he made them too extravagant it would bring some unnecessary trouble to its owner. A divine tool would be feared and sought after, a great sword by the mortal standards would be just admired.

Initially, Kunyo wanted to somehow give the sword a function that would stealthily increase its owners skills and silently guide the owner, but it was too complicated. In the end, he settled on something much more subtle but still useful. It would slowly heal the owner at an unnoticeable but effective speed, most people would just dismiss it as some warriors with a lot of chi would heal faster than natural humans. However, if the owner touches some water, the speed would multiple. Of course, it would mainly focus on restoring the stamina and healing internal injuries to get as little attention as possible. It also had a minor strengthening effect that would just make his whole body a little bit stronger during fights, which could be dismissed as adrenaline rush.

Boomerang was similarly nigh-indestructible and it could basically stun almost everyone as long as they were hit on the head. It could easily pass through enemy bender effects and stun them. Kunyo wanted to add some navigation features but decided against it as it would put false confidence into Sokka.

''What do you plan to do after this?''

''Start a family duh. My Yue is waiting for her shining hero.''

''Does water tribe have wedding tradition?''


''To send gifts to your wedding obviously.''

''What do you mean 'send'? You will be there to give the gifts with your damn hands. I won't hesitate to push my new 'Nichirin' up into your ass if you don't come.''

''Already gave it a name huh?''

''A great sword deserves a great name, your brother here happens to have a giga brain seen once in a century. A studi-''

''You saw the name in a book.''


''Frog in a well indeed. This elder's bullshit detectors are the most advanced in the universe, don't even dare to think about tricking this elder.''

''Why are you even- never mind, I will try out my new sword, you don't mind it right?'' Sokka asked.

''This elder's meditation isn't something that can be disturbed by mere voices of g-''

''I got it.''


Kunyo stopped working on energy bending for a second to think about his future. 

'Get some books from the owl-bro, spread religion, make a new wife, make the new wife happy, spread religion even further, do some energy bending andddd, profit?'

'I kinda miss Megumin...'

'Can I create clones? Like Naruto style? They use chi like us, uh, no. They use Chakra. But it works similarly. Ugh, no actually. They are both inner strength or inner energy, but different. I can't just do some dumb hand moves and expect shit to happen...

Alright, clone making is added to the plans. It will take time but I have lots of that these days.'


[Fun fact: That exchange between Kunyo and Sokka wasn't going to be like that. Kunyo was going to give Sokka water bending and play it off as a gift from his God (when he sent back Sokka to his water tribe Sokka would be his way to the people's hearts as a religion, he would set the groundwork by explaining what happened and start the rumors, and when Kunyo finally came to the Water Tribe, he would grant some people water bending publicly to promote his God to expand his religion, plus Sokka is a good buddy and I don't mind giving him some freebies lol) but then I decided it was too early again lol. 

So it became just a comedic exchange which was going to be just an omake (because it's kind of out of the plot's way and just too long for a joke) but in the end, I decided against it because I wanted to gift Sokka some shit (cuz I love him) and it took its place in the actual chapter like that. 

Also, I was so close to cutting the part about explaining the sword and its capabilities since they're not really that relevant to the story, but I know some guy would come and say 'um, wouldn't an obviously supernatural sword cause trouble to a normal guy like Sokka and his family' or something. I still think it's a bit too long but whatever.]

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