Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Thighs of a queen ain’t bad

It's been a day since Azula took over the throne and things are going pretty good.

I thought there would be more opposition but things are going pretty smoothly...ish.

Aang seems kinda lost as his legendary quest was solved without him. He still hasn't properly gotten over the death as well, he is just going around the palace awkwardly since he doesn't have anywhere to go. 

Sokka and Katara want to go back but they decided to stay here for a few more days, maybe weeks, to see how Azula's doing. Veery trusty.

Anyways, Aang will probably go with Katara and they will rebuild the Southern Water Tribe- OH!

We can do that.

Azula has been busy with the paperwork and council shit these days and she will announce the end of the war soon, we might help rebuild the water tribes as a show of goodwill.

I doubt that they will forget what Firebenders did, like genocide, but we're taking steps towards the peace. Small step, but still better than the previous ones.

''If I knew it would be like this I would have gotten you some political books from the Wa Shin Tong's library.'' I chuckled at Azula's tired eyes.

Her make up and graceful figure hides her fatigue but I can still see it in her eyes. Even though she was prepared for this type of work, she is still new to it.

There were small assassination attempts who 'somehow' went past the guards but Azula is pretty much a top rank when it comes to firebending so she took care of them along with the guard who let them pass and the nobles who sent them, but her biggest hurdle is still the overwhelming amount of time it takes to go through the paperwork.

Yeah, I should take a trip to owl bro someday. It would be a good wedding gift, probably.

Apart from the small assassin, there were some nobles who tried to pull the 'kin slayer' or 'traitor' cards when they learned she wanted to stop the war since they made a shit ton of money from the war, but they were taken care of quickly. 

Ugh, what else...

I drop the quill and give the letter to Kurumi who's mounted on top of my lovely Zuko. 

''Yeah, I will be here for some time, say hi to my little explosion maniac and don't try to hatch my baby without me.'' 

She got bored so she's going back to the Divine Realm of Megumin to eat cake or something, understandable. I kinda want to go back too.

I should make a proper wedding ring too... 

Hn, I remember why I hated working hard. It's easier to eat cake and lay on your ass in Megumin's realm.

''Sigh... Time to explain to my father how I became a traitor and the future royalty...''

There will be lots of Juice spitting, I can feel it.



My father spat out the wine in his mouth right onto the face of our maid...

At this point I think it's intentional, poor girl.

''So you're royal now?'' my father asked with enthusiasm and utter lack of elegance of a noble. 

I almost raised my eyebrow at the rare gesture but answered anyways.

''I will be when I marry her, which won't happen yet.''

''Boy! You gotta grasp the opportunity, latch onto her thighs and asked for her hand in marriage the moment you go back to see her! You got to seal the deal before she changes her mind!'' he said with big hand gestures as if he was afraid that I wouldn't get how serious this deal is if he didn't do everything he can.

''You like the idea that much?'' 

''Like? I love it! We're barely considered a high rank noble solely because of my wealth, our influence and power can't match the guys above. If you marry the princess your old father can finally retire. You... You filial son! I knew I could trust you! Go be a stud!'' he finished his sentence with a laugh as if he couldn't believe his own words.

A hearty laugh escaped from my mouth. This might be the first and the last time I see my father talk like this, is this how he acts when he drops the noble act? I gotta step it up a notch.

''I'm also good friends with the avatar, you wanna meet him?''

To my disappointment, he dismissed the idea with his hand.

''What am I going to do with the avatar? It would be fine if he defeated the fire lord but now Azula is much more important than him. Let the kid live peacefully, we can't get much from him.''

Uhhh, what else, what else?.. I want to surprise him a little bit more since he's so happy but nothing comes to my mind.

I can't energybend properly yet, so making him an airbender is out of the question, flying with the gravitybending is also out of question, uh, I don't have any cool equipment to give him. I dismantle and reuse all my materials, so apart from my best equipments that I use, I have nothing...

I wish I got a book for the economy from the library, another thing to add to the list when I visit the old owlbro.

''Eh, that's about it I guess. I have some things to do but I will be around the fire capital for some time.'' I stood up to leave.

''I take back my words, you are not a filial son, you unfilial rascal. Tch, tch leaving his old father alone after seeing him just for a few hours...'' 

''Wipe the fake tears old man, they look kinda disgusting. Also, raise the poor maid's pay, you keep spitting on her.''

''Would I do that if it wasn't for you? You pay for her, you will be royal soon anyway.''


Iroh slowly nodded at his nephew with a calm and acknowledging smile as Zuko practiced.

''One more time!'' Zuko shouted as he was motivated deep to the bone.

A second after his shout, Iroh sent a blue lightning bolt that threatened to take his life without a care, and just as he had expected, Zuko danced around the lightning and redirected it into a stone boulder near them and instantly shattered it into tiny pieces.

Zuko breathed heavily as his sweat poured down from his face, but his face only had an excited smile.

''Very good Zuko.'' Iroh praised him as he took a sip from his tea.

''This will give me the edge I needed to defeat my fat- no, defeat the fire lord.''

''Yes, but it's not good to think that way.'' Iroh wanted to continue preaching but seeing Zuko's annoyed face he stopped.

'He deserves this much.'

''You've already mastered lightning generation and even learned how to redirect lightning so quickly. Your talent shines as bright as your sister's, in fact, she couldn't learn lightning redirection as fast as you did.''

'It's okay to tell white lies to encourage him, he worked hard and deserves the praise.'

Zuko's chest puffed from pride. His uncle was always full of praises, but this time he felt like he earned it and he was worthy of those praises.

Looking at his nephew's poorly hidden pride and joy, Iroh smiled on the inside and thought of their future.

'Should I take him to the dragons? He would learn a lot from them, and I think he is worthy of it... No, I made a  promise. Even though I trust my nephew with the information, they might not trust him to keep his lips tight.'

''Oh! Mister Iroh, have you heard the news!'' 

Suddenly, a shout interrupted his thoughts. 

Zuko took a glance and got back to drinking his water but Iroh smiled warmly and greeted his neighbor.

They temporarily stayed in a small and isolated village. News rarely came here, and when they did they would be big.

''I didn't have the opportunity to? Would you be interested in my Jasmine tea? I just brewed it, we can talk over it.'' he invited his new friend as he gestured at his hot tea.

''Thank you for the offer, but I will have to decline. My wife gets mad when I drink tea that's made by anybody but her.'' middle aged man laughed to himself as he politely declined. 

''But trust me, you will want to put down that tea, you might spit it out due to the news.''

''Alright, stop teasing this old man, say it already.'' 

Middle aged neighbor chuckled and finally gave them the news.

''Princess Azula rebelled. She became friends with the Avatar and took back the throne by killing her father in a fair Agni Kai! They call her the Lightning Queen now! Apparently, she can even redirect the lightning previous Lord Ozai threw. Hahaha! Can you believe that? How old is that girl, like 14? Youngsters these da- Eh, Iroh? Heh, Iroh you will swallow a mosquito if you don't close your mouth. Little Zuko, are you okay? Iroh, I think Zuko is choking! Iroh! Zuko!''

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