Lord of Fire is a Gamer


Hearing Kunyo's words, a strange atmosphere took place.

Azula sat silently without giving a clue about her actual emotions while Aang and Katara got restless.

''It's true that he helped us, but do you really think he should rule the fire nation?'' Aang couldn't help but ask.

''That's right. What if the power gets to his head? The last time he helped us, you basically had to force him to help us. If he becomes the ruler of a nation-'' Katara supported Aang but Kunyo cut her off rudely.

''Have some faith in him, will you?'' Kunyo shook his head.

He could understand why she was distrustful of him, but he knew that Zuko would be a good king for the nation.

'He already turned over a new leaf I say, just trust me.'

''Aren't you a fire nation noble? You would be a much better leader, maybe you should take the throne.'' Aang asked with a small voice.

He felt bad about not trusting his friend ShenLong's opinion, and he felt even worse about not trusting Zuko after he helped them out. But it wasn't easy to forget who Zuko was. A small part of his mind kept telling him 'what if it was just an act born out of desperation' or 'he changed his mind so quickly and easily, what if he changes his mind once again after he becomes the king of fire nation?'

He knew ShenLong. He held some secrets but he was a trustable person. He could rely on him to rule the nation with peace and balance. It felt like a waste to give the throne to Zuko and play a gamble, when there was a much more reliable person who could take his place and rule a warless era.

Hearing this, Azula couldn't help but send a sharp look to Kunyo who just shrugged.

''I'm a free-spirited guy. I know I can't rule a nation... I mean, I can. I can probably rule it much better than any other candidate...''

Just as he was about to flat out reject it, some things came to his mind.

Kunyo remembered the new things he learned thanks to the Neet's memories.

With his knowledge from a much more advanced society, he could not only turn his nation a better place, but also turn the entire world into a better place.

Sure, the future world he saw in the memories had its problems too, but it was still much better than what this world had.

If he just used his advanced knowledge, wouldn't he lead them into an era of prosperity?

Azula who relaxed for a moment after hearing his refusal got alerted suddenly as his voice changed.

'Is he actually considering it..?'

She knew she had little to no chance if he actually considered taking the throne. She knew how powerful he was. As if that wasn't enough, he had powerful connections to the Avatar!


'If you think I will let you have it so easily without a fight then you're wrong...'

Aang laughed at his friend's shamelessness as he bragged about how much of a better ruler he could be.

Seeing Kunyo in deep thoughts, he gave him the push he needed.

''Yes, if you become the ruler of the fire nation, we could unite the world much easier, right? After all, there will be some grudge against the fire nation after the war ends, you can definitely help with that.''

However, to Aang and Katara's disappointment and Azula's secret glee, Kunyo shook his head.

''Yeah, I agree. I would be the best ruler they could ask for.'' he bragged with a smile.

''But, I don't want it.''

It was simple.

Ruling a kingdom meant having a shit ton of responsibilities.

Of course, after becoming the ruler, he could just dump his respınsibilities to his subordinates and live as a carefree king, but Kunyo wasn't a half-asser. If he became a ruler, he would be the best ruler he could be. He would go all out and spend all his time with his responsibilities.

'Training or hanging out with the girls is much more fun. Besides, I don't see any benefits that would come with becoming a ruler, that would make all the responsibilities worth it... Yeah, it's pretty much a sacrifice of my own precious time for no big reason. I don't owe anyone that would make this worth it.'

'Changing the rules and becoming a benevolent ruler might have made me a 'hero' and maybe I could reap some rewards from the title, besides, my father and my lineage would be really fucking happy. But, I have already experimented with the hero title enough to understand that it wouldn't work, and whoever gets the throne, whether Azula or Zuko, would be my close... 'friend'? Aide? Anyways, we would be close enough that I could use some sweet nepotism to not only rank up my father and get him a good position in court, but also secure him some good deals with the royal family. So, my father's and my lineage's future is pretty secure.'

'I can help out and give some sneaky suggestions to improve my father's business. Not only that, if I want to help out the citizens, I can make life easier for them by sneaking in some suggestions to the king.'

'Yeah, becoming a king and taking so many responsibilities is just not worth it.'

Kunyo slowly nodded his head with a small smile as he secretly praised himself.

'Almost become a king there, whew.'

He took a sip of his pomegranate juice, feeling good about himself.

'Ah, the future is looking nice for me. I can see it, my future is almost shinier than my explosions...'



Kunyo spilled all the pomegranate juice in his mouth to the person who just screamed and startled him.

There, a royal princess stood, her face painted red with the spit and pomegranate juice that just came out of Kunyo's mouth, hiding the small blush she originally had on her face...


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