Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Supreme God of Bullshitting

'Ahhh, watching the chaos unfold is fun too...' Kunyo thought to himself with a secret grin.

A part of him felt bad for playing around them like this, but it couldn't be helped, Aang's face was too expressive to not enjoy, not to mention Azula's constant fight with her rationality.

After Raava came out of her shell he convinced her to talk with, 'Just explain it, I promise I will go ahead and explain my part too.' after apologizing about threatening her with Vaatu.

'As expected of the Spirit of Order, she is quite the sucker.'

He actually expected her to demand things from him arrogantly, but she was quite amiable.

'I guess she knows that I can actually free Vaatu or just kill everyone here? Not that I would do that, but still, the fact that she knows this must have helped.'

''So Wan was the first avatar and my first incarnation.'' 

''Not exactly your first incarnation. You had many lives even before Wan. But you can't remember or use them in the avatar mode is because I wasn't there with you during that time. The only reason you can go into the avatar mode and use the experiences of your incarnations after Wan is because I bonded with him.''

Azula looked as if she was uninterested, but Kunyo could see that her actual attention was on the conversation.

Katara, on the other hand, looked as if she wanted to bow down to the spirit.

'Bullshit time.'

''And you, Aang, aren't the only avatar in the world.'' Kunyo dropped the bomb to the conversation, taking everybody's attention to him, including Raava.

''What do you mean?'' Aang asked.

''He means he is an avatar too, you idiot!'' Katara slapped at the back of his bald head before quickly recomposing herself.

''As you can see, being an Avatar isn't that special. You just had an extraordinary past allowing you to not only merge with one of the strongest spirits, but also acquire all four elements. There are actually many minor spirits who possess people. You might have heard of these so called 'blessed' or 'spirit touched' people.'' Kunyo said, explaining further.

He didn't actually know if the 'spirit touched' people were real or not. He was just expanding his made up lore by adding some real-life elements to it.

As they were talking, they got cut off by someone else.

Azula didn't even try to hide her interest this time.

''He is the Avatar, thanks to the Spirit of Order, one of the strongest spirits in the existence.'' she muttered to herself loud enough for everyone to hear. ''But you're stronger than Aang, and your abilities with fire...''

''Your patron deity is the God of Fire!'' she stood up as she came to a conclusion. 

Both Aang and Katara looked at him and gulped.

''Nope.'' Kunyo answered with a deadpan tone.

''...'' she sat back down.


''God of... Life? According to the legends, fire is related to fire. Yes, yes, yes. It all makes sense now. That's why you are so strong. There's no way there could be somebody more talented than me! You won because you had a God to back you up! That's why you can do all sorts of strange things with Fire!'' she stood up once again, this time sure of her guess.

She looked at him in short breaths, expecting his answer.

'God of life, hmmm.. That doesn't sound too bad. But...'

''Nope.'' he said with a slight smirk as he couldn't hold back his enjoyement anymore.

Azula sat back down, deflated in her own failure.

'What is going on with her today? I thought she would get mad at her failure and attack or something? Even her speech is slightly different than what I -I mean Neet- saw on the show.' Kunyo couldn't help but become curious as he tilted his head.

''Sigh* Just say it already.'' she said, taking everybody's attention to Kunyo once again.

This time, even Raava was interested.

She knew the two before couldn't be his deity or whatever he wanted to call it. But hearing this mysterious spirit that gave such powers to a human? She was definitely interested.

''He is... the... Supreme God of Elements!'' he said as he threw his hands above and splashed the water he was secretly controlling behind his back, surprising everyone.

'Please buy it, please buy it, please buy it, please buy it, please buy it, please buy it, please buy it, please buy it...' he muttered inside his head as he held back a laugh while watching the shocked expressions of everyone. 

Even Raava's non-humanoid face (was that even a face?) looked shocked somehow, that dark blue crystal-like eye widening.

'No such spirit exists, at least in my knowledge. But what if it does?' she couldn't help but ask herself.

''S-su-supreme GOD?!'' Aang yelled out.

''That's super cool! Sokka should have been here, he might even cry for missing this Hahaha!'' Aang talked as if a water dam broke out. ''Oh, we haven't mentioned to you about Toph yet did we? She's super cool and super blind, you guys should meet, you would totally love her.''

''Shut up! He just said something ridiculous and you're talking about Toph!'' Katara once again slapped his bald head.

'Ah, domestic violence from the old kids shows. I wonder if she keeps beating him like this when they get to their 60s?' Kunyo shook his head.

''I don't buy it.'' Azula said suddenly.

''Hm? Why?'' Kunyo asked with an unfazed expression.

''It sounds too ridicilous. Supreme God? Not only the Supreme God but also the Supreme God of Elements?'' she had disbelief and ridicule written all over her face.

''Don't lump me in with those children, I'm not an idiot.''

'...Damnit. She was acting so nice just a minute ago. Does she have DID or something?'

''Also, if such spirit existed, we would have legends about it. I have done my share of studying, but I've never heard of such being. Even Raava was in the books, but not your 'Supreme God'.'' 

''Also, Raava can clearly come out, so he should be able to do so too. Ask him to come out.''

''...'' Kunyo stayed silent with a calm face as everybody watched him.

''Come on.'' Azula smirked in victory.

''Azula... would you go out of your way to meet an ant that was standing in your doorway, demanding to see you?'' Kunyo suddenly said.

''Would your father waste his time with a commoner that was dissatisfied with him and come out of his palace to meet him on equal grounds?''


Aang sucked in a deep breath as he watched the exchange.

'That's... too domineering!' he wasn't sure what to feel of it. On one hand, he admired it. 'He looks so cool, would Katara like me more if I acted like him?' on the other hand, he felt like he was too harsh.

In the end, he shrugged his shoulders. 'ShenLong has always been like that. I know he's a good person in heart.'

Azula stood still without any change of emotions on her face for a few seconds.

Then, she bowed.

''I apologize for offending the Supreme God of Elements.'' she respectfully said with a stoic face, perfectly concealing her emotions. In the end, her court etiquette and logic won.

Meanwhile, Kunyo was laughing on the inside.

'IT WORKED! She actually bought it! Holy shit, maybe I should be the God of Bullshitting or something.' 

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