Lord of the Rings: Advent of the Dark Elf

1. Chapter

A lonely soul has been lost in the darkness, it floated through the endless and ageless universe, through time and space, until it eventually thanks to some chance of fate came in front of a light globe. The light globe blinked and then the darkness parted.

Now the soul, awakened. It remembered to it's own life, that he was a man once, a human man. Living on a planet called Earth. He had died, of that he was absolutely sure, but he could not remember the exact way his body perished.

He could not think anymore, as a voice of thousands of tongues had spoken. Hearing the mesmerizing voices, singing, he could only think of God. The only being that could intertwine so many languages and speak them in a way that he would still find it beautiful. 

The soul would have fallen to his knees, if he had such in it's current weird state. As the voice spoke he thought of prayers, ones that he had learned in his short life, as he began to pray in his mind, for he had many sins, and he suddenly did fear for the punishment he might suffer for those acts of ignorance. 

The man was not a real bad man, his sins were average, if you may, but he did not exactly live his life in the pursuit of a higher purpose. Now, as he stood in front of the ultimate judge, he felt his chest be heavy with sins and missed opportunities to be good.

'Please, Lord forgive this fool, for I LOVE YOU!' Shouted the man and his voice rang through the empty space with a surprising power. 'Now, as I see you in front of myself, now I can believe, NO, I believe in your mercy my Looord! Please forgive this foolish man, for his little faith!' Shouted the man once more, finishing his words, words that echoed through the darkness.

There was a moment of awkward silence, after his outburst. As the thousands of voices calling him, have stopped singing their soul lifting choir. Everything turned eerily silent for a while.

Then, as the man's soul began to feel ashamed by such an outburst, the almighty being answered. 

'I forgive you, my long lost son, on one condition.'

'Tell me, and I will do as you say!'

'So be it, an eternity has passed, since I have let myself indulge in such childish activities as this. But, as I heard your honest plea, I decided to not send you into purgatory, like I usually do with such cases. You will live once more, and I will allow you to help in creating your own body, and to live in a place you wish for. It could be a fantasy world. I will make it for you, for I am tired of the monotone task of judging souls to eternity.'

The soul of the not so sinful man felt confused. All of this, sounded like a gift, instead of a punishment to him. 

'My Lord, I am not worthy of such blessing... How could I, accept such a thing, as a punishment, when it sounds like a gift to me?'

The circular glowing mass blinked a few times, just like a flickering star in the night sky, then continued.

'Yes, but there is a certain condition I didn't tell you until now.'

The ghost of the man, swallowed drily after hearing this, then continued to listen attentively.

'For every wish you make, I will choose one to balance your characteristics. As any world you choose, will become a real world, with real souls, and peoples. I cannot let you become the bane of such a world, especially not as a punishment, isn't that right?'

The ghost of the man, nodded, or it would have, if it had a head at the moment.

The flickering being continued.

'For example, if you choose something like immortality, I will choose something, that will become your weakness, or a curse that would make you feel pain every day of your life. This is a punishment we are talking about after all.'

The man felt a spike of fear hearing that, unconsciously deciding that he would not choose something shameless as immortality.

'Now, if you understand, tell me. Do you accept this offer or go to purgatory for twenty years instead?'

The soul did not have to think for long.

'I accept gladly my Lord! Thank you!'

'Very well. Now we must begin, which world do you want to live in?'

The soul thought for a while, then said in a humble tone.

'If it is all possible, I would love to see Arda become a reality.'

'Ah, the world of Tolkien? A good choice, and one that I am eager to create. The place is filled with fascinating things after all, and so much lore, ahh yes, an exceptional story born from the human imagination. I was afraid, that you would choose something like a ridiculous hentai world, with bad anime like graphical settings and two dimensional characters. In that case, I would simply throw you into purgatory for a hundred years instead.'


'Now, choosing the world was freely given, but from now on, our game begins. I feel a little bit giddy right now to be entirely honest with you, but don't worry, and let your imagination work, my son!'

'I see... Then I shell do so!'

'I am listening.'

'I want to be the member of a unique race in Arda, a true dark elf!'

'A dark elf? I see, it has been done.'


Gasped the soul in surprise. 

'Yes, I have also created the world, while we were talking. However, it is my turn now. Since you want to be a unique being, you will be the only member of your race, therefore, you shall be able to reproduce with other humanoid beings. For I do not wish to create a race only for it to die out. Your blood shall be of a dominant type, and all of your children will be born as darkelfs. No matter, which humanoid race you choose to be your mate, but be aware, this blessing will not be inherited by your descendents.'

The ghost of a dead man nodded, he hadn't really thought about such things. It seems if he asked only reasonable things, then he won't really be cursed. He felt a wave of relief realizing this, and told his next wish feeling somewhat bold this time. 

'This might sound weird, but I would like my dark elf race to be similar to the one in Skyrim.'

'Hmmm, I see, long lifespan, internal magical ability for fire magic, like ancestor's wrath, yes? Red eyes too... gray skin and the ears... I have made the necessary changes.'

The man felt relieved hearing this. He also felt worried, as God clearly understood his plan. Which was to have a long life, if he could not dare to ask for immortality, after God's earlier commentary. Now he fears for the negative choices.

'I see that you choose multiple things with this wish, you are a crafty one. My choice will be, that you will have the frail body of a woman this time.'

The ghost's jaw would surely drop to the floor, if he had any, hearing this answer.

'Wait... you mean, that I will be a woman?'


'But, I don't understand... How does being a woman balance my wish for longevity and a given magical ability of fiery skin?'

'This is not the modern world, my son... I mean, daughter. You will find it quite a feasible choice in time.'

'Whatever... If you want me to be a woman... then at least make me easy on the eyes.'

'Haha, you already think like a genuine lady, I see... It is done. You will be the prettiest dark elf in the world of Arda. Now, how should I make this turn come around... hmmm... yes, yes... yes! As a dark elf, you are a being that is closer to the dark aspects of the world, even if you can overcome your nature with sheer effort. Therefore, you will have an internal craving for power, and you will feel an unconditional desire, respect and love towards those who hold immense power in their grasp.'

There was a few seconds of weird silence, after God finished his ramblings. Then the soul spoke up, tentatively.

'Did you say love?'

'Oh, yes! I just made the necessary changes, by now you should understand this already.'

There was another moment of silence, than the soul of the man answered.

'Of course, only those who are exceptionally powerful are worthy of my attention... Wait, did I just say that? Are you playing with my mind? '

'Naturally, how else, am I supposed to achieve the desired effect?'

The man's face would likely turn bright red from embarrassment, if it could.

'You... sigh... no matter. Give me the necessary survival skills to use in the wild, also I want to know every language that is used here, don't expect me to learn languages for years... I also want the ability to use a bow, and two single swords, and have sufficient knowledge about light armor, and of course I want to know how to tend for my equipment. Ah, if it wasn't clear, I want that equipment I just mentioned, and some basic survival stuff, like food and those sort of things in a backpack or something. And I want a grown body, around the age of twenty in human years, I don't know how much that is in Dunmer, but you will calculate it no doubt.'

'Of course... Quite the list you got there, are you perhaps annoyed by my choises?

'Oh, why would I be? I wonder...'

'You know that I am the most powerful being of this universe, right?'

The none existing heart of the lost soul would definitely skip a beat hearing that answer, if he had a heart at the moment, that is.

'... You, stop that already... It's not fair...'

Said the man in a comically shy tone of words. Like a pure maiden whose heart's strings had been cruelly played with.

The almighty being literally blew up with laughter seeing this reaction, as if it was the first time it felt this jovial in millions of years.

The man also realized, that his mind acted on it's own, as a wave of strong desire fell over his eyes. But he couldn't force himself to disturb the laughter of God in front of him. Eventually the being of light, continued his previously started sentence.

'No matter, it is done. Now my turn. First of all, you should not be able to share your knowledge of Arda. I mean the things, that you should not know in the first place, nor that the world was only created for your request. Or that you are reincarnated here as an exception. You will still have the knowledge, but you cannot share it with anyone, however you can do with it, whatever you want as long as you don't try to share it.'

The ghost man nodded. 

Then God continued.

'Your body will be awakened a few months before the time when The Fellowship of the Ring is born. And your body shall be hidden in an underground cave in the mountains just beyond Osgiliath, which is currently under constant attack from the orcs.'

The ghost man, released a heavy and slightly annoyed sigh.

'Okay... I guess, that's all. I don't want you to drop me in the middle of Mordor, after my next wish... Since things are getting pretty cheesy already. I will ask for nothing else.'

'Are you sure?'


'Then go on, my daughter. Good luck, I hope we won't have to meet too soon.'

'The feeling is mutual...'

I said, then the world around me darkened once more, and I succumbed to the sleeping sensation.


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