Lord of the Rings: Advent of the Dark Elf

2. Chapter

My eyes opened, as I took in a deep breath of musty air, which made me cough and flinch my nose in disgust.

The first thing that came to my mind, was the glinting globe, that I identified as God. The conversation we had, and the offer it gave me... to his daughter.

I instinctively looked down to reassure myself that it was not just a weird dream. I saw two medium sized bulges on my chest. I wasn't naked so that was the only thing I could see. They were covered under a finely made gray colored leather armor. Which reminded me of the basic thief guild body armor from Skyrim, but it was also slightly different. 

I decided to sit up and look around in a few quick glances, just to assure myself that I was not in any immediate danger.

The cave I was sleeping in reminded me of an old crypt, there were figures carved into the walls around me, figures that reminded me of Dunmer people, and their customs which I was partly familiar with from the Elder Scrolls games, that I played back on Earth.

That could answer why there was so much ash in this place, it must be a tomb... I looked closer to the ash piles towering around me, and there were human... no, most likely elven bones among the ashes.

I shook my head chasing away the scary thoughts. I don't plan to join them for quite some time now, so it doesn't matter if I'm awakened in a dark elf's tomb.

I wanted to be here, so it's time to enjoy it I guess. I cheered myself, as I stood up seeing and sensing the sleek knee high leather boots hugging my legs ending just slightly above my knees. Obviously there were no high heels on the boots, which I was glad to see. Who the fuck would want to wear something like that in a battle, or in the wild?! Not me!

I continued to check my gear.

I had warm body thight pants, they were also made from leather, and completely black. They were mostly hidden from the eyes, covered under dark brown leather boots.

I had a pair of mostly fingerless black gloves. Mostly fingerless means that on my right hand, the glove covered three of my middle fingers, no doubt to help me draw the bow in comfort.

I also had a pair of wristbands covering both of my wrists snugly, providing a minimum level of protection.

I soon realized, that my body was covered in a surprising amount of muscle. Not to the extent, that it would feel manly, oh definitely not. I turned around half way and touched my ass with both hands I could say, that it was a very firm bottom, with quite the nice shape.  

While I was moving around, I became aware of two, no three new sensations. The first was the most normal. I had long black hair, suitable for a Dunmer of my caliber put in a low simple ponytail, to not get in the way of anything.

The second less comfortable one, was more like the lack of a sensation. A certain bulge between my legs was not there anymore. I reached down taping brazenly between my legs... but no... there was definitely nothing of the sort hidden there. However, I was beginning to feel a bit hot, especially down there... after repeatedly doing such actions, and with a sudden scare I decided to stop.

I could feel my face warming up and my breath slightly quickening... and it felt... weird. It's not that I am a pussy, and didn't dare to do that... it just, I mean, I had other things to do now... and I was in a fricking crypt, yes that's it. In other words, I wasn't in the mood right now... 

The third thing, while I didn't have a certain thing, between my legs anymore... I had two new bulges on my chest... and I was feeling them move a bit, with every single movement that I made. It was, disgruntling at the very least, and downright annoying at the worst. In short very distracting. I guess, if I would have grown up as an actual girl, I would have become used to it by now... So I think that I will get used to it with time, probably... 

I sighed as I fiddled with my armor a bit. Trying to make it more comfortable, but it didn't work... The armor felt thight around my chest area whatever I tried.

I was constantly aware of their movements, and that made me even more aware of their presence. I was feeling hot, and that made them more sensitive, which was not a good thing, as my tits were tightly covered in armor and based on the sensation I got, they were also covered in wraps of cloth under the armor.

I also had this feeling, that I shouldn't fiddle with my armor, as it was put on as it should be.

No doubt, it was, because I asked God to give me knowledge of the use of swords, bows and light armor. I am a full fledged warrior woman now! This thought filled me with a good sense of pride and a bit of confidence. Memories from years of training with the sword, came to my mind, I didn't have such memories until now, it was indeed the work of higher powers. 

Thinking about my sword training made me turn to my side. I saw that there were two short blades neatly placed next to the spot where I slept. There was also, a short bow, next to them with an arrow holster that was filled with fifteen arrows. 

The swords were covered in simple dark leather, they were twin swords, this was obvious from a single glance, one for my left and one for my right hand. I pulled one out of the dark scabbard with curiosity, I felt like a happy child receiving a long awaited gift. 

I found that thought strange as I never really wanted a sword. Then a fickle idea, an internal explanation of some type rushed at me. The sword was a symbol of power, a weapon to gain dominance and instill terror in the weakminded. Of course, I would desire to hold it.

The thought was my own, it was not just a voice in my head. It was my own voice, in my own head. And it felt very natural, for a moment, I was confused. I blinked then said to myself.

'What am I even thinking, I must be still half asleep. Of course I love my swords, I always wanted to have such beautiful swords... and now I had two of them, what a pleasure this is.'

While saying so I listened to my own voice, for the first time. Hearing the strange words, I spoke in a voice that felt somewhat deep for your average woman's tone, it also felt more cold in nature. I however, liked it very much, it was suitable for my dark elf character... The coldness, that I sensed, could also be explained by the fact that I spoke using the black speech. 

Speaking like this felt natural to me, and the words that I spoke had a certain power imbued in them. A power that caressed my soul with every spoken syllable. I longed for that power... I wanted it... 

Then I shook my head.

'What the hell is wrong with me... I seem to get distracted way too easily since I got this new body...'

I shook my head once more stubbornly and turned back to the blade that was still held in my hand. 

I was holding it for a while, and the blade felt much heavier than it looked. I pulled the sword out of it's scabbard halfway, then my arms froze momentarily. There was a warm red light that pulsed around the chiseled steel blade. Words of the black speech were carved into the mid section of the two edged blade. The words flared in a red burning color, as I removed the scabbard, then they slowly faded back to normal. 

The words were the following: Burn thy foe to ash. A simple minded and straightforward sentence.

The blade overall was shiny, in very good condition. It wasn't new, not at all. In most of my memories, I had this same pair of swords. There were signs of wear on them, but the blade was well taken care of, thanks to my meticulous maintenance, it still shined brightly with the imbued magic and was rasor sharp, naturally.

I understood, that the blade's magical ability was meant to be used simultaneously with my ancestor's wrath inborn ability. The magical runes would drain the flames from my body, which would normally ignite the skin of my body with burning flames, hurting those who stood too close to me, while not harming me to the slightest. 

This power would unfortunately simultaneously burn my clothes to ash, leaving me buck naked in a probably more then unfavorable situation. 

However, if I used it with these swords in my hand, then it would instead fuel the magical runes leaving my clothes unharmed. My special fire ability can only be used once in a day, but if the flames are consumed by the sword runes, I can unleash their damage potential in a much more precise and effective way. It's basically a freely refillably enchantment. 

An already powerful magic combined with these artifacts, truly magnificent. I was starting to really warm up to these swords all of a sudden. God has really gone out of his way to fulfill my requests in the exact way I imagined, no they were even better.

In case I didn't use my inborn ability to fuel them with magic. The swords will only feel warm to the touch, then after some time, this warmth will also disappear. Until it is recharged once more. This way, even if I loose them or die... the blades won't unbalance the flow of the world. As there are not many who can use magically chargable swords, and those who can, have little need of these toys... 

Ah, come to think of it. The swords also release a weak light that could work as a torch if the need arises. When the blades are charged with magic, they can turn into burning swords of wrath, similar to the swords of certain Nazguls.

Now I turned to the otherside of my impromptu resting place and saw a small bundle there. It took me a few seconds until I realized that it was my backpack... A backpack that was a single piece of leather closed by and held together with one string. 

I felt baffled with the sense of authenticity. Eventually I grabbed it and pulled it into my lap, I opened it's mouth and looked inside. 

There was a large piece of clean white cloth carefully folded. Next to that, was a gray less clean piece of cloth I took out the later first. Inside it I found half of a brown bread and a piece of bacon. I wasn't feeling hungry, so I covered it up and put it aside for now.

I looked back at the bundle and unfolded the other piece of clean cloth. I found a spare clean undergarment hidden inside it, and a small glass which held a strong feminine perfume and two pieces of gold coins folded inside the undergarment..

Seriously... There was no better place to hide my money... I couldn't figure out what I was thinking when I put those there. Then again, it isn't that bad of an idea... Eventually I decided to fold them back up and put them aside too. Doing so I remembered that I actually put two more gold coins between my boobs, and wrapped them up tightly before I got into my normal clothes and donned my armor above it.

These, sudden memories, of me doing certain things I as of a fact knew didn't do, were similar to the memories of me having years of sword training and practices. They were in a way similar to flashbacks. When I thought of something with implanted memories they simply rushed into my mind, flooding out any other thought.

It was very uncomfortable, as if I suddenly had access to someone else's memories.

I frowned thinking back to this last flashback of mine as I mumbled to myself.

'So that is why I feel something move between my tits at random times, great...'

I sighed, as I had to realize... Gold coins were extremely valuable, and therefore it was reasonable to hide them in this manner for a traveler like me...

With that thought I turned back to the bundle once more. On the bottom of the leather bag... if you could call it like that.. there were a few more things laying about.

There was a normal sized knife, that was likely used for eating purposes, a flask of water, a large needle for leather working with some string tied around it. A metal rod that was used to sharpen my swords and... and that was it. 

I stood up, hooked the swords on my belt using their scabbards, I drank a gulp of water from the flask, and packed everything back into it, neatly just as it was before. 

While doing so, I also realized, that I had a belt pocket, there was a cloth handkerchief inside it. Also three more pieces of silver coins and a handful of bronze coins which I didn't bother to count for now. There were quite a few... And as I understood, this catch of money was quite a lot actually. I wasn't rich per se, but I was very far from poor.

'Now, time to get out of here, this place is cold... and getting on my nerves.'

I shivered in the cave as a dim ray of light sneaked through the roots of the trees above me.

I also picked up my bow, and arrow holster, and threw them over my shoulder without a deeper inspection next to the bundle which I closed with the string tightly. 

'Sweet heavens... no wonder I was this buffed out... walking with so much stuff in armor, was quite a feat. Or maybe, I should get used to a woman's constitution.'

I walked towards the exit of the cave, which I found that I am familiar with. 

At this moment, it didn't take me by surprise anymore, being familiar with unfamiliar things, I mean. There were so many new memories and knowledge pressed in my mind, that I decided to accept all as mine, instead of having an existential crisis over it. This was not the ideal place for that sort of thing to happen.

Soon I reached the end of the dark corridor, and after I turned three stone rings to the right combination, which I somehow knew to be correct. I pulled a lever and the stone gate that was standing in my path rolled to the side slowly.

I stepped through the gate. Around me a lush green forest welcomed me, with birds chirping coyly hidden between the branches, and thick leaf blankets.

I felt the strong scent of fresh dewy forest air. And my mood was immediately lifted, I was a dark elf for sure, but that doesn't mean, I like to be in a cursed crypt for more then necessary. After I walked out of the cave, I heard the stone gate roll back into its place. Closing of the crypt for another eternity.

I watched as the gate closed off with it's slow rumbling noise, as silence returned to the forest.

I felt a sense of loneliness all of the sudden, and a spike of fear appeared as the sense of finality manifested weighing down on my already constrained chest.

'...Maybe, I didn't think through this adventure, not as much as I should have...' 

A few minutes after the closed door stopped moving, and silence fell over the little clearing I gathered my spirit enough to forcefully shake off the dire mood, that rested upon me reasoning with myself.

'Not that I could do anything about it at this moment...'

I shook my head once more, which resulted in some of my hair becoming loose, and falling into my face. I lifted my right hand and swept it out of my eyes with a huff. 

'I need to get familiar with the fact that I am a girl now.'  

My hand while bushing the hair lock behind my ears accidentally touched my new, pointy ear. This made me remember, that I was actually a dark elf now...

'To be more precize, I am a dark elf girl...'

Then the next thought followed. I was a member of a race that could live for a thousand years. It was far from Arda's elfs... but still much better then being a human... 

This thought made me feel much better indeed!

I released a small cheer for myself, then immediately remembered, that I was not exactly in a safe place... I didn't really know where I actually was... I read the story of LOTR naturally, but I wasn't that much of a geek to know where every damn city was situated exactly. Even so Osgiliath, was close to orc territory, and I was way beyond it's border, that much I knew.

I need to figure out where to go. I don't really want to head towards Mordor... for obvious reasons... Like why the fuck would I do that? The orcs are swarming the place, and also attacking Osgiliath, from this side. Of that huge river... what was it called... was it the Alduin?... No, probably not, but I have no idea... it was starting with "A" for sure... 

While trying to figure out how that damn river was called, I started to walk.

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