Lord of the Rings: Advent of the Dark Elf

3. Chapter

Since then, I have walked for three hours straight. In that time I understood multiple things about my new body and abilities. First of all, I was really able to walk around the forest and feel comfortable. I easily become aware of things around me, that I normally wouldn't even spare a glance to. The Almighty indeed gave me the ability to know the wild, and be comfortable in it. This made me feel genuinely blissful for once.

Especially when I stumbled upon a bush filled with edible sweet berries. I immediately proceeded to eat a few handfuls of it. I was not hungry when I woke up a few hours ago... But now, that was a very different story. To walk in this unknown forest, where the ground wasn't really balanced, I had to walk uphills then downhills most of the time. Which made me feel stupid for skipping breakfast. I was really hungry now, but I was also reluctant to stop so soon in my journey. I couldn't figure out how far in the afternoon the time was, as I couldn't see the position of the Sun from the endless forest blanket hiding the sky from my elven eyes, but it was definitely getting darker, if only a little bit.

Luckily the berries saved me from being gnawed by hunger any further. After eating my fill and grabbing another handful for the road to nibble on while walking I continued my way, at the moment downhill for who knows how long. 

After another ten minutes of constant walking, I have become aware of a very small change in the lush forest. The change at first was minimal, but it soon turned into an obvious one. The forest was thinning. I cheered voicelessly, dropping another black berry into my mouth. It seems that I managed to get to the edge of the forest. Thanks to my new heavenly sense of direction.

'Fuck you Legolas, your elven eyes are pigshit compared to my superior God given senses.' 

On a whim, I decided to show the rest of the berries in my mouth in a single go and happily skipped forward.

Only for one of my legs to trip over an unusually crafty root. In the clarity of my fall I felt disbelief, I could swear that a moment ago when I checked there wasn't any root that high... I didn't have the time to think further though. The next thing I knew was the sensation of my face being planted into the ground. I have managed to dampen the momentum of my fall with the agile use of my left cheek, very successfully if I might add.

Sadly the rest of my body thanks to the heavy downhill didn't stop, but instead rolled over my head and ended up in a tumble. Which was not exactly a lucky thing to happen. 

I wanted to curse, but my mouth was filled with a bunch of berries that I, being me, an intellectual and cultured person of very sophisticated taste, had just shoveled in my big mouth a second earlier.

Therefore, the only voice I managed to make was the disgraceful sound reminiscent of the noise of a terrified pig, that is about to be smothered in water, or berry juice if you want to be a nitpicker. As I skidded down the side of the hill, which at the moment felt to me like a mountain, I seemed skillful enough to unintentionally hit every single culmination of bushes and large gatherings of shrubberies on the way.

For once, I felt really proud of myself... For such mastery could only be derived by my immense skills as a player of fruit ninja. I hit every mark right on target, I was physically unable to miss them anymore.

Finally, I ended up falling on my back at the bottom of the hill with a heavy thud.

Spewing out a bunch of berries, from my mouth, and eventually releasing a pitiful cry. 

'Auuuu... That hurts... ' 

I sensed all my body parts pulse at different magnitudes of pain. This was just... beyond cruel.

'Fucking, hills and mountains... can't even decide to go up or down for a quarter of an hour...' I rolled to my side, sensing a numb pain in my lower back, and hissed as my face stung with the whips of bush branches added on the top of my initial face plant. Damn, those thin branches were hitting my face the entire way down.

I tried to sit up, and felt the dull pain in my lower back become much stronger under the pressure coming from the weight of my upper body. I couldn't help but lower myself back on the leafy floor as I suddenly found it hard to breathe from the pain.

I flinched and breathed out heavily, laying motionless on the cold ground. I could feel my leggs fine, and could move them, so there was nothing really serious about this... I probably only needed some rest, then I could go on. I thought, reassuring myself... there was probably a huge bruise forming on my lower back right now... That thought wasn't really reassuring, so I tried to think of something else. 

Then I heard some movement coming from behind me, it was not the sort of movement that you associate with a harmless squirrel either.

I naturally turned towards the noise, and saw something I didn't notice until now... I was on the edge of a crude camp. A camp which was filled with, well, if my eyes and memories don't fail me... They were orcs. 

There were at least ten of them. Most were laying and resting next to a large fire. Some were even asleep, while some were sitting and eating, roasting meat over twigs. The mouth watering scent of freshly roasted meat reached my nostrils and I couldn't help by sigh. Then I realized something. 

This peaceful sight, seemed to have been frozen in time, as all of their eyes were looking at me. 

My eyes met with the eyes of the largest fellow... I mean, all of them were large... but this one stood out of the crowed even among such capable competition. 

It jumped up grabbing a huge sword that was laying against the spare firewood pile. And it began to walk towards me with the confidence of Sauron itself.

I decided that there was no more rest for me, and tried to jump to my feet, unfortunately my lower back began to scream in such pain, that I could not stand for more then a few seconds, and then I collapsed back on my knees, supporting my body with my arms stopping myself from laying down entirely. 

I felt desperate tears appear in my eyes, as I sensed a huge shadow stand over me. I looked up in fear and saw the white skinned orc look down at me with confusion in his black eyes.

Then the creature asked me using the crude words of black speech. 

'What are you?' 

I heard the surprisingly harmless words. They would be perfectly fine if the words weren't, kind of, spit in my face in a growl, that wargs would envy. I also sensed the smell of roasted meat coming out of his mouth which was decorated with huge fang like theet at the side. He had a very dominating and powerful figure... I felt an inexplainable sense of admiration. This guy was strong!

Then, I felt a few drops of saliva fall on my face from his shout, and the spell was kind of broken for now. As my current dangerous situation came back to me at full throttle. 

'I... I am a... dark elf... '

I answered using black speech, as I saw his eyes narrow on my form, ominously.

'Elf... an elf... She says that she is an elf...' 

He said outloud turning towards his fellows in disbelief. 

There was a moment of awkward silence. Then without any further warning, all of them burst into laughter. To my abundant shock, the orcs in the camp were laughing in front of me hysterically, like I said the best joke that was ever made in Arda and beyond.

I was kind of mystified by this outcome, to say the least. 

Until I heard a few comments appear among the orcs, saying certain things about me, that I didn't like.

'An elfmaid... with that skincolor, and face, she lookes like an undead to me haha!'

'She looks more like an orc to me, kind of reminds me of my second wife!'

'You don't even have a first wife you lying bastard, but otherwise I agree!'

'I bet that an arrow would found its way to pierce her throat the moment she dared to turn in the direction of Mirkwood, not even speaking of getting near it! Baha!'

'But look... her ears are really similar to elfs... is it possible that she told us the truth?'

'... No way, what would an elf do in this forest... think for once.'

'At best, she could pass for a half orc, half elf, those red eyes are kind of disturbing though.'

'She speaks the black speech with such comfort... no elf would be able to do that. Their expression would contort in disgust the moment they hear a single word, not even talking about speaking it...'

'That is right...'

'Yes, that's right, that's right, she must be half orc, half elf.'

I was completely frozen, while listening to the orcs arguing among themselves. They... called me ugly? How could that be... Well, I mean... my skin color is dark gray... I... oh... most orcs have a dark gray skin color in Arda... I might have forgotten that...

The white orc standing in front of me turned back into my direction, looking at me with disappointment. I felt a wave of fear grasp onto my heart... as I saw his strict gaze narrow on me even further.

'Now, I had enough of your games, I will only ask you this once so don't try to fool me again... What are you exactly?'

'But... I am really a dark elf...'


I shuddered and flinched my eyes as another wave of saliva splattered over my face. I felt my heart throb in my throat, and I understood something, as if an illumination was brought by the splattering of saliva. I felt baptized by the waves of smelly saliva mixed with a few pieces of meat falling upon my newly created form. As my mind opened up to new, unexplored possibilities. 

In the eyes of Arda which never heard of dark elves, I probably look just like a half-orc, half-elf. This was a terrifying realization. Then the next one came.

I am injured, and the only reason I ain't the one who is roasted over the fire is because they think of me as a half orc... For this reason, I should, probably be happy with this outcome... right? 

As I understood this, I hung my head in shame... and said.

'Sorry... I am really a half orc... half elf...' 

'Just as I thought. Admitting that wasn't that hard, or was it?'

I didn't say anything at that.

The silence stretched out a bit, while I closed my eyes, waiting for further scolding, but it never came. 

I slightly opened my eyes, and looked around. All the other orcs have mostly lost interest... under the glare of the white one, they all turned back to their earlier tasks. Which was sleeping and eating mainly.

I was surprised when the white orc spoke to me with unexpected kindness.

'Look at yourself, you are hurt... I don't know which chief's daughter you are... but the battlefield is not for woman. You can wear armor, but that doesn't change the fact that you are not supposed to be here.'

'Why would I be the daughter of a chief?'

I asked confused.

'Huh? Usually only orc chief's keep elven slaves for breeding purposes... And since you are a half elf, but well, it was only a guess in the end. If you are not a chief's daughter, that is even better then.'

I felt two large arms grab onto me and lift me up as if I was nothing more than a leaf on the ground. I felt a sense of shock and awe... as my heart hammered in my chest with surprising ferocity. Then... 

I smelled the putrid smell of weeks of meticulously gathered sweat, grime and dust that had fused into a deadly mixture. 

At this moment, I felt happy, that I did not choose to be reborn as a Khajiit... I would probably die from the shock.

I couldn't help but exclaim... While trying to push myself away in a desperate search for fresh air.

'By the Gods... you stink!' 

I cried out as I felt his arms grab me closer, as he likely feared that he would drop me accidentally. 

'Stop moveing around!' 

As the new wave of splattering saliva arrived... this time from a much closer distance, my eyes dimmed and my body had gone into a rigid state of disbelief. It was truly a spiritual experience, I felt like I was out of my body hovering around in a different plane of existence, looking at myself and the orc from a third person's perspective, while the orc carried me and put me down on a rag next to the fire. 

I heard his voice complaining. Seeing that I suddenly had this lifeless expression. He probably thought that I got scared... 

'Noh, no reason to move around like a caterpillar...' 

Such reassuring words... I thought hearing his comment as my weird state of consciousness was slowly ebbing away.

As I came back to my body, still feeling extremely light headed... A piece of grilled meat was tossed in my way from the white orc. There was a glint in his eyes, that I could not derive... However I was hungry, especially after so much excitement... and the deer that they slaughtered seemed very tasty... 

I took the roasted meat, with a smile, that seemed to make the white orc feel unusually happy, almost proud in front of his people. I didn't know why... it was little shared in the world of LOTR about the actual customs of orcs. I shook my head in denial... it was probably only a kind gesture towards it's own. 

I ate the food, silently, and after resting by the fire I felt much better, my back still hurt but I could stand up and walk for a while after I put down my bow and swords, with the back pack and bow.

In a few hours the night came, and most of the orcs went out into the forest to patrol the perimeter. They were on guard duty here... They will remain here for two more days, then they will be changed by a different bunch and head towards Osgiliath.

I saw, as the white orc, who was the only one remaining in the camp walked towards me with an ominous glint in his eyes... Uh... I don't feel that good about that look.

He stood next to me, I was standing just next to the fire, but I still had to look up to meet his eyes... He was probably two meters tall, at least. I gulped as perspiration began to appear on my face...

'Can I help you with something?'

I asked tentatively.


Answered the orc with a slightly quicker breathing then usually... Then I realized, that he did not have his armor on anymore, just normal crude clothes... and he was considerably less dirty... Did he bathe? I looked at his hair... it was still wet... He frickin bathed in a river somewhere... 

I heard the imaginary warning bells ring in my head wildly.

 I gulped drily... I could see where this was going. I was not retarded, and this wasn't some sort of never ending rom-com either. Even so, I had to ask the stupid question, as it was the last thread of hope I saw.

'...And what is that you wish my help with?' 

I saw a fickle of annoyance cross his eyes as he said.

'You accepted my food in front of the tribe, so now I am going to fuck you. It's as simple as that, you are my woman now, I even bathed for you, so get to it!' With that he pulled down his pants, and the sight of a towering rod appeared in front of me... 

'Oh my god...' 

Seeing that, combined with the familiar splatter of saliva a new wave of lightheaded sensation rushed at me... 

'Get your armor, off, before I rip it off myself!'

I didn't move. I was frozen and indecisive, looking at this huge dick with fear... no it was terror... If that guy, comes at me with that... Then not only my lower back will hurt tomorrow, and probably after that... I could literally die...  I am not even a real woman, just a fake as it is! I can't possibly handle such a thing...

'I see that you won't do as I say... then I will have to teach you to respect your man.'

He stepped closer to me, and I jolted from my shocked state... 

'Wait... wait... I will undress... just a second, no need to get rough! Damn...'

I fiddled with my armor, removing it under the glare of the white orc, who had decided to completely undress in the meantime, and stood aside, looking at me doing the same. He was really shameless, I removed my boots, and upper armor, with the wrist protectors and the gloves, and put them on the ground next to our rug. I also removed my short sleeved shirt that was under my armor, then also removed the cloth piece that was covering my chest, finally removing the two gold pieces pressed between my tits. I put them aside hidden in the unfolded cloth.

I was standing next to the fire, feeling shy all of a sudden... Damn... even I only got to see my tits for the first time, yet this bastard is glaring at them with such lewdness... The tips of my ears turned red when I glanced at his hammer... 

I was still lightheaded... but now there was a strange warmth in my body... I would like to call it curiosity... but it was more like a desire. A desire that I didn't have before... and was planted in my mind, just like the other memories, and knowledge. 

My face turned red, as our eyes met. I looked away immediately feeling disturbed by my own thoughts. I was feeling confused and trying to clear my head, but I was interrupted as, my shoulders were grabbed by rough, strong hands. I looked up and saw his eyes, filled with desire. 

'You are too damn slow!' 

I blinked taken aback, when did he come so close?

In a single movement he grabbed onto me, and pushed me onto the ground over the rag, which was the skinned skin of some long dead animal. 

I felt my boobs move around from the wild movement as he pushed me down. My chest raised in a quickening breathing. My half bare body was already covered in perspiration and my gray skin glistened in the dim light of the fire close by.

I heard the sound of ripping leather, and sensed the unnatural tightening of material around my hips, then my pants were pulled off me erratically. My face was red as I covered my chest. Feeling like a deer caught in a headlight... I couldn't run, I couldn't fight reasonable... and... I didn't know anymore... if I wanted to in the first place... 

'There you go... smirked the white orc kneeling over me. Wasn't it so hard... was it?'

Seeing the annoying smirk, I felt a wave of stubbornness rise inside me.

'You bastard... If I wasn't injured... I would have shown you... AH~!' 

The man grabbed onto my left chest and squeezed it harshly, forcing me to stop speaking and releasing a painful yet weirdly arousing moan. I felt a tingling sensation in the nipple as he grasped it. There was a mixture of pleasure and pain pulsing through my tit, and a sense of warmth was spreading over my body, while being the most intense at places of his rough touch. In a moment of emotional clarity I understood something that confused me to no end. My body was shaking in a special mixture of fear and anticipation. I understood this, thanks to the slightly wet feel of my panty... which was my last remaining equipped cloth piece...

Hearing my moan seemed to flip a button in the head of the orc, as he ripped off the mid section of my panty revealing my cunt to the world. Meanwhile the remains of the destroyed, slightly embroidered panty were still dangling on my left thigh. He didn't manage to rip it off entirely.

His animalistic action made me release another painful scream. Ripping off your underwear while you wear it wasn't exactly a comfortable thing to do... I reflexively reached down to cover myself. Me, as a man, did not have the natural instinct to cover up my chest... but... I damn fucking had the warning sirens blazing in the red zone, when a two meter tall grotesk orc was ripping off my undies with a standing dick... 

He smirked, seeing my scared expression, as I suddenly began to struggle to get away from him. However, it was too little too late. He clasped both of my wrists in a single ridiculously large hand of his. It felt as if my wrists had been locked in iron, I couldn't move them away even when I pulled with all my strength. 

Then he leaned over me ominously pinning me down with his other hand. Then he said to me. 

'Open your legs before I decide to throw you to the wargs!'

I shook my head stubbornly, as tears of frustration began to cloud my eyesight... The reality of the situation hit me with a spike of coldness, as I opposed him with my remaining dignity. 

'Hmm, so you want to play hard...'

He reached down to my flailing titties and grasped, this time the right one, and even harsher then before.

I moaned to the pleasure, tingling through my body, while also feeling sick in my stomack hearing my own reaction. My strength and determination wavered for a second and it was enough for him to force open my legs with one hand and lean over me with his body.

His hip moved forward with a predetermined goal while his other hand grabbed onto my left hip. I felt a hard protrusion touching my nether region, then it eventually found it's way to my cunt... Then with a sudden and strong push of his hip, it was pressed deeply inside me. The bastard rammed me right away... 

My body lurched backwards, as the pain and joy pulsed through my whole body, coming spreading from my pussy and going over my entire body in rigid waves. I could see, stars, and not just the ones over my head... but flickering lights of pain and ecstasy running over my body and mind a sick yet beautiful wave of culminating pleasure.


The orc grunted in bliss, his large body dwarfing mine.

My mouth opened to scream, but there was no voice coming out of it... The sensation, the roughness, and the pain mixed with the deep thrusts and grunts of the orc doing me... I felt like the gates of Helm's Deep, shaking under the attacks of a battering ram.

I couldn't hold onto my mind anymore. I would grasp onto the orcs body with my arms, but as he was still holding them in his iron grip, I could only hook my leggs around his hipps as I screamed. Trashing and struggling between waves of pain, shame, and joy... 

'Come at me you white pig! DO ME! IS THIS ALL YOU HAD?!'

The orc seemed surprised for a moment, then he smirked in my face.

'I knew that you were an orc! Haha!'

'Shut up and FUCK ME! Weren't you going to show me where my place is? Send me to the kitchen, or something, you bastard!?'

There was another ominous glint in his eyes as he said..

'You will know your place, when I am done with you tonight.'

'Now, will I- aaAGGHH!~ AGGHH!~ Show me, AHH~ who is the big boy! aaAAJJAAA!~'

All of the sudden I felt a wave of pleasure shaking my entire body... All of my strength was drained from me, and every sensation of desire and touch felt more vivid then before. I finally realized, that I was going to orgasm, and I did.

I think, I lost consciousness for a few seconds, when I came to my mind. I was feeling lightheaded, my whole body was quivering like a plate of tofu on top of a washing machine.

I breathed deeply as the waves of lingering pleasure seemed to flow out of me, down there... Out of my wet, mess. For a flickering moment, I felt dirty. Yet the joy was overshadowing any reasonable thought. I was completely drenched down there, did I squirt so much? However, the calming down flood of pleasure was disrupted with another deep trust shaking my body then another... 

My still glassy eyes turned vivid once more, under the continuos barrage... 

'Wai-t... aAAgh!~ Stop! I nee-need to rest a bit...! Aaggh!~ Ajjj!~'

The bastard only smirked at me, as his black eyes reminded me of a beast, which he was... playing with his pray, that was already completely at his mercy. I knew, at that moment I knew, that he was going to eat me.

'Do you know your place woman?' 

'I... AAGHHH!~ aagghhH~ I... AAGGHHH~, AAGGHH~...'

The pause between my moans was filled with the extremely lewd wet slapping sounds. As his hip crashed into mine with blinding momentum. As his wet dick pludged even deeper into me, never ceasing only quickening it's space.

I was lost, there was no more reason in me, as I squirmed like an ugly caterpillar, of which he called me. I wanted to move away, roll away, crawl like an animal, but I could not. There was no escape. 

'Hmm, so you are still not sure...'

The white orc let go of my wrists and grabbed my hips with both hands, pulling me closer. Then he hammered me with a series of even deeper and quicker thrusts, that I could not think to be possible. I sank my nails into its wide back as he leaned over me, my legs forced to part even further under his weight as his pulsing penis sank deeper and deeper into my hot wet cunt. 

I felt as the powerful thrusts reached into my deepest parts slowly grinding away the last ghost of my sanity. I was dominated in such a raw primal way. My body ached, my mind was going numb, my hipps were bursting in stars of pain and pleasure prickling through my entire being with every collision building up to another wave of senseless pleasure. 

I hugged the body of the orc with every inch of my remaining strength grinding my teeth with such desperation as the entire world seemed to turn around me with an endless circle of pain and pleasure. 

I felt another wave of raw pleasure shook me, I cried out as the waves shivered through me. I heard the orc grunt heavily above me. As his hands grasped my flailing chests and squeezed them hard. I bit down on my lips tasting blood. I was going crazy from the uncontrollable storm of pleasure that seemed to capture my very soul. 

I felt his penis pulse deep inside me with a new wavering. Then white hot liquid filled me in three large consecutive bursts, right before my own inside spluttered with my body releasing its own flow of juice.

I screamed like a ravid animal, as tears filled my eyes. 


My body ached... my whole body ached and became sore... My eyes overflowed with tears. As my body quivered with waves of distant pleasure... Which I was becoming numb to. My buttocks were stinging from the hard punishment, and my cunt was feeling sore...

I saw the shadowy form of the orc above me as it said with a smirk.

'Now you know your place, woman.'

My lips moved lifelessly, but there was no strength in me to speak... My throat felt sore from the screaming. I was drenched in perspiration, as my chest was raising with quick radical breathing. I was still feeling his now somewhat limp dick pulsing inside me, as he smirked at me with satisfaction, which was followed by a possessive glint passing through his dark eyes.

I felt my consciousness begin to slip away and my eyes rolled backwards.

I lost consciousness. 

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