Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 019: Enemies Since Birth

Sorry about that; illness sucks but I'm back and strong.

The testing range for the competition - that would be used to judge if my [Baby’s Erste Schusswaffe] was a tournament legal weapon - was a rather simple ordeal. A room with a couple targets that each had several light emitting diodes (combined with light sensors) in order to measure the speed of a bullet as well as track the parabola that it takes. From all that data, it would be simple to work out the details of the gun when combined with the type of bullet recorded down.

Something we used even in Furstin.

Walking into the test range I was soon met with the silver & bronze winners from last year; the former only giving a dismissive glance from a corner before returning to filing her nails. In comparison the bronze winner, whom was a large muscular boy that easily  towered over me, used his size to his advantage as soon as I entered the room. At least he was smarter than the last one. He at least made sure to keep an appropriate distance from me.

Even without looking - I knew that my guards were just waiting for a chance to tackle the boy to the ground as if they were sharks that sensed blood in the water. Thankfully they weren’t so eager that they ended up ruining my public opinion. I could easily avoid any legal issues but social issues were harder to fix.

I also had a pretty good idea of what he wanted (or rather what both of them wanted) as both of their eyes were more focused on my holster rather than my perfectly shaped face. Still, I made sure to keep a big smile on my face, secretly wishing I would hit my preteens where I could go into a goth phase.

Everyone knew that goth girls were the favourite type of girl.

“What can I help you with?” A little blush appeared on his as he looked down on me while the girl in the background clicked her tongue in distaste at that. Honestly, I had to agree with her. Since I very much disliked the idea of getting into a relationship with a man - having such a traditional “boy” drool over me was a disgusting prospect.

Regardless, I’m an innovator who will use all of my advantages to get the edge.

“W-we don’t trust you to be honest so you can’t use your tricks to pass the firearm assessment with such an obvious custom weapon like that.” He managed to stutter out; pointing aggressively at my [Baby’s Erste Schusswaffe] that was still at my waist. “Of course, since your a girl, if yo-”

“Sure~!” Without letting him continue on - I unhesitantly unsheathed my firearm and passed it to him in a practised manner. Daddy already made sure I knew how to safely hand over my pistol. We were well aware that something like this could happen when we were planning for today, so, it was obvious I came well prepared.

He seemed surprised at how easily I gave in, something that made the two visibly concerned for a moment, they still recovered though. Their arrogance as “genius’” shines through. Allowing them to effortlessly convince themselves that they were right; no matter what facts would be presented to them.

Bringing my holopad out of my pocket before sitting down, not worrying about what that boy was going to do with my gun, leaving watching the bronze beta to my capable team. Instead I looked into the recent news as I haven’t really given myself enough of a break to keep up with that kind of thing.

Although I did look up when I heard that familiar *pam* echo throughout the room; looking to see a frozen faced boy who was still standing in his firing stance with others looking similarly static. Taking a glance at the target, I couldn’t help tilt my head in confusion, there being no bullet on the surface of the target.

Didn’t take a genius to figure out why that was the case.

I couldn’t help chuckle upon noticing the bullet hole present on the artificial turf in front of the actual target with me seemingly not being the only person amused. Multiple little snickers could be heard - causing the bronze boy to start glowing red again. In response the silver sheila angrily broke that nail file of hers hitherto storming over and snatching the pistol out of his hand.

A moment later she only managed to hit the bottom of the target which, although better, most certainly wasn’t the result either of them imagined. Refusing to accept their incorrect assumption; she continued on to study the pistol with a clearly furrowed brow. This was probably something that should be stopped but since it was a cute girl this time around I let it continue on until Thompson no doubt cut in.

Turning back to my holopad instead.

Scrolling through the news articles brought essentially the same old stories as ever. Some politicians go back on their promises only to pretend to be apologetic, another member of law enforcement abuses their power only to resign before any punishment can occur to them, an activist burns someone's house down and so on.

Several minutes of scrolling (even ignoring some screams that happened in the main hall) I found little of actual interest with only some small skirmishes in the America’s that could lead to some profit. Or so I thought until I came across a certain trending story about a series of ‘deaths’ that were occurring all around the world.

Opening up one of the videos presented me with the regular scene of a woman in a dress & a man in a suit who discussed the topic with a large screen behind them. “-so as it stands, a total of 200 netizens across the globe have passed away to seemingly natural causes after posting defamatory or outright offensive content onto the net.”

After saying that a collage of scenes including various obviously mutilated corpses, even I’m shocked at the shamelessness to call this ‘natural’, with the two going on.

“It is a shame yet there is no real discernible connection in the deaths except for the fact that they all were rather toxic online.” No connection? Am I the only person who notices those obvious slice marks as well as the looming figure in the background of all the images? Honestly this has got to be the worst cover up I have ever seen…

Or so I thought until I looked into the comments.

All throughout there were endless series of people agreeing with the pair of hosts - not even making fun of the moment when the ‘expert’ came in to begin professing it as “a seeming act of god”. How this could be happening was completely beyond me. It didn’t seem like a case of comment removal as I checked many other publications from all across the social sphere; this also wasn’t the case of just some top comment being sarcastic either.

There were no comments of those not “realising the joke” nor were there anyone calling the rest of the group out. Not even those crazies talking about how everything was secretly a propaganda piece for x or y were present no matter where I looked. It was as if the entire net decided that this one thing was just a natural occurrence.

Even with a bloody japanese kitchen knife sticking out of one of the eyeholes…

Big B have you got any idea what this could be?


<< Answer to {query}.[you got any idea what this could be] From {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

<< It Is Heavily Recommended That {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] Does Not Get Involved With This Event As There Is Too Much Danger Involved With {[REDACTED]}.[Adjudication/Judgement] >>


That… Is not the response I was expecting.

“Watchu up to nerd?” An ever familiar voice brought me out of my brooding - only to realise that Alexis was watching my screen from over my shoulder. For some unknown reason she was dressed in a full martial arts getup; however I reckon that hot pink belt is more for fashion since it sparkled. She also was in a similar situation as me - only guards surrounding her even if they didn’t have the newest Furstin tech.

  “Looks like some dumb internet peasants get some justice muhahaha!”

“So you also think this is some miraculous act from god-”

“-eh what are you on about stupid head?! God doesn’t use kitchen knives but massive world ending floods and rain of flames! Plus there is obviously a figure in the back.” A rather suspicious glimmer appeared inside her eyes, as she threw her arms out, that I didn’t want to look into any more out of an instinctive love for my second life. What I couldn’t ignore was the fact that (apparently) this sister of mine was the only other person in the world who agreed with me…

Actually - I think the rest of the internet must be right and I must just be going crazy - resulting in me imagining things that don’t actually exist. As for how she can also see them? Well, she’s Alexis so it only makes sense that she has some kind of undiscovered metal issue that lets her. Interestingly enough I don’t remember anything about her or this from my past life. So maybe she gets sent to an insane asylum in the future and then gets forgotten?

“Yes, that must be it…”

“What?” I lifted my head to see a confused little sister - only to give her a bright smile in return - I need to act nice since I don’t know how she’ll have it hard in the future after all. “Nothing at all for you to worry about; my cute little sister.”

Strangely she didn’t look convinced as her eyes narrowed to glare at me. “You’re thinking something rude, aren’t you with that fake personality of yours, plus cut that ‘my cute little sister’ bullshit when you only have a 7 month advantage over me you- you… You dummy!”

As creative as always.

“What are you even doing here?”

“Hmpf do you think I’m stupid.” Yes I do; though considering she continued to crack her knuckles I decided against saying such. “It’s obvious that you’re preparing for something with all this training you're doing, as such I’ll prepare as well, I’ll become even stronger than you. Then you’ll need to call me older sister while begging me for my help - I even beated up that person who randomly asked me to help stop you from abusing your power as if I could do that hahaha!”

Pretty sure that wasn’t a word as well as proved all my- wait what? How does she keep realising these things that no one else does!


<< Answer to {query}.[How does she keep realising these things that no one else does!] From {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

<< She Is Smarter Than Y- >>


Now let’s not get crazy here Big B.




Maybe we could be closer as siblings through utilising our combined progress as athletes and then as proud warriors in Love Heart Online?

“Huh, what are those idiots doing with your gun, though I suppose that one is cute enough for it to be worth letting them play around…” I see… Maybe we weren’t so different since she too had an interest in the fairer things in life - even if we were only 5 years old. “She isn’t the most interesting with rather average everything yet she does indeed look cute with that bratty personality…”

“... What are you on about; clearly that boy is wa~y cuter!” Unfortunately it seems that this sister of mine can’t help being incorrect - I could only shake my head with a sigh of disappointment.  Ensuring that she could hear me clicking my tongue as I walked over toward the pair who couldn’t refuse to give me my gun.

Even if begrudgingly.

Having been greatly disappointed I didn’t even try to look fancy; strangely that was the best performance I’ve had yet.

I could tell once I walked out that no one else would be able to beat me - based just on their looks alone.

Back to Furstin I g- wait the martial arts is tomorrow so that idiot girl came early…

Well, she needs a little humbling, I guess?

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