Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 020: Those Who Remember


< Augustus Kabray - 3rd PoV > 


In a large finely decorated room a single rotund boy, who Armor-Cordis would instantly recognise as the younger variant of Umpa Lumpa that made her life hell, paced back and forth.

Despite not even being 13 years of age - he showed obvious signs of stress. Biting down on his thumb as sweat rolled down his face no matter how much he patted himself down with a cloth. A confusing scene since he was the eldest & only son of a world renowned candy (specifically chocolate) brand.

There should have been few worries for him.

Regardless, there was also no ounce of childishness in his expression, he read through a document he held in his left hand while that cloth constantly dabbed his forehead. Upon the document was everything that he managed to discover about the Porshi sisters after contacting various informants. He had even bothered his parents with the task; something that made them giggle as they no doubt thought it was a sign of young love.

As such his parents had discussed a possible arranged marriage between their “precious cocoa bean” yet if either of the sisters knew… Well there would no doubt be a rather strong series of disagreements as neither were known for being pushovers after these 2 years. Both taking part in multiple olympic events that quite a lot of people expected them to win.

Other than the pages on the Porshi girl - there was another sheet of paper that had information about various white children.

“WHERE IS HE AND WHERE DID THEY COME FROM!” Eventually howling out as he just chucked those pages to the ground after letting out an angry stomp that accomplished nothing. Walking over to a little desk he sat down and clutched his head. His breath fast with his expression being a strange mix between both anger & fear.

After a minute he managed to calm himself down but even then worry was painted across his face as he went back to pick up those papers. Carefully going through them once more - even if he quickly came to the exact same conclusion. “There is nothing suspicious about those sisters nor is there any information of that little murderous trap bastard; I should have learned his name!”

Gnashing his teeth he proceeded to crumple the list of children up before chucking it into a nearby bin with a clear look of vexation.

“At least I somewhat understand what those girls are doing but how can I remain calm when that psychopath is roaming free? At least he shouldn’t be aware of much about the game, even if he has returned with his memories, so I at least don’t need to worry about him. Most likely he’s gone into hiding on account of him not being able to do much with his low-financial capacity & potential even if he did come from the future hahaha.” Quickly he managed to convince himself that there was little need to worry about some fat asses twink thus settling back on the papers about Porshi.

Soon he began mumbling to himself as he read through them. “The youngest of the two, Alexis, seems to just be focusing on her training for mixed martial arts while also putting a hand on some of their fashion centric sub-divisions. That adopted girl meanwhile has essentially taken over most of Furstin and spends most of her time in what has become their headquarters…”

Shifting through his papers he slowly read about all the two had been up to; strangely they seemed to have been far more active in the last 2 years than they had been in their other five.

“It seems that the cute one is taking advantage of her location next to a university - working towards a doctorate in… Computer Science?! She even already has a masters in addition to working on earning herself a degree in surgery as well as other fields of medicine? Why would a rich heiress who’s so great with firearms bother with something like that?” He couldn’t help scratching his head in obvious bafflement toward the move.

As far as he knew Furstin was just a firearm production company however by looking into it more he began to feel a strange coldness embracing his spine. “It seems they are far more focused on research rather than the guns people assumed was all they did… Must be working seeing how much they’ve been able to expand their market despite putting most of their returns into research.”

After learning about the two, he decided to sit back in his seat, tapping a holopad to get a hologram of both of their assumed bodies based on their most recent appearances. In no time at all his gaze swept over their youthful forms with a hideous smile; especially when his gaze settled on Armor-Cordis.

“Looks like that black girl is quite the early bloomer - makes me wonder how big she’ll be when she grows older than she is. Although she is quite short I think she'd be impressive and they look strangely similar even if they’re not actually related. All things considered she’s quite pretty with a lot of potential despite her colour” Licking his lips as he spoke.

With the level of technology they had, in addition to the pair never being the most modest of girls since they were always training, it wasn’t too hard to get a map of their body shape.

Something he was clearly taking full advantage of as a boy who was beginning to see the start of his puberty taking hold. “It would be a shame to throw away a girl who is smarter and maybe better than Leonie after surgery even if she wouldn’t be as skilled… Then again Leonie won’t yet be in this timeline plus I may be able to stop her from needing healing in the first place. Probably needs those nice plastic puppies though.”

The memories of healing Leonie in return for usage of what she repaired must have been good since his mind wandered over to a box of tissues before looking back at Armor-Cordis’ body.

“Maybe that homicidal homo is hidden in plain sight… Well, anyway, I am already dealing with Alexis but maybe she’s the reincarnation of him? Would be convenient to deal with getting revenge as well as removing an unknown variable - I may even be able to convince the black girl that she can only be safe with a man by her side hahaha!” His mocking laughter filled his room  making him look like a madman on account of it being completely black outside of his door.


< Amor-Cordis - 1st PoV >


Once more I heard that familiar classical inspired music despite having just settled down for bed; in addition I clearly was no longer in my shared bed with mother & Alexis back at our Berlin home.

“Could we hurry this up; I’ve made my first media investment so I very much wish to watch the show preferably alone with some tissues.”

My eyes told me the exact same - a similar design to that rustic office displayed itself to me - with literally countless brightly coloured sprites buzzing around happily. Looking down allowed me to find myself standing upon a carpet that had a long yellow trail that was besieged by brown on each side.

Although there were seats all the way along the brown… Even if sprites had the ability to, I doubted they would sit still. Still, my thoughts that it seemed like I was on a train was all but confirmed since there was a low probability that this wasn’t a 19th century-style passenger cabin.

“It seems you have been quite busy as of late - you’ve also grown quite a lot.” An equally familiar voice quipped with clear amusement apparent in their voice.

Turning around presented me with the appearance of a very properly dressed androgynous entity that didn’t actually leave me with a name. They didn’t seem eager to share one either. Nevertheless, they weren’t wrong on either account, I had even begun wearing band aids over my areola to prevent the constant chafing I was experiencing along with my growing breast. Already being a good handful (for my little hands at least).

Although I was a little on the earlier side - it wasn’t unusual to begin my journey into womanhood at this age - yet as a boy in my past life I didn’t know how much of a pain it was. I also had no interest in actually wearing bras until I was at least 12 since I would no doubt continue to grow in size for quite some time thus it would be a waste of time & money to constantly readjust the fit. Time I believe was better used on all the projects I was working on.

According to my mother; it was miraculous she could even get me down to Berlin in order to take part in the preliminaries for the Olympics.

“Is there something you wish to say about that?” I asked, somewhat curious, what their reaction would be to my war based developments. Especially to me literally trying to play god with the development of project silver-knight which I had begun taking part in personally.

There had been a lot of progress with melding the flesh to the machinery with a technically working prototype already walking however there were certainly some issues with self-awareness. A problem my researches had no real knowledge of how to solve hence why I decided to throw my cowboy hat into the proverbial ring - not literal since I treasured my new hat from mother. “None at all; the spirit race is actually all about following one's curiosity like the children we all are on the inside and some outside hahaha.”

Whoever this person was- wait I just realised that I’m able to freely move in this “dream” despite obviously not being able to do so before. Certainly quite interesting…

“You see, similar to others, it seems you only look at what you're able to do from surface level despite being able to do a lot more. Assumptions are always surface level so you should take a longer look as well as a subjective look at what skills you possess. Perhaps what you already have can be made into a solution for problems you don’t understand or haven’t found yet?” So they said with a smile while putting their hands into the pocket of the coat they were wearing this time; just as old fashioned as their previous outfit pieces.

A collection of sprites always seemed to be around them, in return, they reached a hand out to let the little entities bounce up and down on their palm. Satisfaction clearly upon their face as they spoke. “It makes me conflicted on whether I should be happy they exist or sad they exist.”

Just as they said that, they reached his other hand into his pocket watch, pulling out a pocket watch which was attached to them by a chain. Looking at the surface for a while before letting out a sigh.

“It would seem we have once again run out of time so I cannot tell when our next appointment will take place but I believe you will be fine… Just stay away from the one who watches the watchers.” Before I had the chance to even consider questioning those ominous words, I found myself waking up with a certain dainty bitches foot hitting me in the face.

I couldn’t help frowning, no matter how I thought about it; what was I even meant to do with that knowledge?

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