Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 031: Arriving At Frux Academy

Walking through the city revealed much of the same; in the aspect that these bottom-level city streets were not like any of those that I had experienced in my past life. For example, to put it into context, even the ground level streets in Germany were plagued with a lot of obvious signs of poverty. The lower you go the lower the general income is thus such a sight only makes perfect sense from an objective viewpoint.

Looking around did reveal that there was still a lot of income inequality within the academy-state. There were more than a few people who had what could be called “shabby” clothing which had obviously gone through multiple repairs. Although (what was really surprising) was that these people were mixed in with some obviously upper class who were happily walking & talking with those poorer members.

I was not surprised that the impoverished members existed - if there was an economy there would always be imbalances - but my first thought was just that these were students.

They truly did recruit anyone who they believed could benefit the academic world so it was hardly a shocking realisation that some underprivileged would find their way in. However, that didn’t explain why those penniless people were able to joke around with those who were better off without fear, I suppose that didn’t matter to me though. In fact I still couldn’t see people (even several leagues below) my level interacting so at least some things never change?

“Urgh why couldn’t we get a car!” The petulant voice of my sister made the flashes of cameras all the more noticeable and maybe helped explain why they seemed so cosy with one another. Afterall we three siblings are well known on social media; it didn't matter how wealthy you were in front of a celeb.

Few could match up to my beauty nor my talents so it was hardly a surprise that the world came to know all about me. I suppose that also resulted in Alexis getting some traction but who cares. I could hardly let these people wallow in disappointment so I offered my usual radiant smile while waving towards as many as I could.

Brother meanwhile just let out an annoyed sigh as he glared at my side for no reason. “Because the one who did the planning for this trip enjoys attention a little too much considering her little hobby.”

Wonder what he could be referring to?

“That could refer to many things, so which ‘little hobby’ are you talking about?” I also couldn’t help but ask curiously what he exactly meant with that… Something he seemingly didn’t take too well.

Cupping his model-like face with his two hands while letting out a long sigh only to abruptly reach out to grab Alexis’ shoulder when she was seconds away from decking someone in the schnozz. Arguably she was in the right since they were getting a little too inquisitive yet it had to be said that brother was giving the duty of keeping us both out of trouble. Nevertheless I do not understand why mother would specify us both as I was hardly a troublemaker if one looked at our track recor-

“Before you get smart, I want you to remember the Singapore incident.”

“They had it coming; viva la Deutschland!” There is no doubt in my mind that I would repeat my exact same actions everytime - should I find myself in one of those time loops they love in fiction - my only regret being that the building still stood. Those clowns had it coming and I just dispensed justice in the form of a potential trip to Geneva’s war tribunal if ever discovered.

Brother just narrowed his eyes as I returned to waving at the adoring crowd (silently agreeing that we would never see eye to eye despite me clearly being right).

Thankfully the people were smart enough not to get in our way and also were sparse enough that we had little trouble seeing where we were going. Additionally nobody got shot by our guards so that can be considered a plus. Overall there was nothing to complain about as the streets were clean as well as clearly marked. There was little chance in us getting lost even if we didn’t research ahead of time.

It also helped that the overall layout of the city seemed to be specifically made to facilitate newcomers due to its nature of constantly welcoming new students. Besides, the academy wasn’t small, it was possible to see the academy throughout the city thanks to its large size and how every road led there. Almost looking like a set of three glass claws that are seeking to rend the heavens themself.

Not that it was the only large building.

Mostly every country had made it a habit to build upwards - that was why a place like Heidelberg was very refreshing as well as a great tourist spot. It was as if you walked back into the twentieth century. An era where even the most destitute of society were able to see the sun setting over the horizon.

Of course most of those who could afford a trip out there, those who would be able to just freely buy flight tickets, wouldn’t truly appreciate the greatness of such a view.

Although for me it acts as a good quantifier for how far I have come in this life.

Approaching the academy did reveal there was indeed a little welcoming party with a kind elderly figure in front of them all. A woman that was dressed in an ornate blue robe that seemed exactly what a grand scholar from a fantasy world would wear - clapping her hands happily upon witnessing our group slowly approaching her & her school. Her being the latest in a long line of headmasters who led this independent artificial island into the bastion of education & equality it will be in the future.

Her joy soon turned into confusion as she appeared to be looking for someone; a sight that made me tilt my head curiously to the side and do the same. Of course I didn’t find anyone and neither did she. A glance towards her was all that was needed for her to understand the obvious question that I held for her.

“Ah, sorry, you were supposed to be brought over by a member of our staff who is in charge of guiding people around in addition to acting as the matron of our dorms. We always left guiding important guests so it is quite concerning that she failed like this. I do hope it wasn’t inconvenient getting here?” Giving a concerned look towards us that was very reminiscent of what I imagine a doting grandparent would have.

Still, someone who has the role to show around very important persons, I believe that a woman like that would either be very humble or become insufferable to those they think they can suppress. “Well I cannot say I’ve run into anyone like that since we touched down but I made sure to look up the route ahead of time so there were no problems~!”

The old lady nodded her head with a soft smile.

“Well I am sure she will turn up.” Rubbing the back of her head awkwardly before leaning in to say something to one of the various staff members who seemed like they were dragged there. There were a few excited to see us but that was more to do with seeing someone famous than putting respect to my name in academia.

Not surprising since most of my achievements are not exactly ones you can brag about; they would come to know all about them in the future.

“I suppose it’s best if we move on; let’s go to my office to speak in peace!” That old lady's bubbly personality was certainly contagious as few could hold back their smile - there was only a grumpy old academic type that seemed to manage. He merely snorted while holding a large book (so big that it probably weighed more than my head) to his chest with a frown.

It didn’t appear as if he was like our missing guide, though. Seemingly he was just more interested in cracking open that large book - getting lost in the contents held within its pages - than wasting unnecessary words. A belief that I could most certainly get along with.

Seeing that the pleasantries were over with - he turned away from us to head back into the academy while promptly opening his book. The headmistress glanced at him with a snort before turning towards us with that kindness filled smile that could probably rival my own with its raw appeal. “Come, I got some good tea recently, we can discuss what your time here in Frux will look like.”

Walking through the halls soon enough, walls aligned with academic papers as if they were awards, for an old lady she certainly had astounding agility as she zoomed around with flabbergasting grace. If it weren’t for my extra stats I think I would easily fall behind - a fact proven by my brother trailing behind us with a chest desperately heaving for more oxygen. That inhuman sister of mine didn’t even seem to be affected by the freakish stamina of the old lady who didn’t even seem to be putting in any effort.

At least this meant that we quickly arrived at her office (even if it was apparent that brother Arthur had seen better days) which looked more like a library than an office. Pushing the oaken door aside to reveal a rather small room that only contained a desk with a halo device upon it. Likely just the desk of her secretary as another door lay beside the desk.

Walking through the second set of doors unveiled a room that was far messier than the former - countless papers strewn across numerous tables that may have been added just for that sake. Lining the walls were an endless series of book shelves. It got to the point where I probably saw more books in this room in my entire time between both my lives… Who even uses books as anything more than decoration?

“Now to deal with you princess Furtsin, you gave me a major headache, you know…” That old teacher began causing my brow to unconsciously raise in curiosity at what she knew. Perhaps this mysterious hag had figured out something that no one else in the world is privy to?

It would be a shame if I had to silence her.

“You had to be such an overachiever didn’t you girl?” Shaking her head as she walked up to her desk where a tea-making setup was being precariously balanced upon a stack. “How was I supposed to decide whether to put you in front of a group of our little future medical scientists or take advantage of your software know-how?”

Although she was complaining; I could practically hear the grin on her face as she busied her surprisingly smooth hands with preparing the tea set.

This also revealed that she knew more than I believed but less than I thought.

“In the end I was convinced that it would be best to focus on your medical talents as you do not monetise them as openly. Even if most fools don’t realise how closely you work with your researchers. Well I have personally picked a bunch of talented kids to put to your mercy so feel free to whip them into shape dear!”

An interesting proposal.

“Oh and I obviously intend to submit your brother for both businesses but I also think it would be a good idea if he looked into history. I believe we can learn a lot from our past. Evidently I only plan to have your sister take her wrath out on our martial artists with you also being more than welcome to give our sharpshooters some much needed tutorship.” Nodding her head.

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