Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 032: Settling Into Flux

I didn’t actually bother looking into how old that headmistress was, however no matter how ancient she ended up being, it clearly wasn’t too old. The hag wasted no time at all in setting things up for the three of us siblings. Quickly preparing a professor’s room for me as well as calling someone over to guide the two over to the students dorm.

Both of them would be sharing their rooms with others despite their background. I certainly got the bigger benefit as I would have an area completely to myself - the accommodations for teachers obviously being a couple levels above that of a student. Although (from what I heard in my past life) everyone got their own bedroom & bathroom so neither of them should suffer too much… Well, that also depended on who they would be sharing the living room, open kitchen and other such spaces with.

Would suck if they got paired with the fools from the future HERO guild; though I doubt any of them have the ability to actually get accepted.

Then again, they certainly have reason to, no way they won’t try now that we have been.

Nobody is more petty than the Vagen.

Not to mention that Klaus basically shot himself in the foot by always comparing himself to us. There is no way the social circles won’t talk about all three of us getting accepted - especially as a tutor - leading to him being left even further behind. His relationship with his family is probably even worse than last time.

At first I was confused why I resisted the urge to kill him and his groupies once I discovered my true powers yet now it’s quite clear to me now. Nothing is as satisfying as watching someone you hate struggling like a fish plucked from the water it's known all its life. Right now there is no better way to despite the young prince of Vagen.

Either way there was nothing that Vagen could reasonably do to get their little fool or his buddies inside the academy due to that hardy old broad. Although there is the chance that he may have some rats inside the city or even the academy itself (not like people can’t be bribed etc.) so I should probably watch out for attempts on our lives. Or, rather, I should continue looking out for attacks on our lives… They weren’t exactly uncommon with the Vagen trying their luck every once & awhile.

Maybe they’re actually glad we went away from our main support base - theoretically it would be far easier to assassinate us here than the olympics. Unfortunately I wasn’t exactly human and had far surpassed the weak me from years ago. Looking back; I can’t believe I was so weak I was unable to catch a single bullet.

Anyway, after a nice cup of tea with discussions about topics like “different lesson preparation for both teachers & students”, the three of us went our separate ways. My soldier- guards followed the two of them especially closely as they headed to the dorms.

Our guides are already prepared to guide us with warm welcoming smiles.

Once again; it was really amazing just how quickly that lady could move but I suppose someone aware of their mortality would be in more of a hurry to get things done. Not me. I have already ascended to a greater plane of existence on account of just being a spirit rather than a bag of flesh & bones.

Sadly I was unable to find much else about spirits (at least unable to find another one on the planet despite my search) however I did find some simple information. For example; apparently spirits do not need to eat anything. Although I would rather give up my immortality than give up on my sweet treats thus I elected to ignore that bit.

Not that sugar was the only thing I consumed…

Following my guide caused me to led through the halls, still on the top floor, towards a simplistic looking door that possessed both physical & electronic security measures.

“This is your key and your passcode is written on this card; if you have anything else you need to know feel free to ask.” The girl of seemingly Asian descent - only a few years older than me seemingly - bowed her head softly while extending her palms that balanced the two items atop them. I backed away to let one of my guards accept them while smiling to her.

There was a rather obvious question that I had. “Is there space for my guards to sleep and such?”

Tilting my head with that radiant smile of mine allocating a blush on her face. She was seemingly trying to not look at me but couldn’t help peeking through her bangs - I could hardly blame her with how beautifully perfect I was even if these breasts & butt got in the way more often than not. “Ah, s-sorry, there is another set of keys inside your room for the nearby rooms which they can use. The same should be explained to both your siblings even if they aren’t allowed to share a dorm with your security team due to us believing in having students interact with one another. Regardless, or rather because of their differing backgrounds.”

“Hm~ I see, well I think that should be all, thank you.” I said happily enough almost all of my heavily armoured friends descended upon the room to begin checking it for anything that didn;t belong inside a room of mine. Surprisingly the girl nervously remained standing right there. “Did you need something else from me?”

That made the girl cutely jump moments before carefully reaching into her uniform to pull out a piece of paper & pen. “I loved your performance last month - c-could you give me a signature for a Kyouka?”

Something about a cute girl trembling in front of me made it impossible to resist licking my plump purple lips with a sly smile. Fortunately I had enough control to quickly hide my expression even as I had my eyes measure the impressive figure despite being shorter than me. I think I’ll give her more than just a plain old signature…

“Sure that’s no problem.” Quickly taking the items from the girl to write on the blank piece of paper before handing it back to her as she looked down with sparkles in her eyes. Looking at it led to her face scrunching up in confusion as she read - soon growing crimson as she glanced at me. I simply lifted my finger up to my lips while winking.

The cute little thing was bright red however still nodded moments hitherto charging away at speeds a professional runner could only dream of.

Not realising the hurried sprint led to a pleasant sight - that plump jiggly butt visible as the skirt gathered enough air to float up. She even had an adorable little rabbit on her rump. I could hardly be blamed for taking a second to admire her yet I had no doubt that I would get her in a more lacy pair soon.

“We’ve ensured that the room is indeed secure.” Sure enough; one of my security broke me out of my imagination to inform me about my new living space being clean of any ‘bugs’. This does at least help me feel more confident that the higher ups in the academy haven’t been compromised by the Vagen bastards just yet. However, I couldn’t be sure that my presence wouldn’t cause someone to decide to switch over in the future or that they just haven’t tried yet, they could be getting me to let my guard down as well.

I simply nodded while heading into my room after all the militia-men, nearly all but one, headed out to check their own rooms. The final armoured-figure remained in front of my door to secure it. Not that I paid any more attention to them as I had a lesson plan to plan out.

Looking around the room revealed that - as always - the room was built around the fact that there was a wall to wall window opposite to the porch/door. Walking up to the window allowed for me to view pretty much the entirety of the city as well as the happenings in front of the academy building. It wasn’t too busy around the academy gates (only the occasional worker) however that made a lot of sense.

As we were rudely told when we landed down by someone who no longer exists; the three of us arrived quite some time before the next batch of students was meant to arrive as well as being on break.

A fact that would leave my two siblings alone in their rooms unless their seniors decided to stay.

Nevertheless, I imagine that the only people to stay would be those who need monetary support or those who have a negative relationship with their family, so it should be amusing to watch Alexis. She has poor social skills at the best of times. Just imagining her trying to deal with others who also have little skill on that front makes me sure it would be hilarious!

This should be a good time to check my status.



<< Displaying Information On {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

Name: Armor-Cordis Mantis/Porshi
Age: 17
Race: Dark Matter Spirit.{Mythical} ([REDACTED] + [REDACTED])
God/Pantheon: N/A
Element: Dark Matter.{-}
Level: 30 (893.9Makпm.aшxp)
Status: Healthy
Inventory: 21/500

Class: Baby Gunslinger.{Baby} Lvl 100 (Rank Up Available)
Job 1: Adept Linguist.{Expert} Lvl 30 (3.4G2.1Exp)
Job 2: Researcher Resident.{Adept} Lvl 73 (200ры.4фFxp)
Job 3: N/A

-[Anti.Life.Revolver Mark.038].{Uncommon} (Unequipped):
Weapon Type: Revolver
Damage: 224
Projectile Speed: 760
Skill: [Revamp Ready].{E} (There will be no loss in durability in attempts to modify)
Bio: A revolver built from a blueprint made by one of the gluttonous princesses of spirits; strangely uses no magical or magical principles within its design yet is clearly designed with modification in mind.   

Health Points: ERROR 404
Spirit Points:  410410

<< Average For Adult Human Is 5 With 7 For Some Athletes  >>

Vit: 2
Str: 7
Def: 4
Dex: 15 +100+73
Agi: 12 (+5 AP)
Int: 12 +90+73 

Remaining Attribute Points: 430

-[Ameliorating Gun (Talent)].{SSS}: Experience gained for Level & related Skills based on practice with Firearm type weapons
-[Dark Matter Body (Physique)].{EX}: Mana Points along with Health Points converted into superior Spirit Points with the usual 10 modifier to both Vit & Int while body is made from [Dark Matter] Element although also makes physical exercise useless since there is no muscle.
-[Devour Soul (Talent)].{S}: Allows the player to eat another's soul to gain power.

-[Block Resistance Lvl 3 (5291,7kxp)].{B}: Increases players' resistance against blocks in thought.
-[Expert Range Finder Lvl 5 (3k52.4kxp)].{B}: Player gains information useful for their purpose.
-[Grandmaster Draft Lvl 30 (4M2.1Exp)].{B}: Allows the player to quickly ‘draft’ concepts they have thought up using any medium they have available  (eg. pen+paper, computer, chalk+blackboard).
-[Steady Hands Lvl 23 (2T7Pxp)].{A}: Will help the player keep steady hands no matter the situation.

-[Expert Incision Lvl 80 (89.2GYю9зxp)].{B}: Grants the player the ability to expertly make an incision.
-[Copy Lvl 70 (6.3YaфJ.mкxp)].{C}: The player will instantly be able to remember any document they have read with some room for error..
-[Grammar Check Lvl 5 (252.4kxp)].{B}: Notifies the player of any major grammatical errors.
-[Grasp Soul Lvl 5 (32230Kxp)].{S}: Allows the player to directly interact with the soul.
-[Health Check Lvl 27 (21M4.8Yxp)].{D}: Player can check their “patients” bodily status.
-[Spell Check Lvl 54 (28.6P581.5Yxp)].{C}: Notifies the player of any obvious spelling errors.
-[Master Suture Lvl 19 (170M27.5Txp)].{A}: Quickly stitch up given material with threads in addition to making threads from mana (or fitting substitute) as a plausible alternative.
-[Translate Lvl 27 (8.7k5.6Txp)].{D}: Roughly translates text.



I always wondered why I didn’t hear anything about the different xp requirements for skills… Did you add these just to mess with me? You practically need a table just to understand all the numbers.



<< [REDACTED] >>



Fine; keep your secrets!

Regardless there are quite a few things to-

“Prepare for a life of adventure, mystery and love in the open beta newest VRMMO; Love Heart Online (currently only available on invitation)!” I heard blaring from a nearby holoscreen.

It would seem I have better things to do.

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