Lucifer Quirk

19 – Psalms 26:12

Psalms 26:12

My foot stands on level ground; in the great assembly I will bless the LORD.

James woke up with a foot in his face. It seems somehow Himiko had managed to shift so much in her sleep the she was curled up along the headboard clutching the pillow and pressing her foot into his face. He wasn't sure how she achieved it in her sleep, but he was almost impressed.

Before he got a chance to move though she woke up and pounced on him leaving the poor pillow to it's loneliness once again as he replaced it as her body pillow.

"Did you sleep ok my dear?" he asked her gently. She seemed like she was quickly getting over the immediate trauma and transferring her attention instead to her budding obsessions with him, but it didn't hurt to come across as caring both to help with her remaining trauma and grow her obsession.

He gently petted her heads as she nuzzled herself into his chest once again while wrapping her arms around him.

"Hmmm....yes..." she murmured. She was nothing like she had been when they first met. She also wasn't quite the way he remembered from the show. He figured between her being younger and him saving her before she originally would have escaped definitely made a difference which he has been hoping for, but he could definitely see a glint of crazy obsession in her eyes indicating some of the Himiko he was familiar with was definitely in there somewhere. Maybe just a little less strong and he hoped more targeted towards him.

"Now that you've had some rest and are looking much cuter, let's go over some things." he teased her causing her to blush and bury her face even deeper to escape his sight.

"Given that you were effectively imprisoned and I broke you less than peaceful ways. We have prepared by creating you a new identity which Mio should be implementing as we speak if she listened and didn't stay up late again." he told her.

"I'm not sure if you wanted to go back to your parents, but that won't be possible anyway as they would retrieve you immediately." he said.

"No! I never want to see them again!" she said adamantly ending up murmuring: "I just want to be with you forever." which she thought he couldn't hear while tightening her hug.

James just ignored her murmurs and kept petting her more than happy to encourage her aberrant behaviour. As long as he was the target of her obsession and he controlled her he would be happy and do his best to make sure she was happy too as long as it wasn't too much of an inconvenience to himself. Some pets are more troublesome than others after all.

"I'm going to try to convince my parents to let you stay here, but you'll have to play along since I can't tell them the truth of course." he coaxes her.

"Yes! I mean yes." she answers a little too exuberant before she catches herself.

"We will go with a mix of the truth and some falsehoods which should make it a little easier to keep it track of things for you." he told her.

"The story we are sticking with is that you ran away from home due to the abuse and ran in to me. Although you are looking much better than yesterday after having some blood, but you are still quite skinny and exhausted so it shouldn't be hard to convince them." he explained.

She nodded seriously to indicate she understood.

James started walking out when Himiko gently grabbed his shirt, but remained silent with a light blush tinting her cheeks. James looked back at her with gently eyes.

"Do you want some more blood?" he eventually guessed.

She nodded shyly not even able to look him in the eyes as she stared at the floor, but refused to let go of his shirt. He turned and pulled her closer wrapping his arms around her and guiding her towards his neck. Himiko looked hesitant for a moment before wrapping her arms around his back and burying her canines into his neck to satisfy her cravings. It wasn't just the blood that was causing her stomach to heat up. James gently stroked her hair letting her suck his blood for a few minutes to get in a quick breakfast.

She finally extracted her canines breathing heavier and still holding him tightly as she lapped at his neck. It was inappropriate, but James wasn't going to do anything to stop her letting her indulge as much as she wanted.

Afterwards James made some quick calls to Tsumugi and Mio to confirm the records were in order before taking Himiko to attend breakfast and introduce her.

His parents look confused and worried when he walks in with a unfamiliar malnourished looking girl they had never seen before.

"James, what's going on?" his mom asks in concern.

"Mom. This is Himiko. We met yesterday after she ran away from home." he explained.

"Oh no, what happened?" his mom said her confusing turning to concern for Himiko as soon as she heard she was a runaway.

Himiko held on tightly to his shirt as she pressed herself into his back somewhat hiding from his parents in nervousness. James smiled at her gently before turning back to his mother.

"As you can see she was being abused by her parents. I wasn't sure what to do, but I didn't want to abandon her." he said starting the pity party. His mother looked shocked and her eyes started watering. Meanwhile his father had a look of understanding in his eye as he looked at the cute girl in concern.

"Of course. You did the right thing." his mother said with some pride in her son for taking responsibility for the girl despite his age.

"Can we start breakfast? She hasn't had much to eat in quite a while." he said leading Himiko to the table and helping her take a seat next to his and nodding at the help to indicate for them to set the table for her.

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