Lucifer Quirk

20 – John 4:19

John 4:19

The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.

"Mother. Father. This is Himiko. As mentioned before I met her yesterday as she had run away from home. I just couldn't abandon her and the two of you were out last night so I let her stay the night." James started explaining after they had finally started the breakfast the maids had laid out for them. He was slowly filling Himiko's plate with many of the delicacies their cooks had prepared and would not only be better than the slop fed at the facility, but outclass anything she had probably ever eaten. He forgot she had fed on his blood though.

Himiko was happy sporting a slight smile. Not only did she get delicious blood and now food, but it was also being served to her by her first crush. Her life had gone from absolute hell to heaven overnight unlike she could ever have dreamed. There were still moments she thought she might actually be dreaming and would wake up to find herself back in the facility and this all to be a mere fantasy.

"You poor thing. You can stay here until we figure things out." James' mother immediately said before even discussing it with her husband. Seeing the cute, but malnourished girl had touched her heart. If only she knew how crazy the little minx was she might have had a second thought regarding letting her stay with her precious son. Then again she had no clue about his true nature either and how he was manipulating everyone involved for his own uses.

His father nodded, he wasn't too concerned as she seemed to get along with his son and it wasn't like taking care of her for a while would be an inconvenience with their resources. Better yet, if it helped instil responsibility in their son that could only be of benefit for him as his future heir to the Busujima consortium.

James smiled as things were progressing as he had expected by playing into his mother's empathy for the girl.

"She is still rather traumatised so I was going to let her sleep in my room until she calms down some." he said knowing that if he proposed something like that when he was a few years older his parents would have given him an adamant no, but he was still their cute little boy at this time.

"I guess that's ok sweetie. I'll have the maids prepare a new wardrobe for her for the moment. We can figure what to do about her situation over the weekend." his mother agreed.

"That's right. I will have them look up her information to see what to do about her situation and possibly her family." his father added.

James was happy that his preparation was going to be of use as soon as his father's team gathered the fake records that Mio had already entered into the systems to smooth his plans.

Himiko stared at James shyly while eating her breakfast trying to not say too much and ruin whatever he was going for while discussing with his parents.

"Make sure to eat plenty. We have to get some meat on your bones again, can't have such a cute girl looking all skin and bones." he said gently patting Himiko's head encouraging her to eat some more to regain some energy.

After breakfast he actually took Himiko to the gym for his daily workout and to discuss things with Tsumugi who was already there waiting for him. He started working out right away while Himiko settled to the side watching him with her growing obsession that was only exacerbated by her budding love and newfound appreciation for the male form that he had awakened in her and was growing as she watched him muscles contract during his exercise making her appreciate things she has never even paid attention to before.

"Sir, it's good to see that you're safe." Tsugumi said in excitement.

"Thanks Tsumugi. Good job on getting everything taken care of. Make sure to get everything prepared for Himiko to enter my class." he told her while going through his routine.

"Of course sir. We will have it done before the weekend is over." she assured him not wanting to disappoint him.

Himiko was shifting her stare between the two of them. She seemed less than thrilled about the way Tsumugi was looking at her James.

"It shouldn't be too hard to get her into my class as she is only one year older so just add some information to her record regarding her being held back a year. With the reports of suspected abuse we already added in there it shouldn't be hard to believe she was struggling enough to be held back." he said. Tsugumi was making sure to pay close attention to everything he said so they wouldn't mess up in executing his plans.

When he wrapped up his workout Tsugumi came over with a water bottle and towel, but was intercepted by Himiko who grabbed them from her slightly passive aggressively before skipping over to James to give him the water and wipe away his sweat that had built up over his workout that had blown Himiko's mind. She knew he was powerful from what little she had seen during his rescue. However seeing the weights he was lifting and being able to put numbers to his strength was really something else.

After taking a few big swigs of water James smiled at Himiko gently petting her in appreciation for the help though Tsugumi was less than thrilled. She liked being of assistance to their leader and she felt like her toes were being stepped on by the little girl. It had always been her helping out after his workouts once she took on her current position.

The rest of the day after his workout and report with Tsugumi was spent spoiling Himiko and getting her settled in to their new life. For the moment rather than having her own room she had decided to stay in his room and though his parents thought once she recovered some from her trauma that would change Himiko had no such intentions.

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