Lucifer Quirk

28 – Proverbs 18:24

Proverbs 18:24

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Over lunch James had already noticed that unlike Himiko, his parents were quickly warming up to Eri. It was hard to not love the little bundle of cute after all. His mom most of all as she had quickly accepted his recommendation of her and Himiko taking Eri shopping for clothing and essentials that she didn't have any of.

His mom's job already made it clear she was into such things and on top of that her maternal instinct made her want to dress the little girl up even more.

Eri was still quite shy, but the warm reception was doing a lot to start opening her up those other than James though it would take some time for her to get over the worst of her fears and fully let down all her walls.

After lunch they received a surprise visitor.

"OMG! She's so cute!" Momo yelled and couldn't stop herself from hugging Eri.

James chuckled watching them. It didn't seem like he would have to encourage Momo to have a relationship with Eri like he did for Himiko.

Himiko on the other hand was still sticking to his side making sure they kept as much physical contact as he would let her get away with. She knew his limits even if she regularly tried pushing them to see if she could get away with more.

"Hey Momo. This is Eri, my new little sister," James told her.

He looked at Eri who was still squished in Momo's now well developing bosom, something which frustrated Himiko to no end.

"And Eri, this is Momo. My oldest friend," he said.

"Hmph. How dare you call me old," Momo snorted.

"You know what I mean," he responded with a sigh.

"H-hi Momo," Eri said nervously once she managed to extricate herself from Momo's breasts.

"Oh you're such a cutie. We're going to spend so much time together," Momo said excitedly.

"Well Mom and Himiko are going to take her shopping tomorrow. You could join if you wanted," he informed her.

She couldn't contain a squeal as she immediately started planning where they needed to go and what they should get her.

While she was caught up in her thoughts Himiko whispered in his ear "If she is going, I could stay here...with you....alone." 

He sighed again. "No Himiko, you should go with them," he told her.

"But why?" she whined.

"Because you'll all have fun and get to know each other," he explained.

"But what if I want to get to know you better?" she returned to her flirtatious behaviour.

"We both know you know me plenty well," he answered with a deadpan look.

"Not well enough..." she said trailing her finger down his chest seductively.

He knew he wouldn't be able to keep her off him much longer. She was 15 now and well into her hormonal teens. He had already been blue-balling her for years just giving her hugs, kisses and cuddles to keep her somewhat satisfied. He didn't know how much longer she would last before she just decided to take what she desired rather than waiting for him to finally give in.

"Mouh, that's not fair," Momo interrupted them with a pout and grabbed onto his other arm and hugging him too.

James smiled at her jealousy. It was kind of cute. He might be more worried about the negative effects of such emotions, however he was constantly growing more powerful and seductive as his quirk and body developed. He wasn't too worried that things would end up biting him in the ass and he also made sure to monitor them himself and with his organisation for their safety and his own.

He gently rubbed both of their cheeks. "You're both going with Eri and Mom tomorrow, they could use your expertise" he told them both.

As soon as he did they practically melted in his hands like putty.

Momo let go of his arm and hit her fist against her chest. "Big sis Momo will definitely make sure you look great on your first day of school," she said with determination.

James was more distracted by the jiggle her actions caused than what she said. To his dismay Himiko wasn't the only one affected by their hormones and his own seemed to be on steroids in this life. Even with him regularly fucking the maids a teacher and others he was still horny all the time and he was beginning to wonder if it was a side effect of his quirk. Maybe his libido was also enhanced along with all of his other bodily functions. He couldn't complain too much though and he had enough willpower to make sure it didn't interfere with his life and goals.

"Thanks...uhm big sis," Eri ended up saying.

Momo was so happy she even left James side and hugged Eri again instead.

Himiko secretly smirked though happy to have James all to herself again. 'Maybe if Eri can take some of Momo's attention it isn't so bad to have her around,' she thought.

They all spent the afternoon together to get to know each other though they followed James around who still kept to his regular schedule which was full of working out his body and quirk to the maximum and studying. He could multi-task, but he wasn't going to delay his progress. The girls didn't seem to mind as Himiko liked to watch him and be lazy while Momo had fund getting to know Eri even more.

Momo ended up staying for dinner when his parents invited her to stay. She even managed to convince them to let her stay the night which lead to her giving Himiko a smirk as if she had won something.

Dinner and the evening went by rather quickly as everyone was having a good time, they even ended up snuggled on the couch all watching a movie together. Well all besides his father who still had work to do. His mother seemed excited to have so many pseudo daughters already though. He was a little worried about his future with women based off her behaviour. He had no plans regarding settling down anytime soon after all.

When night finally rolled around at first Momo went to Eri's room, but Himiko showed up in his room moments after they finished showering and joined him in bed snuggling into his side. She smiled running her hand up the inside of his thigh when suddenly the door slammed open and Momo walked in resolutely while holding Eri's hand dragging her behind herself and the two of them joining them in the bed to Himiko's annoyance.

Momo smirked, she had originally had similar plans to Himiko. However, when she knew those wouldn't work out she decided to use Eri to also ruin Himiko's plans.

James actually sighed in relief for the interruption as refusing Himiko was becoming really hard. Against Himiko's desires the night ended up passing in an entirely PG fashion.

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