Lucifer Quirk

29 – Samuel 2:26

Samuel 2:26

Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the LORD and also with man.

James woke up feeling something warm and moist wrapped around his dick. When he opened his eyes he just saw his blankets bobbing up and down at his waist. He smiled and tossed the blanket aside revealing one of the younger maids going to town on his morning wood.

Having been revealed she looked up at him with passion and adoration while working her way all the way down his shaft until it was firmly lodged in her throat. Some tears formed at the corners of her eyes, but she didn't relent as she did her best to pleasure him. He gently rubbed her cheek for a moment before shifting his hand to the back of her head to force her up and down his cock. She even started playing with herself getting even more into it once he started abusing her cute little mouth for his own pleasure.

Off to the side ignored by both was Himiko who was "sleeping". Looking at them from the crack in her shut eyelids. What was harder to hide was the noticeable motions happening in her pyjama pants as she was making the most of the show in front of her.

It didn't take much longer for him to finally plaster the back of the maid's throat which sent her over the edge too as she furiously played with her clit. She must have been at it for a while before he even woke up for him to finish so quickly.

It had been a year since they adopted Eri. 

She had opened up a lot over the year and even Himiko couldn't entirely resist her charm. Let alone Momo and his mom who had fully adopted her as their sister and daughter respectively. Eri had warmed up a lot to them and her positive personality was starting to shine through once again even after everything she went through. It would probably take years to get over the trauma and open up completely to strangers, but she had completely become a part of their little family.

He had managed to convince her to not be as afraid of her powers and slowly learn to use them. He was sure that as long as she got used to them she wouldn't be a danger to herself and others. It took a lot of work though as she had a deep trauma regarding her quirk that even after a year of work she wasn't near over yet. He had only just managed to get her started on meditation and trying very minor things with her quirk without her breaking down. He would keep working on it though as her losing control again would be a big problem. Such training would usually not work when dealing with a 5 year old, but she was exceptionally motivated when he told her about controlling her quirk to make sure such things never happened again.

His relationship with Momo had continued to develop. Her relationship as Eri's big sister only bringing her closer into his family as she spent even more time over at their house than she already did. He was starting to question if she lived with them or her parents. He couldn't blame her though with all the neglect she had to go through at home it was understandable for her to grasp on to anything that could take her away from that and she could experience at least a bit of what it was like having a family when she was with James and his family.

James convinced Momo to join his lessons that related to chemistry and engineering which he used to help her make the most of her quirk by improving her knowledge of molecules and the construction of more advanced machinery. It took quite a bit of investment, but he wanted her to be able to form even more intricate items than she did in the show and the only way to achieve that was having her remember more regarding those subjects. Meanwhile Momo would do anything to spend more time with him so convincing her to join those classes wasn't hard.

Himiko was becoming more and more persistent and it was getting harder and harder to resist her both due to how persistent she was and how his own attraction for her was growing. She was now 16 and was no longer just a cute little girl he could brush aside. Her constant teases were also becoming more effective on him every day that passed and she was learning how best to push his buttons. Her powers were also growing more and more as he was her only source of blood after she started to refuse drinking any other's blood. His was just too good and once she got hooked everything else tasted bland. 

Despite her propensity for laziness James had managed to figure out a good way to motivate her by rewarding her with hugs and kisses. Due to this and his knowledge of her talents from the show he had managed to train her with his organisation as somewhat of a spy with strong martial combat abilities to work well with her quirk. She still ended up favouring knives actually preferring being up close and personal while leaving her targets bloody.

There wasn't much of a change for his father who was mostly focused on growing his business though he did spend a little more time at home now that Eri had joined the family. It seemed no matter how charming James himself was he couldn't outdo the charm a little girl had towards a father making them want to spoil her.

His mother had experienced far greater growth and had capitalised on James' popularity who had now become the face of the male side of her fashion brands. His popularity leading to unprecedented growth for her business. Girls wanted their boyfriends to look like him or preferably be him and mothers wanted their sons to capture even a fraction of his looks by buying the clothes he modelled in. His mother capitalised on all of this by making him her most used male model.

She also managed to get Edna and Donna to work with her frequently by dangling him as the bait. As he grew older Donna was having a harder and harder time resisting his charm and they even had a few "personal shoots" with just the two of them which gave Donna some personal material to work with. He trusted she wouldn't leak any of it because it would harm her relationship with him and even if it did as a man it wouldn't truly harm his reputation. It might actually blow it through the roof if his fangirls got their hands on it.

He had grown into an exceptionally handsome man with a supernatural level of charm that couldn't be overlooked. He could now pass as an 18 year old despite only just reaching 15. His face had gained a lot of definition with his sharp eyes, defined cheek bones and strong jaw which only had some slight childish touches remaining in his features.

His body had none of those remaining as he had reached 6 foot 2(1,90 meters) and was built like a perfect blend between a gym physique and a swimmer's physique. A little bulk, but not too much with deep cuts to emphasise his muscles where they lacked the extreme bulk commonly associated with a body builder.

If he wanted to he could become a full time model and with just a little effort become the highest paid model in the country if not the world, but he had no interest in growing that side of his life any further. Through his multiple photoshoots and ad campaigns he had already built enough of a reputation for his future plans.

The only reason he even continued working for his mother's company was to help her business and maintain a little popularity at least until he started attending U.A. and had his true reveal at the U.A. sports festival. Though he had become popular based of his looks and charm no one knew just how powerful his quirk was. He had made sure to avoid any further testing and only his family and organisation knew even a fraction of his current power which was enough for them to believe he would have no problem attending U.A.. The rest of the world and his fans had no clue though. He had already laid the foundation to enter the scene with a bang once everyone found out that on top of being rich and good looking he was the most promising up and coming hero in training.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more of my work check out my Patreon.


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