Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in the cave 3

Shane stared at him for a moment before letting out a deep sigh and moving closer, not wanting Nielle to misunderstand that he was afraid of him. Shane didn't fear him, he just hated everyone in this country.

Once he walked to the princes, Nielle touched him and pulled him closer, switching their positions. Shane let himself be pressed against the bath side, as he didn't feel like delay things unnecessarily and waited to see what Nielle was planning.

Nielle locked his eyes with Shane's and stated, "I'm in a pretty good mood today so you can choose," he said as always but as soon as he did so Shane pushed him away sharply and glared at him in fury.

Nielle blinked in surprise, as he hadn't expected such an intense reaction to practically no threat, but Shane didn't let him talk.

"You say that one more time...and I'll kill you," he growled.

Nielle stared at him blankly for a moment before laughing lightly and approaching him again, "I saved your life Lacrisan…shouldn't you be more polite?" he roughly slammed Shane's injured shoulder into the edge of the bath, "Or do you want me to punish you for trying to escape now?" He pressed his wound.

Shane clenched his teeth painfully and gripped Nielle's hand on his shoulder, which only amused the prince and forced him to increase his strength.

"Don't expect me to be grateful," Shane said.

Nielle laughing and casually let him go, "I don't expect it, but you have to fulfill your duties...every either you give me your luck voluntarily...or we will do it the less pleasant way and maybe I'll call for the help you've been running away from," he 

Shane glared at him in anger. He recalculated the situation, how he didn't feel like doing a single thing, since his luck was in usual values, he looked at Nielle.

"I'll give you luck willingly... but I don't intend to sleep with you," he said.

Nielle laughed lightly, "If you sit there and spread your legs for don't have to," he said. Nielle didn't even have the energy for sex right now, he just wanted to enjoy some quality luck and attend to the work he neglected.

Shane didn't like his words, but since he had no choice and it was better than getting fucked or having his cock thrust into Nielle, he didn't object and sat on the edge of the bath.

Nielle with pleasure reached his thighs and spread them lightly as he wanted to get to his crotch. Shane didn't fight back, letting him between his legs. He leaned back and gave Niello a look that showed he was far from willing.

"A hot prince is going to give you a blowjob and you're acting like I'm planning to torture you," Nielle laughed and grabbed Shane's cock in his hand.

Shane gripped the edge of the bath tighter, but stayed quite.

Something about what Nielle was saying was true, but Shane wasn't going to give him a nod. He tried not to change his expression or react to anything Nielle said. That's why he kept looking away for a while. He didn't want his eyes to met with Nielle's, who started playing with his penis. 

Nielle took it in his hand and ran it over the tip, going down to the balls which he lightly tickled and laughed contentedly as Shane shivered violently.

"Tickly?" he teased and continued his hand up. He ran his fingers down his length that was slowly starting to harden under his touch and back up where he began to attend to his sensitive glans.

Shane dug his nails into the stone as Nielle's touches on his sensitive tip involuntarily excited him. Although he wasn't looking, he could feel the prince's work on his glans, his firm grip moving up, then little lower and squeezing his frenulum tightly between his fingers.

"Ngh!" Shane automatically tried to brought his legs together as it hurt, but Nielle's body wouldn't let him.

"Do you like it when it hurts? You've gotten harder." Nielle laughed and continued his work.

Shane didn't answer, he still didn't look down and just slightly closed his eyelids as he tried not to think about the fact that Nielle was right. It wasn't even that he liked the pain, it was just a great escape from the memories that were just too much. Since there wasn't any other way and only the pain could make him calm, he wasn't able to resist it. He wanted it to hurt…the more the better…because only then his mind could clear.

But as Nielle pumped his hand roughly down his length a few times, massaging his hard cock and stopping again at his tip, Shane moaned louder. Nielle's fingers made their way to the tiny hole on Shane's glans, circling it for a moment before digging his nails into it roughly.

"AAGH!" Shane screamed in pain as streaks of blood ran down his cock, forcing him to look at Nielle for the first time.

The sharp pain cleared his mind for a moment and Shane felt good until Nielle loosen his grip again and forced Shane to let out a soft breath. However, the moment his cock was lost in the warm grip of something that no longer resembled a palm, Shane glared at Nielle.

His eyes landed on the white hair of the prince who took Shane's large member in his mouth and tasted his blood. The minor injuries weren't enough to fully replenish Nielle's luck, but they were still enough to confirm what he already knew. Shane's luck was truly incomparable.

Shane moaned loudly and gritted his teeth as his crotch flared painfully as his luck coursed through Nielle. He shivered slightly and bit his lip as Nielle kept running his tongue over his glans at the same time. Pleasure mixed with pain, as if his body couldn't choose what it wanted to feel. However, just as Nielle gently bit his tip, Shane subconsciously slammed his hard dick into Nielle's mouth.

Nielle jerked away with a cough as Shane drove his cock deep down his throat.

"S-shit...agh-nhg-ngh...are you sane-agh?!" he glared at him in fury and continued to cough, "Don't move and stay still! Damn Lacrisan!"

After a while when he calmed down he came closer to him again, "You do that one more time or move without permission and I'll fuck you and stick right here," he pushed his fingernail into the hole in Shane's glans, "something you will not like." he growled.

Shane watched Nielle threaten him for a moment, but he couldn't bring himself to fear his words. Not that he wanted to have something stuck in his penis, but the overall situation seemed strange to him to stress about it. So he just nodded...even though Nielle just looked like a pissed off puppy to him. And Shane had to chuckle inwardly.

Nielle stared at him for a moment before taking his cock in his mouth again and continuing with blowjob. Shane didn't take his eyes off Nielle. He watched as his white hair moved up and down in rhythm with his mouth moving expertly over his cock. He could feel his saliva moistening his hard dick, he could feel Nielle's nimble tongue playing with his glans, his lips tightly gripping his tip and squeezing it violently between them as if his cock was gummy candy.

Shane opened his mouth each time and moaned louder as Nielle's work drove him to orgasm. Although he knew what this was leading to, although he knew that the pain would be the same as the pleasure, somewhere in the corner of his soul he was looking forward to the pain. Nielle was really good at this and even the fact that he looked just like the type Shane liked, didn't help delay the orgasm that was coming harder and harder.

"Ngh-ágh!" he closed his eyelids, lifting his hand lightly and bringing it closer to Nielle's hair. 

He wanted to correct his pace, wanted to grab him by those white hair, thrust his cock deep into his throat...hold him there, until Nielle choked with tears in his eyes and then slammed into him again. He held his hand just above his hair for a moment before biting his lip and pulling his hand away. He knew there was nothing he could do…at least not yet.

He watched the prince playing with his cock for a while longer, occasionally gliding his eyes down to his body half in the water, watching the drop trickle down his neck, down his pale chest, to his shaft hidden under the surface...before he realized he couldn't last much longer.

"I-ahh! Shit!" he closed his eyelids and tightened his grip on the edges of the bath.

Nielle smiled softly at his words and quickened the pace of his work, his tongue licking his glans, his lips pressing against his frenulum and his fingers beginning to massage the rest of his long cock. Shane couldn't help but gasp at how exciting Nielle's work was today. 

His pleasure grew with every single touch and when he couldn't take it anymore, he came into Nielle's mouth with a loud exhale. He lightly thrust deeper between Nielle's lips, but that was something Nielle expected. Nielle pushed into his thighs and contentedly swallowed everything Shane's body had to offer...the most delicate luck he had ever tasted.

Nielle would have moaned in pleasure at how much energy filled him if he hadn't had a mouth full of Shane's cock. His body brought to life by the quality of Shane's luck, and although Nielle had the opportunity to try it more than once, he had the impression that it had never been more intense. He licked Shane's cock for a while before pulling back and laughing with pleasure.

"Ah, you really are good for something, Lacrisan," he said, how great he felt.

And Shane at the edge felt comparably. The pain that ignites his penis flooded his body with shivers and spasms, forcing his cock to twitch harshly, strong enough to turn him on for a moment, filling him with a beautiful unconscious and clear mind. Shane loved pain, and while he didn't like giving his luck, at least this one thing was advantageous to him.

"Since I'm satisfied, today we'll leave it at that, wash up and get to the dungeons, today I'll introduce you to the executioner," Nielle said.

Shane jumped into the water and took the opportunity, "I want to ask something."

Nielle looked at him, "What?" he didn't understand.

"In that report with the informations about my past... what was in it that I don't know?" he asked.

Nielle had almost forgotten that he had obtained such a thing at all, "Ah," he laughed, "very funny things that you were given the opportunity to obtain, but showed no interest in." he said.

"But-" Shane tried, but Nielle cut him off.

"If you'll be obedient and stop creating problems, or if you reveal your real reason for coming here, maybe I'll tell you... but you won't rejoice... I say, your whole life is a joke, and the fact that you don't realize it is even more so. " he said.

Shane tried, "If you answer my questions now, we can still improve our relationship, I'll try to ignore this crap you gave me," ge touched his neck where he could feel the black collar, "and we can live in cooperation with each other...I can be useful when I want to be," he repeated the offer from their first meeting.

Nielle measured him for a moment before laughing lightly, "You're wrong about something, Lacrisan. I thought you had it figured out, but I don't care if you cooperate...I said it then, I say it all the time, I'll use you when I want, how I want...I don't need help with anything and the only thing I keep the cocky Lacrisan with me, is to find out what you're looking for here, taking your luck and having fun…I'm not making deals with the Lacrisans, ever." he summed.

Shane knew, "I thought so…in that case I'll get it out of you myself," he stated calmly.

Nielle looked at him in disbelief for a while, before he laughed, "Threats? How cute you be. And there I wanted you to take a break from being roughed up when you were nearly killed by an arrow." he didn't understand how this Lacrisan could be so mean.

Shane remembered, "Actually…if it wasn't you, who was it?" he didn't understand.

Nielle, said, "If you stop delaying, you might get a chance to interrogate the suspect first hand today, " he stepped out of the bath.

Shane, who was quite interested in the matter came out of the water as well. Nielle tossed him one of the robes he had brought for him and after they got dressed they headed out.

Nielle wondered who knew he had left the palace and caused such trouble. He wanted to catch the culpit, interrogate him, and destroy the next scumbag who thought that he might get in his way.

That's why he believed that his people had caught someone...and although it probably wasn't the person at the lead of everything, Niello didn't mind. Because Nielle had more than enough resources to find out anything...and now that he could test Shane's abilities for himself, he wasn't going to wait any longer.

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