Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in the fireflies 2

Nielle couldn't believe his bad luck when he got the report from the members of his Black Guard. He wanted to hear about the suspects in the whole situation and he knew his men were experienced enough to figure something out in two days. However, he didn't expect that their findings would be completely useless.

"The soldiers caught him the day you left the camp, sir. He made no attempt to hide and even shouted out how many Lacrisans he had shot recently. He didn't resist and said he was working alone, venting his anger on the Lacrisans. We sent the message saying that we were looking for him and wanted to be in charge of the interrogation...but he committed suicide on the way and-" he said.

Nielle looked in disbelief at what bullshits he was talking about and said, "That's enough," he laughed, "so you caught didn't interrogate him...he killed himself...and you believe he's working alone."

"No sir...if he was working alone he wouldn't have killed himself... he was probably afraid of being questioned in the capital and knew he wouldn't keep his mouth shut," the soldier knew.

Nielle sighed, "I was just starting to think that you turned completely stupid in two days without me...knowing that, did you at least find out something about him?"

"Yes, sir...although we don't know the name, we can't trace who he was working with, he doesn't keep bank accounts and none of the spies have ever seen him in the country, he has a tattoo of the Church of Bad Luck and on the day you left, the patrols saw him walking in the direction of their church.

Nielle blinked confused, "Church of bad luck? That's weird...I don't understand, when did we turn them into enemies?" he didn't know.

"Never, sir...we have never followed their actions until now," he clarified.

"Indeed," Nielle knew that this was true as he himself had no desire to interfere with the running of any church. 

Nielle didn't expect the church to carry out crimes in the country, and he didn't intend to make unnecessary work with something that had no meaning. However, as soon as someone took the first step, he wasn't going to overlook it just because people gave them considerable power.

The church of Luck and Bad luck was something that even the king couldn't control. They were independent organizations, living on the faith of the people who believed in them, and governments had no influence over their religion. Nielle didn't want to start conflicts with any of them, and although the church of Bad luck was weaker, it still presented an unappealing fight to him.

However, since they had made the first hostile move, Nielle wasn't going to retreat. Because giving way to a new enemy was the same as allowing himself to be destroyed by him...and he wasn't going to let that happen.

"Be at the main gate with some men in an hour...we'll take a walk," he ordered and as soon as he nodded, he and Shana left.

Shane, who was just listening the whole time, didn't understand why a member of the church would shoot him. But he didn't ask anything. He walked silently behind Nielle, who seemed barely aware of him. In his own thoughts, as if he didn't even know what he wanted to do for the hour, he ignored Shane and walked.

He didn't know where he wanted to go, but he didn't expect to stop by Elyan's house. He watched as Nielle knocked and Prince Brelle let them in.

"Morning Shane…I'm glad you came like I said," Brelle smiled.

"I didn't...I'm just following him," Shane nodded to Nielle.

"Where did Elyan go?" Nielle didn't understand.

"Should I greet your Highness with a red carpet every time you come here?" Elyan asked from behind, "You know where people go for treatment, so don't stand in the doorway and come here." he said. 

Nielle laughed and came to him, "I don't need anything...check him so I can give him some work," he nodded to Shane.

Elyan looked at Shane and pointed to the bed next to him, "Sit down."

Shane looked at him, "You saved me?" he asked.

"Prince Nielle brought you in time... I just did my job. If you're grateful, don't look for trouble so you don't add work to me," he clarified, "All Rinselans and Lacrisans like to play with life."

Shane, noticing his appearance the first time they met, asked, "You're from Equil, aren't you?"

Elyan looked up at him, "Boy, I believe I don't have blue or black eyes." 

"He's from Equil," Nielle laughed, "when we were smaller, we envied his brown eyes."

"Brutal difference in color," Elyan was preparing his meds.

"Why did you come to Rinsel? Equil doesn't have good relations with any of the countries but this shity country has nothing to offer to you." Shane didn't understand.

"Because of work, of course. The patients are the same everywhere, the doctor doesn't care what country you're from...I got the opportunity to work at the palace, I had no reason not to go...I have advantages that I wouldn't have at Equil."

"You don't sound like you love Equil," Shane was intrigued.

"I love Equil," added Elyan, "as Equil gives its people beautiful fabrics, sweets, all kinds of food, art and entertainment....Rinsel gives  

the people war," he said, "Equil is a peaceful land full of colors and joy of life, since we can't take luck and we are given right from birth how long we will live, people make life enjoyable for themselves instead of ruining it for others," he said, "Equil is my home...and now sit down." he commanded.

Shane was surprised by Elyan's approach, but he was grateful to him therefore he intended to make sure that he would repay him someday. He thought for a while before he actually sat down and gave Nielle a brief look that caught the prince's attention.

"Do you want to thank me too?" Nielle laughed.

Shane watched him in disbelief, "Thank you?" he ran his fingers across his neck, "I'll never thank you for anything." he declared.

Nielle laughed but didn't speak. He watched as Elyan began to questioned Shane and sat back in his chair wondering what the appropriate plan would be today. The whole examination didn't take long, and after Nielle refused to let Elyan check his back, they headed outside.

Shane was quite surprised when they didn't head to the dungeons. He thought Nielle would drive him to work today, but instead they got to the kitchen. 

"Your Highness," one of the Lacrisans from his harem who was working in the kitchen greeted him, "Shall I bring you something?" he asked.

"Yes...something light," he stated and made his way deeper into the kitchen where he introduced Shane to the cooks and staff.

"I don't have time to worry about what you eat... when you're hungry, go here, they'll make you something... if you don't ask, you'll be hungry... I don't care," Nielle clarified.

Shane was surprised a moment, "Can I come here anytime?"

"Aren't you listening?" Nielle didn't understand.

"I don't understand," he said, "everyone who comes to the royal kitchen gets to eat? In Lacris, the royal dining room serves members of the royal family, no one else goes there."

Nielle laughed, "Lacris probably love to waste food... do you know how much food is brought to the palace? Do you think four people will eat everything you see here? Don't keep reminding me what moronic laws you have in Lacris...anyone I introduce to the, Louis, the king, Brelle, or anyone known to work in the palace gets to eat in the kitchen...I won't say it again."

Shane wasn't sure what to say, but at that moment he was quite ashamed of the customs of the Lacris. Because Nielle was right, and the waste of food in his country was truly intolerable.

"Do you work here anytime?" Shane asked the cook, but his words were met with laughter.

"Anytime? I'm not a machine...if you're hungry before the gate close, I'll make you anything...but after that, I sleep." He said. 

"We're here all day, but we're not soldiers to work at night," laughed another, "Iuwine goes out at night to prepare midnight meals for the prince alone...but you want us to work all night? If you want something at night, do it yourself. "

"I didn't mean it like that." He wanted to explain that he wondered if the working hours in Lacris and their country were also different...and they were...because in Lacris the kitchen was open all day, all night...every day.

Shane worked for Prince Darwin at Lacris, but he wasn't a member of the royal family and therefore didn't have the privilege of eating in the main kitchen. Every time he wanted to eat, he had to ask or wait for permission from the prince. The food was more or less a reward for his work. Since he did a lot of his work perfectly, he could eat without worrying, but that wasn't the rule. He couldn't go into the kitchen and ask for anything himself. 

He never found it strange, although he knew how much food was thrown away, since the ingredients from it couldn't be eaten by the king and his sons alone. 

He didn't think working all day and all night was strange, but the more time he spent in Rinsel, the stronger was the impression that their thinking was different in every way.

The princes in Lacris were far more spoiled, incompetent and lazy...the palace was built to serve the chosen and the entire land was built to accommodate the government's wishes. While in Rinsel, Shane got the impression that the government actually served the people. And while he wasn't at all pleased with the result, he was beginning to understand why Lacris couldn't really beat them at anything all these years, even though they had the upper hand in luck.

As soon as they had something to eat in the kitchen, Nielle made his way to the gate where he had his men summoned. Shane didn't know what his plans were, but he was quite curious as to who wanted to kill him, so he was satisfied when Nielle took him with him.

He didn't know where he actually wanted to go, but he expected them to go out of town. In none of the countries were the church buildings directly in the capital cities. They built their own...and although the Church of Bad Luck didn't have the power and money to build cities, it also didn't build buildings in parts belonging to other churches or governments.

And so they went to one of their places to question the suspect behind Shane's aching shoulder and Nielle's sore back. To repay their attention. 

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