Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 12. Rest of the Night

“Do you like her?” I sighed from all of the girl spirits hovering around me while all asking the same question. Most had smiles on, except Unhappy Maiden of course. “Would you all just leave it be?” I asked, but it was clear they didn’t want to let this go. I was still walking towards the school with Alexis still on my back, and I didn’t really want to talk about this while she was this close, asleep or not.

“I think that already tells us the answer…” Dreamsprite said with a teasing tone. I sighed at them, as they all giggled and chuckled at me. Dark Witch flew close by and gave me a warm smile. “Don’t worry Rakki, us spirits don’t mind if you take us along with others.” I began to cough from the absurdity of that statement. “What the-” Was all I could choke out in between coughs. The spirits laughed again, except for Unhappy maiden who just held onto my jacket with a slight nod of affirmation. 


After I finished my coughing fit I shook my head and sighed. “Please tell me you’re joking…” Goddess of Whim spoke up next after she stopped chuckling. “Nope! Us spirits don’t really care about that whole one person thing. If we like a human to bond with, why should we care about the others they’re bonded to?” I sighed again at all of this insanity that I was being thrust with every day. “So… All of you…? We could… And if…” I kept stammering of what all that meant with a frown, but my bright red face gave away my embarrassment.


All of the girls laughed at me, and said their goodbyes as I made it inside the school. They disappeared to make sure others wouldn’t see them, as I made my way over to the medical wing. ‘They said you’ll be fine, and that you just need some rest from the strain of using all of that power when your soul wasn’t ready. Please just wait until I can get you somewhere comfortable.’ I said to Alexis in my mind, but somehow it almost looked like she heard me as she held me tighter in her sleep.


Normally I would have been embarrassed from having a girl like this to me, especially with her well endowed chest pushing on my back, but right now I was too guilt ridden, and worried to think about that sort of thing right now. The girls talking earlier had helped take my mind off of worrying about Alexis, but now it was just us. I walked through the empty halls, and made my way over to the girls dorm though the normal way. I was a bit confused why Jayden and I went through the docks the last time considering nothing stopped me from going this way, but I soon found out my issue.


There were still girls awake in the main dorm building, and as soon as they noticed me I was immediately stopped. “What do you think you are doing to Alexis you creep!!” ‘Should’ve just gone to the medical wing and let the teachers know that we broke rules, rather than getting reamed by all these annoying girls…’ I sighed as all of the girls ran over to berate and interrogate me on what I was doing. The more they kept bugging me, the more I was losing my patience. “Will you all… SHUT UP!!?” I yelled at them all, my voice filled with anger. I already had a rough day, and I didn’t need this to add on.


They all quieted down, and I rolled my eyes at how annoying all of these students could be. “I wanted to take her to your dorm manager, so we can get her the help she may need. Now will you all… leave… me… alone…” Truth is I really wanted to just bring her back to her room so she might think this was just a dream, and I wouldn’t have to be interrogated, but I had to come up with an excuse as to why I didn’t try to bring her to the infirmary first. All of the girls made a path for me in silence as I walked.


By this time the dorm teacher came out of her room in a hurry after hearing a male voice yelling. She looked down at me with shock at what she was witnessing. “Thank you… Now can we get Alexis to the infirmary? Or do you care more about what happened rather than making sure that she is ok like your students here?” I gave them the side eye as they all looked away ashamed of how true that was. The teacher rushed down and led me to the infirmary while I still kept Alexis on my back.


We made it to the infirmary, and the teacher unlocked the door to let us inside. ‘I guess that’s a good excuse… I wouldn’t have been able to get in without breaking the door down.’ I sat down on one of the beds they had, and attempted to let Alexis go, but she just held on tighter to me. I grabbed her hands and tried to move her fingers off of me, but she was grabbing my jacket tightly. She even pushed herself against me tighter for what I was trying. I sighed and looked at the teacher.


She looked to be in shock at what she was seeing. Her hand was in front of her slightly agape mouth, and her eyes were wide. I sighed again, but there was little I could do. I didn’t want her one lifeline to leave her. ‘She’s probably using anything to make her feel safe at the moment after the trauma of being inside that sketchy dorm, and whatever that fucker did to terrorize her.’ I scowled just thinking about him again. 


“What happened?” I was brought back out of my thoughts by the dorm teacher. Just as I was about to say anything the door was thrown open causing both of our heads to snap towards the direction of the door. “What did you do to Alexis!?” Jasmine barged inside while screaming at me, with Mindy behind her trying her best to calm Jasmine down. “There must be a good explanation, we both know Alexis-” They both turned silent at the scene of Alexis grabbing onto me tightly.


I sighed again at how I was going to explain this. ‘I honestly can’t think of an excuse.’ I sighed again at my own incompetence. ‘I have a few options… I could just not say anything, and have Alexis do the same… They wouldn’t have anything to hold against us… But then Alexis’s social life would crumble with the rumors of her getting with me… These students seem like the type… I can’t have that happen to her just to save myself… Fuck it then.’ 


“I was walking through the forest, and found myself at this creepy abandoned dorm. I wanted to leave from how creepy it was, but I heard screaming from inside so I rushed in to find this big creepy guy standing over Alexis who was passed out. He forced me to duel him in a 'shadow game' as he called it, and disappeared after I won. So then I ran back over here with her.” I took a large breath, and sighed at how much this would bother me. But I couldn’t let Alexis have the downfall of this. I would have to face the disciplinary committee, but Alexis was fine and that was what mattered more.


Everyone was frozen in shock until the teacher snapped out of it to call other faculty, leaving the girls here to watch over Alexis and I. Jasmine and Mindy were both staring at me, almost commanding me with their eyes to explain more. I sighed and shook my head. I was tired and wanted at least some sleep before the committee would tear me a new one. With those thoughts in mind I started to lay down on the bed with Alexis still attached to me. “What the hell are you doing!?” Jasmine screamed at me and Mindy was wide eyed from my boldness.


I sighed as I got more comfortable. “I’m tired and I can’t exactly get her off right now… Don’t worry, she’ll probably attack me when she wakes up later for you…” I said as I closed my eyes while adjusting Alexis’s head on the pillow next to mine. Jasmine kept stammering for something to say, but she was too mad to be able to say anything. My eyes were closed so I didn’t know what Mindy was doing but she was completely silent. And with all of that, the most stressful night of my life came to a close.

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