Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 13. Trial

I woke up to a loud banging, and yelling from behind the door. “Open this door immediately! We are the Disciplinary Action Squad!!” I groaned, and felt like I still had no sleep. “Sell your cookies somewhere else!!” I yelled with my eyes still closed. But with me yelling affirmed to them of my position inside. They burst through the door, and before I knew it I was surrounded by one Japanese police woman, and all of her loyal soldiers. “Rakki Ichido! You will be coming with us!” I noticed I was still under the covers and they couldn’t see anything but my head, and Alexis was still sound asleep, while gripping onto me.


I couldn’t let them see Alexis like this or rumors may start, so I had to get them out of the room. I smirked at the woman. “Ok… You can have me… But just know I’m completely naked, and dragging me out of this bed will have you looking at the naked body of a minor… Unless you’re into that I guess…” The woman’s face turned red as she scowled at me and stammered a bit. “That is vulgar!! All men will stand guard at the door, and give you five minutes to change or I’ll have them change you themselves!!” She yelled at me while leaving with her soldiers.


After they slammed the door I chuckled at how easy that was, and removed the blanket overtop of us. Alexis seemed to respond to the sudden light change and buried her head into my back. I sighed just looking at her with a defeated smile. She was cute, and I wanted to continue this, but I had to go and leave her here. I took off my jacket she was still attached to, and noticed her eyes were straining when I did this. It seemed she still wanted to feel she was still hanging on to me, and I left her. I frowned and sighed while thinking of a solution. I quickly went over to one of the other beds and moved the curtains out of the way to see we had company.


Jasmine was sleeping in this bed. ‘She really didn’t trust me enough huh?’ I sighed and shrugged my shoulders while stealing her extra pillow. I then quickly fit the pillow in my jacket giving Alexis something to hold onto. As I was just wearing my black T-shirt while putting on my duel disk one thought came to my mind. ‘How did neither of them wake up through that? Alexis maybe, but Jasmine? None of that woke her?’ I shook my head as there was banging on the door again. “You better not try to run!!” I heard the police looking woman yell through the door. “Agh!! Help! peeper!!” I screamed sarcastically to mess with her.


Just then, I opened the door and saw her scowling and blushing face. I grinned at her as all of the soldiers surrounded me and escorted me to where I had to go. After a bit of stares from other passing students in the halls. I didn’t realize that any would be here this early in the day, but that would only mean one thing. ‘Let the rumors commence…’ I sighed from the annoyance this was, causing the police woman to scowl at me more. I gave her a quizzical look. “What? You mad because someone is making fun of the one joy in your life? Clearly don’t have a boyfriend…” This only raised the amount of hatred she had for me, and almost had to be restrained by one of the soldiers.


I rolled my eyes at her and continued walking over to the committee for their discussion. There was the principal, the police woman, and crowler to name a few. I didn’t really know the few others. The police woman started. “We must punish this vulgar rule breaker to show an example to the school!!” I scoffed at her gaining the attention of the committee. “Wow shocker… The person who has a hard-on for punishing people wants to punish someone at the first chance she gets… Sure you don’t want a different line of work involving a whip?” She blushed again and started stammering from anger, not able to fully complete a single word.


As she was doing that, I made my own case. “I wanted to rescue someone who might have been in danger. What would you have me do? If I did nothing you might be in a huge rapist scandal… Think about that for a second. If you throw me out, who knows what the news may hear about from an anonymous source.” Ending my little announcement made everyone freeze. “You’re blackmailing us!?” The police woman yelled while slamming her desk.


I shrugged my shoulders at her. “Self preservation at most, princess. You are threatening me for doing what your job is, so I’m just making sure you understand that you are also at fault as well, Ms. head of campus security… Who did he walk right past to make me break your precious rules again?” I held up my hand to my ear to hear what she would say better. She kept stammering with a deep red face while the other faculty just stared at her. I sighed while looking over to Crowler. He was sweating while being strangely quiet. I knew he was the person responsible for smuggling that fucker in so I had to let the girl off somewhat.


I looked back over at the depressed looking police woman and sighed again while giving her a saving grace. “Just look past this one time, and there will be nothing to tell. I’ll sign an NDA, and you can get me for something else I may do later that I can’t say anything about… Does that sound fair to everyone?” I looked around at the other council members who were thinking, but couldn't find anything wrong with my proposal. I finally looked back at the top three to see Crowler nodding begrudgingly, probably because either his plan to get Jayden expelled failed, or that he didn’t like me that much either.


The police woman was frowning and her face was scarlet, but she wasn’t saying anything against my idea. Finally the principal was looking around as well, judging what the others thought and came to a conclusion. “Very well Rakki… If you and Alexis grant us NDA’s, never speak of being at that night, and promise to never go inside there again I believe those are acceptable terms.” I nodded at him. “I will sign it as soon as you draw one up, just show me the dotted line… I’ll hope that Alexis isn’t too traumatized to want to hide this… Maybe if you throw in some damages for her like free counselling if she needs it, some DP, and maybe someone from the Disciplinary action squad to help guard her…”


The principal smiled and nodded. “Of course, at her discretion…” I smirked back at him and began to leave. “Good then…” I left the room to see Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy all running at me from down the hall. Alexis spoke up first. “What did they do to you!?” She seemed really worried and guilt ridden of the trouble she may have caused me. I smiled at her, and was glad that she seemed to bounce back from the trauma of that place quickly. 


“I’m fine. I even got a deal for you too. Just say that you were brought inside against your will, sign a NDA, and you’re good.” I cracked my knuckles a bit after finishing everything up, and stretched my arms while yawning and walking away from the girls. “Now I’m going to get some proper sleep.” I sighed, half teasingly to Alexis, and I could hear Mindy giggling from what I assumed was Alexis’s reaction.

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