Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 34. Mokey Mokey!

“Rakki… Class is over.” I was woken up by Blair nudging my shoulder. “Hmm… Ok…” I slowly stretched myself awake while everyone else in class was leaving. “So Rakki! You wanna help with my deck!?” I looked towards Jayden to see his grinning expression while he held his deck up to me. “Sure, why not?” I quickly jumped over the desk to look at the cards he was working with. I had a general understanding of his cards at this point, but I wanted a quick refresher.


Everyone else crowded around to see Jayden's deck as well. I was a bit surprised that Alexis’ friends wanted to stay, but got back to work. I sighed when I saw all of his equip spells for just singular heroes. ‘That’s like a 1/50 chance to get this card when you already have the hero it needs… What is his luck?’ “Well… I did think of one or two cards to add.” I frowned from thinking how different the playstyle of my suggestion may throw Jayden’s game.


“What cards are you thinking?” Jayden asked while he looked over my shoulder to see some of his cards he never played yet since coming here. I could tell Jayden was glad I wasn’t telling him to cut cards from his deck he liked. Every card was special to him. “Mask Change.” I took out my PDA, and looked for that archetype of fusion monsters. It didn’t take long before my screen was filled with other HERO monsters. “Here. Check it out.” I handed over my PDA to Jayden, and he quizzingly looked at all of the monsters.


I could see his head starting to spin from all that he was seeing, so I decided to boil it down for him. “Basically, you get another type of polymerization called ‘Mask Change’... You use it as a quick play spell on one of your Hero monster’s, and that hero becomes another type of ‘Masked Hero’ from your extra deck.” Syrus yelled his confusion from my explanation. “From only one card!?” 


I nodded while I glanced at Jayden’s deck again. “Yea. It’s mostly used to change a hero into a stronger one in a pinch… I don’t know how well it would mesh with your deck though. You would have to get your monster’s back from the grave somehow to use them for normal polymerization, and I only see about 3 ways to do that here.” I said while pointing to his deck. “I’m not saying to completely overhaul your deck by the way. I think it’s fine. Just a random card you may want in a pinch is what I think you need to cover your back from that sealing trap like what Bastion did.”

Jayden stared at all of the different monsters that came from this one card. All of the new possibilities that he had with one kind of Hero that could change to a multitude of others. It was almost like rediscovering his favorite monsters. He looked at the abilities that each one of these new Hero’s had, and was amazed by how he never knew about these amazing cards. He knew it wouldn’t change his favorite combo of Flame Wingman, but it was cool to have something new up his sleeve.


“I’ll look it up…” Jayden said with his eyes glued between our PDA’s to transfer the data from mine to his. He gave my PDA back, and took his seat down in front of his cards while he scrolled through all the new Hero’s he might use. While he was researching new cards, Bastion came into the room. “Rakki!” I snapped my vision over to the door to see Bastion calling out for me. He pointed up while he continued talking. “Professor Crowler wanted to see you on the roof.”


I immediately remembered how Crowler wanted Jayden to sleep through his match in a few days by making him play against the Mokey Mokey guy. ‘Is he trying to use me as bait for Jayden, or does he want me to pass out and wake in the girls' dorm?’ I squinted with distrust just thinking about what Crowler wanted. “The hell is he hassling me for…?” I said under my breath as I got my things. I looked up to Alexis, and had a thought. “Can you come with me?”


Alexis scoffed while she gathered her things as well. “You don’t know how to get to the roof don't you?” I froze while just realizing that myself. ‘How do I get to the roof?’ Alexis chuckled a bit while Jasmine made fun of me. “Hah your sense of direction sucks!” “Is that really the best insult you have?” I smirked while I followed behind Alexis. Jasmine, Mindy, and Blair all decided to come along with us. Jasmine yelled she didn’t trust me being alone with Alexis. 


‘Well, they should only go to sleep for a while so I think it’ll be ok.’ I wanted Alexis because she had a Duel Spirit connected to her soul to help guard her from the Mokey Mokey guy’s affects. I wanted to make sure to have a witness to stop Crowler from making me pass out, and dumping me into the girls’ dorm. ‘Actually maybe he called me from sleeping in his class all the time…’ I chuckled a bit under my breath while Alexis led the way up to the last bit of the roof. “Here we are.” She said as she opened the door to showcase the massive roof that surveilled over the whole island.


“Wow…” Blair said as she took in the wonder of this place. I took a deep breath of the cool air while the wind blew over my hair. “I like this place.” I smirked while I looked around. I felt like a King, looking down from his castle. “I could get used to this.” I nodded with affirmation, until I noticed the napping blue coat near the edge. He looked up after just noticing us, and smiled. “Hey dudes! You’re Rakki right? I’m here to Duel ya!” 


He slowly got up while the girls were confused about who this guy was. His uniform was in tatters, and they never saw him before, despite him wearing the Obelisk blue jacket. I scoffed while nodding at him. It felt so long since I could Duel, and I wanted to see what this guy had. “You’ll be fine boy… Those little fairy’s have no effect on beings such as I.” I grinned larger now that I had Zorc’s approval. “Alright. I was getting bored anyway.”


I turned my Duel Disk on and checked my deck quickly to see everything was in order. “Sweetness man! We all gotta just chill out and have fun! Otherwise the man wins.” I rolled my eyes from this hippie, and just hoped he could pose a threat. “Let’s see what you got. Duel!!”


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 Belowski


As soon as our duel started, Belowski’s droopy eyes furrowed a bit with amazement. “Wow dude! That's a lot of Duel Spirits you have! You must be a really chill dude to make all of them happy.” I noticed he only knew about my spirits when the duel started. ‘He must only realize they exist when they are protecting me… Good to know.’ I already had an idea that might be the case from when I dueled Jinzo, and how I only ever saw Jayden’s Winged Kuriboh whenever it made itself known to Jayden.


“I’ll go first, man.” He waved to me as he took out cards from his deck. “First I’ll summon Mokey Mokey in defense Modey Modey!” He summoned his monster, and I was treated to a small marshmallow with an antenna, and droopy eyes.


Mokey Mokey/Fairy/Normal/Level 2/ Atk:300 Def:100 Mokey Mokey


I sighed from how he was talking, and the cards he was using. ‘I hope he has a strong spell to tribute that weakling.’ “I’ll just toss down a couple face downs and chill now!” He cheered as he admired his monster. “...Are you sure…? Are you sure you're done?” I asked, trying to get him to do something better than this as an Obelisk Blue. ‘Do they just give anyone those jackets!?’ “Naw man! It’s all about relaxing, and enjoying life dude! Check out some of your friends! They totally get it now man!”

I looked behind me to see Jasmine, and Mindy talking about how cute Mokey Mokey was. “He is just the cutest!” “I know! I wanna just squish him!” I was glad that Alexis and Blair seemed protected for the moment. “I guess maybe…” “I’m not seeing it…” They both said with slightly confused tones for how Jasmine and Blair were acting.


I sighed again with how easily I would mop the floor with this guy. “I Draw!” I looked down at my cards to see what moves would be best. I thought for a bit, and came to a conclusion to deal the most damage as fast as I could. “I summon Snipe Hunter in attack mode!” I placed my card onto my Duel Disk, and I watched as my little purple goblin spun the dial on his pistol with a cocksure attitude.


Snipe Hunter/Fiend/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1500 Def:600 Snipe Hunter


“Next I activate his special ability! I discard one card from my hand, and my hunter spins the dial on his pistol here. As long as he doesn’t misfire with a 1 or a 6 he can destroy any card on the field!!” I discarded my ‘Exchange’ card, no way I was going to want any cards he had, and I watched as Snipe Hunter clicked a button on the side of his pistol. The colorful dial quickly spun, before slowly coming to a stop on a number.


We both smiled as it landed on the red 2. “Go! Destroy his little marshmallow!” Snipe Hunter nodded while licking his lips, and took aim. He shot his gun with deadly accuracy, and destroyed the card platform Mokey Mokey was summoned on. “Aw Man…” Belowski groaned a bit while his monster was destroyed. “Alright, now Snipe Hunter! Attack his life points directly!!” I yelled with a smile on my face. It may not be a close match, but I still enjoyed winning with a beatdown. Snipe Hunter quickly shot Belowski, and his life points diminished rapidly.


4,000 Rakki ---- 2,500 Belowski

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