Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 35. Surprisingly Fun

4,000 Rakki ---- 2,500 Belowski


Just after I was able to attack Belowski’s life points directly, I nodded with satisfaction, and continued my turn. “I’ll place two cards face down, and end my turn!” After I ended my turn, I heard Jasmine complaining about me to Blair. “You see!!? He always gets it right!! It’s so unfair!!” I looked back at her with shock. ‘Did her anger of me break her out of Mokey Mokey’s spell!? I can tell Mindy is still affected…’ “What!!?” She yelled at me when she noticed my staring. I covered my mouth to help stifle my laughter, and turned back around to focus on the match.

Belowski frowned a bit while he drew his next card. “Bummer I couldn’t use my trap, but this will totally work just the same! I activate the spell double summon! Allowing me to summon Happy Lover, and another Mokey Mokey in attack Modey Modey!” His smile returned when he saw his little fairies being summoned on the field. 


Mokey Mokey/Fairy/Normal/Level 2/ Atk:300 Def:100 Mokey Mokey


Happy Lover/Fairy/Normal/Level 2/ Atk:800 Def:500 Happy Lover


“I’ll toss down a face down, and activate my other face down continuous spell. Mokey Mokey Smackdown!!” I sighed at his clear intentions, but let him keep going. ‘Maybe the only way he won was just others passing out before they could just win the Duel themselves.’ “Now I’ll have Happy Lover attack your Snipe Hunter!” His little fairy then flew in the air, and shot out a pink beam of energy. Snipe Hunter quickly shot out a beam of his own from his gun, and overpowered Happy Lover while destroying her in the process.


4,000 Rakki ---- 1,800 Belowski


“Next, I’ll reveal my trap card!” He yelled right after his points lowered. “Human Wave Tactics!! Wrap your mind around this! At the end of each turn, I can summon monsters the same level as the ones that were destroyed. They have to be level 2 or below, but it’s all about the balance man.” I rolled my eyes from this hippie, but let him explain more of his cards. 


“And now that Happy Lover was destroyed, my Mokey Mokey Smackdown comes into play! When a fairy type monster is destroyed, my Mokey Mokey’s attack points go up to 3000! Pretty far out, huh?” His Mokey Mokey then started to get angry and steam while his entire body turned red in his wrath.


Mokey Mokey/Fairy/Normal/Level 2/ Atk:3000 Def:100


“Now I’ll just have my Mokey Mokey attack your Snipe Hunter!” I smirked as he walked right into my trap. “I activate my continuous trap! That Six!! Allowing any dice throws to be corrected by me!! 1,3, or 5 becomes 6! And 2,4, or 6 becomes 1!!” Belowski chuckled a bit while Mokey Mokey was still activating his enraged attack. “Sorry bro! But I don’t think your trap helps you here!” I scoffed at his lack of understanding. “But this will!! I activate my other trap! Skull Dice!!”


I activated my trap, and saw a little fiend with a red die fly out of the card. “This allows me to divide up your monster’s attack damage depending on the number I roll!” I gave a nod to the little fiend, and he threw the die with a cackle. The die spun around on the ground until it landed on 1. I scoffed from knowing this would happen. I had the feeling that I would get the worst outcome. “Now! That Six!! Change the result to a 6!!” The die was thrown into the machine that came out of the card, and popped back out with the 6 on top.


Just as Mokey Mokey’s points were starting to deteriorate, Belowski revealed his own face down card. “I activate my quick-play spell! Mystic Wok!! Before Mokey Mokey’s attack points are reduced, I’ll use his points to give me a healthy meal that raises my health points by his attack points!” I clicked my tongue, but at least my Snipe Hunter avoided certain death.


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,800 Belowski


“Now that my turn is over, Human Wave Tactics allows me to summon another monster from my deck. And I’m thinking that Haniwa is just my type of Zen!” He summoned the little monster, and ended his turn.


Haniwa/Rock/Normal/Level 2/ Atk:500 Def:500 Haniwa


“I Draw!!” I immediately grinned as I saw the newest monster I just drew. ‘I need your help. Are you willing?’ I could feel his overwhelming yes as my grin grew. “I activate the spell card Summon Dice! Letting me sacrifice 1000 of my life points to roll a die, and summon a monster depending on the result!!”


3,000 Rakki ---- 4,800 Belowski


A die erupted from my spell card, and it tumbled around for a bit, before it finally landed on it’s final side. It landed on a 1, and I rolled my eyes from the result. “I activate That Six! Changing the result to a 6!!” The die was brought inside the machine from the trap card, and tumbled over into a 6 after it was spit out. “That allows me to summon a level 5 or higher monster from my hand without a tribute! Like my Jinzo!!” I slapped Jinzo on my Duel Disk, and watched as he slowly materialized on the field, folding his arms and staring at his opposition.


Jinzo/Machine/Effect/Level 6/ Atk:2400 Def:1500 Jinzo


“Jinzo!!? That Jinzo!!?” I heard Alexis yell from behind me with confusion. I glanced at her with a grin, and held up a V for victory sign to let her know he was the same one. I let her slowly figure that out while I went back to my duel. “Next, I place one card in defense position! Now! Snipe Hunter!! Attack his Haniwa!!” Snipe Hunter grinned, and quickly shot the defending rock, and destroyed it. “Jinzo! Attack him directly!!” Jinzo nodded, and made a ball of energy to send directly to Belowski, but just chuckled a bit while his life points lowered.


3,000 Rakki ---- 2,400 Belowski


“By the way! Jinzo makes all trap cards on the field unable to work!! That means no more Human Wave Tactics!!” I said with a chuckle as I ended my turn. Belowski kept on smiling too while he drew his card. “That’s all right dude! Cause I’ll just activate my card of sanctity to have us both draw until we have six cards!” I nodded while I drew along with him. “Now I’ll use the spell card, Dark Factory of Mass Production! It may sound totalitarian, but it allows me to bring back two of my monsters from my grave to my hand! I’ll pick both Mokey Mokey’s since I’m already holding a third. Now I’ll use polymerization to fuse all three of them together and bring out this little friend! Come on out Mokey Mokey King!!”


Mokey Mokey King/Fairy/Fusion/Effect/Level 6/ Atk:300 Def:100 Mokey Mokey King


It was a massive Mokey Mokey, that took up the entire rooftop in his shadow. “Geez… Seems really fat for such a low damaging monster.” I said under my breath while Belowski continued his move. “Next I’ll summon Happy Lover to join him on the field!”

Happy Lover/Fairy/Normal/Level 2/ Atk:800 Def:500


“Now I’ll have Mokey Mokey King attack your face down cardy cardy!!” I groaned from how he talked, but quickly got over it as he had done just what I wanted. The card was revealed, and Unhappy Maiden popped up with a pouting look on her face. Mokey Mokey King growled, and she was destroyed. 


Unhappy Maiden/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 1/ Atk:0 Def:100 Unhappy Maiden


“What!? You have a card with less defense points!?” Belowski yelled from shock as I placed Unhappy Maiden in the grave with a small smile. ‘Thanks… You just won me the Duel.’ I said to her, and I could see her image on the card smile ever so slightly, almost unnoticeable.

I chuckled a bit and looked back to Belowski. “Yup!! And since she was destroyed, your battle phase is over!!” Belowski was frozen in shock. It was obvious that he was thinking the match would end here with his victory, but I proved him wrong. He smiled again and laughed while he ended his turn. “Aw man! You are a great Duelist to play against Rakki! I end my turn dude!” I smiled, and noticed that I enjoyed this duel more than I thought I might as well. 


“I Draw!!” I quickly looked at my newest card, and nodded when I got his excitement to join the fray. “First I’ll play the spell card Polymerization, to fuse my Time Wizard, and my Baby Dragon to make Thousand Dragon!!”


Thousand Dragon/Dragon/Fusion/Normal/Level 7/ Atk:2400 Def: 2000 Thousand Dragon


I watched both of my monsters swirl in a blue and red mist before it dispersed, leaving a giant brown, ancient dragon. “Next I’ll summon Performapal Kuribohble in attack mode!!” I placed him down, and watched the little fluff ball excitedly chirp now he was on the field.


Performapal Kuribohble/Fiend/Effect/Level 1/Atk:300 Def:200 Pal Kuribohble


“Then I’ll play the spell card, Graceful Dice!” I played my card, and described what it did while the little fairy threw his blue die. “It multiplies my pal’s attack depending on what I roll!” Just as I finished explaining, the die landed on a 1. “Now I use That Six to change the result to a 6!! Giving my pal 1800 attack damage!!”


Performapal Kuribohble/Fiend/Effect/Level 1/Atk:1800 Def:200


“ Now! Thousand Dragon!! Attack his Mokey Mokey King!!” Thousand Dragon quickly expelled a poison gas from his nose, and melted the giant marshmallow while dealing a heavy blow to Belowski’s points.


3,000 Rakki ---- 300 Belowski


Three more Mokey Mokey’s were spawned from the ashes of the Mokey Mokey King. They were placed in defense mode, but it hardly mattered. “Now let’s finish this pal!! Attack his Happy Lover!!” After I issued my command, Performapal Kuribohble moved his tail, and the star at the end of it began to shine. He then shot out a glowing yellow star at the Happy Lover, destroying it, and winning the Duel.


3,000 Rakki ---- 0 Belowski

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