Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 5. New Friends

After a bit more walking we made it to the well. “Alright. I’ll go down, and look for some cards. You all can just wait up here for me.” All of the girls were ok with that, Alexis was even checking her deck one more time to prepare for me with her friends cheering her on. Jasmine was mostly just telling her to kill me, but still wanted Alexis to do well I guess. Jayden was already underneath some shade and laying on his back to get comfortable waiting, with Syrus sitting right beside him. I made my way down the well, and crashed the last bit. “Ow…” I sighed as I rubbed my arm I fell on.


“Look another…” “Wonder who he’ll leave here…” The voices came from all around me, with varying degrees of emotions linked to them. Others sounded sad, others angry, and some were just resigned here, thinking that this would just be their life. I sighed from the sadness I felt just hearing them. “Who wants to leave here?” All the talking stopped, and all that remained was deafening silence. “You all deserve better than here. I know I probably can’t use you all, but I want to at least have you in a better place than this dingy well.”


They were all still quiet as I could feel a stronger presence that was coming closer to me. I looked behind me to see a mirror image of myself. Upon closer inspection it was Copycat holding a mirror at me. I was in complete shock that someone would throw him away. If this was anime logic, then he became any monster your opponent had with the same effects. That was straight broken. “Why would you be here?” I was confused that someone would be dumb enough to get rid of him. An Obelisk of all people, wouldn’t they know the most?


I sighed at the lack of intelligence shown at this school. “I’m sorry that you all had to live here because of others' stupidity… None of you deserve to be down here. You all deserve to be in someone’s deck, helping out your partner to have them do their best. And have your partner care about you for you all to do your best.” I stopped talking for a bit just shaking my head with a lowered gaze of sorrow, and guilt. “I’m really sorry… For all of you. I can’t even make sure to have you all in a deck with me, but I would be more than happy to keep you around for you to find your own partners to join.”


I just stared at my own reflection to hopefully get through to Copycat behind the glass. I blinked while staring at him, and in the time that I did, he had already perfectly mimicked me. He then held out his arms with his hands balled into fists, and gave me a look to do the same. I did, and he took the opportunity to grab my deck. He then took out the top card, and had me hold it. I looked and saw it was my Time Wizard. Then Copycat started talking. “You have already bonded to a spirit, and a powerful one at that. More powerful than I am. The connection is very strong, and will probably last for your life. But he doesn’t play well with other cards, except ones that have chance.”

I sighed and stared at my card to see Time Wizard averting his gaze. I was then brought back to Copycat with his talking. “Your spirit wants you to rely on chance.” I then shot up and looked at my Copy. “Are you saying I can’t have any of you in my deck?” I spoke in a somber tone. I wanted more duel spirits to be friends with. Copycat smiled at me. “That doesn’t mean he can’t have a few exceptions.” I looked at Time Wizard with confusion. “Why doesn’t he talk to me, like you guys can?” Copycat shrugged. “He doesn’t have a mouth?” I scoffed a bit and nodded at him.


“I can see how much your partner trusts you. I personally would like to join you on your journey and accept your offer.” I gained a large smile. Joey Wheeler was my favorite character in the original show, with Jayden from the GX era. I felt like I was walking in Joey's footsteps with already two cards he used. “I would be honored to have you.” I had a massive smile and shook the spirit’s hand, only to have him shine into a card. I looked at the card to see that this was Anime rules.


“You really can copy the card completely. Awesome!” I giggled with glee at this amazing find. I was then suddenly bombarded with other duel spirits that wanted to follow in the footsteps of Copycat. There was even a Dice Jar, and a Baby dragon that worked perfectly with my cards. I also got a few more that I think I could keep in my deck permanently, but I would be spoiling if I told you now. There were many that wanted to come with me, just to leave here, and I was happy to oblige. With the small amount that I’ve been around Duel spirits. It was enough for me to know how amazing these spirits were.


After getting all of the ones that wanted to come with me I left the well with a giant smile. This surprised Alexis and the other two girls. To Jasmine, the only time I smiled is when I was winning at something, she was confused at what I found down in the well that would make me confident at winning against Alexis. Alexis was more surprised I was smiling at all, she had never seen me have such a large happy smile ever. It seemed rare to her. “All right… Let’s get this started.” I grinned while shuffling my deck.


Alexis did the same as we stood a fair distance from each other. Syrus was waking Jayden to watch my match. “Are you ready Rakki?” Alexis asked with a smile as she placed her deck into her duel disk and had it light up. I did the same, and had my Duel disk come alight as well. “I should be asking you that. I got some good friends to help me down there.” Then we both yelled “Duel!!” together as we both drew 5 cards.


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 Alexis

Alexis went first. “I will first play Cyber Gymnast in defense position. Next I will put one card face down.”

Cyber Gymnast/Level 4/Warrior/Effect/ Atk:800 Def:1800


“I draw!” I drew another card and checked what I had in my hand. ‘It’s good to see you. And I think I already have a plan.’ I could see my new Duel spirit wink at me though the card, causing me to smile at her. I then looked up to Alexis, and began to start my move. “First I summon Sand Gambler in defense position!”


Sand Gambler/Level 3/Spellcaster/Effect/ Atk:300 Def:1600


As soon as I placed my card down, there appeared a well dressed man flicking coins in between his fingers. “Next I’m gonna throw down two spells! And now the effect of Sand Gambler activates! He flips three coins! If all three are heads, all of your monsters are destroyed. If he gets all tails, then all of my monsters are destroyed!” Just as I finished explaining the effect, Sand Gambler flicked all of the coins in the air, but they froze at the peak of their arc. I was confused, until Alexis brought my attention to herself. “I knew you’d do that! I prepared for you doing those kinds of moves! That’s why I activate my trap card! Angel Blast! Whenever an effect is activated that would destroy any of my monsters, I can negate the effect and destroy the source of it!”


And with that, my Sand Gambler was destroyed before I could test out if I was lucky. I clicked my tongue. “I end my turn.” Alexis smiled as she drew her next card. “I activate the ritual spell Machine Angel Ritual! I tribute my Cyber Prima from my hand to summon Cyber Angel Benten!”


Cyber Angel Benten/Level 6/Fairy/Effect/ Atk:1800 Def:1500


“Now I activate my equipment spell! Ritual Weapon! Giving my Cyber Angel Benten 1500 more attack and defense points! Then I summon Cyber Tutu in attack Position, and change my Cyber Gymnast to attack position as well!”


Cyber Angel Benten/Level 6/Fairy/Effect/ Atk:3300 Def:3000


Cyber Gymnast/Level 4/Warrior/Effect/ Atk:800 Def:1800


Cyber Tutu/Level 3/Warrior/Effect/ Atk:1000 Def:800


Alexis gave a slightly sad smile to me. “Sorry Rakki… But I guess you were just lucky. Cyber Angel Benten! Attack him directly!” Just as the ritual monster was rushing me I activated my trap card. “I activate my trap card! Rainbow Life! By discarding one card from my hand to the graveyard, whenever I would take damage for the rest of the turn it becomes health instead!” Just as the Cyber Angel hit me, I could see her stop just an inch away, and my health points rising startlingly.


7,300 Rakki ---- 4,000 Alexis


Alexis for some reason smiled wider and more happy. “I place a card face down and end my turn then.” I nodded and put my hand on my deck. I took a deep breath, wondering what card would be best. “I Draw!” I yelled as I pulled out my next card. I smiled evilly as I saw what I got. ‘This was banned for a reason.’ I thought as I played the spell. “I activate Pot of Greed! Allowing me to draw two more cards!” I smiled more as I looked at my hand. “First I summon my faithful friend, Time Wizard! Next I activate the spell card Double Summon! Allowing me to normal summon this turn twice! And I chose my newest companion! Goddess of Whim!”


Time Wizard/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 2/ Atk:500 Def:400


Goddess of Whim/Fairy/Effect/Level 3/ Atk:950 Def:700


I placed her on the duel disk, and saw as the personification of natural beauty was made in front of me. ‘Why are all of the girl duel spirits so beautiful?’ Apparently the Goddess heard my thoughts as she turned around and gave me a wink. I smiled back a little embarrassingly before getting back on track. “Looks like luck was on my side today! I activate my trap card! Big Win! I declare a level, and then the card flips two coins! If both are heads, then all of the monsters on my side of the field become that level! If they are both Tails then I have to eat the level I chose multiplied by 500 as damage!”


Just as I finished describing my trap card two coins flew from the trap, and both landed on heads. I pumped my fist as I declared my level. “Level 1!!” This confused everyone as to what I was planning, but it all made sense with my last card. “I now activate the spell card, Triangle Power! With this, any level 1 monster has their attack and defense points raised by 2000 points each!


Time Wizard/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 2(1)/ Atk:2500 Def:2400


Goddess of Whim/Fairy/Effect/Level 3(1)/ Atk:2950 Def:2700

“2950!?” I heard Syrus yell from behind me in surprise, and I smiled widely at what I could still do. “I’m not done yet either! I activate Goddess of Whim’s effect! She can toss a coin, and if it lands on heads I get to double her attack damage for the turn!” This caused Alexis to widen her eyes at how I would play the rest of the match. I had a sneaking suspicion that Jasmine insisted on having Alexis fill her deck to the brim with those Angel Blast traps for my Time Wizard. But they don’t activate from the effect I was using. The Goddess tossed her coin, and it landed on heads. I smiled widely as I saw her attack points rise to a hilarious degree.


Goddess of Whim/Fairy/Effect/Level 3(1)/ Atk:5900 Def:2700


“Now this! Is how you use a low level monster!” I smiled at the Goddess as she knew I was talking to her, but couldn’t talk to her directly at the moment. I was very proud of her though. The first day she gets out of that dungeon, she gets the most attack points she might have ever seen. “Now! Attack Cyber Gymnast and finish this Goddess! Winds of Fate!” Somehow the name for the attack came right off my tongue without me even trying, but I was too hyped to even notice I said it at the time.

7,300 Rakki ---- 0 Alexis

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