Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 6. Testing

With that last attack from my Goddess, and the match was over. As soon as she was done, I could see her with a large smile looking back at me as she slowly disappeared with the rest of the game. I put her back in my deck, and smiled at how well she fit with the rest of my deck. I don’t think I would ever want to let her go. I looked over at Alexis who was giving me a pretty big smile by her standards. Jasmine was trying not to tear the hair out of her head with the amount of luck I just had.


But I noticed something that I wondered if it was a coincidence. I only saw my gambles when I had Time Wizard in my hand or on the field. ‘Does that mean, when Time Wizard is in those two places that I get a major boost to luck?’ I shook away the idea, because I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad, considering most of my deck is gambling, but I need a card in my possession to get good results. I was then tackled by Jaden and Syrus. “That was a totally awesome duel! Jayden said while putting his arm around my neck.


Syrus hung around while nodding furiously. “Yea… I never thought such a low level monster could gain that much attack power.” I smiled at both of them while getting an alert on my PDA. My smile grew at the amount I gained from beating Alexis. My total now was just over 12,000DP. I could buy a few good cards for this. I just needed to know what kind would be best, with the rest of my deck, and new friends I made.

I felt happy having spirits to ask for help with the future problems which we all would be facing at the academy. I looked back over to the girls. Alexis had a smile, which kinda confused me. ‘Are you really that happy about losing because someone is stronger than you?’ Jasmine was still grumbling and cursing me under her breath, while Mindy was trying to comfort the both of them. “It was a good match. Thanks for leading me here.” I gave a nod to Alexis and led the guys out of the forest first.


While we were walking on our way out, both Jaden and Syrus were still talking about the moves I had in the duel. “What if you didn’t get the results you wanted?” Syrus asked with nervous confusion. I shrugged and had a small smile. “Then I would only have maybe one more turn to draw a card to turn the duel around.” Syrus’s jaw dropped a little at how I just admitted the tightrope I was walking on, while Jayden laughed. “But who cares about the maybe!? That was totally a sweet duel!”


I gave him a grin and a nod as we continued out of the forest with the girls not too far behind. I slowed down our pace with my lack of stamina, causing our two groups to walk together. While we were walking Alexis finally spoke up. “Is there some way to increase your odds with your cards?” I thought for a bit how to answer her question. ‘I don’t really know how my luck works here. My luck always sucked in the past, and it looked like it was bad here as well, until I first played my friend.’ I then looked at my Time Wizard with a thoughtful expression. 


I eventually sighed from the lack of answers, which apparently angered Jasmine whenever I sighed for any reason. ‘I really don’t know what her problem is.’ “I don’t know… All I know is… I think I’m a gambler.” I smirked at Alexis from my good mood, and just after that, the boys and I walked a different path to make it to our dorms. The girls were confused at the way I phrased my answer, like even I wasn’t sure. “But if he wasn’t sure, why would he have that kind of deck he can play like a fiddle?” Mindy asked with her expression full of confusion while staring at me along with the other two girls. Alexis was staring at both Jayden and I with a smile. She was really happy about having two strong duelists. 


Jayden, Syrus, and I all made it to our dorm rooms, and slept for the next day. The next day came around, and it turned out to be the testing day. I remembered it was good for Jayden to be late, so when I got up I made sure to go past his door as quietly as possible. I got to the classroom, and after some time, class started and we all got our tests. ‘Is this really what is on tests? The whole world runs on dueling, and we are in our teens… How would you not know the difference between traps and spells?’ I sighed as I filled out the test as quickly as I could so I could leave early.


I finished before anyone else, and got a lot of looks from the Obelisks, who were jeering at me, saying that I just gave up and failed the test. I rolled my eyes, and left the classroom to just wait at the practical's of our tests. As I was waiting, and searching through my PDA for any good cards that I would want to buy, until a sudden darkness made me look up. It was Alexis, who was standing in front of me with her shadow blocking the light. “What are you doing here?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.


“Is this seat taken?” She asked as she pointed to the bench beside me. I looked around, and saw literally nobody else here. “You would be hard pressed to find someone to take before you.” She let out a scoff as she sat down. I went back onto my PDA, hoping that she would be fine with the one duel and focus back up with Jayden. I was still unsure how my luck worked. Alexis noticed what I was doing and started to strike up a conversation.


“Are you looking for more cards to add to your deck?” I nodded while still scrolling through the scores and scores of cards. I sighed and turned off the PDA. “This is gonna take forever… What about you? Why are you-” I then stopped as I could feel a pull from my jacket. I knew I put all of the Duel Spirits inside my pockets for them to come along with me, even if I couldn’t use them, but now one was doing something. Alexis was confused at my sudden change of demeanor. I took all of the cards out of my jacket pocket, and searched through them under Alexis’s watchful eye. I eventually found the card that was reacting.


Hoshiningen/Fairy/Effect/Level 2/ Atk:500 Def:700


I felt how this card was asking me to go with her. I gained a smile at seeing one of the spirits already finding a new home. “Actually… I think I have a card that belongs to you.” I said as I presented the card to Alexis. She seemed confused as she stared at the card. And as she did, she swore that she saw the image wink at her. This card felt strange… or special. She didn’t know how to describe it, but she felt like it would be good to keep. “Thanks…” She said while still just staring at the card. I smiled at the scene of a spirit finding a good home. ‘Is this what a shelter feels like?’ I chuckled a bit at my own thoughts, causing Alexis to snap her head over to me.


I finished chuckling and put the Duel spirits back inside my jacket. I then decided to just lean back and wait for the practical's. As I was sitting around my thoughts went back to the original Yugioh show, with Joey. And as I thought about him, two cards came to mind. As soon as I thought about them I immediately sprang up from the bench, causing Alexis to let out a startled shriek. She frowned at me with a blushing face of embarrassment. “Sorry, I just thought of a couple of cards to ask for!”

I started to run off, but realized I had no idea where the card seller was located. I stopped in my tracks and looked at Alexis who gained a small smile realizing my dilemma. “Fine, I’ll show you where it is. I’m surprised though. You never got cards from here the whole time we’ve been here?” I shrugged my shoulders as I didn’t really have anything to say to that. Alexis and I began walking the empty halls, and while she was leading the way, I had my head down in my PDA looking for the card's effects. As soon as I saw it I began to laugh a little under my breath.


We both made it to the trader, but it didn’t look like they were selling at the moment. We got up to the counter and were met with the one girl working the counter. She was moving boxes full of cards, getting ready for the onslaught of students. “Excuse me…” I said to her as she was working. “Sorry sweetie, no cards for sale until we’re open.” I gave a light chuckle and shook my head. “No, I’m here to reserve a card to be purchased later if that’s ok.” She stopped moving for a second to think, before nodding her head. “Alright sweetie, what card do you want?” I gained a large smile at her.

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