Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 7. Card Shop

“I want two actually… Graceful dice and Skull dice.” This got the counter girl thinking for a bit. “Hang on.” She said to us before moving to the back. Alexis looked at me for a bit while I was grinning at the boost this would give my deck. It wasn’t long until the counter girl came back with a dusty box. She set it down with a thump, and all the lighter dust coating it plumbed off in a cloud. We all coughed a bit to get the dust out of our lungs. “Sorry about that sweetie. Anyway, this is the box of most chance cards we can’t sell. Most people don’t want them anyway.”


I opened the box, and lo and behold after a bit of searching there they were. I smiled and laughed at how easy these guys were to find. I was just about to give her back the box, so I could search for something later when she wasn’t so busy, but something stopped me. “Boy…” I heard a deep and gravelly voice that I felt was directed at me. I jumped a bit from the sudden appearance of this creepy voice, but what he said stopped me from taking my hand out of the box. “I see you are bonded to my companion… I would like to accompany you as well…”


Just then I felt two cards enter my hand, and I pulled them out. What greeted me was a fiendish monster held in a blue card with a spell. “Hmm… I don’t remember even having that one…” The counter girl looked at the card for a bit, but then shrugged her shoulders. “Since I’m in a hurry, and how nobody buys those cards anyway… I’ll sell them to you for 15,000DP.” I looked at my PDA to see how much I had, and frowned.

Rakki Ichido, DP 12,142


“I’m just under 3,000 short.” I sighed and thought about what card to put back, and buy later. “I’ll pay the difference.” Suddenly Alexis put her PDA to pay the counter girl 3,000DP. I was in shock of why she would do that, but she gave me a light smile. “Don’t worry about it. I want to see what you can do. This is more for me in the long run. If it helps, just think of it as payback for this card.” She said as she held up the Hoshiningen card up to me. I looked at her still in shock and confusion, but just sighed defeatedly and paid the counter girl the rest. “Thank you sweetie.” She said as she moved the box in the back again.


I looked over to Alexis and grinned at her. “Thanks… And don’t worry… I know I can get a good duel with these cards.” I said as I looked at this new fiend monster that reached out for me. Alexis nodded at me with a smile that was full of anticipation for what these new cards might do. Just then, all of the students rushed their way over here as the counter girl started to throw down the metal sheet to stop anyone from destroying anything in their haste. “We gotta run!” I yelled as I grabbed her wrist, and pulled her away from being squished in that free for all.


After moving away from it I sighed in relief, and irritation. “Really… I’ve seen people with crack addictions less crazy than those people.” I sighed again, and shook my head at how these kids were acting for cards, they would want to dump later if it didn’t keep giving them wins. “Are you going to let go now?” I looked at Alexis in confusion, and she pointed to her hand that I was still holding on to. I quickly released my grip from her, and blushed while looking away from her in embarrassment. “Sorry…” Was all I could say as I walked off back to the practical fields.


Alexis smiled as I walked away from her. She had been flirted to by most of the guys. They were all the preppy kind that always tried to use moves, and lines to try and gain her favor. Some would even battle her to try and start dating her if they won. Alexis had seen it all when it came to boys. Her friends Jasmine and especially Mindy were always talking about finding the right boys to date, but she never even bothered with it. Why would she? She always had Dueling as a top priority. 


She didn’t care about wasting time with relationships when she always had to work. Especially with how guys always wanted to play games, and bother her while she was doing other things with their flirting. They would try to force themselves into her life, and not care about what she wanted to do. 


They clearly didn’t listen when she told them to stop, and each one thought he was special, and could change her mind. But she didn’t want her mind changed, she wanted what she wanted. But now there was this confusing person. He didn’t believe in himself at first, thinking that he was too weak for her to really notice or care about him, and he was right. He knew exactly where he stood in her mind, and didn’t care about it, or try to change it. He didn’t think he was special, and he didn’t care if others saw him as something he wasn’t. He just didn’t care about how others viewed him.


He was a strange duelist to say the least as well. He focused on luck, and whenever he dueled, the longer he did, the more confident, and happy he would be. He didn't even seem to realize it about himself as well. He would start a duel with a lower expression, but by the end when his plan was coming together he would have the largest smile on his face that Alexis had ever seen. He enjoyed beating the odds of his cards, and watching as they would help him massively by just luck of the coin. He truly was a gambler. ‘Great… Another one… Hopefully I can steer him better…’


While Alexis was just watching me leave, her friends caught up to her. “Alexis! Where did you go? You left early on the test, then disappeared.” Mindy asked her, and broke Alexis out of her thoughts. “Hmm?... Oh yea, I wanted to check out some of the cards before the rest of the students got here.” For some reason Alexis found herself lying. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t want to tell her friends that she was talking with Rakki. 


Jasmine smiled at Alexis. “That’s a good idea. I bet that’s what that Slifer idiot thought as well. He probably flunked his written test, just so he could get here early for better cards. Too bad his luck will run out soon.” Jasmine laughed as Alexis nodded politely with a smile at her friend. There would be just a little time before the duels start, and the Slifer’s went first. “Hey! Let’s go to the arena to see him failing his exam!” Jasmine yelled while dragging her two friends to the field. “Sure.” Alexis said while tapping on her PDA.

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