Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 8. Practical Exam

Hey Everyone! Calvin Here! Just want to ask if people like me adding links to the cards or if it distracts from the reading experience. Never had to do this before and I want to know what works best for everyone! Please leave your opinions in the comments below!!

I made it to the arena, and took a seat away from others. I then held this new Duel spirit in front of me. “Who are you friends with?” I asked, but had no response. I sighed and put all of the new cards in my deck anyway. ‘A friend of a friend is a friend of mine I guess.’ I thought to myself and heard faint chuckling from somewhere. I looked around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. I began to make a list on my PDA of more cards that Joey used, to see if I could find some.

As I did that, time passed and I was up to go. I made my way out on the field, and saw that I was battling an Obelisk blue. “Umm… Did I mishear my name or something?” I asked, full of confusion. The Obelisk blue boy laughed. “No! I asked for this duel to put you in your place! Always talking with my Alexis without knowing your place beneath us Obelisks! Now let’s Duel you Slifer weakling!” Just as he finished his duel disk lit up, showing he was ready to duel.


I sighed as I activated my Duel disk as well. “Y’know…” I wanted to try and tell him that calling a girl his, before he’s dating her is a big turn off for the girl, but he seemed too far gone on that spectrum, so I kept my mouth shut and sighed again at how these kids were acting. ‘Elitists… Everyone's favorite personality…’ “Alright. Let’s Duel!” I yelled as our life points were shown to everyone on a large screen.


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 Taiyou


We both drew, and Taiyo went first while laughing at his superiority. “Now watch closely so maybe you can learn a thing or two! First, I summon Lord of D. in attack position! Next I play the spell card, Flute of Summoning Dragons! Allowing me to summon two dragons from my hand to the field! So rise! Curse of Dragon! Luster Dragon!”


Lord of D./Spellcaster/Level 4/Effect/ Atk:1200 Def:1100 Lord_of_D.


Luster Dragon/Dragon/Level 4/Normal/ Atk:1900 Def:1600 Luster_Dragon


Curse of Dragon/Dragon/Level 5/Normal/ Atk:2000 Def:1500 Curse of Dragon


Taiyou was laughing at the amount of monsters he had out in one turn. “And now I equip my Curse of the Dragon with Dragon Treasure! Raising his attack and defense points by 300!”


Curse of Dragon/Dragon/Level 5/Normal/ Atk:2300 Def:1800


“And with that I end my turn! Not that you’ll be able to do anything on yours Slifer!” I looked at all of his monsters for a second, but felt a strange sense of excitement. “I Draw!” I yelled as I took one card off my deck, and looked at my hand. I smiled a bit at the luck I had when I first drew my little buddy. “I activate the spell card Polymerization! Allowing me to fuse both Time Wizard and Baby Dragon to create Thousand Dragon!” And just as I finished explaining a giant old looking dragon laid on the field.

Thousand Dragon/Dragon/Level 7/Fusion/Normal/ Atk:2400 Def: 2000 Thousand Dragon


This caught everyone's attention, as I had managed to pull out one of Joey’s favorite cards. But I did it with polymerization, rather than just aging baby dragon. “Next I set a card and play the spell card Monster Reborn! Bringing back my Time Wizard! In attack mode!”


Time Wizard/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 2/ Atk:500 Def:400 Time Wizard


“Now, Thousand Dragon! Attack his Lord of D.!” Thousand Dragon then let out a gust of poisoned air from his nostrils killing Lord of D. and dealing damage to Taiyou. He screamed in anger at the damage I did to him, but felt confident about still winning. “You may have destroyed my monster, but I’m still going to destroy you on my next turn!”


4,000 Rakki ---- 2,800 Taiyou


I looked back at my hand and smiled at what I was going to do next. “I activate my Time Wizards effect! Time roulette! Time Wizard uses magic that alters the time of the field! If he can do it right, then all of your monsters get sent to the graveyard! If he does it wrong… All of my monsters get sent to the graveyard and I take half of their attack points as damage!” Just as I finished explaining my buddies' effect, he started the windup. The hands kept spinning on the clock face, and then slowly came to a stop on the winning token. “Alright!!” I yelled. “Time Wizard! Time Magic!”


As I yelled for Time Wizard to do his thing, I could see all of the monsters slowly wither away into dust. I smiled at how I could win this. “And now I play the spell card Graceful Dice! This allows me to choose one of my monsters with 500 or less attack points, and multiplies it by the number I roll!” Just as I finished explaining, a chibi with angel wings, a top hat, and a blue die came out of the card, and threw the die. It rolled and everyone held their breath for what I was going to get. It finally came to a stop on the number 6. “Looks like luck was on my side, this duel!” I yelled with a giant grin.


Time Wizard/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 2/ Atk:3000 Def:2400


“3,000!!?” Taiyou screamed in disbelief at the damage my little Wizard could do. “That’s right! Now Time Wizard! Attack him directly!” And with that smack of Time Wizard’s staff, the duel was over.


4,000 Rakki ---- 0 Taiyou

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