Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 67. Camula Meets The Group

Hey Everyone! Calvin Here! Just wanted to say, that from how depressing the last few chapters were on this story, I felt the need to have a more playful couple of chapters. Just a bit of a heads up in case you're thinking it was a bit odd from the sudden change in tone.

Already on my back, I raised my head upwards, stretching to see behind myself towards the now open door. What stared back at me was Alexis, Blair quickly appearing behind her out of breath. I silently stared between Blair, and Alexis. I then looked at Camula sitting on top of my lap, essentially riding me from the looks of it. “Hmm… Yea that seems about right.” I muttered with a nod, not even cursing at my own luck, as this was essentially the kind of luck I had all my life. 


She didn’t appear when I was pulling Camula off, or maybe later when I would stand up and we would be separated. No, Alexis opened the door now to this particular scene. “Would you believe me if I said nothing happened?” I asked, looking back up at Alexis. Her silent glare, giving me the answer I already knew. I yawned, the wave of fatigue washing over me. “Alright, you can kill me in 5 minutes…” I said, closing my eyes, but I was startled up from the very woman sitting atop me.


She grabbed my shirt and pulled me up to see her. “What did you do!?” She yelled with fury, however opening my eyes and seeing her red gleaming orbs looking back at me told a different story. I scratched the part of my neck she just drank off of, while I talked. It was a bit itchy like a mosquito bite. “I ripped that card you were about to use in half while you were asleep?” I asked with a smirk, happy that it would never be used again. ‘It was kind of a BS effect.’


Camula stood up, while still holding my collar, lifting me up from the ground. “Hey!” “Wait!” Both Alexis and Blair called out, seeing this get a little out of hand. “Alexis, Blair! Wait! Stay right there!” I yelled back at them, holding my hand out as a means to stop them from approaching. Alexis and I had a silent conversation with our eyes, her anger and worry swirled about in her retinas. I scoffed at her, seeing her worry transform back into just pure anger at me again after she saw my calmness.


I then looked back at Camula, who was left staring at my neck where she had taken a bite. When she noticed I turned back around at her, she glared at me. “What did you do to me…?” She ordered for the answer, her brilliantly shining eyes piercing into mine. However, this time, Zorc was longer weakened from losing a shadow game, and could help protect my mind from being controlled from her hypnosis this time. 

“You’re the one that jumped me in your sleep.” I answered snarkily, tapping my neck where the marks of her teeth still remained. Camula bared her fangs, but quickly shook her head, biting her lip in anger. “Why… Why are you so calm!? Look at me!!” She screamed, her large bat-like wings erupting from her back, spanning the length of the room as they slowly flapped. “I am the monster children hear at night for bedtime stories! I am the creature that feasts on the living! The being that harbors hatred of mankind!” She yelled, bringing me closer to her bared fangs.


She huffed down my neck as she stared into my eyes with hate. I scratched the back of my head with a shrug. “I don’t know… I’m just not. You can’t force me to be scared of you.” Camula faltered for a moment before lightly biting my neck again. “Even now? I’ll drink you dry.” She spoke darkly, but all I could do was stifle my laughter. “Sorry, but next time you try to threaten someone, don’t tickle them at the same time- Pfft!” Camula grunted as she bit into me again, trickles of crimson blood flowing from her lips and down my nape.


I sighed from the weird feeling, but noticed she was done much sooner than last time. But she stopped to stare at me, setting me back down on my feet as she did so. “You’re mad…” She muttered to me. I scoffed at her while lightly caressing her bat-like wings, a strange feeling of comfort and warmth felt between my fingertips. “So I’ve been told.” She retracted her wings and pushed me away from her, causing me to stumble, only stopping from Alexis helping catch me. “Stop! You don’t touch a maiden’s wings!!” Camula yelled, her face flush.


Just as I was about to talk more, Alexis jammed my side with her thumb, causing me to jump and let out a yell instinctively. “God! Geez…” I sighed while readjusting my shirt again. “You are beyond help…” Alexis darkly, making me shiver a bit, not wanting her to do that again. I pointed my thumb at Alexis while talking to Camula. “You see? Now this is how you do scarY!!” I yelled as Alexis jammed her thumb in my side again. “Want to rephrase that?” Alexis asked with a fake happy expression.


I blinked a few times before using my hand to appoint Alexis while I spoke. “My apologies, what I meant to say was. This is the epitome of every man’s hopes and dreams regarding a woman. The pinnacle of beauty. The reason why sculptures and paintings were invented. The- Gah!” As I kept explaining, Alexis jammed her thumb back in my side. “What was that for!?” I asked, but turning my head around, I was slapped by Alexis again. “Don’t look at me!” She screamed while continuing to punch and slap my back to stay away from her.

I then noticed Blair pulling at my shirt. Her eyes sparkling with expectation. I sighed at her. “I was saying that facetiously.” I explained, apparently my sarcasm wasn’t well understood. “No it wasn’t~” Dreamsprite giggled while hovering around Blair. Hearing that, only caused Blair’s stare to increase in intensity. I used my hand to block her pouting gaze, but her whimpering couldn’t be hidden. I sighed pointing to Blair while talking to Camula to explain to her. The only way I would be able to say any of these words without cringing to death.


“Here we also have a conniving pixie. Unable to accept the word ‘no’, instead taking it to mean ‘not yet’… Adorably cute, but strangely mature, a one-two punch that could bring any man to his knees after enough exposure… Ugh… Stop looking at me like that!” I yelled at Blair, pulling her hat down over her eyes to avoid seeing her shining expression. ‘I was joking about her annoying habits at first, but halfway…What the hell is going on at this point!?’ I pinched the bridge of my nose for a moment before looking back at Camula.


Camula seemed really confused about all of what was happening. Not that I could blame her. This entire situation was confusing for me to keep my head straight too, and I wasn’t a Vampire from the middle ages. “So this is the vampire.” I heard a familiar voice talk from the balcony. I looked to see Jayden and the rest of the boys standing around the door, peering inside at Camula. 


Camula hissed while moving further away from the door, distrust oozing from her. “Awesome! She even has the fangs!” “It’s still a little scary…” “I’m more interested in how she was able to defeat Rakki. I need to learn the structure of her deck to hopefully improve my own.” “If she is a good Duelist, then I need to check that out for myself.” Everyone all spoke at once, but the more they did, the more Camula became confused over them. Only the wimpiest one was scared of her. None were looking at her with eyes of detest, they only cared for Dueling.


“Alright! Everyone! Let’s just give her some space, you’re scaring her.” I yelled while moving them back… Well, only Jayden who was casually walking in my room to get a closer look at Camula. “C’mon man! I wanna see if she can throw down!” Jayden argued. “Actually, that reminds me… You said Blair was able to best this vampire?” Zane asked me, causing me to nod. When I did, he looked over at Blair, still grabbing onto my side from instinct. Zane gained a small smirk looking at her. “You’ve grown… I suppose being here was good for you.” He said with a nod, making me falter a bit at his admittance of me being right. ‘Took him for the kind of stubborn ass that would never admit being wrong.’ It was a pleasant surprise.

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