Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 68. What Kind of Magic…?

“Can we get back to the Vampire he is keeping in his room with Blair!?” Alexis yelled, garnering everyone's attention. Everyone then looked at me, then Camula standing further back behind me, using me as a human shield from their piercing gazes. I looked back at her slightly anxious expression towards everyone staring at her. “What’s there to say?” I asked, just as Alexis smacked me again. “That if she’s a girl, then she should at least be in the girl’s dormitory!”


All the guys paused for a moment to understand that meaning, most blushing from embarrassment and slight perviness. “Of course, that only makes logical sense.” Bastion said with a smile, turning around to hide his face. “Oh yea! Otherwise your girlfriend might get the wrong idea!” Jayden said with a large smile, not bothered like the other guys who were clearly still virgins. ‘Has Jayden already…? But with who?’ I paused to think, but was cut off by Chazz. “He’s got a girlfriend!?” He yelled with jealousy.


“Stop trying to pry in my personal life Jayden!” I yelled in exasperation, the wave of sleepiness hitting me again. I turned around at Camula while Jayden chuckled. She was looking around, stunned at all of this casual dialog with her still present. “Times have changed. Vampires are kinda mainstream right now. Or at least a few years ago. Doesn’t matter.” I shook my head and waved my hand away at the thought to continue. “Ok give us a minute!” I yelled at everyone, closing the door to not let them hear what I would say. Not letting anyone say a word in response before I blocked the door with a chair.


The darkened room, Camula’s eyes were the only sources of light staring blankly at me. I sighed before speaking. “I’m aware of why you want the Sacred Beast's power, but… I think I should just let him explain.” I then presented, just to my right, the blackened Fiend King of the Abyss, Zorc. His green light illuminated the room, showcasing Camula’s complete shock before she knelt down on one knee in respect. “Rise child.” Zorc responded casually, yet authoritatively.


“Of course my Lord.” Camula instantly responded and stood back up, waiting for more orders from her Liege. “Unfortunately child, you have been deceived… I have not, nor ever held the power to bring back the dead. Neither do any of my wives.” ‘Hold up, wives…?’ I snapped my vision to Zorc, not bothering to address my shock. Camula’s lip trembled as the last semblance of hope she had left of her family coming back, shattered before her eyes. “I am truly sorry child.” Zorc rested his blackened hand on her shoulder, helping to comfort her as best he could.


Silent drops of tears fell to the ground, before splashing onto the floor, the only noise accompanied by the drops of water was her slight sniffling she tried to hide. It was truly a depressing scene, one that I knew very well. “This is all I can give to you.” Zorc said solemnly while lowering his hand to Camula’s lower stomach. A darkened light appeared on his hand, and I heard Camula grunt a bit in pain, almost like getting a shot from the doctor. 


Zorc then removed his hand, and I noticed half of his body had faded. Camula looked at her stomach, moving her dress to the side to better see what was done. When she did, my eyes almost leapt from their sockets at the heart shaped crest that had now appeared over her womb. “That’s a fucking lewd crest.” I muttered in disbelief at how ‘that’ would help Camula in any fashion. “What’s a ‘lewd crest’?” Blair asked me with an innocent tilt of her head. “Don’t ask.” I sighed, patting her head with one hand while pinching the bridge of my nose with the other.


Camula’s face turned a deep red as she slapped my face to look away from her, clearly learning from Alexis. Zorc chuckled while easing Camula down. “Now that is only one facsimile of this kind of magic. There are plenty of other purposes rather than just lust. Mind from the gutter, boy.” I blushed while covering my face with my hands in exasperation. ‘How am I in the wrong for calling it like I see it?’ “Normally Vampire’s birth rates are much lower to account for their almost infinite life spans. Ovulating only once per few years. I have now changed that to once per month.” 


I then looked at the crest, glowing a dull purple, my mind still only thinking of the fantasies of other uses these crests usually had. “It’s called a ‘Birthing Crest’. Invented with the help of Time Wizard, however it did have a few unusual side effects like the ones you are still thinking about, boy.” Camula then looked back up at me still staring at her crest, and hissed while hiding it under her dress. “The ability to quickly rebuild a new family as the last Vampire on earth… That is all I can give you.” “...Thank you, my lord.” Camula bowed as Zorc faded away. 


I took a deep breath before removing the chair blocking the door. “You can stay with Alexis, she’ll take care of you.” Camula nodded with a new degree of respect for me, most likely because I was close to the being of her creation. Opening the door, Jayden, and Syrus both fell inside in a heap. Clearly trying to press their ears against the door in hopes of hearing our conversation. I frowned at them both while Jayden tried his best to smile and laugh it off. “Ha… Just checking the door’s, um… wood.” He tapped it a few times with his ear against it, before nodding. “Solid oak.” He said with his thumb up.

I sighed while shaking my head. “Alexis?” I asked, getting her to stop glaring at Jayden and Sy, back over to me. She was still glaring, and much more fiercely if I saw correctly. “If you can keep Camula hidden in your dorm, it would be much appreciated.” I said, pushing Camula’s lower back to move her out of my room. She hissed a bit at me, but didn’t stop me from putting her in Alexis’ capable hands. Alexis frowned at me, before looking at Camula with a much gentler gaze.


“Your name is… Camula right?” Alexis asked with a calming smile. Camula frowned, but nodded silently. “Alright, let’s get you away from these boys.” She answered with a nod, leading the way to the girl’s dormitory. Leaving the rest of the guys, standing on the porch. “Well, that’s all for tonight. I’m going to bed. See you guys tomorrow.” I said as fast as I could to avoid more questions from everyone, slamming the door in their faces.


The moment I blocked the door again, I scowled at the little troublemaker behind me. Blair looked up at me with a teasing smile, learning a lot from Dreamsprite I imagine. “You…” I muttered to her as I slowly stomped over. She stood her ground, her grin growing as I moved closer. “You caused so much annoyance with that big mouth of yours.” I leaned down so my face was hovering just over hers as she stared into me.


She kept looking upwards towards me, her eyes not frightened in the least. In fact it looked like she was waiting. I grabbed her, and tossed her over to the bed with ease. She let out a surprised squeal from the trip, but her smile gave away her excitement. “This is what you wanted huh? From the very beginning, you were looking to piss me off enough for this kind of punishment…?” I growled while crawling over top of her, laying on our bed.


This little girl was much smarter than I gave her credit for when we first met. The longer we were together, the more I witnessed her forethought in all actions she took. The more comfortable and trusted she became around someone, the more she would showcase more of her true self. She only had it thinly veiled behind her quiet and shy demeanor, an innocent show for others to not see what laid beneath the surface. Almost making me wonder what might happen if she was able to rope Zane with this act like she had me.


But that didn’t matter. What mattered now, was laying just underneath me. I smirked at her, holding her wrists against the bed, keeping her pinned underneath me. She looked up at me with her large eyes, yearning with sin. I obliged, aggressively taking her lips while she was bound, the beginning of another long night together.

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