Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 76. Beginning of the Three-Way…

After Zorc was done staring Dark Magician Girl down, he glanced back at Alexis and I, Blair having to comfort Dark Magician Girl as she grumbled under her breath. “These cards…” Alexis stuttered while holding the cards Zorc gave to her in her tightened hands, afraid of letting them go, and losing them to the wind. Zorc held his blackened and clawed hand up, prohibiting Alexis from talking any further. “They belong to you now… Perhaps they were always destined from the beginning…” Zorc muttered the last part, squinting his lit green eyes, before looking back at me.


“Opposites are in all things. I was unsure if these would ever be seen again. However, it seems that the past has ways of catching up to oneself.” I frowned, knowing his meaning behind those words to me. He then let a green flame burn in his hands, silhouettes of cards appearing behind the burning flames. When they finally burned out, I could see more blue cards placed in his palm. The aura of them was as darkened as the hands they were laid on. I slowly grabbed them, and saw a young, what looked to be a knight, slowly growing into a king of his own through the cards.


“No! Those are so dark! Darker than I think you were all those years ago! You’re trying to corrupt him aren’t you!?” Dark Magician Girl yelled, trying to remove the cards from my hands, but pulled them away from her. Zorc chuckled, a sad sense of longing in his voice only I could discern from being connected to him. “Perhaps they are dark and spiteful… They were betrayed and thrown away like many in the well here.” I frowned at the cards, feeling they were similar to Zorc himself. 


I placed the cards in my Duel Disk, much to the anguish of Dark Magician Girl. “Are you nuts!? He’s definitely trying to turn you evil!” I just shrugged while glancing at Alexis’ frowning, and Blair’s unsure gaze. “I trust zorc. Besides, I know that you both will hit me if I ever go too far.” Just as Zorc began vanishing, I was hugged by Blair. “I’ll never let you go.” She said lovingly. ‘Although a bit possessive.’ I thought, just as she snatched my lips.

Alexis gasped at her, and quickly pushed Blair off, falling into Dark Magician Girl, and dispersing Dark Magician Girl back into Blair’s deck. “Don’t just-! You can’t do that!” Alexis yelled, her face deep red as she quickly placed the new cards in her deck, and placing her whole deck inside her Duel Disk. Blair frowned as she got back up, and latched herself back onto me, still staring at Alexis. “It’s what I want…” She muttered, tightening her squeeze onto me. 


Alexis frowned, turning her vicious gaze over to me, silently demanding I do something. “What’s wrong with her doing what she wants?” I asked with a shrug, Alexis clenching her teeth in response. She turned herself away from Blair and I, not even able to look at us. I scoffed at her while laying myself down, once I did, I could see her face again. I let my arm rest on the ground beside me, still staring at Alexis as I did so. She glanced at it, before looking at Blair rubbing her head into the crook of my neck as I used my other arm to ruffle her hair.


Alexis scowled and shook her head, silently turning further away from me. I smirked while resting my head on the ground beneath me, looking straight into the sky as I spoke. “Just because Blair does what she wants, doesn’t mean you can’t do the same.” Alexis scoffed at me, and I turned my head to see what was funny. She had a face of scorn as she stared down at me. “No, I can’t… What if I wanted all of you?” I blinked in surprise of her sudden candidness, watching as Alexis glared down at Blair next. “She is always with you all the time. Even when it’s supposed to be just us together, she’s still attached to you…”


I sat up, stunned from Alexis’ muttering. I didn’t have any words to comfort her in her desires. I was the selfish one for trying to play both girls at the same time. I never even had a thought that letting Alexis have time alone with me was something to be worried about. I made casual snarky remarks about being open to her and I becoming closer, but Blair was always beside me when I mentioned it. And I wasn’t going to let go of Blair either.


“Pft… Do you think it was easy for me to stay this close all the time to him?” Blair suddenly started speaking as she got up from my chest, her snide grin making Alexis and I go silent in confusion. “It was hard trying to prove to him that I wasn’t just some kid! Everyday he would place me at arm’s length, and avoid my advances! Meanwhile I watched as he happily pined for you every chance he had!”


I gulped in shock at my own actions, watching as Blair’s snide grin was just a cover for her fear and anger of being abandoned by me. ‘I did that…?’ “Not intentionally, but yes.” Dark Witch whispered a bit depressingly as we both watched Blair continue to poke Alexis’ chest angrily pushing her back with each word she yelled. “I had to fight so hard to even have a chance! Don’t go complaining about being a third wheel when you didn’t even have to try!”


All was frozen for a few moments as the wind began blowing by. I slowly began standing up, ready to defuse the situation. “Alexis-” “You’re right…” However before I did, Alexis spoke first, her gloved fists trembled under the pressure she was placing into them as she bit her lip. “I never really discussed or made my desires clear. Never stood my ground for what I wanted.” 


Alexis then suddenly activated her Duel Disk, pointing at Blair in front of her. “So fine! If you want me to fight for him, then I will! If I win…” She paused, her face turning scarlet as she glanced at my stupefied expression. “If I win! You have to stay in Slifer while Rakki finally moves up to Obelisk!” She yelled, avoiding looking towards me from sheer embarrassment, however her determination had been set. She wasn’t going to budge anymore, now she finally admitted what she wanted, and wasn’t going to take it back. 


After Alexis made her demand, clearly wanting Blair to feel the same as she did in the exact opposite situation, Blair activated her Duel Disk with a nod. “Fine! If I win! I keep him to myself! You won't have anymore of a right to try and be with him!” Blair scowled, ready to defend her position as Rakki’s girlfriend against anything that might stand in her way. She had worked day in and day out for the ability to be seen by her affection, and she wouldn’t lose him now.


“That’s it!” Another voice suddenly yelled in between both girls, and they turned to see another Duel Disk activate close by the scowling boy responsible for this entire mess. “I’ve been pretty half assed about relationships between the both of you! And I have no excuse for that! But I’m gonna start right now!” His scowling gaze looked slightly pained just seeing both girls at each other’s throats.


I sighed looking between Alexis and Blair. Alexis, the girl that understood my pain, and wanted to support me as I supported her in her times of crisis. Her bold, yet shy attitude was fun to tease. I hated seeing her face being contorted in anguish again, I felt my stomach turn knowing it was my fault for her to be in such a state. Blair was a tiny little minx. One that always made advances and despite my attempts, one that I held dear in my arms. It was no longer only her wishing to remain close, I took no small amount of pleasure in feeling her by my side, or in my lap. I didn’t realize that in my attempts of holding back, I had inadvertently caused her to be fearful of being thrown away for someone else. ‘I have to take responsibility for all of this…’


As all three stood across from one another, their Duel Disks active, waiting to be used, both girls stared intently at the boy they were fighting over, wondering what he would say. “If I win, then I’m ending all of this!”


4,000 Alexis ---- 4,000 Blair ---- 4,000 Rakki

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