Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 77. Round 1!

4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 Blair ---- 4,000 Alexis


All three parties stood at odds with one another, however one question was all that two could think about. “What do you mean, ending it all?” Alexis asked, Blair standing frozen with unblinking eyes. However Rakki remained silent, taking his hand of cards before making his first move. Seemingly too hateful of his own words and thoughts to even say them, to make them real. “I place Spirit of the Breeze in defense position, and set one card.” He said, full of conviction.


Spirit of The Breeze/Fairy/Effect/Level 3/ Atk:0 Def:1800Spirit of the Breeze


Blair stared at Rakki’s scowling expression, but pushed her fears of what he meant, down as she focused on Alexis. “I set one monster, and activate my continuous spell, Spell Absorption! Giving me 500 life points for every spell resolved while it’s on the field! Like right now!” Her life points jumped up, before she played her next continuous spell, Arcane Barrier. “And with that, I end my turn.” She said, still glaring at Alexis.


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,500 Blair ---- 4,000 Alexis


Alexis’ hands shook as she thought. She wanted to be as close with Rakki as Blair constantly was. She felt she never had a moment with him that was just hers. Now that she finally admitted it to herself, she couldn’t go back on her word. She took a deep breath, readying herself yet again to beat Blair, and then Rakki himself. ‘He’s more selfish for trying two girls at once, he doesn’t have the right to complain when I get what I want.’ She nodded before looking at her cards. Nothing new that she had seen yet, but the match had just started.


“First, I’ll use Polymerization to fuse my Etoile Cyber with Blade Skater to form Cyber Blader!” In a flash of light, both women combined together, and showcased the strength of Alexis’ best fusion as Blair’s life points increased yet again, however that wouldn’t stop Alexis from removing those points right back.

4,000 Rakki ---- 5,000 Blair ---- 4,000 Alexis


Cyber Blader/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/Level 7/ Atk:2100 Def:800Cyber Blader


“And because of her effect, when there are two monster’s on the opponent’s side of the field, she gains double her attack!” Both Rakki and Blair watched in shock as Alexis’ monster powered up to a monstrous degree, enough to 1TK them if they didn’t have defense.


Cyber Blader/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/Level 7/ Atk:4200 Def:800


Feeling empowered, Alexis grinned, seeing her quickened victory in sight. “Next, I’ll equip her with Fairy Meteor Crush, granting her piercing damage for her attack! And I choose your set monster!” She yelled, pointing at Blair, ready to deal a massively damaging strike. Blair’s monster flipped, showcasing Mystical Elf, her 2000 Defense easily shattered through along with Blair’s life points as she grunted.


4,000 Rakki ---- 3,300 Blair ---- 4,000 Alexis


“I’ll set one card, and end my turn.” Alexis announced, gaining more confidence in her decision to start this Duel, feeling as if she should have done this to begin with. However, now it was Rakki’s turn. “I Draw! And then I gain 1000 life points thanks to Spirit of the Breeze!” He yelled, his scowl remained as he scanned his card, thinking as his life rose.


5,000 Rakki ---- 3,300 Blair ---- 4,000 Alexis


“I’ll then send a card to the grave so I can use the spell card, Cost Down! Lowering the rest of my monster’s on the field and in my hand by two levels!” He explained while Blair's life points went up from the spell card he just used. “And because of that, I no longer need two sacrifices to summon, Red Eyes Black Dragon!” He yelled, the spirit on his field fading away into dust, quickly forming into a massive dragon that screeched in empowerment, shaking the ground beneath them all.


Red Eyes Black Dragon/Dragon/Normal/Level 7(5)/ Atk:2400 Def:2000Red Eyes Black Dragon


“I’ll attack your Cyber Blader!” He yelled, announcing his attack. Red Eyes soon reared his head, before blowing a red hot ball of fire cooking the Cyber Blader, and damaging Alexis’ life points, however Cyber Blader remained. “Too bad Rakki, Cyber Blader can’t be destroyed by battle as long as either of you have a monster on the field.” She said with a smile, as her life points hardly budged.


5,000 Rakki ---- 3,800 Blair ---- 3,700 Alexis


“I’ll set one card and end my turn.” He muttered, letting Blair have her turn. “I Draw!” She yelled, desperately looking at her card for some salvation. “I activate the spell card, Pot of Greed!” She yelled, gaining more life points for doing so as she drew her two cards. She gave a quick nod, before starting her move. “I summon Dark Valkyria, and I’ll equip her with Supervise, granting her her ability! Which allows her to gain a spell counter for 300 attack!”


5,000 Rakki ---- 4,800 Blair ---- 3,700 Alexis


Dark Valkyria/Fairy/Gemini/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1800(2100) Def:1050 (1)Dark Valkyria


“But now that you have her on the field, my Cyber Blader gains twice her attack.” Alexis rebutted, however Blair’s smile only grew as Alexis suddenly gained a sinking feeling. “I can use the spell counter I just gave her, to destroy your Cyber Blader! Do it!” She yelled, turning at her fallen fairy, crackling red flame in her hand, before placing it at Cyber Blader’s throat, and burning her to a crisp as she screamed and disintegrated to the graveyard. “Next, I’ll attack you directly!” She screamed, Alexis taking the full brunt of Blair’s attack.


5,000 Rakki ---- 4,800 Blair ---- 1,900 Alexis


Alexis sighed, while Blair finished her turn. “I’ll set down one card, and end my turn.” “Before you do, I’ll activate my own continuous trap!” Alexis announced flipping over her trap card on the field. “Solemn Wishes! With this, I gain 500 life points every time I draw a card from my deck. I Draw!” She yelled, her life points rising again.


5,000 Rakki ---- 4,800 Blair ---- 2,400 Alexis


“I’ll use Machine Angel Ritual to sacrifice my Cyber Angel Benten in my hand, to ritual summon Cyber Angel Natasha!” Just then, a temple appeared in front of Alexis, its stone steps ascended to the heavens, finally with an altar at the top. In a bright light, the clouds parted, and descending from the light a robotic centaur woman clad in armor, standing proudly as she descended downwards to meet the mortals below.


Cyber Angel Natasha/Fairy/Ritual/Effect/Level 5/ Atk:1000 Def:1000Cyber Angel Natasha

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