Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 81. Rules

Alexis, Blair and I, all waited to hear what Dark Witch’s idea finally was. “I have been putting some thought into the best way for all of us to work together in this relationship, and here is what I have come up with.” She started, pulling out a clipboard from nowhere while Alexis’ hands gripped tighter hearing the term ‘relationship’, finally comprehending what was happening. Dark Witch then showcased a calendar, with repeating colors on each day. “Since today is a Sunday, this matches everything perfectly.” She said with a smile, but one of assuredness, and not surprise. 


‘Did she-? No…’ I shook the idea away before it even formed as Dark Witch explained. “Sunday would be a day for all of us to be together. Alexis, Blair, and us spirits.” The day was signified as a mix of green, blue, and red, and we all nodded in silence for Dark Witch to continue. “The rest of the school-week, can switch between Alexis and Blair in the order they determine from Monday.” We watched as Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday all changed in color between blue and red, except for Wednesday, which just remained green. 


“There are rules however when it comes to this.” Dark Witch continued, pointing at the one day that didn’t change. “Wednesday is for spirits, it will be an unchangeable day for our turn to have him.” Blair raised her hand in response and Dark Witch pointed at her. “How would Alexis and I decide on what days to have?” Dark Witch nodded with a smile, seemingly glad that the conversation had gone where she wanted. “You both will Duel at the beginning of Monday, or the end of Sunday to determine your week, and that also leads me to the second rule.” She said, ignoring Blair’s and even Alexis’ arms. (Alexis’ hand raised only slightly while Blair’s was far above her head)


“You can only have two of your own days in a school week, leaving the rest for the other.” She then showcased the week chart, and showcased all the possible combinations of blue and red days. With that, both girls’ hands went down and Dark Witch nodded as she pointed at my newly raised hand. “What about Saturday? Why is it pink?” I asked, pointing at the last day of the week with a pink highlight. Dark Witch pointed at both Alexis and Blair with a smile as she explained. “That is girl’s night~” We all stuttered in surprise, but to be honest I should have seen that coming.


“G-Girl’s night?” Alexis asked, squirming in my lap. “I-I don’t-” She was about to continue, before Dark Witch spoke over her in a reassuring tone. “It’s just so all of us girls can talk, discuss, and learn more about one another on our own, and grow closer as sisters. Nothing naughty.” She chuckled while wagging her finger at Alexis’ deeply red face. “Pft- I tried, but, Ugh!” I did my best, but couldn’t stop myself from laughing before instantly suppressing it. However, Alexis still stabbed me with her elbow anyway. 


I let out a sigh, rubbing my stomach where Alexis hit me, and focused on Blair, she was mumbling under her breath. “What do you think?” Blair stopped muttering, and turned to me with slight confusion. “What do the ‘days’ allow us to do, not on other days?” We all paused, and turned to look at Dark Witch for more answers. She nodded, and looked between Blair and Alexis. “That is for you both to decide on your own days. What you don’t want the other to do on that day, they can’t do. Rakki is yours for that day. Within reason of course. Remember that Rakki does care for the other person, if you begin to spitefully attack her with obscene rules, you might lose Rakki’s trust.”


Alexis and Blair nodded, glancing at one another from time to time. “That is why you wanted us to have a girl’s night?” Alexis asked, Dark Witch hummed with a slight nod. “It was a reason, yes.” Refusing to explain further, Alexis sighed, looking back between Rakki and Blair. Alexis, fiddled with her hands, Rakki’s hand in between both of hers. She wanted this everyday, she wanted more. Even though he was a jerk, she still couldn’t help but want him everyday. However, that wasn’t possible. Even if Blair wasn’t there, Rakki would still be with the spirits, there was no option of her having Rakki to herself all of the time. Two days a week to herself, while feeling short, this was the closest she could have. 


Blair looked at Alexis, both girls silently thinking to themselves about the schedule before Blair finally expressed her opinion. “I would be okay trying this out for a week.” Alexis nodded, frowning at me as she spoke with slight aggravation. “I guess this could work, considering what a playboy Rakki is.” I frowned in disbelief as Blair, Dark Witch, and even the rest of the spirits all giggled. ‘I’m not trying to flirt with every girl I know, even- Fine, if I’m already a fuckboy then I’ll be a fuckboy’ With a sudden thought, I smirked. “Alright, if today is an ‘everybody’ day, then I think I have an idea.”


After a quick lunch, talking with Jayden along with everyone else coming back from Jayden’s Duel against the captain, or admiral, or whatever, Alexis, Blair and I managed to escape their drawn out conversation over Jayden absolutely beating down the poor idiot. “What are you planning for me to need a swimsuit? It’s not the beach is it?” Alexis asked with a distrusting raised brow. I smirked at her and shook my head. “Telling you would ruin the surprise! But no, it’s not the beach. Just meet up at the back of the school, and I’ll take you to the surprise.”

Alexis then suddenly flinched, glancing at her Duel Disk, her eyes lingering on her deck. She finally nodded. “Fine! Fine, I’ll get a swimsuit and a towel.” I silently thanked perhaps the newest spirit she found, as Blair and I headed back to our dorm to collect our things as well. It wasn’t long for us to collect our things, slowed from me having to close my eyes so Blair could hide her swimsuit from me until she would wear it at our location. However, at that very same time, the rest of the group were discussing things.


“Did Rakki, Blair, and Alexis seem a bit odd to anyone else?” Syrus asked after everyone stopped talking about Jayden’s quick Duel. “Alexis did seem a little odd after we came back.” Mindy hummed, thinking back to Alexis’ sudden, jerk filled movements at the table, before all three left early. “Probably because Rakki was bothering her, he was sitting right beside her.” Jasmine complained. “Hoh~ He wasn’t bothering her~” Tania suddenly laughed, waving her arm to dispel any ideas of that being the case. “What do you mean?” Bastion asked, his face slightly blushing from Tania’s arm pulling him close. 


Tania hummed with a large smile. “Hmm~ It’s really not my place to say dear, Buuuut~ Maybe a baby hint for my cute husband~?” She paused, thinking of how to phrase things, as everyone leaned closer to listen. “Alexis was the one bothering Rakki.” Everyone stuttered in surprise, all asking questions to Tania about what that meant, but she shook her head. “That's all I can say! I only noticed it, so I can’t say anymore!” Everyone sighed, wanting to know more, everyone except Jayden, just now finished stuffing his face with food. “I think I know what it was.” Jayden said, before explaining Rakki’s perhaps fallen moral from losing a Duel, and almost losing his key.


“Indeed, that makes sense…” “Oh man, no wonder he asked you to cover for him.” “Maybe Alexis was trying to make him feel better.” While everyone began collectively thinking of their condolences, aside from Jasmine and Tania. Jasmine, just not liking Rakki anyway, but Tania because she knew very well that Alexis was the one grasping at Rakki’s hand under the table. ‘I see that she has begun taking the initiative. ‘I’m proud, strong women are those that take what they want after all~’ She hummed with a smile, hugging Bastion in glee.


A sudden chill went down my spine as I walked towards the back of the school building. “Are you okay?” Blair asked, feeling my arm suddenly get covered in goosebumps. I nodded with a sigh, shaking myself to dispel the strange cold feeling. “Yeah, just walked under a vent or something.” “There you are.” Another voice called out, and both of us focused on the whispering agitated voice of Alexis. “You two better not have done anything while I was gone!” I smirked at her, while Dark Witch testified to our innocence. “Let’s go!” I yelled, wanting to get rid of the cold feeling.

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