Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 82. Hot Springs!

“Where exactly is this place?” Alexis asked, after a few minutes of walking off the beaten path. I held her hand as she carefully jumped down the steep rocks to my level, Blair following her lead in taking my hand. “We should be close, right?” I asked Dreamsprite, she giggled while hovering around me, trying to spur a reaction from me over her nude body. “Yup!” She said, leading the way again, willing the plant life to bend aside for our easier traversal. 


As we continued to walk, a small gust of wind, and I was then suddenly hit with the distinct smell of sulphur. I turned back around to see Alexis’ mouth hanging open, as well as Blair’s, however Blair was much more excited about where we were heading. “Is it what I think it is!?” She yelled, rushing ahead, towards the clearing. I took Alexis’ hand, and led her towards the clearing, and we could now see a natural hot spring.


Blair was already undressing in front of us, and Alexis quickly rushed over. “Stop! Have some decency!” Blair giggled as Alexis took Blair’s towel, and hung in around her to hide Blair from my sight. “I don’t mind if Rakki sees~” Alexis glared at me, and I instinctively walked away to give them both privacy. After I got dressed in my own trunks, not wanting to have Alexis pass out from knowing I was nude, and after I was done, Dreamsprite said the girls were also done changing so I took my belongings back over to them.


The moment I saw Blair, I paused to take in her strange mix of cuteness and allure. Blair, usually wearing boy clothing, hiding her natural curves, was now wearing a pink and black striped bikini, only hiding her most private parts, her long black hair, usually tucked under her cap, was now placed in a ponytail. She spotted me, and quickly ran over to me. “Rakki! What do you think?” She asked, twirling in place, the bottom part of her bikini having a frilled miniskirt, dancing in the breeze. 


I then watched her eyes lower, and her grin widened in response to what she saw. I clicked my tongue at her plans. ‘I know she’s doing that on purpose!’ I held my clothes over my waist, hiding what she was grinning at. She giggled while walking to my side, happily grasping my arm and dragging me to follow her. “Alexis is over here!” She brought me past a large boulder, and seeing the other side, Alexis stood, tying her own hair into a ponytail to keep it out of her face as it got wet. “Rakki!?” She yelled in surprise, before clutching her chest with one hand in angst as I studied her.


Alexis was always known for being the most beautiful student in school, but seeing her in a swimsuit was a level beyond just ‘good-looking’. Her body was perfectly taken care of by her rich upbringing. Her skin was like porcelain, without a single blemish to speak of. I already knew her chest was large, but now that she was only in her light blue bikini, it almost seemed as if she was hiding her cup size under her uniform. Her tied hair draped down her clavicle, showcasing the nape of her neck, its slender curves almost begging to be caressed. Finally I glanced at her long legs, no longer hidden under her skirt. Perfectly toned from swimming, her thighs were strong yet supple.


“Well… Say something!” Alexis yelled, waking me from my stupor of seeing her in a new outfit for the first time. “Uh, yeah. Nice blue color.” I mumbled, turning away from her, not really knowing what to say while keeping it tasteful. Alexis frowned while rubbing her arm, avoiding looking at Blair or I as she slowly stepped closer, grumbling under her breath. I didn’t hear, because I was about to find a good place to keep my things, while calming myself down, but Blair had other ideas. “Ha! You don’t have to be sad about him not liking your swimsuit, Alexis! Here!” She yelled, pulling my things away from my waist. “Hey!” I yelled, grasping them back.


Alexis’ face had turned scarlet, when I looked back at her, her hand covering her eyes… poorly. “I-I’ll go first! Blair!” She yelled, dragging Blair behind her. I took a deep breath at Blair’s brattiness, trying to piss me off so I would ravish her. “The little minx.” “You called?” Suddenly Dreamsprite appeared, hovering beside me, wrapping her arms loosely around my neck, tenderly caressing my chest as she giggled. “Don’t forget, this day is for everyone!” She cheered, turning me around to showcase the rest of the Duel Spirit girls, each completely naked.


I frowned at them all, part of me knowing this was why they agreed and decided to help with my idea of going to the hidden hot spring here so fervently. “We’re here to relax.” I murmured, causing Unhappy Maiden to pout while gripping onto my waist. I sighed, before lifting her up in my arms, and letting her wrap her legs around my hips as I then gently took her lips. After a few seconds we both pulled away, and I looked at the rest of the spirits. “This is as far as we’ll go in the spring!” Dreamsprite yelled with an innocent smile, holding her hand swearing in her words.


I held Unhappy Maiden in one arm, while using my other to pull the hovering Dreamsprite in for her own kiss. She was much more rough, enjoying our tongues to mingle before parting. “We best go now, Blair and Alexis are starting to think you are… Taking care of things on your own.” Dark Witch said, stifling a chuckle. “Damnit.” I cursed, while heading over to the shallow waters. Alexis and Blair were both talking near the edge, resting their backs against the stone as they sat with their chests at the surface of the water.


Once they saw me, they both shushed each other with a few giggles, and Blair beckoned me over. “C’mere Rakki! We got a spot for you!” She said, slashing the steaming water between her and Alexis. I squinted at both of them, but slowly took the spot directed. “Ahhh…” A sigh escaped my lips as I dipped my body into the scorching waters, the pain soon turning into comfort as my muscles relaxed. I was brought back from relaxing thoughts by Blair and Alexis, both chuckling and giggling at me. “You sound like an old man.” “I’m surprised that you came here to actually relax, rather than try and pull something.” 


I frowned at Alexis’ comment, wrangling her body close to mine as she yelped in surprise. “Don’t tempt me.” I finished, smirking by the end while Blair quickly waded herself onto my other side. Soon enough, all of the spirits came appearing from underneath the water, each swimming over. “Oh my-! She’s naked! And her! And her! Why are they all naked!?” Alexis started yelling, covering my eyes to stop me from seeing them like that. “I don’t know why you’re doing that, I’ve already- Agh!” I took a deep breath, the steam entering my lungs.


Blair and the spirits all laughed, and the spirits all eventually created towels of their own, wrapping their bodies in them to hide their privates. Only then did Alexis remove her hands from my eyes allowing me to see. However I noticed she still remained just as close to me as when she had to keep her arms around my head. Almost sitting on my lap in the water. I chuckled while placing my arms up on each side of me, resting them on the edge of the waters. “Well, now I think we can relax.” I sighed contently. The cool air rushing over my face, mixing with the hot rising steam.


“Where did you get that Freya spirit?” I asked Alexis, trying to start a conversation. She scoffed at me, but with my eyes closed and resting, the Duel spirit girls quietly conversing with one another, it just left Alexis, Blair, and I to relax by ourselves at the moment. She poked my chest harshly as she spoke. “You can’t have her, or add her to this in any way.” I chuckled, squinting at her, shaking my head. “No, I’m not. You said you were going to tell me, I wanna hear.” Alexis squirmed beside me for a moment, before speaking. “It was the Hoshiningen you gave me actually. Yesterday, after I was walking to Obelisk alone, suddenly he shined and began leading me towards a trash bin. I found her at the very top of everything. Not covered in other garbage yet…” 


I nodded with a slightly proud smirk. “I bet she’s glad to have met you… I am for both of you girls…” I murmured, before my mind could prohibit my speech, pulling both Alexis and Blair closer to me. “Don’t forget us!” Dreamsprite yelled as she charged into my chest. The beginning of all of us enjoying each other's company, finally without any hidden jealousy, unsureness, or longing. All of us knew where we stood with one another, the spirits happily joining along with their unconditional joy and happiness.

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