Madness of the Heart

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Open every day (09)

Ming Shu thought of Ling Xuzhi almost instantly.

Why does he shake his hands when he hears Sha Chun’s name? Why did the technical investigators look on from the sidelines nervously when they retrieved the “Jia Jia Bailu” teacher and student information?

“But this issue is more complicated than what we have just discussed.” Xiao Yuan said: “If Sha Chun was homicide, we can narrow the scope of investigation to Qu Xing and some personnel in the training class based on the existing clues. Almost all Murders are all expressions of strong and guilty emotions. But if Sha Chun committed suicide, it would actually be very contradictory.”

Ming Shu closed his eyes, listening to Xiao Yuan’s analysis, while recalling every detail of Ling Xuzhi’s words and deeds.

“For ordinary people, murder is illegal, and murder pays for life. Only a few people have the courage to kill. Regardless of whether Sha Chun doesn’t want to live or not, the person who strangled her is essentially a murderer and will inevitably pay the price in the end. This’helper’ will face double psychological pressure-murder and sentence.” Xiao Yuan held a pen and tapped the end of the pen lightly on the notebook, “Under this double pressure, TA is still willing to help Sha Chun commit suicide. It only shows that Sha Chun is very important to him, and he is willing to take risks for Sha Chun.”

Ming Shu raised his head, “Since Sha Chun is extremely important, how can TA succeed? Also, whether it is important or not is mutual, especially for people like Sha Chun who are not seen in the workplace and whose ability is uncertain. Said. Sha Chun is important to him, so he must also be important to Sha Chun. Once a person has killed someone, even if he is not caught, he will live in fear and fear for the rest of his life. Sha Chun is dead. , But the future of this’helper’ has also been ruined. Since this is a very important person to Sha Chun, would Sha Chun be so selfish?”

“This is what I said is very contradictory, lacking a key logical fulcrum.” Xiao Yuan shook his head, “This case now has two directions: suicide and homicide, homicide looks more convincing in the logical chain, but suicide…”

Ming Shu waited for a while, “Brother, what do you want to say?”

Xiao Yuan pinched his eyebrows, “If I can find a reasonable explanation for that contradiction, I am more inclined to believe that Sha Chun planned this death himself.”

Qu Xing has two high-end residences in the city, one of which is only a 10-minute drive from the Jiangnan Theater.

On the night of the incident, the monitoring of the community where the house was located showed that Qu Xing entered the community at 10:37 and has not left since.

But even in high-end residential buildings, the monitoring equipment is not without blind spots. If Qu Xing had known these blind spots long ago, and avoided surveillance and left after returning home, it would create the illusion that he was always at home.

Mingshu let the technical investigation continue to monitor.

In many homicide cases, although the current surveillance cannot provide key evidence, according to previous surveillance, it can sometimes summarize the suspect’s living habits and provide important ideas for the detection of the case.

Surveillance is the most boring task. Everyone seems to be asleep, but in fact, everyone is attentively staring at the multiplexed video.

Suddenly, Zhou Yuan repeatedly pressed pause and shouted: “Look at it, is this Sha Chun?”

After refined processing, the person on the video was confirmed to be Sha Chun.

At 7:01 pm on May 29th, Sha Chun came to Qu Xing’s house and left two hours later. Qu Xing did not appear under surveillance during the entire process, neither received Sha Chun nor sent Sha Chun.

It is worth mentioning that Sha Chun’s two appearances in the surveillance state differed greatly. When he came, he was relatively normal and vaguely happy. When he left, he was gloomy. There was an action of wiping the corners of his eyes with a tissue, like I was very sad, and was hit hard.

Both happiness and gloom must be related to the person she met.

In previous inquiries, no member of the Chinese People’s Music Club mentioned the relationship between Qu Xing and Sha Chun, and Qu Xing himself insisted that he was not familiar with Sha Chun.

“It seems that you and Sha Chun are not as’unfamiliar’ as you said.” Mingshu turned the tablet and played the surveillance video on the night of May 29.

Qu Xing looked at the tablet, Ming Shu stared at Qu Xing.

Unlike most people in the folk band, Qu Xing’s external temperament looks like an “artist”. He was wearing a black light suit, three buttons on the shirt underneath, a necklace hung under his collarbone, his hair was long by male standards, and a loose bun with a black hairpin on the back of his head.

“Sha Chun once visited your house and stayed for two hours.” Mingshu asked, “What are you doing in these two hours?”

After Qu Xing watched the video, he curled his lips and smiled, “We, of course, are communicating art.”

“What art to communicate? How to communicate?” Ming Shu was not affected by Qu Xing’s attitude. “Since you have reached the point of communicating art at home, it is impossible for you to be unfamiliar with Sha Chun. At least I haven’t seen other colleagues come to you. Home to find you.”

Qu Xing was still smiling, with his hands folded against his chin, “I found one thing.”

Ming Shu said: “You said.”

“Sha Chun is dead, so no matter what I say now, you can’t verify its authenticity, right?” Qu Xing bent his eyebrows, “You can only choose to believe in me or not to believe in me. And you are now You have already regarded me as a suspect, then you will definitely not believe what I said.”

Fang Yuanhang sternly warned, “Correct your attitude!”

“Attitude? Hahaha!” Qu Xing looked at Fang Yuanhang, with contempt in his eyes, “A mortal man like you, deserves me to correct my attitude?”

Ming Shu said: “I did treat you as a suspect, but the information between you and me is not equal. I am not sure if you killed Sha Chun, but you must be clear. You are better than me in the matter of killing Sha Chun. With more say, your words are more reliable than my guess. Moreover, you are not the only suspect. Why do you think I will not believe you?”

When Ming Shu said this, Fang Yuanhang screamed secretly in his heart, Qu Xing was also stunned for a moment, the arrogant contempt on his face slightly reduced.

“I don’t think I know much from you, only-why did Sha Chun go to your house? What do you think of her.” Ming Shu said, “Look, this is the interrogation room, not the interrogation room. I don’t have it. Take you to the interrogation room because I want to hear your explanation before making a judgment.”

Qu Xing looked at Ming Shu suspiciously, and probably felt that this policeman was different from what he had imagined.

Ming Shu didn’t urge him until he finally changed his sitting posture, put his hands on the table, and said, “Did you think about it?”

“I called Sha Chun to come to my house.” Qu Xing said: “She played too badly. The so-called’efforts’ are actually useless. I can’t stand it anymore.”

Ming Shu asked: “Are you going to guide her?”

“You mortals like to use’work hard’ to advertise yourself. You don’t have the talent and don’t work **** the direction. Isn’t that a waste of effort?” Qu Xing sneered, “Sha Chun is this kind of person. I was on a whim that day and wanted to guide When she called her, she was very happy, what a fool.”

“Are you just on a whim?”

“You believe it or not.”

Ming Shu said, “Okay, I believe it for the time being. How did you communicate that day?”

“Tsk, strengthened my thoughts-Sha Chun is really a waste.” Qu Xing scratched his hair a little irritably, “I shouldn’t guide her.”

“You scolded her?”

“Reprimand? No, I just told her kindly that she didn’t need to make meaningless efforts anymore.”

Ming Shu asked, “After that, do you have any intersection?”

Qu Xing shook his head, “She has no face to talk to me again.”

Ming Shu asked again: “After Saturday’s performance, you didn’t meet with Shachun again?”

“Why should I ask her?” Qu Xing frowned when he finished speaking, “Do you think I deceived Sha Chun into the performing arts group in the name of communication, and then killed it?”

Ming Shu did not answer, but stared closely at Qu Xing’s eyes.

For a moment, Qu Xing sneered, “Didn’t you say that you don’t want to know much from me? But you have too many questions. If you suspect that I killed Sha Chun, then you should investigate. It can be proved that it is me, then Just sentence me to imprisonment, it can’t prove…well, then it can only show that you are too stupid, as stupid as Sha Chun.”

“This person’s attitude is too arrogant!” Fang Yuanhang said from the interrogation room: “Did he rely on us to find no evidence? I thought of Hou Cheng when I saw him. The evidence of Hou Cheng’s crime was not also deceived. Did we find it?”

Yi Fei watched the entire questioning process in the surveillance, “I feel that Qu Xing’s suspicion is even greater now. An arrogant person like him can do things that normal people think are unbelievable.”

“If Qu Xing is not the murderer, he can completely explain it seriously, instead of holding a smashing jar like he is now, it will not do him any good.’If you can prove that it is me, then sentence me to prison. If you can’t prove it, then It means that you are too stupid. This kind of remark has basically beaten himself as a murderer.” Ming Shu changed his words, “But you also said that a arrogant person like him can do things that normal people think are incredible. .”

Yi Fei frowned, “Is he kidding us?”

“Do not rule out this possibility.” Ming Shu asked Fang Yuanhang for a bottle of iced honey tea, and drank half of it in one breath. “This kind of person is very troublesome and cannot be analyzed with any conventional thinking. Maybe the starting point of all his behaviors. They were all “on a whim” and “fun”. It was a whim to ask Sha Chun to go to his house in May. Now that we know that we regard him as a key suspect, we are dragging us to play. It is hard to say that it was not his another whim.”

Fang Yuanhang disagrees, “but he does have suspicions.”

“Yes, he is suspected, and we have to work **** him.” Ming Shu paused for a while, “The investigation against Qu Xing cannot be relaxed, if he is not the murderer…”

Yi Fei smiled bitterly, “Then treat it as a waste of our efforts.”

While investigating Qu Xing, the crime team’s investigation of “Jianjia Bailu” was also proceeding. Mingshu paid special attention to Ling Xuzhi, and some surveillance images overturned Shi Hanshan’s statement that “Ling Xuzhi and Sha Chun do not intersect.”

Calligraphy teaching and Chinese painting teaching are both conducted in the living room, and only musical instrument teaching has a separate classroom. Sha Chun must pass through the living room when he enters and leaves. As long as Sha Chun appears, Ling Xuzhi will stop and follow Sha Chun.

Because of the difference in class time, Ling Xu can only meet Sha Chun on Tuesday or Saturday. Monitoring and calligraphy students confirmed that Ling Xuzhi had spoken with Sha Chun on his own initiative.

Ling Xuzhi studied at the Dongye Academy of Fine Arts. Payment records show that in May of this year, he bought tickets for nine performances of the Performing Arts Group.

“For these nine performances, at the price you choose, the ticket price for each is more than 660 yuan, and the nine shows are close to 7,000 yuan. For you, a student, it is a lot of money, right?” Ming Shu said: “Ling Xuzhi, you are not going to listen to music, but to see Sha Chun.”

“You nonsense!” Ling Xu’s jaw and neck were almost stiff, and his facial muscles were jerking like spasms. Just when he was brought to the interrogation room, there were obvious sweat marks in his armpits and chest.

He is not tall, wears an inferior shirt that is easy to sweat, and has fair skin. His appearance and temperament are all cramped.

Previously sitting in this position was Qu Xing. Compared with Qu Xing, Ling Xuzhi is overly nervous, and every subtle movement seems to tell the police-I am the murderer, I regret it, I am afraid!

“Your family is not rich, and you apply for bursaries every year. Before you started working in’Jia Jia Bailu’, you had been working part-time in similar training institutions. Your classmates and teachers said that you are very frugal. This depends on your dress. I can see.” Ming Shu put his hands together, leaning forward, looking at Ling Xuzhi with a sense of pressure, “The only time you squandered was to watch nine almost the same folk music performances for 7,000 yuan. This flower Lost the money you saved from working part-time.”

Ling Xuzhi’s pupils shrank, already beginning to tremble.

“Before this, you didn’t have much interest in folk music. When you first came to work in’Jianjia Bailu’ in March, Shi Hanshan got a few tickets for folk music performances and distributed them to you part-time teachers as benefits. After you get them, What did you do?” Ming Shu seemed to ask.

Ling Xuzhi couldn’t look at Ming Shu, and his lips moved while looking away.

“You sold it.” Ming Shu said, “How do you explain that after just over a month, you paid for yourself and watched nine folk music performances?”

After a moment of silence, Ming Shu said: “Because Sha Chun came to’Jianjia Bailu’ in April. You admire her and want to see her on stage. After watching one, you are even more fascinated by her. Out of control.”

“No, no!” Ling Xuzhi shook his head frantically, “Not what you think!”

Ming Shu asked back: “What do I think?”

Ling Xuzhi’s eyes were red, and the tendons on his neck seemed to be protruding.

Ming Shu asked: “You watched nine Sha Chun performances, does Sha Chun know about it?”

Ling Xuzhi shook his head first, and quickly nodded in panic.

“No, Sha Chun doesn’t know.” Ming Shu said, “Sha Chun didn’t know that someone would watch nine shows for her, nor did he know that you admired her. What you did was always in a place that she couldn’t notice. Look at her silently and admire her. Let me guess the reason.”

“Stop talking!” Ling Xuzhi suddenly yelled, “You don’t understand at all!”

Ming Shu nodded, “I don’t understand, what do you think?”

Ling Xuzhi didn’t say a word again.

“You have low self-esteem, and you feel that you who were born poor are not qualified to pursue Sha Chun, and feel that once you confess, Sha Chun will definitely reject you.” Ming Shu said: “Every time you meet in’Jia Jia Bailu’, you will try to talk to Sha Chun. But these words are greetings at the colleague level.”

Making Xuzhi’s hands clenched tightly under the table, the sweat stains on the inferior shirts grew thicker.

“The more you yearn for Sha Chun, the more you think you are not worthy of Sha Chun. She is a dazzling goddess on the stage, has a decent and stable job, has her own house, and you are just a poor student who needs to apply for grants.” Ming Shu’s words became faster and faster, and his eyes became sharp, “Suddenly you understand that with your gap, you can’t own Sha Chun! But you can’t accept that Sha Chun is owned by others. You thought of a way—by death. Come and completely take Sha Chun as his own!”

“No!” Ling Xuzhi shouted, “It’s not me! I didn’t kill Sha Chun! You framed good people!”

Mingshu’s finger slides on the tablet, and in every frame, Sha Chun is displayed.

The outside worker found a box under Ling Xuzhi’s dormitory bed, which contained printed photos. The protagonist was all Sha Chun. From the angle of view, they were all candid photos. From the street view, Ling Xuzhi was in Sha several times. Chun followed closely on the way to and from get off work.

In addition, in Ling Xuzhi’s studio, there are also many drawings of Sha Chun.

Ling Xuzhi has excellent professional grades. He writes both well and draws well. The “Sand Spring” he wrote with his pen seems to be alive, like a flower that grows vigorously under the spring breeze.

“You can refute me.” Ming Shu spread his hands. “Explain again. Why were you so nervous when I first mentioned Sha Chun in’Jianjia Bailu’?”

“I just stalked her!” Ling Xuzhi trembled: “The worst thing I have ever done is stalking! I have never harassed her or let her know that I like her. How could I hurt her?”

Ming Shu shook his head, “There is no inevitable connection between the two.”

After a while, Ming Shu asked: “Where are you on Saturday night?”

“I’m learning…”

“You are not in’Jia Jia Bailu’, nor in the Academy of Fine Arts.” Ming Shu interrupted, “I have verified this. Don’t bother to lie.”

Ling Xuzhi swallowed the word “school” that had not yet been exported, and then said for a long time: “I’m near the Jiangnan Theater.”

“I know that the folk orchestra has performances, but it does not sell tickets. I want to see Sha Chun.” Ling Xuzhi said hesitantly, “but from the time the folk orchestra arrived to when it left, I did not see Sha Chun.

“Then what?” Ming Shu asked.

“I’m in a bad mood and haven’t returned to school for the time being.”

“You always have a place to go.”

“I just walked for a while…”

Ming Shu half-twisted his eyebrows, “You haven’t explained why you were nervous when I mentioned Sha Chun.”

“I thought Sha Chun knew that I was following her, so I called the police for you to investigate!” Ling Xuzhi’s red eyes suddenly burst into tears, “I later learned that Sha Chun was killed!”

After saying this, Ling Xuzhi clutched his face tightly and cried loudly in the inquiry room.

At the same moment, Xiao Yuan got a message on the intranet. In June this year, the police from the Dongcheng District Hulin Police Station went to “Jianjia Bailu” to investigate a missing case.

The man in the case is Wu Zhen, 40 years old, studied in “Jia Jia Bailu” from April to May, and then left because of dissatisfaction with the course.

The police did not seem to think that “Jianjia Bailu” was related to Wu Zhen’s disappearance, and the investigation was just a routine matter.

And this disappearance case has not been solved so far.

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