Madness of the Heart

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Open every day (10)

“Qu Xing and Ling Xuzhi are both suspicious. One is extremely arrogant, the other is extremely inferior, and their thinking is different from ordinary people, and they can’t prove that they were not on the scene at the time of the crime.” Ming Shu threw the notebook “pop”. On the table, he raised his hand and unbuttoned the tightly buttoned shirt. “But if it was a homicide, so as to make Xuzhi’s relationship with Sha Chun, he seemed unable to persuade Sha Chun to go to the performing arts group late at night. For Sha Chun, he It’s just an ordinary colleague who has met several times. Sha Chun’s relationship with other people is better than his relationship.”

At present, the serious crime team has sorted out Sha Chun’s interpersonal relationship in “Jia Jia Bailu”-

Since he started teaching Guzheng in April, Sha Chun has taken a total of 37 students. These students are old and young, students at school, and working parties, sometimes one-on-one, sometimes one-to-many. In terms of closeness, Sha Chun is naturally closer to the students who teach one-on-one.

There were only 10 students who signed up for the one-to-one course, and only 2 students who had not finished the course before Sha Chun was killed.

“Liu Mei, a model, claims to use her spare time to learn Guzheng because she likes traditional culture. Wang Dan, a junior high school student, has just attended two classes at Sha Chun. Both of them have pictures with Sha Chun on their mobile phones.” Ming Shu said: “Of the 8 people who have finished the course…”

Xiao Yuan said: “Is there someone called’Wu Zhen’?”

Ming Shu said, “Brother, you already understand?”

“This person named’Wu Zhen’ disappeared in late June this year.” Xiao Yuan said, “The police station also went to’Jianjia Bailu’ to investigate.”

The information provided by Shi Hanshan is completely different from what Xiao Yuan learned on the intranet.

Shi Hanshan said that Wu Zhen left Dongye City for work, so the course was temporarily suspended. The field service did not expect that Shi Hanshan would even dare to lie about this. He is currently verifying the situation of other students, but Wu Zhen has not been verified yet, so Ming Shu did not know that Wu Zhen had actually disappeared.

Xiao Yuan has transferred the case of Wu Zhen’s disappearance from Dongcheng District, and Ming Shu hastened to look into it.

Wu Zhen, a native of Xunchuan Township, Longhe City, is 40 years old. In his early years, he worked as a news editor in charge of a municipal TV station in Longhe City. Before Yeshi, he had traveled to many big cities to find jobs and worked as a screenwriter in several crews.

The hotter the film and television industry, the more chaotic the inside. What the screenwriters do with the crew is often to temporarily rewrite the script, delete plays that shouldn’t be deleted, and add some inexplicable plays based on the requirements of the celebrities and management.

Nine years ago, Wu Zhen joined Dongye Liuguang Culture Media Company as a professional screenwriter.

Until his disappearance, Wu Zhen still worked in this company. His supervisor found that he had not handed in the script on time and could not be contacted, so he reported to the police.

In the eyes of Wu Zhen’s family, Wu Zhen’s work on the TV station is an iron rice bowl to be proud of, but the acting industry is a world of actors and unscrupulous men and women. So when Wu Zhen insisted on resigning as a screenwriter, he broke up with his family and cut off contact.

In June, the police found Wu Zhen’s family in his hometown and learned that Wu Zhen had never returned home for more than ten years after leaving home. The witch father passed away three years ago and the witch mother was supported by two daughters.

“We should be without him as an older brother. He has no conscience. He didn’t look back when his father died. He has never given a penny to support his parents for so many years. The family affairs are all in charge of me and the third child.” Wu Zhen Wu Lin’s second sister, Wu Lin, was furious, “He disappeared and disappeared. It has nothing to do with our family! It is best for him to die outside. Don’t think we will collect him!”

Because of lack of clues, the case has not made much progress. As for ordinary disappearance cases like this, Dongye City doesn’t know how many cases will occur in a year, and they are handled by the sub-bureaus or police stations themselves, and will not be reported to the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

“Wu Zhen disappeared in June, and Sha Chun was killed in August…” Ming Shu murmured with arms folded: “What is the relationship between the two?”

Xiao Yuan said: “Maybe it’s just a coincidence. Wu Zhen happened to be Sha Chun’s student.”

Ming Shu quickly turned around, “Brother, if you really think so, you won’t transfer Wu Zhen’s case.”

“I can’t assert that the two cases are connected, but a training institution has two cases in less than three months, both of which are pending. The victim is the one-on-one Guzheng teacher of the missing person. I can’t help but associate it.” Xiao Yuan said: “From the investigation report from Dongcheng District alone, Wu Zhen’s image is still very vague to me. I must figure out what kind of person he is.”

Ming Shu knew immediately, “I will check it now!”

The Dongye Liuguang Culture and Media Company, which Wu Zhen worked for before his disappearance, is located in a mid-range residential complex in Dongcheng District. This complex is half high-rise buildings and half dense townhouses, with a rather weird layout.

“Do all companies like to open in the community now?” Fang Yuanhang said: “Renting a townhouse is not cheaper than an office in a regular office building.”

“The price is higher than the worst office buildings, but far lower than the high-end office buildings in the central area of ​​the city.” Mingshu has seen the two characters “streaming”, “working in such a place is more affordable and more affordable for some company owners. There are platoons. And when working in an office building, the office can only be used as an office, and when working in a residential area, the office can also be used as a dormitory.”

Entering the villa, Fang Yuanhang cursed secretly “Fuck”.

The surface of the villa is beautiful, and the main office area inside is also decorated with a sense of art, but other offices are crowded and messy. The third floor was transformed into a staff dormitory. The narrow and windowless cubicles were comparable to a group rented house. Some employees who had stayed up all night were sleeping, while others were wearing singlets and shorts, constantly tapping in front of the computer. They raised their eyes occasionally, only tired and blank in their eyes.

These people are all screenwriters hired by Streamer to work. If it is not necessary, they will hardly leave their cabins from morning to night.

The man in charge of the reception is called Ou Xianghe, who is in his thirties and claims to be the director of the screenwriting department. When he saw that he had given out his credentials, he was so scared that he stepped back and tried to make a phone call.

This company’s management has problems at first glance, and Ou Xianghe is afraid of this.

Ming Shu said: “I have no interest in your company. I just want to know about your missing employee Wu Zhen.”

Ou Xianghe’s eyes were full of distrust, “Didn’t you check it long ago?”

Ming Shu asked, “Wu Zhen is back to work again?”

Ou Xianghe was surprised, “No.”

“Isn’t that right?” Ming Shu said, “I am missing, no one is alive, no corpse is seen, we can’t continue to investigate?”

Ou Xianghe frowned, “But I don’t have anything else to say, what I can tell, I finished last time. Wu Zhen just wrote the script here, I really don’t know why he suddenly disappeared.”

According to Ou Xianghe, the Streaming Culture Media Company, although under the banner of “cultural media”, is actually just a small company that mass-produces scripts.

There are no fewer than 50 such small companies in Dongye City. They will be aspiring to develop in the screenwriting industry, but young people and newcomers who are not led by teachers are recruited in the name of recruiting, including food and housing, and paying a certain amount of remuneration, allowing them to write and modify scripts day after day like a machine .

One day the script will finally be made into a TV series, and they will never have their names on the signature.

On the screenwriter column, it will be a certain studio or a well-known screenwriter.

The screenwriting industry divides people into “classes” when they get started.

If you have a master, that is the first class. You have resources for getting started, so you can write your own name on the work. Master specifically refers to the big screenwriters who have established a foothold in the industry and possess massive resources. To put it bluntly, the big screenwriters use their own resources to feed the students. Such students either have backgrounds or amazing aptitudes.

The second category is people who are attached to the studio and have fixed live connections. Regardless of whether the work has their own name or not, they can finally get paid according to the number of episodes, and the paid is not low. Although this category is not as good as the first category, it is relatively free and the income can maintain a decent life.

As for the last category, people like Wu Zhen. They are kept in captivity by screenwriting companies of good or bad, writing mechanically every day, and get dividends when they are lucky, and only basic salary when they are bad. Many times what they do is useless, and their name will never appear in the work.

“It’s miserable.” Fang Yuanhang said, “I don’t even have the opportunity to sign. What’s the point of working like this?”

Ming Shu looked through the work records provided by Ou Xianghe and found that since September last year, Wu Zhen no longer wrote film and television scripts, but instead wrote scripts for government departments, schools, and companies.

“That’s it.” Ou Xianghe said: “Although it is said that film and television scripts are streamlined operations, it is becoming less and less valuable, but as long as you enter the industry, you know that streamline operations also require a certain talent. Wu Zhen works here. For many years, he is relatively older-our screenwriters are generally under 30 years old, and there are young adults-are more practical than others, but what he writes is really lacking in spirituality. He is still high-spirited and wants to write scripts independently. How is this possible?”

“Because he can’t write good things, Wu Zhen’s position has always been awkward, and his income is very low.” Ou Xianghe continued: “We can also support him, anyway, no matter what he writes, he is always producing. But last year, he suddenly took the initiative to tell me that he didn’t want to write a film and television script for the time being, and wanted to write it quickly.”

Ou Xianghe explained, “The fastest money comes from the government propaganda script, a short video of a few minutes. As long as you understand the requirements of Party A, it will be done soon, and the government will pay the money quickly.”

Ou Xianghe said, but sighed again, “But I don’t think Wu Zhen is happy to make this money. Most people who eat the food of screenwriters still hope to write film and television scripts. Wu Zhen rushed into this business, and it was very pleasant. Middle-aged, forced by reality, had to compromise.”

Wu Zhen’s room is in the corner of the third floor. It is a small room, where he eats, sleeps, and works. However, shortly after Wu Zhen’s disappearance, the company hired a newcomer, and this room became the newcomer’s room. There was no trace of Wu Zhen’s life in it.

Ou Xianghe also said that Wu Zhen’s personal belongings are now piled up in the storage room in the basement, which can be checked at any time or taken away.

Fang Yuanhang hurried away.

Ming Shu asked about Wu Zhen’s learning of the Guzheng. Ou Xianghe was stunned for a while, and said that maybe Wu Zhen wanted to write an ancient drama, so he asked the professionals for advice in advance.

“The old witch is really a hardworking person.” Ou Xianghe concluded: “But it’s a pity, he is too stubborn. I heard that he used to be an editor of a TV station. Although the editor and the screenwriter are only one word behind, there is a difference. It’s big. He doesn’t have the talent and luck to be a screenwriter. If I were him, I would have found another way out.”

“It’s hard work and no talent!” Fang Yuanhang said, “Master, Wu Zhen and Sha Chun have something in common!”

“Two people who are diligent but seem to work in the wrong direction. One has been killed, and the other has been missing for more than two months.” Ming Shu’s expression became more solemn, “A person has been missing for so long inexplicably, either he was killed or deliberately hid. If Wu Zhen is already gone, too. Killed, then is this a serial murder against hardworking people?”

Fang Yuanhang gritted his teeth, “If this is the case, then the murderer would be too hateful!”

“If Wu Zhen is still alive…” Ming Shu muttered slowly, “What does he have to do with Sha Chun’s death? This’Jianjia Bailu’ may be more complicated than we thought.”

Criminal Investigation Bureau, Crime Squad.

“There are three funders of’Jiajia Bailu’, Shi Hanshan, Liang Lu, and Li Ke.” Xu Chun said: “We have investigated all of these three people, and we have not found any suspicious points involved in the case. Shi Hanshan’s family is in good condition and he is an entrepreneur. Qian is supported by her parents. Before co-founding’Jiajia Bailu’, she also opened physical women’s shoe shops, creative beauty shops, lattice shops, and homestays. Most of them lost money, but’Jiajia Bailu’ is now profitable.”

“As for Liang Lu and Li Ke, they are both friends of Shi Hanshan. They were persuaded by Shi Hanshan to invest and never participate in management affairs.” Xu Chun continued: “Liang Lu was a friend Shi Hanshan knew when he was chasing stars in his early years. Li Ke runs a home appliance agency, has a wife and son, and has an improper relationship with Shi Hanshan.”

Upon hearing the “improper relationship”, Fang Yuanhang immediately became excited, “Could it be that the relationship between Shi Hanshan and Li Ke happened to be seen through by Wu Zhen and Sha Chun, so…”

“You think too much. The relationship between these two is not a secret in’Jianjia Bailu’.” Xu Chun took the folder and patted Fang Yuanhang’s head. “The marriage between Li Ke and his wife has long existed in name only, and the two are outside. Each play its own way, without interfering with each other.”

“In other words, the three members of the management of’Jianjia Bailu’ have no clear motives for committing crimes. From the perspective of life experience and character, they are not like people who can commit murders.” Ming Shu leaned on the boss chair,” In Sha Chun’s case, clues were originally scattered and numerous, and now we add a Wu Zhen, once we make a mistake in the direction of investigation, we will make mistakes again and again.”

“This is also my concern.” Yi Fei said: “Whether the Wu Zhen case and the Sha Chun case need to be investigated in conjunction with each other has to be discussed. There are only two points of contact between them. One is that they both worked very hard. , But did not do well in his job. Second, Wu Zhen had learned Guzheng with Sha Chun and it was a one-on-one course, which meant that they had a lot of time for private exchanges. However, the combined case was a bit sloppy, because Wu Zhen There is almost no overlap between Sha Chun’s circle and Sha Chun’s circle. If they were both killed by the same murderer, why would the murderer lock them? If the missing Wu Zhen killed Sha Chun, this would be even more strange, a hardworking one. People, will kill another person who works hard?”

Ming Shu suddenly said, “This is a good idea.”

Yi Fei: “Huh?”

“A person who works hard has killed another person who works hard. Because he understands that such efforts will not change anything at all.” Ming Shu said: “In Wu Zhen’s eyes, Sha Chun is a mirror, reflecting that He is unwilling to face, the most unbearable himself. How many years has Wu Zhen been in the line of screenwriting? He has been exhausted physically and mentally by reality. Last year he started to take short scripts, maybe just understand hard work There will be no gain. Sha Chun’s existence reminds him of his own powerless to change his destiny. He is a joke, and so is Sha Chun.”

Yi Fei said, “That Wu Zhen is too distorted.”

Ming Shu picked up the tablet on the table and turned out a few photos, “Come and see, this is Wu Zhen’s living and working environment.”

The cramped and depressing space, the books are piled up everywhere, the windows with a thick layer of ash fall, and the dumb eyes of the colleagues around him.

Yi Fei sighed, “Living in this environment for a long time, people may indeed be driven crazy.”

“More than that.” Ming Shu said: “The most important thing is that Wu Zhen gave up a relatively privileged life and abandoned his family. In this environment, he dreamed like a day for several years, but finally found that there was no way to realize the dream. , He became a middle-aged man who did nothing. Assuming he was the murderer, when he killed Sha Chun, he might still think he was helping Sha Chun to get free. After all, Sha Chun was in his early thirties, Wu Zhen He is 40 years old. Now that Sha Chun is killed, Sha Chun does not need to be tortured until he is 40 years old.”

“It doesn’t make sense at all.” Xiao Yuan suddenly said, and everyone realized that he had been listening for a while.

Xiao Man hurriedly put out the smoke and glanced at Ming Shu, which means-you see how conscious I am.

Ming Shu stood up and said, “Xiao Ju.”

“The lighting team’s analysis just now showed that Wu Zhen killed Sha Chun in an extremely distorted mental state. In the past two months, did he create the illusion of missing?” Xiao Yuan said: “Two months after missing, Wu Zhen How can I contact Sha Chun? Make Sha Chun go to the Performing Arts Center in secret?”

Ming Shu frowned.

Xiao Yuan continued: “Think about it, everyone, if Wu Zhen plans to kill Sha Chun, will he create a problem for him if he disappears early? A missing person will be found by the police. This means that he exposed himself before he did anything. Under the sight of the police, how did this commit the crime? To Wu Zhen, playing missing is a superfluous act for Wu Zhen?”

Ming Shu asked, “What is Xiao Ju’s opinion?”

“The two points mentioned by Team Yi just now, if only the latter point-Wu Zhen had studied with Sha Chun, I think it is not enough to join the case.” Xiao Yuan said: “But’I don’t have the talent but work very hard, but I have failed to work hard. I can’t let go of changing the status quo.”

Yi Fei nodded thoughtfully.

“Now there are a lot of questions before us. Based on the current clues, we can only make some reasonable speculations for the time being. But no matter how reasonable the speculation is, it may be contrary to the facts. Sometimes, the reality is unreasonable.” Xiao Yuan said gently. He knocked on the edge of the table and said seriously: “Wu Zhen’s disappearance case must be solved. Finding Wu Zhen can either provide key clues to the Sha Chun case, or remove some of the doubts that mislead us.”

The serious crime squad was divided into several lines to investigate the Sha Chun case and the Wu Zhen case in parallel.

The technical reconnaissance worked overtime, screening massive network and communication data, and determined that the last time Wu Zhen was photographed under surveillance was June 21.

And Liu Guang reported to the police station on the 25th four days later.

The last time Wu Zhen mobile phone was used was also on June 21.

“Huh?” Zhou Yuan rubbed his red eyes and muttered to herself: “The 21st was still photographed. That is the night of the 21st or the 22nd disappeared completely?”

He picked up Ming Shu’s milk tea and murmured a sip, “If it was murdered, wouldn’t it be the same as Sha Chun, who died on Sunday?”

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