Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 0 – Aftermath

Chapter 0 - Aftermath


***Important Changes***

Changed the brown flat witch of the last chapter (of MGBT 1) to a blonde big-boobs

Use Japanese honorifics and terminologies. As a story based in Japan, it feels weird if they aren’t present, especially with Japanese names

*Minor Changes*

Gave the TransMagica more defined roles, for an international organization they lack proper hierarchy

Gave Witches proper categorization. They are fighting Witches across the world, how can there not be a standardized system when talking about different Witches of lust

Changed Chief Engineer Leonard → Adams. Not that you still remember who this is. Too many of the names start with the same letter.

Some cosmetic changes to others

2 hour after the fight,

TransMagica Floating Ship, Volantes, Deck 2 Debriefing Room


Seated at the head of the table was the Commander, a beautiful woman with perfect proportions, long black hair, and a permafrost personality. On her left, the ship’s Chief Engineer Adams, a slim man in his 30s, unkempt hair, deep eye bags, and a wrinkled lab coat to complete the overworked researcher look. On her right, the second-in-command Captain Lejto, a buff man in his 40s, it’s often joked that his sleeves should be classified as magical items for not tearing from the sheer magnificence of his biceps.

The three were listening intently to a young man’s report. “… able to retrieved 88 grade-1 and 31 grade-2 magic stones out of the 151 total demons that we’ve fought. We believe the missing stones were taken by Lust, including the magic stone of the giant demon.”

“Understood. Alpha Leader, is there anything else you would like to add?” Lejto asked.

Alpha briefly glanced at the two Magical Girls standing at ease next to him, before continuing, “No, nothing further, Sir.”

Nodding, the Commander asked. “Captain Lejto, are the reports on the two Witches in?”

We have the details on the Witch of Hate, 11-C-Hate-S-3.” Lejto read from the tablet. Her main area of activity has been city C, though she has been spotted once in this city a week ago, in which she clashed with the Witch of Lust.”

Whew, she’s a fast riser. The first recorded encounter, at 1st rank, was four months ago. And today, Argent reports she couldn't win against her. Likely on the cusp of 4th rank, at the rate she’s growing, we might need to assign a designated name to her .” Adams whistled reading the same report on his own tablet. After a bit of messing about with his device, the picture of the Witch was projected onto the screens in the room. 

The Witch of Hate wore a dark green formal officer uniform complete with an officer's hat, a matching knee-length skirt, knee boots, and gloves. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail. What was most striking was not her sensual body nor her beautiful features but her cold black eyes that scorned everything.

"What of the other Witch?” The Commander asked.

“We’re still waiting on City S. We shouldn’t have placed that bastard Nikita as captain there, this is the third time this month that he’s late,” Lejto complained. “City S might be the safest but it doesn’t mean he can slack off.”

“Another time, the report just came in." Adams interrupted and once more projected the Witch’s picture on the screen.

The Witch had blond twin-drill long hair, fierce blue eyes, an hourglass figure, ridiculously large breast, and a juicy ass. Her figure was honestly unbelievable. She wore a red and black bodysuit covered by a magician's robes and a witch hat to top it off.

(Claire from Hundred)

Witch of Envy, 11-S-Envy-M-2, abilities… missing. First encounter, six months ago, details… missing. Number of encounters, three, last recorded… four months ago. Did some fucking intern write this report, what the hell is Nikita doing?!” Lejto stood up cursing. His fist flew quicker than a Demon’s attack and slammed into the reinforced steel wall, leaving a clear indent, and yet, he simply shook it off and his sleeves did not rip.

Captain Lejto, schedule a meeting tomorrow 1300 hours. Send word to the General and Captain Nikita, they’ll need to be present.” The Command ordered with the slightest frown, Lejto sat down seething.

For her to only be 2nd rank after six months. We should count it as a blessing that the Witch of Lust can’t do much with her.” Adams said after reading the incomplete report, wiping the entire wall-punching incident from his mind.

I wouldn’t hold much hope for that.” Finally calming down, Lejto burst his bubble. “Lust’s artefact creation powers boosted Wrath’s combat abilities to the point of her easily overpowering Envy. There’s nothing stopping her from making some for Envy.”

“Except for her affection to the girls.” A sexy mature woman in her thirties stepped into the room. She spotted a beauty mark just below her left eye. Her F-cup and plump ass emphasised by the half unbuttoned dress shirt and tight mini pencil skirt, the only professionalism she had on was a white doctor’s coat. “The boys are taken care of, no fatalities, a few broken bones though, but nothing too serious.”

“Dr. Lilian have a sit.” The Commander gestured to her left. “Explain your reasoning.”

Lilian took her seat beside Adams, but as she lowered herself she bent over ever so slightly lower than necessary and flashed the standing Alpha her cleavage, causing him to blush. Naturally, this was not lost to the two ignored Magical Girls, but they could only curse the vixen in their minds.

Flipping her wavy brown hair behind her. “It’s clear she doesn’t mean the girls harm. She had multiple chances to eliminate them, yet didn’t, besides some naughty encounters." Lilian explained. "The only time she’ll gift Envy some artefacts is if she’s confident Envy wouldn’t use it to harm our girls.” This time, causing the two Magical Girls to blush from remembering the naughty encounters they experienced.

Lilian continued. From what I see, if she returns Eisst-kun and Feeu-kun as she stated, we should proceed with the initial plan of allying together. All the more so, if Envy defects to Lust’s faction, a stronger ally is always welcomed.”

“Or a stronger enemy,” Adams argued. “What’s stopping her from simply changing her mind?”

Always the downer Adams-san, it’s called a calculated risk for a reason. Besides, just because she’s getting stronger doesn’t mean we’re not, nor does teaming up mean we let our guard down around her. Keep enemies closer and all.” Lilian countered. Her eyes sharpen as she asked her next question, “On that note, Alpha-kun, were you able to collect the mana samples?”

We’ve secured five of each type, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Hate. They’ve already been sent to the labs.” Alpha replied. Lilian accepted with a wide smile.

“Captain Lejto?” The Commander asked for his opinion.

We’ve just fought a tough battle, and so have the Etativi. They’ve likely expended most of their accumulated forces, we shouldn’t expect a large-scale assault in a while. A wait-and-see approach is advisable.” Lejto explained. “As for Lust, Dr. Lilian’s argument is sound, especially the point of improving our power. An alliance with Lust, who creates artefacts, is beyond beneficial. Just receiving one would significantly boost our combat powers, especially if we can reverse engineer it… But only if she returns the two safely. It’ll show if she’s to be trusted, for now.”

Very well,” the Commander closed her eyes to deliberate before rapidly giving out orders. “Alpha Leader, have your team return but remain on readiness yellow, depending on Lust’s next action, their skill may be required. Chief Engineer Adams, equip Beta Team with mana trackers. Captain Lejto, direct Beta Team to locate Lust’s base, starting from where the previous search for Magica Aqua left off. All senior command staff is required to attend a meeting tomorrow at 1000 to further discuss future actions. That is all, any questions.

“No, ma’am.” Everyone saluted.

“All dismissed, except for you two.” Looking at the two Magical Girls who hadn’t said a word this entire time.


Everyone else filed out of the room. Captain Lejto gave the Magical Girls an encouraging clap on their shoulders before leaving, while Alpha lingered at the doorway, wanting to speak up on their behalf, only to be chased out by the Commander’s death stare. He shut the door behind him leaving the three, Aqua, Argent, and the Commander, in silence.

Argent had waist-long silver hair that matched her eyes. Tall in stature and proudly poise, she radiated grace and dignity in equal measure. Her wardrobe reflected this as well, a silvery-white tailcoat and black under-shirt enveloped her model body, black gloves and boots covered her extremities, with a complimentary short skirt wrapping up her sleek look.


The second Magical Girl, in contrast, carried a softer refined air around her. Donning a Miko dress: white top, long sleeves, white elbow gloves, white knee-socks, black cogs, and a red mini hakama. Aqua, with her blue hair and brown eye, would make the perfect priestess, if it wasn’t for the occasional flashes of pride in her eyes.


Both Magical Girls stood at ease. Argent fixed silver eyes down on the carpet. Aqua, on the other hand, could not keep hers from wandering everywhere except at the Commander.

Firstly, good work on the ground. The four of you performed magnificently, repelling the largest incursion this area had seen all year.” For their worrying, when the Commander finally spoke, she praised them. Aqua visibly relaxed, even smiling faintly, while, Argent remained fixated on the floor.

Raise your head, Magica Argent, your decision to ally with Lust, in that situation, was an understandable necessity, and as you must have gathered from the talks, a possible future plan. Your decision might have laid the foundation of an alliance, if, it's to be the next course of action. There is nothing to be ashamed about. The Commander said.

However Argent, against her command, remained motionless. The room descended into silence again, much to Aqua’s dismay. The Commander, her idol, had commended her for the first time, but now, the rejoicing Aqua found herself once more tensing up.

“Magica Argent, what is troubling you?” The Commander picked up on the obvious.

Argent struggled before ultimately relenting and spilled her unease, “I let my guard down because we’d won and… They were right next to me, Feeu-san, Eisst-san... I let her get away so easily.”

ArgenAqua tried to soothe her squad leader but was cut off.

“But the worst part is,” Argent continued, raising her gaze to meet the Commander’s. “I know, I just know, that they will be returned fine. Even after everything, even though she’s a Witch. Somehow, I trust her and cannot bring myself to hate her.”

A speechless Aqua could only stare in disbelief at her leader, after everything… trust… hate… Argent’s words reverberated in her stupefied mind.

The Commander stood up and began to pace, each step matched the pounding of Argent's heart. But just as she couldn't take the silent pressure any longer, the Commander stopped, and for the briefest moment she could have sworn she saw the faintest smile from the cold emotionless Commander.

Even after everything or because of everything she’s done. Magica Argent, always remember, a person’s character dictates their actions, especially when given power.” The Commander lectured Argent. “You have seen Lust having power. Power over you and your fellow Magical Girls, yet, she still restrains herself to not cause undue harm to any of you. What does that tell you of her character?”

Being enemies does not necessitate loathing the other, nor does her being a Witch.” The Commander continued. “Do not forget, our job is to protect humanity. Those that threaten its safety are greeted with our fist, and an open hand is offered to those that can aid our cause.

The Commander took a long look at Argent, before asking in a loud voice, “Magica Argent, will you let your guard down around Lust again?”

“No, ma’am.” Argent replied instantly.

That’s all I need. Not your animosity. I would punish you for your failure, but your own guilt is a heavier punishment than anything I can give.” The Commander said. “And you’ve seem to have learned your lesson.”

“Is there anything you would like to add?” The Commander asked. Argent, now with her burden lifted, confidently shook her head. Aqua, though, merely went through the motion, her thoughts clearly elsewhere.

“Then you are dismissed, remain on standby for Magica Feeu and Magica Eisst to be released.” The Commander ordered.

“Commander, do you believe she would release them as she said?” Argent asked.

“As I've said, character dictates action. Her previous actions reveal a character that would keep to her word.” The Commander replied, and motioned them to leave, not entertaining any more questions.


The two found themselves in a deserted corridor, grey metal hallways lit by industrial lighting. Due to the suddenness of the war, all the current floating ships were, at the time, half-constructed ships hastily retrofitted with barely known magical technology to combat the mounting Etativi threat. Little thought was spared for creature comforts and amenities, even less for the paint job.

In this dull walkway, Argent dwelt on what just transpired, on what she said, on what the Commander said, on the actions of Lust. She began to paint a mental picture of Lust, of Lust's character. But before Argent could formulate any proper ideas, Aqua dragged her down the corridor into an equally bleak empty briefing room large enough to seat a hundred. Once inside, Aqua pinned her shoulders to the wall, Aqua’s face just centimetres away from hers.

Aqua’s soulless eyes drilled into hers, despite being taller, Argent felt overwhelmed by the smaller Aqua, “Shirokana-senpai, you were joking with the Commander right? It’s some ploy to trick that bitch of Lust right? Right? To get closer and kill her right?” Aqua tightened her grip on Argent, to the point of hurting her.Kill her. Kill her. After what she’s done. Because of her. Because of her. We’ll kill her, right?”

Nakano-san.Argent did not know how to confront the growing darkness in her friend. She had suspected Aqua was bottling up everything, presenting a confident front. But for it to rear now… Argent could only blame herself, when she acknowledged her trust for the Witch of Lust, when she did not hate Lust, Aqua must have seen it as a betrayal. She raked her brain, desperately trying to form some plan to calm her friend.


Bye-bye Nobu-Nobu. Bye-bye Chika-chan. It’s nap-nap time. Bye-bye Daddy loves you. No-no Daddy loves you more. No Daddy does. Daddy does. Love you. Bye-bye. Daddy has work-work. A high-pitch parentese immediately snapped Aqua and Argent out of their dispute.

The projector room door opened, Captain Lejto and his muscles and sleeves strutted out. He gave them a brief nod before exiting the room.

Leaving behind two extremely stunned Magical Girls.

Author’s Notes

For those who have read the previous work, some of you might disagree with the way Aqua is progressing, let me explain my reasoning.

1. She has been already shown to be a prideful girl.

2. She is only a high school girl with a lot of individual power.

3. The combination of factors would lead her to process assault with violence and hate.

4. From a narrative standpoint, having her different reactions will vary the story and push it in new directions. Hopefully, making it better.

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