Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Recap and Welcome


Hello, fellow degenerates:)

Nice to meet you all, for new readers who haven’t read the first Magical Girls are the best toys, and old readers alike, welcome. This recap hopefully gets you up to speed with previous events, I recommend giving DragonRiver ‘Magical Girl are the best toys’ a try if you like what you will read and want more naughty details.

Let’s get the laundry out of the way.

Disclaimer, I do not know the original author of the work but enjoy the premise of the work, and always wanted to try my hand at this type of story. Seeing his inactivity, I asked for permission if he would allow me to continue on for him. But since there has been no reply, I decided just to do it. Because of the non-communication, this project would be considered fanfic, there would be no monetary gain until stated otherwise.

I plan to keep the story, characters, and plots as consistent as possible. What changes I do make is to hopefully make the story flow better, more coherently, or improve the reading experience in general. Do note that, I do not know what future plans the original author had for this story, whatever that’s written will definitely take a different turn from his planned narrative.

There’s no release schedule for this story yet, nor do I know if I would commit fully to this project. This is the first time I’m posting my writing. Sooo…. Cut me some slack. Any corrections in the comments are appreciated. Thanks:)

That’s enough talk and back to the recap

Two years ago, Earth was invaded and forever changed. Magic previously relegated to the annals of stories and superstition broke into the forefront of everything.

Another dimension had merged with this, and at first, no one noticed, until the first strange sightings and paranormal activity. Of course, people were highly skeptical, ridiculing the witnesses. Only to be silenced when a race called the Etativi declared war on humanity, a war to subjugate the entire world.

Armies marshaled against the Etativi’s subordinate demons and were summarily beaten back by unknown magic, barriers almost impenetrable by conventional weapons, and unrelenting aggression.

Only through the combined might of earth’s scientific body, researching day and night, to produce humanity’s own magic tools, did humanity manage to gain some respite. Mana weapons to damage demons and obelisk that protect entire cities from external demon threats, were a few amongst their achievements.

Even so, by a year, demons, both naturally occurring and those controlled by the Etativi, roam freely through the world. Humanity’s sphere of influence had shrunk down to populated areas shielded by massive obelisks.

It was then, at the brink of collapse, humanity received aid from an unlikely source. The Metermi, ancient rivals of the Etativi, arrived from their original world and promised to help humanity. To achieve this goal, the Metermi granted some of their powers to humans to combat the ever-growing threat, strangely, only adolescent girls were able to be contracted. These Magical Girl would be humanity’s foremost defenders, and to support them the TransMagica, an international organization, was established.

The appearance of Magical Girls turned the tides of war, swaths of land were reconquered, and isolated populations liberated from their Etativi overlords. However, when victory seemed all but assured, the Etativi pulled one final trick. Just like the Metermi, they too contracted their own adolescent girls, promising them whatever they could get away with, in return for simply betraying humanity. From them arose Witches, the complete antithesis to Magical Girls, where Magical Girls pull upon the positive spectrum of emotions like their Metermi contractors, Witches draw upon the negative as do the Etativi.

By the second year of the war, a status quo had settled. The Magical Girls with the help of the TransMagica stalwartly defend cities and population centers while the Witches would settle in the outskirts and wilderness waiting for a chance to strike.


It’s here our story begins.

On one dark and stormy night, Misaki Yui, a Yamato Nadeshiko, as long as no one peeks into her mind, unknowingly saved a badly injured Etativi.

After recovering with her magic, the Etativi immediately recognized Yui’s immense Witch potential and introduces herself as Vilinori or Vili. Yui was a closet pervert, particularly, a huge pervert for Magical Girls. Vili managed, albeit forcefully, to transform Yui into a Witch of Lust.

Yui would have given that little plushy a dish of ass-whooping if it wasn’t for a patrolling Magical Girl appearing to confront her. Upon laying her gaze on the manifestation of lust, Yui couldn’t control her overflowing lust, all other thoughts disappeared from her, except, the desire to lewd the Magical Girl.

Eisst, Hara Keiko, the unfortunate Magical Girl, didn’t stand a chance against a newly minted witch. New witches have years of repressed negative emotion giving them a temporary boost of magical power. Eisst was only saved from timely reinforcements, forcing Yui to escape.

Vili convinced Yui to try-out witching one more time before rejecting her. Reluctantly agreeing, Yui made preparations for a second encounter. She learned how to handle her new magical powers and her unique abilities of demon and artefact creation. Once Yui felt she was ready, she laid an ambush at the outskirts of the city with her demons.

There, she scored a solo Feeu, Imai Aya. After a tough battle, Yui emerged victorious and almost claimed her prize, only to be twatted by reinforcements once more.

The entire time, Yui seemed to have enjoyed her time as a witch, teasing and lewding Magical Girls, and had forgotten her initial rejection to the job. Vili helped cement Yui decision, Vili wasn’t like other Etativi, she did not plan for Yui to conquer the world, allowing her free rein.

Unfortunately, Yui’s second year of high school had just begun, cutting short her time for Magical Girls. A few days into the monotonous grind of attending classes, helping teachers, and the student council, an incident brightened her day.

Another witch attacked the city with a horde of demons. A team of Magical Girls sortied to combat the threat, Feeu and Eisst were among them along with two others, Aqua and Argent. Yui, drawn to her favourite prey, stealthy observed. It was soon obvious that the witch had underestimated the strength of the Magical Girls and would be captured. Yui decided to intervene and rescue the cute witch.

One daring escape and cuteness overload later, Yui along with her new little witch friend Miyu returned to Yui’s home, for some heart-to-heart bonding, NO LEWDING… for now.

At school, Yui had several encounters with the closet yuri student council president, Shirokana Hikari. In which, she inevitably leaked her secret identity as the Magical Girl Argent. Yui postulated the whole student council was populated with Magical Girls.

However, a potential setback reared its head, because of her witch identity, Yui had begun to show some magical contamination characteristics. But with Magical Girls potentially so close at hand, Yui did not want to squander this heaven-sent chance. She devised a plan to explain her growing characteristics and get the girls.

It took a personal realm and demon army building montage, but soon, she was ready. Yui faked an attack on her school, here, her planning and preparation paid off. She stealthy caught the student council preparing to meet the assault.

In the battle, her demons managed to hold off the four Magical Girls long enough to complete her goal of removing suspicion from her original form. That goal took her to the school roof where Argent chased, the other three were locked in combat with Yui’s demons. Upon that roof, many naughty things were done to Argent, leaving her exhausted, slimy and butt-plugged.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. But as Yui and her demons retreated, a wild Aqua, Nakano Mai, appeared and was unceremoniously captured. Yui proposed a prisoner exchange, but not before having some -cough- a lot of fun with her new toy, even dragging Miyu into it. After all, witches never signed the Geneva Convention on how to handle prisoners;)

After the hostage exchange, where Yui teased Argent and Aqua a little more, Yui returned to reward the adorable Miya for her hard work. They gave each other their virginity and Yui even levelled up.

With the ransom in hand, Yui upgraded her demons and created some cool artefacts for Miyu and herself. Just in time too, because Miyu encounter her whiny bitch contractor Etativi who came to use her. A fight ensued, and a witch of hate was summoned by the whiny bitch Etativi. Miyu along with the new artefacts managed to hold out long enough for Yui to come to her rescue.

Several days later, Yui stumbled upon Eisst practising her skills on some naturally occurring demons. And so, Yui, too, practised her newly obtained magic, on Eisst. It was super effective. Eisst turned into a lewd machine. Feeu, who came to check on Eisst was also caught and dragged into a delightful threesome full of kissing and licking and thrusting. The arrival of Aqua and Argent forced Yui to leave.

In the following week, Yui learned a new form of magic, formations. In school, Eisst still had residue lust mana in her body. Yui noticed this and keeps pranking the cute Magical Girl till the point where Eisst couldn’t control herself and pounced on Yui. Eisst was subdued by her fellow council members, and Argent took Yui to the infirmary. There, Yui seduced her, and was rudely interrupted by a teacher, but not before Argent did some questionable things.

A day after, as Yui left for school with plans of further teasing her favourite student council, a large attack led by two witches sent the city into a panic, one of the witches was the witch of hate that fought Miyu. The witches had apparently prepared for some time, as seen by the horde of demons and one particularly powerful demon that took part.

The Magical Girls with the help of TransMagica were barely able to hold the line against the witches’ assault, but when all hope seemed lost, the Winged Hussars arrived. Yui, Miyu, and her demon army appeared.

Argent was forced to accept the devil’s deal took their aid. Yui’s upgrade demons easily sliced through the scrub demon horde, Miyu dominated the unknown blonde witch. At the same time, Yui, together with Argent forced the witch of hate to retreat, signalling the end of the battle. The blonde witch was captured and thrown into Yui’s garden.

As the Magical Girls and TransMagica were recovering from the gruelling clash, Yui sprung a double-cross, kidnapping Feeu and Eisst to her realm.




And they live happily ever after… THE END

Just kidding, stay tune for the next chapter

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