Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 13 (NSFW) – Teasing A Student Council President (2) 🤍

Sorry it's late. I've been extremely busy the last week and will be for the next week. I'll try to post when I can but no promises.
Hopefully, this peace offering makes up for the delay😇


The hearts show how hardcore the chapter will be.
🤍 for softcore, ❤️ for mid, 🖤 for hard
A spoiler tag for those that want to know the type of play. 


Chapter 13 (NSFW) - Teasing A Student Council President (2) 🤍


The next day, a smooth-faced Yui sat through her mundane classes with her usual dignified poise, though, she much preferred learning magic. Despite her dislike, she listened attentively and copied down her notes. The last thing she wanted was her mother worrying about a drop in her results and coming back from overseas. Since studying was necessary, doing it now would give her valuable free time to spend with her girls.

The lunch bell could not have come any sooner. The students bid goodbye to their teacher and went about their lunch routine. Some joined their tables together to eat their packed lunchbox and others rushed out to catch the bread truck before the good stuff runs out. Their voices would fill the classroom, gossiping was the most popular activity, it could be about anything, latest manga, games, school trivia, who was dating who.

Today's topic was the Etativi attack two days ago. For the second day in a row, a boy with bleached hair had his groupies around him as he described the fight as if he had witnessed it himself, even though school was definitely in session at the time. A group of girls whined about their favourite crepe shop being destroyed. While another group of boys huddled over a phone, making a commotion, someone managed to get his hands on a video recording of the fight.

"Eisst-chan is the cutest!"

"No, it's Feeu-chan. She's so tsun~1tsun of tsundere. Cold, Dislike on camera but dere~2dere of tsundere. Warm, love when saving people."

"Aqua-chan is the best! She's elegant and beautiful."

"I want Argent-sama to step on me."

Yui silently ate the packed lunch Sofi made, Miyu was too tired dealing with Yui's pent-up lust last night to prepare anything this morning. A soft smile painted Yui's face as she reminisced—Miyu hiding under the blanket when Sofi came to call them down for dinner, even though, Miyu had been asking for more not long before. The rest of the class was too engaged in their conversations to notice the extremely rare spectacle of the Ice Queen smiling.

The class president bonked the heads of the rowdy boys, "Hmpf, they're fighting hard and all you do is this. Better toss you to a witch."

"I don't mind the blond witch suffocating me with those humongous breasts."

"I prefer the red hair loli. She's so fluffy. Yes, Lolita! No, Touch!"

"Lewd purple is the best! Hot and Sexy."

"I want the black-hair witch to step on me."

The class pres turned away from the display, his shoulders trembling with disgust.

Yui cleaned up her finished lunch and left the classroom. Her usual routine would lead her to the library but today she had a plan to execute. Early this morning, acting on the scheme she had thought up yesterday, of pulling instead of pushing, she had set up several concealed magic formations in the student council room and a surprise on the roof. While her demons placed teleportation anchors in the city, starting from the vicinity of the school. Her preparations might prove to be useless but it was always better to have cards to play than not when they are required. 

With the bait deployed, the next step was to lay the foundations for the future.

Yui entered the office, her feet following the now-familiar path to her destination. "Kobayashi-sensei, good afternoon."

"Hic!" Kobayashi hurriedly hid the snack she was munching on under some important-looking papers. "Phew, it's just you, Misaki-chan. Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

Yui watched the snack crumbs fall from Kobayashi's face and wonder how this person ever became the handler of Magical Girls and student council advisor. Kobayashi was an inexperienced teacher and it showed. The general student population did not respect her, playfully calling her behind her back, Kobayashi-chan, though, they would not make purposely make things hard for her.

Perhaps what was more surprising to Yui, was Kobayashi actually being competent at her TransMagic agent job. Yui noticed Kobayashi rushing to her aid with weapons drawn when she was 'kidnapped' by Fenrir. Yui admitted this gave her a soft spot for the teacher, but she could not reconcile the bubbly teacher with the pistol shooting badass, especially when she could decern that Kobayashi was not faking her attitude, making everything even more baffling.

Yui stowed the confusing train of thought aside and asked, "I would like to ask if it's still possible to join the student council president elections?"

"President elections? You could, the closing date is this Friday, but are you sure? The elections are in three weeks. The other candidates have already done several speeches and advertising campaigns. You'll be far behind."

"I understand. Even still, I'm confident of winning." Nothing was getting in the way of her and her Magical Girls.

"Since it's you, I guess it'll be fine. You'll need to fill in some forms on, how you plan on leading and a small write-up on why you think you're suitable, among other things." Kobayashi rummaged through her desk, pulling out various forms. Now, this was real magic, finding the correct papers under the mess, not the mana bullets Yui fired. "Once you're done, bring them to the student council room after school, I'll be there."

"Sensei, will be there?" This caught Yui by surprise, Kobayashi actually doing her advisor job.

"Yup, Shirokana-chan needs my help with some documents, so she asked me to stay there. Though, I'd say she's lonely since the others are not around this week. Shirokana-chan is relying on me..." Kobayashi did a guts pose, her eyes burning with passion, she was reliable now.

"Oh... Is that so... I see..." This was certainly unexpected, derailing her plan. She needed some time to rethink. "Thank you, Sensei, goodbye."

"Wai—" Kobayashi tried to stop her but Yui had already left with the registration forms.

As she walked down the corridor, Yui could not stop the grin creeping in. Well played, Hikari-chan, well played. Decisive as usual, but I won't give up so easily. This game just became a lot more interesting. 


The bell rang marking the end of school. Students made their way home or to their afterschool clubs.

Hikari entered the empty student council room with dark rings around her bloodshot eyes and plopped onto the president's chair. She rested her head on the table, the entirety of last night was spent regretting everything. Just recalling what happened yesterday turned her hot and flushed. The parting words of Yui haunted her—She shook her head, don't think about it anymore.

Clapping her cheeks to raise her spirits, she raised her heavy head and began preparations. This week's work was something the whole council should tackle together, but here she was, alone. Well, not alone for long, though she would very much prefer it not to be so. Hikari grabbed the first paper from the pile beside her when the door opened. Her hand froze, she had been dreading this moment for the entire day. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves she confronted her fear, raising her head she—

"Shirokana-chan, I'm here to relieve your loneliness," Kobayashi-sensei announced her entrance. 

Hikari released her held breath, she did not know how Kobayashi arrived at that conclusion but it did not matter. Sensei could now complete the backlog of documents, or at the very least, be a shield for her from Yui.

"Kobayashi-sensei, thank you for coming." Hikari walked over to an empty table and dropped a stack of papers. "Your approval is needed for this," slamming another heap down, "and this."

"A-All that?"

"Of course not," Hikari pointed to a filled cabinet, "those also need your stamp. Sensei hadn't come by in some time so the work just accumulates."

"Hic!" Cold sweat dripped down Kobayashi's forehead. She hid a suspicious bag behind her back, and the sound of wrappers crumpling could be heard.

"Sensei, please move. You're blocking the door." A voice drifted from behind Kobayashi. Spurred on, Kobayashi trudge with tears in her eyes to the overflowing desk, each step signalling her impending doom.

Unfortunately for the devastated teacher, Hikari's entire attention was focused on the Ice Queen standing silently in the doorway. Just the icy visage was enough to send her heart thumping.

"Shirokana-kaichou, Kobayashi-sensei, good afternoon." Yui greeted. Kobayashi merely nodded, her eyes dead from the endless paperwork.

On the other hand, Hikari used all her mental strength to force down the growing blush that threatened to spread across her cheeks and to keep her voice even. "Misaki-san, what brings you here?"

"Hmm?" Yui tilted her head in confusion. "I do believe that I said I would be coming every day this week. Or does Shirokana-kaichou not remember? Would you like a reminder?"

"A-aha... ha... I-it slipped my mind for a moment." Hikari shivered. Was Yui hinting at something or was she just picking out non-existent subtext? She truly did not know. Who is the real Yui, was her playful teasing in their encounters just lust mana acting?

Pinching herself, Hikari regained her composure. "Your aid is appreciated. Today we're filtering through the suggestions from the students, it's regarding the school trip. Misaki-san is familiar with City S? Good. Our job is to pick out the good suggestions that could be added to the itinerary and pass them to Kobayashi-sensei, she'll bring them up during the school board meeting."

At the mention of her name, Kobayashi awoke from her stupor. "Eh? Misaki-chan is helping out?"

"Yes. Misaki-san, your table is here." Hikari swiftly allocated the table next to her to be Yui's, she did not want a repeat of yesterday. She moved half her stack over, oblivious to the damage her affirmation did to the teacher.

Both Yui and Hikari ignored Kobayashi's hopeless mumblings, "Shirokana-chan was not lonely... She had Misaki-chan coming... So much paperwork..."

The three of them settled down and started to do their work. The sound of pens scratching on paper dominated the student council room, occasionally more hopeless mumblings could be heard. 

Hikari tried to concentrate but the close proximity to Yui kept her on edge. She kept an eye on Yui with her peripheral vision, tracking every single movement, tensing up when Yui did anything, but, nothing... Besides doing her work, Yui did nothing else. This constant state of vigilance lasted for a long while.

Hikari's stack of paperwork remained almost unchanged. At some point in time, she had slipped into full-on staring at Yui. She was not even looking out for Yui's suspicious actions. No, her eyes were drawn to those succulent lips or how Yui tucked her hair behind her ear.

Things could not continue like this. Yesterday, the memory of the infirmary threw her for a loop, causing her to see everything Yui did as seductive. Yes, that's exactly what happened. Yui was just influenced by the lust mana... Definitely... It's a little unfortunate...

The last train of thought was silenced by Hikari smacking her cheeks to motivate herself. Dived into her work, she used it to drown out her immoral thoughts of Yui.

And it worked... For a time.

But the monotonous drone of taking a paper, reading through uninteresting suggestions, and filing it away, wore down Hikari. Her mind began to wander, the entirety of last night, spent thinking of Yui, even now... thinking of... Yui... Her eyelids sank low. The table looked enticing to just place her head down for a minute.

Suddenly, Hikari shot up, alert eyes darting around. A trace of lust mana brushed past her, coming from somewhere in the room.

A minute passed, and nothing unusual occurred. To her right, Kobayashi laid sprawlled on the table, napping. So much for a shield. Empty snack wrappers littered around her. Hikari did not even know where the snacks came from, this room definitely did not have any. On her left, Yui maintained her steady work pace, her stack reduced to a few papers, very different compared to Hikari's half stack.

Hikari tried to sense the mana again, but it was gone. Must have been her imagination... her sleep-deprived mind playing tricks on her. Returning to work, she made a mental note to check the room later for pockets of lust mana and promised to have a good rest before her night patrol. But Yui had other plans...

Ten minutes of fruitful productiveness passed when something soft hit the side of her face and landed on her desk.

Bewildered more than anything, Hikari picked it up. The object felt familiar to her but she could not quite place her finger on what. Its silky-smooth fabric was segmented into two parts with a spongy interior. There were some hard wires running underneath, giving the object its rigid structure. Flipping it over, Hikari noted the elaborate purple floral embroidery against the black base cloth. It felt warm in her hands, beckoning her to press its softness against her cheek.

Its name still eluded her, somehow, her mind refused to make the connection of what it was. The interloper came from her left, from Yui's direction. Hikari had to conquer her initial instincts to turn. Her guts told her something was up, something to do with Yui again.


—A soft moan drifted over. It drilled into her ear, pure euphoria condensed into sound, spreading a tingling sensation from the top of her head down her spine and out to the tips of her fingers. Her instincts took over turning to an erotic sight.

Yesterday, Hikari was forced to imagine the wonders of Yui's soft valley, but no longer.

Yui's uniform was barely held together by the bottom two buttons. The shirt parted, just covering her breast, forming a deep V while her breasts sandwiched the loose school tie. Over those twin mountains rested Yui's hands, groping and fondling, the white cloth underneath crumpled under every hand movement, as did Hikari's reason.


(Sauce♥: Think amethyst-black hair.

Hikari watched, transfixed. Her imagination did not even come close to the real deal, those slender fingers moulding those perfect breasts into various shapes and the delightful peal that accompanied them. She rubbed her legs together and found them wet. Her own hand climbed to mimic the sensual display. All traces of tiredness and shame were obliterated, leaving only a burning need to satisfy her repressed desire for Yui, left over from yesterday.

She gasped when her hand arrived at its destination, her fingers dug into her flesh, the heat still obvious through several layers of clothes. As if hearing the gasp, Yui tilted her head to face her. Hikari gazed into those melted eyes, they seemed to have an amethyst glow that pulled her even deeper.

Both their hands did not stop, looking into each other's eyes, they matched their movements, fondling and panting in sync.

Despite her vigourous actions, Hikari felt unsatisfied, her shirt and bra were in the way. Even copying Yui in crushing her erect nipples did little to soothe her fire. She envied Yui, being able to slip a hand under the shirt to touch herself directly, and contemplated removing her own uniform. But her instincts had other ideas, moving her hand lower... lower... lower... until she touched her most sensitive button. Hikari let out a loud moan as lightning coursed through her, leaving a tingling residue of pleasure.

More. She prepared to stroke her wet panties.

But she would not get more, the harsh sound of wrappers crumpling shocked Hikari out of her masturbation. She pulled her hand out of her skirt like it was escaping from a pervert and her other hand released her breast from its clutches. Her fire had been doused, only embers smoldered.

Timidly turning, she breathed out a sigh of relief when Kobayashi just moved about in her sleep. That was too close.

With her regained clarity, she pushed aside her growing embarrassment through sheer will and created a small barrier around her and Yui. Hikari concluded that Yui absorbed some lust mana again. She should let it purge itself out like with Eisst. She rose to give Yui some privacy, but once again Yui thwarted her, shoving her back down onto her chair.

Yui sauntered over her hips swaying as she rested her ass on Hikari's table. Kicking off her shoes, she spread her legs wide and placed her feet around Hikari, preventing her from running.

Hikari retreated as far back as she could into her seat, though, her eyes never left the shapely thighs and moist purple-black panties. "M-Misaki-san, p-please stop, you're infected with lust mana again." 

"I know~❤️" Yui hand slid under the open shirt to play with her melons while the other stroked her wet slit from over the soaked panties. As if to show off to Hikari, Yui would pinch her hard nipples, moaning even louder than before, not holding back at all.

This reignited the quenched fire in Hikari but when she moved to comfort herself, Yui kicked away her hand. She looked up at Yui questioningly and met Yui's lust-filled eyes. The raw heat they emitted seared Hikari, feeding her own fire. She was boiling in her school uniform, she wanted to undress, but Yui would not let her.

No, she was only allowed to watch. To watch Yui trace her finger over her pussy, outlining the wet slit. To watch Yui delicately circle around her hard nipple. To listen to Yui's satisfied cries. To smell Yui's steamy love juices. And to be teased by Yui, Hikari could not see any important parts, Yui's hands and clothes seemed to be purposefully blocking her view.

Yui sped up, her hand reached under her panties, two fingers locked together as they thrust into her narrow vagina. Love juices dripped, staining the table, and sultry moans echoed in the barrier. Yui was reaching her peak, Hikari could feel it. With her nipple and clitoris between her fingers, Yui gave them a twist, climaxing violently. Her body arched, bringing her pussy so close to Hikari that love juice sprayed onto her audience. 

The mesmerising display had come to an end.

Yui caught her breath before rearranging herself while Hikari sat unmovingly. Looking at her soaked fingers, Yui brought them up to Hikari's mouth.

A wet tongue extended, licking off the juices. Hikari was not thinking, over and over again, she stuck out her tongue and licked Yui's fingers as if the liquid on the fingers could cool off her burning desire. But it was not enough, opening her mouth slightly, she engulfed the fingers. Sucked on them as her tongue swirled around, removing every speck of love juice.

Time seemed to stretch, it was like she was enamoured with Yui's fingers, not releasing them, carefully caressing them with her tongue. She felt the gentle stroking of Yui on her head, encouraging her.

It was only when the last school bell rang that Yui extracted her fingers. She kissed the dripping fingers covered in Hikari's saliva and pressed them against Hikari's lips. "A good girl gets presents. Use it well."

Leaving behind a stunned Hikari, Yui picked up her school bag and approached Kobayashi, who had not awoken from the loud bell, startling her awake. "Sensei, here are the registration forms."

"Hic! I wasn't asleep." Kobayashi wiped off her drool. "Ah... The forms, you can put them there. Misaki-chan, you're leaving already?"

"Yes, I've accomplished what's planned. Goodbye Kobayashi-sensei." Yui bowed and looked straight into Hikari's melted eyes. "See you tomorrow, Shirokana-kaichou."


The door shutting snapped Hikari out of her daze. She wanted to bury herself. Clutching her head and rolling about, landed her on something sticky. Opening her eyes she saw Yui's two presents, her bra and soaked panties. Hikari felt her heart start throbbing again, her breath quicken, and her nipples harden as the burning lust returned.

'Use them well' Yui said...

It would be another long sleepless night for Hikari.


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