Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 14 – New Stuff

Chapter 14 - New Stuff


Yui strolled past the windows of various clubrooms, without so much as turning to, the ridiculous antics of the SOS and SSS brigades or the jamming of the light music club. She had more important things to think about.

The masturbation display was not exactly planned, she wanted to provoke Hikari’s innate desire for dominance. Yui remembered their time in the infirmary, right at the end, when Hikari regained control, she kissed Yui. So, Yui merely did what, a fellow top, would enjoy.

But wasn’t it a little too effective? Hikari practically folded.

That rational Hikari who managed to retain her wits yesterday and stop Yui from pressuring her. That decisive Hikari who arranged for Kobayashi to be with them. That dazzling Hikari who, two days ago, clearly saw the deteriorating situation and decided to team up with Yui despite the many protests.

Then again… If their roles reversed, Yui doubted she could resist pouncing on Hikari. Looking at it through that lens, Hikari actually achieved a resounding victory as she sat frozen in her seat.

Back in the student council room, Hikari sure as hell did not feel like she won at all.

Lost in tomorrow's scheme, Yui walked past the school field on her way out, where the sports clubs could be seen packing up their used equipment. The moment she crossed the school boundary a piece of paper was thrust in her face.

Coming to a halt, she glanced at the rude part-time worker. The part-timer looked not much older than Yui, perhaps a university student trying to earn some extra cash. She was holding an advertisement for the newly reopened local amusement park. The two of them awkwardly stood there, Yui expressionless while the part-timer fidgeted, just as she was about to retract the flyer, Yui took it and left with a small bow.

An amusement park date sounded like a good surprise for Miyu, after all, she did promise a reward. Who knows maybe, if it was fun, she would go another time with a Magical Girl.


“I’m back~” Yui called out from the hallway the moment she returned. Sofi, in her signature maid uniform, greeted her but she immediately noticed the missing presence of someone. Strange, Miyu would always be waiting for her when she stepped into the mansion.

“Sofi, where’s Miyu?” Yui asked, placing her stuff on a side table. Sofi pointed to the backyard. “Thanks.”

Suddenly, she felt the ground rumble. The rumbling got softer, whatever caused it was getting further. That gave her an idea of what Miyu was up to.

Upon exiting the mansion, she noted the devastated area. Though it was still bare from incarnation’s appearance, the broken ground had been repaired and grass replanted, soon, the beautiful flowers would once more cover the place.

SLAM. A tree trunk landing nearby interrupted her musings. The rumbling grew stronger. As she looked in the direction from where the tree came from and spotted, far away in the sky, a crimson dot rapidly closing the distance.

Very soon, she could make out the massive bone wings of Miyu’s Witch Avatar, each flap was like a thunderclap as they propelled Miyu forward with increasingly dangerous speed. Yui reinforced her body with magic in preparation for what was to come. And when it came she was still knocked off her feet and tackled onto the ground.

With the wind knocked out of her, she patted the nuzzling head. “Mi-chan’s gotten stronger.”

“I might be stronger than Onee-chan, hehe, maybe I should be the Onee-chan.” Miyu giggled, burying her head deeper into Yui’s chest. 

“Ohh?” Yui stopped her headpats. Rolling over, she pinned Miyu down, sporting a big grin. “It seems I need to teach a rebellious imouto the prestige of an Onee-chan.”

Using her wings as leverage, Miyu flipped back on top. “It won’t be so easy, Imouto-chan.”

Laughter could be heard as the two Witches rolled around on the grass. The rumbling got stronger until it was right beside them and an immense shadow cast over the two.

“Fenrir, you’ve woken up.” Yui examined her demon dog wagging his tail. Between his bone-crushing jaws was the tree trunk that fell near her, many bite marks and slobber covered the trunk. Since the Incarnation incident, he had been in hibernation, Yui only relaxed when Vili told her that he was undergoing an evolution.

Getting a closer look at his evolved form, she noticed no change to him besides a crimson horn sticking out from his forehead. The horn pulsed, emitting a weak crimson glow that reflected off his amethyst-black fur.

“How are you feeling, you horn dog?” Fenrir barked, letting the tree trunk fall and allaying her worries. Yui stood up, much to Miyu’s dismay, to pet his head. Fenrir had to lower his head for Yui to reach, her hand was tiny compared to his huge head, but it did not stop him from enjoying the feeling. He particularly liked her scratching behind his ear. 

Withdrawing from the delightful petting, he jumped around and pawed the ground. "What's wrong?" Yui asked. Fenrir pointed his head away and whined. "You want to show me something?" Fenrir barked.

Steadying his legs, Fenrir howled. Sparks of crimson and amethyst mana began to gather around his horn and sink into it. The previous weak glow of his horn intensified to a brilliant radiance. With another howl Fenrir charged, the condensed mana and light shrouded his whole body. Like a crimson-amethyst meteor, he dashed, picking up speed, running through the air until he finally crashed into the dimensional boundary wall, sending ripples.

Yui and Miyu clapped, giving a hero's welcome to Fenrir when he finally returned. Fenrir jumped around, his tail wagging harder than before, earning him a bellyrub.

“Onee-chan, watch this,” Miyu said, not wanting to be outdone. Taking out her scimitar, she gripped it with both hands, wrath mana swirled around her hands, the blade expanded, and its curved nature became more pronounced. A pole materialised as Miyu slowly separated her hands, it was attached to the cross guard, jutting out perpendicular from the blade. The grip of the scimitar disappeared, leaving a crimson scythe in Miyu’s hands.

With a simple flap of her wings, Miyu was already floating in the sky, Yui barely tracked her movement. Swing her scythe, a crimson mana blade slicing through the air. Again and again, Miyu sliced and slashed in a deadly dance, releasing mana blades with each swing, a literal blade storm.

The mana dissipated, as Miyu slowly descended, panting. The moment she landed, Yui scooped her up and spun them around. “Mi-chan is the most awesome angel.”

Miyu enjoyed Yui’s hug and the headpats that accompanied it. Though, when Yui called her an angel, she hid her face between Yui’s breast and replied, “I’m only Onee-chan’s angel.”

“Oh? A scythe and bone wings with blade feathers, Mi-chan must be my lovely angel of death.” Giving a kiss, Yui asked the blushing Miyu, “Was this what you two were up to while I was gone?”

“Fenrir woke up but Onee-chan wasn’t around. We were curious about his horn so we didn’t wait. Seeing his new power, I wanted to test out if my new Witch form had any new techniques.” Miyu explained. “After that, we decided to compete against each other.”

“By playing fetch.” Yui finished the story, looking at the cracked tree trunk. “Maybe I should make something sturdier for you to play with, would you like that, boy?”

Yui received a bark in return.

“Are there any more surprises?” Yui asked.

“That’s a secret.” Miyu placed her finger on her lips and winked.

“Oh, it seems the lesson on the prestige of an Onee-chan hasn’t sunk in.” Yui pushed Miyu back onto the grass, resuming their playing.


The crimson sun set, its radiant light replaced by the gentle amethyst glow from the central tree.

After a scrumptious dinner cooked up by Sofi and a long bath with Miyu washing off each other’s dirt, Yui found herself on the second floor in her newly created laboratory. The day before, she had asked her demon wolves to construct it and now here it was. She made a mental note to thank them and check up on her other request.

Though the walls and furniture were built, sectioning it off from the rest of the floor, tables and chairs do not a laboratory make. Lacking the proper knowledge of what to include in a lab, Yui called Cat Support (24h. The one-stop cat to all your problems). Vili enthusiastically supported her endeavour. Considering she wanted Yui to get stronger, a proper lab would greatly assist that goal.

As it turns out, Vili's idea of support was to lay on a pillow while littering the new lab with tangerine peels and observing Yui struggle in creating magic formations. Vili reframed from giving Yui the full magic formation, instead opting to describe the functions needed and letting Yui design the formation. Only smugly chiming in after Yui had gone through all the trouble of trial and error. Yui knew that this process would raise her formation skills but she still really wanted to down a carton, of 100% organic orange juice with real pulp, right in Vili’s face.

Reinforcement formations around the room, isolation formations to separate experiments, fail-safes that activate if anything went awry, and many many different inspection formations to record her experiments. Half of which she did not even know how to interpret the data. It was only after going through copious amounts of tea and Sumerian text, that were needed to form the runes for her formations, did she finish.

Meanwhile, Vili snacked on her tangerines, unimpressed. “The place is… functional, at least. There’re some indispensable magic tools that you’ll need to create… let’s see, a Mana distillery would be useful, a Mana forge is a must, two Mana chambers might be pushing it, one should suffice for now.”

“… And where would I place them?” Yui asked, her eyes bloodshot. Miyu called her to bed twice already but she was determined to finish this tedious work and told Miyu to sleep first.

“A spatial formation, of course. It’ll easily widen this room many-fold.” Vili said as if it was the most natural thing.

This perked Yui right up. Spatial formations, finally, something interesting. Her enthusiasm dampened when she heard they lacked the required resources. Yui asked, “How do we get them?”

“On Earth? I don’t know, maybe the other Etativi or the Metermi know.” Vili contemplated, “hmm… I guess we could synthesise them.”

Yui’s enthusiasm returned, adding it to her list. Now with her new lab, she could start inventing the things on her list:

  1. Fashion a fully functional penis
  2. Create a tool to stop or neutralise Envy’s copying powers
  3. Construct a toy ball for Fenrir
  4. Synthesise materials for a spatial formation

She refrained from using Dryad’s knock-off mushroom for the perfect penis. Size adjustable, relays the full array of tactile sensations, detachable, spews deliciously sweet white honey when it cums, balls may be included at will. Yui was itching to get started.

But a yawn cut off any further thoughts. The night was very late, even the glow of the central tree dimmed. As she left to prepare for bed, Vili stopped her at the door. “I’ve contacted a friend of mine. I’m hoping she has a clue on where to find Gam Fl’t Gem.”

Even in her drowsy state, Yui asked the most poignant question, “Vili has a friend?”

She received a tangerine peel to the face.

Vili, ignoring Yui’s question, continued, “She’d contact me when she’s in Japan. You’ll have to come along.”

Tossing the peel away, Yui asked with all seriousness, “Can we trust her?”

“Of course not,” Vili stated matter-of-factly. “That’s why I’m bringing you, aren’t I.”

“Ah… So, not a friend–” Things are right in the world again “–anyway, what about Mi-chan? She’ll be mad if she’s left behind.”

Vili sighed, “If you really have to know, she’s someone who owes me a favour. As for Miyu, she’ll stay back and be our reinforcements if things get hairy. For these kinds of things, it’s better to be accompanied by one Witch, at most, it’ll ease frayed nerves. I’m sure she’ll bring hers just to show off.”

“While I’m all for killing that bastard, there seems to be nothing to do now but wait. Tell me ASAP when your ‘friend’ gets back to you.” Yui said with a big yawn, leaving the room. Her cuddles with Miyu await.


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