Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 30 – Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (5)

Hope you all had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Why haven't I been posting? Long story short, I went on an impromptu 2 weeks trip. So between clearing everything before the trip then arriving back just in time for the holiday celebrations, then clearing everything that piled up. . . I kinda forgot to post. Teehee~

Well, I’m back now. Here’s a long chapter as appeasement. The next is in the works.

Chapter 30 – Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (5)


Back when Keiko and Yui entered the photo gallery, another couple began their first date.

Two streets away from the shopping district, in a little back alley where the only illumination that graced its empty-beer-bottles-scattered floor was sleazy neon lights, two figures landed.

“So, this is ya idea of a date? How romantic.” Feeu commented as she pinched her nose shut. Dumped around them were bags of long overdue trash and the walls seemed to be repeatedly stained by something, maybe vomit. . . Feeu quickly purged the thought from her mind.

“Like it? I chose it for you.” Lust winked, though any sensuality failed to be conveyed with her nose wrinkled from the terrible smell. She did not expect this place to smell so bad.

“Consider me impressed, I didn’t think my opinion of ya could get any lower.”

“I didn’t know you thought so highly of me Feeu-chan~” Lust laughed before turning serious. “Bear with it for a while. I doubt anyone spotted us flying, especially after taking the long route. But there are few secluded landing spots. I don’t want TransMagica coming to ruin our date as much as you don’t want them finding out that you're on one with a Witch.”

Feeu accepted Lust’s explanation with a snort. And immediately regretted it. The surrounding stench permeated into her olfactory system causing tears to well up in her eyes.

“F-F-F-” Feeu cursed. Or at least wanted to, but changed it when she felt Lust’s attention on her. “F-Fish. Can we go now? Unless the date is really here, then I’m leaving.”

Chuckling at the cute display, Lust led the way out. It seemed that they had landed in a terrible spot because the air turned bearable just several metres away.

Lust said, “We're going to the main street, it’ll be fun.”

“What wonderful things will I have to look forward to if even this place doesn’t qualify as fun for the Witch of Lust?” Feeu asked, wiping away her tears, and pointed out the obviously suspicious backdoors that had posters of scantily dressed women taped on.

“That’s for another time Feeu-chan. But, if you think you’re ready…”

“Ha, keep dreaming.”

“How unfortunate. Then, since it’s not sexy time, what else should we girls do but shop?”

Feeu grimaced, “Shopping. . . Of course. . .”


The girls glanced back to where the sudden sound originated to see three men exiting from one of the many suspicious doors.

Hoodlums, the girls instantly identified. And as if the men could not get any more stereotypical with their early jaunt to 'sexy time', considering it was only mid-afternoon, two of them were also proudly displaying their tattooed chests with half-buttoned shirts.

None of their business. The girls ignored them and carried on walking. However, fate loved playing its little tricks. That quick head-turn from Lust provided the men with but the briefest glimpse of her countenance, which was enough to seize their hearts, or at least their dicks.

They watched from behind, her long amethyst-black hair swaying in rhythm with her sashaying hips, occasionally a peek of her wide-open back would leave them drooling. They could not control their growing erection nor stand idly by as that absurdly sensual and beautiful woman gets away from them.

One of the men hurriedly cut in front of the girls, barring their way. His body had moved faster than his thoughts and when he was in front of them he struggled with what to say. It did not help that gazing into those deep amethyst eyes seemed to suck away his soul, down into an abyss of unimaginable pleasures.

Eventually, he cobbled together his wits to bow slightly and extend his hand in a gentlemanly way towards Lust. “Beautiful lady, would you accompany us for some drinks?”

Unlike his companions, he was dressed in a gaudy outfit that screamed I'm rich bitch. Perhaps some girls might be enticed by his show of money, but his tone that possessed no semblance of poise would kill any such desire. As he talked, the other two men closed in behind Feeu and Lust sealing off their escape. Their attention was fully focused on Lust and when they saw their prey not resisting, instead keeping her head down like she was afraid. Their imagination ran wild.

“Disgusting,” Feeu spat with a look of purest contempt. She could practically feel their heavy breathing crawling on her skin.

The three men stiffened, in their lust, they managed to filter Feeu out of their consciousness.

Mr Rich? tore away from ogling and inspected Feeu’s body. “This has got nothing to do with you, leave."

Lust’s giggle went unnoticed by all in the presence of Feeu’s bubbling rage.

“Ho? I’m already in a bad mood coming here.” Feeu cracked her knuckles. “Care ta repeat that?”

"You don't interest me," He explained inspecting Feeu's handsome tanned features. "But on second thought, my friends might like your pretty face."

“’nough ‘f this nonsense girlie!" One of the men, who was cutting off the retreat, took out a knife. "Imma count ta five, so listen obediently or we’ll do it da hard way.”

"I'll count to three, either ya take ya posse and scram or ya'll taste these." With a smirk, Feeu raised her fists daring them to come.

The third, who had not said anything so far, expected trouble and manoeuvred himself into Feeu’s blind spot when her attention was elsewhere.

“Now, now, brother. There’s no need to be so aggressive. We can settle this peacefully.” Mr Rich? tried to pacify the situation. Turning to the Feeu, he asked with a smug smile as if he was letting her off, “How much?”

The next thing he knew, he was spinning through the air before smashing head-first into a pile of trash.

Seeing their companion get punched, the other two wasted no words, immediately springing into action. The knife-wielder slashed at Feeu, who easily dodged it by stepping back, into the waiting arms of the third man.

From the third man's point of view, everything moved too quickly. One moment, they were surrounding a smoking hot prey. The next, their boss was punched.

Damn it. Act first think later.

He reached out to grapple the resisting tomboy.

But then, a chill ran down his spine as everything slowed. His senses were heightened to the extreme. Danger! His eyes whipped through the fight trying to find the danger. Soon, he spotted it. The sexy girl who had not resisted at all, her lips moved.

‘Don’t touch my prey.’

Every part of his fibre screamed at him to run, not even when a demon cornered him did he feel such dread. It was almost a relief when the tomboy caught his frozen arm and over-shoulder judo tossed him smack into the knife-wielder.

“There. Right where y’all belong.” Feeu dusted her hands. The three men lay sprawled atop one another in a garbage heap. “Now scram or I’ll serve y’all another whooping.”

The two hurriedly disentangled their limbs and escaped the scene, not forgetting to carry the unconscious Mr Rich? along.

“My hero~❤️” Lust hugged Feeu’s arm taking extra care to wrap it between her two soft mounds.

Feeu shivered before rolling her eyes and extracting her arm from the grasp. “This is all ya fault.”

Lust’s sharp eyes did not miss Feeu’s little quiver. “Ara~ It became Onee-san’s fault even though Feeu-chan was the one who beat up all those bad guys.”

“Don’t think I missed the revolting stink of Lust mana coming from them.” Feeu glared.

Lust, with a straight face, said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No? Maybe all that hip-swaying made ya forget that ya were scattering ya mana like a bitch in the heat spreading pheromones?”

“Que sera, sera~ Whatever will be, will be~” Lust sang. "Besides, you had fun, right? Wasn't it an exciting start to our date?"

“As if." Feeu shook her head. "Ya're truly a witch of Lust. Enticing innocent men to satisfy ya lust.”

“Let me get two things straight Feeu-chan. One.” Lust lifted up her index fingers. “They aren’t innocent. Didn't you notice how they each had their specific roles? A smooth talker, a bad cop, and a silent agent. Their coordination was too smooth to be their first time.”

Lust lifted her second finger. “And two, they didn’t satisfy me at all. What was satisfying was how you protected me. Thank you.”

“And who was it who caused it in the first place?” Feeu asked with the slightest blush.

“Still, thank you, Feeu-chan. You’re my hero.” Lust praised gazing straight into Feeu’s eyes to convey her seriousness.

Feeu trembled and looked away.“I-I didn’t do it for ya. They just pissed me off, okay? Nothing more!”

“You won’t get in trouble with TransMagica because of this, right?” Lust asked.

“No. Erm. . . ya know, thanks for asking.”

“Great!” Lust grinned wickedly. “Because I won’t want them coming after our asses before I get yours~”

“Yo—Why do I even take ya seriously?” Feeu sighed.

Lust blew a kiss. “Because~ I’m your lover~❤️

“Why did I agree to this. . .” Feeu rubbed her temples. Once her headache subsided, she pointed at Lust's virgin-killer sweater and demanded. “Then as ya ‘lover’, I ask ya to change that.”

“What’s wrong with it?” Lust twirled around giving Feeu some eye candy.

For Feeu to ignore her efforts. “Those trash approached in the first place because of what ya’re wearing. I don’t want to be constantly harassed every time ya show a little skin.”

“I don’t mind. Feeu-chan will protect her lover~” Lust winked. “But I guess I understand. I only wore this to trick you into wearing a sexy sweater. Since it failed, I guess there’s no point in continuing to wear it.”

“I knew it!”

Lust chuckled. Taking a step back, her trusty magic ribbon shot out and encapsulated herself in a ribbon bubble. Outside the cocoon, Feeu saw two flashes of violet light before Lust emerged in her Witch outfit.

“Fast.” Feeu’s curiosity won out. “How did ya change so fast?”

“I undid my transformation. The sweater transfers onto my normal body, then I switched back to my Witch Avatar, which respawns my Witch clothes. It’s a one-way quick change, though.” Lust stated.

“That’s. . . pretty smart.”

“Thanks—Wait! Was that a compliment!?”

Feeu walked ahead. But how could Lust so easily drop such a good teasing opportunity?

“Fuu~ Fu~ Feeu-chan praised me~ I’m going to remember this moment for the rest of my life. So that when we have our wedding, I’ll be able to retell it to everyone: About how Feeu-chan gallantly protected me from thirty thugs. After defeating them, Feeu-chan covered my torn sweater with her jacket. And when I called her my hero, she said that it was nothing, she did it because I was her lover. Then, we shared a hot passionate kis—Mmph”

Racing back double speed, Feeu covered Lust’s mouth with her hands. But just as quickly as she rushed to seal Lust’s lying mouth, Feeu withdrew her hand when something wet slithered across her palm.

Feeu glared daggers at Lust, who playfully flicked her tongue, but its impact was lost with how red her face was. “I’ll get ya back for this.”

“Looking forward to it~”

Giving one final death stare, Feeu heaved a sigh deeper than the Mariana Trench. She knew that Lust would enjoy her payback attempt far more than she would enjoy getting revenge. Confronted by futility, she could only ask, “How is this any different from before? Horny dogs will be all over ya."

Typical for a Witch of Lust, Lust's attire consisted of multiple layers of translucent cloth that gave people glimpses of her body while barely covering her important bits. But all Lust needed to do was inject some mana into it to turn the innermost layer darker and opaque.

"It doesn't change the fact that ya're still in Witch clothes, different dogs will be all over ya. Where's ya other clothes?”

“Other clothes? Where we’re going, we won’t need other clothes.”


Lust led the way. Though Feeu had never been here before, she could tell they would reach the main street soon from the increasing din of people going about their daily bustle. As they passed some skimpily dressed women loitering about the alley entrance. They stepped out onto the main street. And was immediately bombarded on all senses.

Flashing billboards, on the sides of the buildings all along the street, advertised various animes while blaring the anime’s theme song. All the nice-sounding songs blended together into an unholy mess of pure noise. It did not help that on the six-lane road itself were makeshift stalls with their vendors hawking their wares loudly.

It seemed like everyone was using the main thoroughfare transforming it into a makeshift market square: French maids and mascots handing out fliers; sweaty virgins trying to engrain themselves with, or take photos of, the former; food vendors selling delicious smelling food; normal passersby looking around; police patrolling the street.

Feeu could not feel more out of place.

Otaku Streets.

She knew of it, of course, she did live in Japan. Even the most isolated grandmothers and their cats would at least have some knowledge of it. But now that she was here, it felt like a totally different world.

“Feeu-chan has never been here before?” Lust asked.

Still processing the chaos, Feeu absent-mindedly replied. “No, the town I came from never had anything like this.”

“Hmm? Feeu-chan isn’t from around here?”

Only when Lust sidled up to her to hear more did Feeu realise her mistake.

“Nevermind that.” She pushed Lust off and changed the subject. “Is there a festival today?”

Deciding to save it for another time, Lust replied. “Not that I remember. The road has been closed for some time now causing the scene there. But then again, I don’t come here too often. The last time I did, there were much fewer maids and people around. Perhaps there's a festival going on that I don’t know about.”

As they watched the chaos, someone interrupted them, “Excuse me.”

Feeu saw two university-age girls walking up to them and did a spectacular double-take.

“Erm, may we take some pictures together?” The girl with blue hair tied in a rattail asked Lust.

“Why of course you may, Magica 〈Eisst〉~” Lust answered in her usual sultry way. The girl, who Lust called 〈Eisst〉, donned a snowflake-spangled kimono, a sheathed katana hanging on her waist, and some black hair peeking out from under her blue wig.

Her companion obviously put more effort into her appearance. Her natural hair could not be seen under the short red wig, while the bits of crimson armour attached to her limbs and the massive claymore strapped to her back all looked well-crafted.

Cosplayers. Feeu facepalmed. Magical Girl cosplayers experienced a boom with their first appearance. She had seen several before, at a distance. She made it her priority to disappear from the area, and if there was a cosplayer dressed as her, she would use her maximum speed to 'retreat tactically'.

But when she tried to leave, Lust predicted her escape and caught her wrist, telling the cosplayers, "Please pass your cameras to my darling here. She'd take our photos."

"Let me go, damn it," Feeu whispered harshly, not wanting the cosplayers to hear her.

"Ah, thank you." The two passed their phones over to Feeu who looked constipated and ask Lust. "Could you give us a minute to get ready?"

"Sure," Lust agreed. While the cosplayers were busy checking their appearance, Lust whispered to Feeu. "If Feeu-chan leaves, who's to stop me from using Lust mana on these cute innocent Magical Girls? I wonder if Magica Feeu has a moan as cute as yours."

"Ya wouldn't!" Feeu growled.

And to Feeu's surprise, Lust actually agreed. "Yup, you're right. . . I might play with them but my cute Feeu-chan is the only one who I like."

"Yo—Wh—Hmph." Feeu looked away with a snort. She did not want to continue, but under a steady gaze of Lust, she squirmed and finally growled. "Grr, I'll take ya stupid pictures, who knows what ya'll do when I'm not looking."

Feeu turned away again at the sight of Lust's growing grin.

Once they were all ready, the cosplayers moved beside Lust. Feeu could only watch the two little lambs willingly dance with the devil. Even though she did not know Lust for long, she understood the futility of trying to talk Lust out of something so entertaining, limiting the damage was her only option.

〈Feeu〉, 〈Eisst〉, and Lust chose to do a cute shot first. They held up V-signs to their cheeks as they posed.

Ka-chak. Feeu took their picture.

“Your costume is amazing!” 〈Eisst〉 complimented Lust.

"Thank you. Yours is cute too."

"How do you make maintain the shape of your skirt when I can't see some ribs?" 〈Feeu〉 asked after inspecting Lust's attire.

“With magic~”

For their next pose, 〈Eisst〉 and 〈Feeu〉 drew their weapons, Katana and Claymore respectively, while Lust retrieved her whip from under her skirt pulling it taut like a dominatrix.


“Aw, can’t you give a little hint of how? Tsusaki-san, here, is a serious cosplayer. She'll go through hell to improve her own outfits.” 〈Eisst〉 pushed.

“Fu~ No need to go to hell. All it took was a pact with an Etativi~”

“Ah, you’re a roleplayer,” 〈Feeu〉 observed.

Lust smiled, captivating the two when she asked. “Then, shall we do some proper roleplaying of a Witch dominating Magical Girls?”

Without waiting for a reply, Lust looped her whip around 〈Feeu〉's hands, binding the claymore and hands together. She then hoisted the whip overhead to force Feeu to stand on tiptoes, at the same time pulling 〈Eisst〉 into a one-arm hug.

Ka-chak. Ka-chak. Ka-chak.

Lust enjoyed the feeling of 〈Eisst〉's breasts pressed against her body, though, they were considerably smaller than the original's. 〈Eisst〉 wiggled around, a little shy in Lust's embrace, but a simple spank on her ass caused her to moan and settle down.

On the other hand, 〈Feeu〉 paid no attention to her bondage, instead, her gaze was drawn to the fractal tattoo between Lust’s breasts.

“Ara~ My eyes are up here, Magica 〈Feeu〉~” Lust let go of her whip allowing it to dangle. Now that her hand was free, she slid it to the back of 〈Feeu〉's head. Grabbing a fist of wig, she gently tilted 〈Feeu〉's head up to reveal a bright red face. They were so close that they were almost kissing.

Ka-chak. Ka-chak. Ka-chak. Ka-chak. Ka-chak.

The sound of many shutters brought 〈Eisst〉 and 〈Feeu〉 back to reality. There were significantly more people around them than before, mostly made up of passersby and virgin otakus. Their recent poses left many bent over trying to hide their erections. 

"L-let's stop, please?" 〈Feeu〉 begged with puppy eyes. Lust's heart tightened from the cute display. She was almost tempted to continue but decided against it.

Releasing 〈Feeu〉 and 〈Eisst〉she dismissed the crowd with a single wave. "Show's over." And surprisingly, unlike the thugs they met in the back alley, they obeyed without question. Whilst the crowd slowly shuffled away, Feeu returned from photographer duties.

Upon receiving back their phones, 〈Eisst〉 hurriedly swiped through the photos. She was almost drooling over them as her hand wandered over to rub her buttcheek that Lust spanked.

“Thanks, I’m not good with big crowds,” 〈Feeu〉 explained. With some blush remaining from before, she asked, “If I may, why did you choose to play a Witch?”

“Why. . . Why not? Don’t you like the Witch of Lust?”

“Definitely not." 〈Feeu〉 shook her head. "My brother works for TransMagica. It’s better if all witches just died and saved us all the trouble.”

〈Feeu〉's spiteful words had Feeu snickering. Feeu was not even trying to hide it, whispering gleefully such that only Lust could hear, "Ha, see, not as many people like ya as ya think."

“Ah, I don’t mean you. Cosplaying is fine.” 〈Feeu〉 tried to mend the serious atmosphere. “Your Witch costume is wonderfully made. It looks perfect.”

Lust did not take it to heart, she was not one to fault a sister just looking out for her brother. Instead, she discretely jabbed Feeu's side, causing Feeu to jump, and then accepted the compliment with her own. “Yours looks almost as good as the original. I can tell a lot of elbow grease went into getting it right. Just the subtle flame motifs and etching on your armour pieces must have taken a long time to do.”

“Thanks. Took three months to finish, and I almost didn't make it to the convention. I was even fixing some mistakes on the train ride there but I guess it’s worth it." 〈Feeu〉 complained. "If only this breastplate wasn't so damn tight. These damn chest bindings hurt like hell."

This time Lust smirked while Feeu threw her a stink eye. She leaned over breathing into Feeu's ear, "Size doesn't matter~"

“Well then, I guess we should go. Thanks again for the photos.” 〈Feeu〉 waved goodbye.

Coming out of her daydream, 〈Eisst〉 realised this might be the last chance to see Lust and decided to cling onto Lust's arm, “It was fun. Erm, can I have your mail address? S-so that I can send you a copy of the photos.”

If the faint hearts in her eyes were not a dead giveaway, her pressing her breasts on Lust's arm was. She wanted a piece of Lust. Under Feeu's intense glare, Lust shrugged, "I really didn’t do anything, no Lust mana, nothing. Perhaps, not as many people dislike me as you think~"

Sensing Lust's genuineness, Feeu join Lust in looking questioningly at 〈Feeu〉 who, after seeing her friend act so lewdly, started panicking under their stare. Waving her hands frantically, her gaze rapidly flickered between Feeu, Lust, and 〈Eisst〉. Connections started to form in her mind, until finally with a completely red face, she tried to defend herself, “I-I'm s-straight.”

. . .

"Pfff, hahahaha." Unexpectedly, both Feeu and Lust burst out laughing. It took Lust tremendous will to bring her laughter under control. As she wiped away tears from the corner of her eye, she peeled 〈Eisst〉 off.

“I see, how unfortunate," Lust replied 〈Feeu〉. Hugging the still-laughing Feeu's waist, Lust started walking, not forgetting to address 〈Eisst〉, "Thanks but no thanks—dropping her voice to a whisper—I prefer the originals.”


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