Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 31 – Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (6)

Chapter 31 – Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (6)


After Lust and Feeu left, the cosplayer who played <Feeu> noticed, “Hey, now that I think about it, didn’t the other girl look similar Magica Feeu?"

The other cosplayer did not reply as she simply watched the disappearing backs.

"Her hair and make-up even looked exactly like the real thing too. There was so much we would talk about. What a failure. . . I was too entranced by the Witch Lust’s cosplay that I missed a fellow cosplayer.”

“Sigh~ Please whip me Onee-sama~” 


Leaving the Magical Girl cosplayers, Lust, with her arm on Feeu’s waist, led the way. It seemed like the final refusal had tickled a funny bone in Feeu because she would be occasionally overcome by spontaneous giggling fits. This naturally caught the attention of many a passer-by even attracting looks from a patrol of police officers. But whether they were scared off by Lust’s harsh glares or her provocative dress or her strange laughing companion, none approached.

After some time, Feeu managed to barely keep her merriment under control. Lust, with an eyebrow raised, asked, “Was that really that hilarious?”

“The fabled Witch of Lust, someone who’s supposed to be able to entrance anyone, was rejected because of straightness—Pfft! I can’t even. Ha ha ha! The others are gonna love this!” 

“Fu~ If you look at it that way, I guess it can be funny.” Lust nodded along. “That girl was pretty cute acting so evasive even when she was into me. Exactly like the original.”

“Pff! Stop it! Ya delusions are killing me!” Feeu chortled merrily. Her tone lacked the usual barbs, though, the contents were another thing entirely.

Lust could not take her eyes off the laughing Feeu. This unknown jolly side of Feeu. This Feeu that she did not know of. . . This Feeu must also be hers.

With one of her hands already on Feeu’s hip, she circled behind Feeu and completely enveloped Feeu in an embrace gluing her soft body to that toned back.

“Huh? W-What are ya doing?!”

Feeu’s slightly taller frame allowed Lust to rest her chin on her shoulder and blew into her ear. “Shh~ You're mine~”

“Y—Get off! There are people around.”

“What’s wrong with that? Let them know who you belong to.”

“Keep dreaming. I don’t belong to anyone. Most of all not to ya.” Feeu struggled but Lust held her firm. Whenever she wriggled or squirmed, the hug tightened until it felt like it was crushing her. The last straw was when something wet and slimy slithered over her ear. “Ya doing lewd things again! Urgh. . . Release me or ya’ll breach the contract.”

Invoking the contract brought Lust to her senses as she sulkily allowed her Magical Girl to slip from her grasp. After she was released, Feeu rubbed her chest complaining. “What was that for? Did ya have to hold me so tightly?”

"No, but I wanted to," Lust said confidently puffing her shapely chest. Internally, she quickly sealed her dark desires in the deepest recesses of her soul. No one must see it or they would hate her. “I've never seen Feeu-chan so cheerful before. I couldn’t stop myself from hugging you, especially after you looked so depressed when we met up. I’m genuinely happy you’re able to relax with me that I couldn't control my strength.”

“Un,” Feeu grunted. Lust cracked a knowing smile when she saw Feeu’s cheeks reddening. To which Feeu responded with a weak, “I hate you.”

“Ara~ But I like you, so it’s fine.” Lust's smile widened to a wide grin resembling someone who managed to pull a prank. Sensing the tender air, she casually wrapped her arm around Feeu. Just like before.

Feeu reacted as expected, glaring and demanding, “Don’t ya ever learn? Let me go.”

“Aren’t we lovers? As long as it's innocent, I'm entitled to cuddle time with my girlfriend." Lust asserted.

Feeu rolled her eyes and pinched the naught hand which was searching for a way into her pants. "As if ya ever innocent."

"Ow," Lust rubbed her back of her hand. "Feeu-chan is no fun."

"Of course. Now, forget about getting ya paws on me."

"But that would be a waste," Lust said and instead offered her hand to Feeu.

". . . What's this? What are ya scheming this time?" Feeu eyed the open palm.

"Nothing, I just want to hold hands with my lover," Lust said innocently. "Unless~ Feeu-chan is one of those who considers h*lding h*nds lewd?”

"Grr. . ." Feeu growled, unable to see a way out of her contractual obligation. Sensing weakness, Lust pounced. Joining their hands together, she flashed Feeu a smirk. 

But just as Feeu was about to give up, an idea struck her. A devilish idea. As the idea grew, so did her wicked grin. She had to act now before Lust did something stupid again.

While they held hands, it was more of Lust holding her limp hand, but that changed when Feeu coil her fingers around Lust's. Tenderly, lovingly. Their fingers interlaced together like a perfect couple. She even looked away to appear to be completely embarrassed but it was to hide her evil grin, no need to rouse suspicion yet.

Lust was without a doubt surprised by the affectionate gesture. She did not notice it before but as she felt the skin of Feeu, it was not the typical soft hands of a girl. Calloused and rough, they told of the hard work Feeu put in.

Along the way, Lust had a cheerful smile. . . until her hand burned. Keeping the temperature just high enough to feel pain but not actually hurt Lust, Feeu snickered as she watched Lust's smile waver. Lust tried to pull her hand back but it was Feeu's turn to latch on

Gritting her teeth, Lust could only play along. Sending her mana to coat her hand, it cooled. Allowing her to reestablish her bright smile which hid something brewing. “I didn't know Feeu-chan was so needy, not wanting to let go. Shall we, Feeu-chan? We’ve got much to do.”

“Let’s go,” Feeu replied with an equally radiant smile.

As they walked, their mana clashed. Like a dragon and phoenix fighting for dominance, both tried to overwhelm the other's defenses. Occasionally, someone got managed to wrangle an advantage.

When Feeu won, Lust experienced the same burning sensation. While it never harmed Lust, it did cause her to grimace and bring a smug expression to Feeu.

How could Lust hold back after seeing such an adorable reaction? She wanted to dye it in her colours.

Upon gaining the advantage, Lust restrained herself from infecting Feeu with [lust mana]. If she tried: One, Feeu would (unlike Eisst who was under breasts hypnosis) realise and instantly be hostile. Two, Lust wanted an enjoyable date, not a perpetual horny dog. So instead, she sent a tingle of pleasure to reverberate throughout Feeu’s body.

Whenever it happened, Feeu would shiver then glare at Lust, then try doubly hard to achieve the advantage next time. Yet, it never seemed to cross her mind to let go of Lust’s hand.

Lust, of course, loved their little game. She got to see Feeu being all proud and precious, h*ld h*nds with her cute Magical Girl, and it was not even her idea. A triple win in her books.

And so, the Witch and Magical Girl walked together hand-in-hand to their destination. . .




“Hey, where are we going?”


“Here?” Feeu inspected the stubby building in front of her. Unlike the numerous shops around them which had huge digital billboards advertising anime promotional videos. This shop was completely bare. No banners or advertisements of any kind decorated its facade. If Lust had not specifically pointed out the place and the occasional person enter and exit the venue. She would have assumed it was unoccupied, which, was not too uncommon considering the state of things.

“Yup,” Lust pulled her in, their hands still joined.

As the tinted automatic doors parted to admit their newest customers, a world of flickering lights and riotous racket greeted her.

It was an arcade.

There was a general resurgence in popularity for arcade games, and this arcade with its wide selection of games capitalized. For such an unassuming joint, the crowd inside was decent. Various people weaved between epilepsy-inducing flashing machines occasionally stopping to deposit their hard-earned cash or, more likely as the majority of customers were under 20, allowance into the gaming machines that caught their fancy.

The appearance of two beauties h*lding h*nds attracted some stares. Feeu paid no mind to them. Her sparkling eyes were drawn to the arcade machines. But before she could approach one, she was brutally whisked down a secluded stairway.

Casting a final longing look, she reluctantly descended to the basement where a single plain unadorned door stood. If she did not know any better, she would have considered it a maintenance room or a storeroom.

“What sort of seedy place did ya bring me to?”

“Seedy? Well, I guess you could call it that. The things sold here aren’t exactly illegal. But they’re quite, how would you put it, interesting and require some prudence when sold.” Lust explained, opening the door, and stepped back, allowing Feeu to enter first.

Feeu shrugged, might as well see what stupid things Lust prepared, and entered.

This brightly-lit underground shop hid a truly dark secret that could not see the light of day. Figurines in display cases, large posters stuck to walls, plushies, and many other merchandises littered the shelves. All Magical Girl themed. While not all were of her and her peers, they did make up a significant portion. The others were from famous magical girl animes, some of which she recognised from her childhood shows.

As she was once more subjected to Otaku Overload, the sound of harsh cursing drifted into her ears. “Three weeks! Three weeks late! See how empty my shop is, no one is coming because I have no new stock! How am I supposed to run a business like this!?”

“Boss, please just sign the receipt.” The deliveryman sighed, already numb to this shit. This was not the first time nor would it be the last. “Complaining to me won’t do anything. Go complain to the supplier.”

“Next time, I’m ordering from XXX company, those innies don’t understand the meaning of punctuality.” The grey-haired owner grumpily signed the receipt. Receiving his escape cue, the deliveryman tipped his cap to the girls and left.

“Welcome! Lad—Hmm? Magica Feeu and Witch Lust—WOW! What detailed cosplay. . . Oh, forgive my excitement. Feel free to browse my limited wares.” The owner instantly recognised them. Considering his job here, it would be stranger if he did not.

“Give me a call if you anything. I’ll be here, sorting these out.” Seeing as they did not need any immediate attention and were the only customers at the moment, he started to move his new stock into the backroom.

The cutesy magical girl anime BGM waltzed around them as Lust took in a deep breath inhaling the scent of Magical Girl merchandise. “Ah~ This place is more wonderful than the forums described.”

In contrast, Feeu was massaging her throbbing temples with her free hand. Right beside them was a life-size cut-out of herself striking a cool pose. “Is bringing me here some kind of sick joke? Because I’m not laughing, in fact, I’m getting a little pissed.”

“Ara~ you found out. Fu Fu Fu~ This is step one of my master plan.”

As retribution, Feeu infused more mana into her palm but Lust was prepared. She met the invading mana with her own and easily defended herself. Aware of her futile effort, Feeu switched to stomping on her foot.

“Oww, Ha ha, Feeu-chan, that’s not lover behaviour. Ow. Stop it or—Ha ha—I’ll have to pull out the big guns.”

Her half-laughing threat only fanned the flame causing Feeu to step harder. Since Feeu ignored the warning, she must be teased. Lust allowed the next stomp to connect and as it landed, a moist moan purred from her throat, “Ahh~ Mnn~”

The sudden moan sliced through the soft BGM. Both Feeu, who had her leg half-raised, and the owner, who was behind the counter, froze. Lust continued, pressing herself against Feeu as her syrupy sweetness resonated through the shop, getting louder and louder until it reach a crescendo. “Yes~! Don’t Stop~! Step harder~!”

The shop fell into stillness, even the BGM sounded distant. Eventually, the significantly older shop owner broke the stillness. He raised a thumbs-up to Feeu. “Respect, Nee-san.”


Lust could not help herself doubling over laughing when her plan succeeded and she saw Feeu crimson scrunched-up expression. As her laughter bubbled so did the temperature around them. The rough hand she was holding gradually heated up until it felt like she was clutching a chuck of burning hot coal.

“Grrr. . .”

Sensing trouble, the owner hastily retreated to the backroom leaving them alone. Lust made the same realisation that perhaps she went a little overboard.

“Feeu-chan, It’s just a joke, don't need to be so serious.” She tried to pacify the situation.

But Feeu was not the least bit amused. This was the last straw, in a burst of shame-fuelled fury, she lashed out, “Ya invited me on this date but all ya ever did was humiliate me or put us in humiliating situations!”

“Feeu-chan, calm down, you know that isn’t true. Don’t you remember when I . . . Erm. . . when we. . . huh. . .” Cold sweat formed when Lust failed to recall an event when she was not teasing Feeu.

“Want me to list everything ya did today?!” Feeu flared, and in response, the temperature spiked distorting the air around them.

“. . . No need. I’m sure there’s one. I just need can't remember it now. ha ha ha. . .”

“The sweater? Those people we met?! Bringing me here?!! Just now?!!!”

“Ugh!” Lust groaned under the barrage of incidents Feeu brought up.

“Is that ya idea of a date?! To always try to shame the other?!” Feeu dealt the finishing blow. “In the end, aren't ya just some elementary kid?!!”

“Kuh!” Lust staggered backward from the emotional damage releasing Feeu’s hand in the process. She sought to explain herself but could not, not after those truth bombs.

With her chest heaving Feeu seethed, silently awaiting a response.

Still reeling from the critical hit, Lust struggled to recover. What a failure. . . To be compared to an elementary kid. . . An elementary kid with his first crush. . . always teasing. . . Urg. . . That hurt. This was supposed to use the opportunity to improve her likeability. Look how well it turned out.


The pain her stinging cheek and hand felt was just a fraction of the pain Feeu’s words caused but it served to clear her mind. There was only one path forward. Lust lowered her head. "I’m sorry, Feeu.” 

The heat wave around them instantly vanished with an audible zoop as Feeu goggled wide-eyed. That shameless Lust just slapped herself and apologised, it even sounded sincere.

Lust continued, “I should have known better. It was not my intention to humiliate you. It just—your reactions were so cute that I couldn’t stop teasing you. See what you’ve done to me.”

Lust grabbed Feeu’s wrist and guided it to her crotch. Feeu quickly jerked her hand back but not before touching a moist fabric. Faced with an unexpected incident after deflating a little, her mouth ran faster than her thoughts. “W-What are ya d—Why are ya so wet? We never did anything. Could ya be a masochist? Ya like being yelled at?”

“I don’t think I am. Though, I can be if Feeu-chan wants, just remember that I charge interest.” Lust shook her head, “No, it’s wet because I’m with you.”

“Y-Y-Ya doing it again!” Feeu huffed, though compared to before, there was not much force behind it.

“I’m not trying to shame you. I’m just telling the truth.” Lust appealed with sincerity. “I promise I’ll stop any teasing if Feeu-chan doesn’t like it. I don’t want Feeu-chan to hate me.”

Crossing her arms, Feeu tried to appear furious, even though, any residue anger had already dissipated. “Hmph, I guess that’s fine for now.”

An apology was the correct path after all. Lust thought as she smiled. Beneath the smile, she was already calculating how to tease Feeu without causing too much resentment, her current methods clearly had flaws. And she already had some ideas on how to improve them.

Give up on teasing her Magical Girl? Never! You might as well kill her right there. But she would not be a simple elementary kid, no, this was a valuable lesson, she must refine her techniques for her future with her Magical Girls. 

If Feeu found out what was going on in Lust's head, she would send her a fiery kick, yelling 'ya didn't learn a thing!'. But unfortunately for Feeu and Magical Girl kind, Feeu lacked that power. Instead, Feeu, unable to bear the awkward silence, changed subjects. “How did ya even find this place?”

Lust answered, “I read about a hidden oasis on some forum but it took me a long while to actually hunt it down. They took great precautions to not get found by TransMagica or someone else.”

Feeu narrowed her eyes at her own cut-out. “Ya know, from its suspiciously plain exterior and ya introduction, I half expect a magical black market.”

“Hmm~Selling magical stuff. Now, that’s an idea.”

“Don’t even think about it.” Feeu shot her down. “Even after all the warnings, some gullible fools still want magic crystals, particularly the Mages. If you really start selling, I’ll be the first to kick ya ass.”

“Wait, those idiots still exist?! Didn’t all the previous incidents teach them anything?” Lust was genuinely surprised. She had long assumed that the group had disbanded considering there was no new news on them.

At the beginning of the war, when no one knew any better, there were many people who believed eating magic crystals or demon flesh would boost their abilities or give them magical powers. Since demons disappear quickly after death, magic crystals were all the rage. They even gathered into groups, the most prominent of which called themselves Mages. Too bad all their dreams came crashing down when those that actually consumed a crystal turned into mindless demons.

“Not one bit. They’re as delusional as ever. They’ve just gotten better at hiding.” Feeu sighed. From the sound of it, TransMagica had some problems with them. “Anyway, aren’t ya afraid I’ll tattle about this place?”

“I very much am. But this was me taking a leap of faith and sincerely hoping that Feeu-chan doesn’t destroy this paradise. I didn't just bring you here to make fun of you, I wanted to share with Feeu-chan something that I like. Will you give me another chance?” Lust offered her hand again.

“Ya know, a Magical Girl-themed otaku store is a terrible place for these kinda things. But somehow, it’s quite on brand for ya. . .” Feeu rolled her eyes. And once again, Feeu took the outstretched hand.

This time, their simple holding hands felt more intimate despite not intertwining their fingers together. It was like they understood each other a little better. And though they were not channeling mana into the other, Lust thought that the hand she was holding now was much hotter than ever before.


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