Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

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"That's right, I also think it's easy to create anything with this ability."

"Huh?! Are you...?" Rocky didn't know what to think of, his face flushed with excitement, and then he sighed, "Ah!! You are such an evil man!"

Kira looked puzzled: "??"

"It's also modeling magic, which is much more powerful than Gray's."

"Of course it is!"

Chapter 8 How to Use Word Spirit Magic

Although he didn't know what he was thinking, Kira could feel the envious admiration in Rocky's mouth.

"Huh? I can't pretend that I didn't hear this! You guys want to try the power of the ice shape?"

The peace-loving Kira couldn't see these two good friends fighting, and immediately persuaded the fight: "Grey, don't be angry, Rocky has a straight personality and loves to tell the truth, so don't worry about him too much!"

Are you trying to persuade a fight?

Gray's face was a bit ugly: "What? Do you also think the ice shape is weak?"

"Ice, it will always melt." Kira didn't answer directly, but just mentioned a physical phenomenon.

"Can the things you make last forever?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course you have to clean it up when you're done using it. If you keep it all the time, it will consume mana, huh... It seems that ice doesn't work, because it's disposable, which is better. But it also means that mana consumption will be more... Well, from this point of view, my modeling magic is stronger!"

After all, Gray couldn't beat Kira, so he could only keep silent.

Several people boarded the boat and sailed towards Karna Island.

On the boat, Rocky couldn't help saying: "Speaking of which, I've always cared about it before. Your magic seems to be very special."

As soon as this remark came out, even Karna and Gray looked at Rocky.

They knew from a long time ago that the speech magic used by Kira is a kind of text magic, but it is different from Lebby's three-dimensional text and the spell text of Philid of the Thunder Gods, but a kind of magic. Able to do "text modeling" magic.

However, with text modeling, this is too fancy.

"What's so special? Shape magic is full of strange things. Let alone using words, I also know that there is memory shape magic in this world!"

"That's right! Modeling magic is the most free magic!" Unlike the other two, Gray immediately thought of his master's words and immediately agreed loudly.

The three masters and apprentices of Gray used the same ice modeling magic, but the magic type was different: Master Ulu's shape was a plant; senior brother Leon's shape was an animal representing 'movement'; Quiet' weapon.

"In addition, modeling is just one of the ways of using the magic of words and spirits. Hmm...Speaking of it, compared to modeling, I think this is more like a kind of concrete magic."

"Representational? What kind of magic is that?"

"That is a more mysterious, older, and more complicated magic, and it is a type of lost magic."

"Oh, the memory modeling I just mentioned is also a kind of lost magic, which can create things in the user's memory, including magic, and even combine magic. It can almost be said to be the most powerful type of modeling magic Already!"

"My ice shape is also very strong!"

Kira shook his head: "Elemental modeling is still limited by attribute restraint. If you encounter a wizard with bad compatibility, you will suffer a big loss. If your own magic power and physical fitness are not as good as your opponent, then Worse."

"You guy, after saying so much, don't you just want to say that your strength is far more than that?"

"Ah, you're so smart, Kanna!"

"You bastard, you really deserve a beating for saying such things!"

Intentionally showing off his skills, Kira looked a little proud: "Think about it carefully, why can I create a large number of magic props with special functions? Even if it is, how can I have time to practice forging when I spend most of my time in magic cultivation?"

"This must be related to my magic!"

Kana rolled her eyes: "Huh? I've never seen you practice magic before!"

"To be honest, I've always been curious about how you made those magic props."

"Could it be that your magic props are all concrete?"

"How is it possible? If this is the case, it will be discovered soon," Kira patted the sailboat under him, "And as I said just now, if this kind of thing made with magic doesn't keep its magic power, Eventually it will disappear."

"Then what is..."

"Okay, okay, don't guess, don't worry, this mission will open your eyes."

With a sound of "Peng", the sailboat docked.

The time on the road always passed quickly, on the small sailboat, the sound of playing cards on the boat stopped abruptly.

Kira got up and stretched, and greeted the three people with stickers all over their faces: "No more playing, no more playing, the boat is docked, let's go, let's do the task."

"Hey, don't try to play tricks, you guy! You obviously lost, so post it..."

But how could such words leave Kira with a mission in mind?

"Nonsense, we are doing a task now! How can we think about playing?"

Kira said the righteous words, and nimbly broke free from the siege of the three, turned around and jumped off the boat.

In one go, the sole is silky smooth.

"This guy, obviously he was the one who talked about playing cards first! In the end, he won't admit it if he loses!"

Seeing that Kira was about to release the magic, the three had no choice but to stop playing and set off to disembark.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what the mission is?"

"Me too."

"Huh? Didn't you watch it yesterday? Lift the curse."

Kira was speechless for a while. These guys only wanted to do S-level missions, but they followed them without knowing what the mission was?If you don't say that you are a person from 'Fairy Tail', you have a big heart.

"Remove the curse? Then what are you going to do? Can you do this with your word magic?"

"Who knows? But in the final analysis, 'curse' is just what the residents of the island say. As an S-rank mage, you can't be confused by these one-sided words. What's the situation will have to be discussed later."

"Follow me and take a good look at how S-rank mages do their tasks!"

The three of them followed the directions on the map, walked through the woods outside the island, and came to the village of the island residents.

Along the way, Kira found that it was not surprising that Karna Island was ignored by the Senate. The reason was that it seemed to be living in a primitive society.

The wall built with wooden piles, the sentry tower with only three or four stories high, and the simple and primitive weapons in the hands of the guards, which are only made of wooden sticks and stones, all show that this island is technologically advanced. of lagging behind.

You must know that whether it is the Kingdom of Fiore or other countries in Ishgar, magic and technology are developing side by side, and none of them is backward.

Of course, the technology here is based on magic.

Let’s just talk about magic crystals. There are different types of magic crystals on the mainland, such as those used for lighting, which can be seen everywhere on the street, such as street lamps; those used to record images, and the reporters of monthly magazines, magazines and other companies have one...

And magic crystals can be regarded as the cheapest and most common magic props on the mainland. This means that although the technology of this world is closely related to magic, in terms of the degree of development, it is definitely not inferior to the technological society.

Even if it is high-end technology, there are weapons such as magic wizard power and Fez in this world.

Looking at it this way, the technology of Karna Island is at least 300 years behind.

Chapter 9 The Curse of Karna Island

"Who are you?"

The guard noticed the four Kira approaching and asked.

Kira took a step forward and replied, "We are wizards from 'Fairy Tail' who came to solve the mission."

Guard A turned around and asked his companion next to him: "Is there such a thing?"

"It seems that someone who said that there will be a magic guild will come."

"Show us your guild crest."

This is something that has to be experienced in almost every mission, and the few people were not surprised, and then revealed their respective guild crests.

Kira took off his coat, and a black guild crest representing 'Fairy Tail' was engraved on his left arm.

In fact, Kira doesn't like tattoos very much, but this is how the world is. The coat of arms of the magic guild represents the status of his identity.

In fact, there is another reason why he doesn't mind engraving the coat of arms, that is, Kira vaguely remembers that the guild coat of arms seems to be a magic buff, which has the magic of Mebis, the first generation president of "Fairy Tail", and the specific effect is forgotten, but Generally speaking, it is open.

If you can open it, then naturally you don't mind, after all, who would think that you have too many hangs?

After confirming the identity of the visitor, the guard opened the gate to let a few people in, and led them to the village chief.

Everyone, including the village head, was dressed in the clothes of a backward tribe. Among them, only the village head wore a cloak that looked a little more dignified and was supported by the fur of some wild beast.

The village head is a short, long-eared old man holding a scepter with a moon-shaped scepter on top. When he saw Kira and the others who came to solve the curse, a warm smile appeared on his face.

"Finally waiting for you to arrive, all magicians."

The old village head showed the current situation to several people, and said slowly: "As you can see, all the creatures on this island, from dogs to birds, are not spared. All of us are entangled in this curse. gone."

Gray put forward his own opinion: "Why is it called a curse? Haven't you thought that this might be a disease?"

The village head replied: "Dozens of doctors have been found to diagnose us, but their conclusion is that they have never seen a similar disease. And our body mutation is related to the magic power of the moon."

"This island has gathered the light of the moon since ancient times, and the whole island has become brilliant and beautiful because of the moon, but a few years ago, the moon suddenly turned purple, emitting purple light."

Rocky: "Purple light? Could it be the magic of light?"

"And when Ziyue appears, our appearance will be changed into an ugly demon."

Gray thought of something, and his face was a little surprised: "You mean a demon?"

"Yes, and during the day, everyone will return to their original posture, but..."

Karna: "But?"

"Some of us couldn't recover, and even lost our minds, and even our hearts turned into demons. In the end, we had to be ruthless and kill them."

"Kill it? Really decisive!"

"That's right, if they find a way, they should be able to reply!"

"No way, if left alone, everyone will be killed by monsters, even if they are locked in a prison, they will destroy the prison door, including my son."

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