Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

Page 6

"So please, all clever magicians, please save this island and lift the curse on us, otherwise if this continues, everyone will be taken away by the devil."

The old village head became more and more excited as he spoke, and finally couldn't help crying, and the surrounding villagers stepped forward to comfort him.

"There is only one way to solve our curse, please destroy the moon!"

Gray: "Huh?!"

Rocky: "You mean destroying the moon?"

Karna: "How is that possible?"

Although the surrounding atmosphere was made weird by the old village chief and the villagers, and the performance of Gray and others perfectly complemented it, Kira didn't feel any wavering in his heart, and even wanted to laugh.

After all, he knew what was going on, but he couldn't tell everyone directly, because he had to maintain his S-level magician style in front of everyone, so he could only reason step by step.

In the end, Kira led several people out of the village and into the depths of the forest on the grounds of investigating clues.

On the way, Gray, Rocky, and Karna expressed their views one after another.

"Anyway, it's impossible to destroy the moon, right?"

Compared to Gray who is still struggling with the moon, Rocky is obviously much more rational: "As far as I guess, this should be a kind of magic, and it is a magic that only affects the people and animals on the island."

"Magic? Could it be receiving magic like Mira?"

"How is it possible that the entire island, including animals, has the talent to receive magic, and there are not so many demons for them to receive, it should be other magic."

Kira felt that Rocky's words were a bit too taken for granted, where are there not so many demons?

Kana thought for a while: "The moon turns purple and emits purple light. Is it light magic? Have you heard of similar magic, Rocky?"

Rocky shook his head: "I've never heard of this type of magic."

"What do you think? Kira, what are we going to do?"

The three looked at Kira to see what he would say.

Seeing that the three of them had no clue, Kira was proud of himself, but sighed helplessly on his face: "Hey, so, this is the gap between you and S-level mages, did you not collect any information when you did missions before?" ?”

"What do you mean?"

"I made a special investigation before departure," Kira began to babble logically. "This island is recorded in some libraries, and it is an island with a long history."

"Karna Island, because it can gather moonlight and condense it into a powerful force of the moon, it was also called the Island of the Moon a long time ago; but at the same time, it is also called the Devil's Island because the residents here are all Demons, not humans."

"Nani?" ×3

Kira's words made several people stop in their tracks.

Gray exclaimed: "Are you saying that these residents are not demons because of the moon, but are demons?"


Kana asked: "Wait... But what we saw just now was indeed a human being?"

"It is recorded in the book that becoming a human is the talent of these demons here. That is to say, they actually change during the day and return to their original appearance at night."

After thinking about it, Rocky asked: "If they are really demons, why did they lie to us that they became demons because of the curse of the moon? And the attitude of the villagers..."

"Something affected their bodies, to be precise, their memory, making them think they were originally human."

"Affected the memory? Is it the purple moon?"

"The purple moon that the villagers will see should be related to the changes in their bodies. There are two possibilities. One is a biological virus. The virus has affected the villagers' bodies, not only causing memory confusion, but also disturbing their eyes;

If we can also see the purple moon after nightfall, then it should be the second case, a magic that spreads all over the island, turning the incoming moonlight into purple, and then affecting their memory.

However, combined with the situation on the island, I am more inclined to the latter. "

Well, the circle came back, what a genius I am!

Chapter October Drops

"I see, this is the truth about the purple moon?"

"That's amazing, Kira. You really deserve to be an S-rank mage. I found the reason right away."

Hearing the praise from several people, Kira felt very proud: "Of course! Learn more!"

"Then...why don't you tell the village chief directly?"

Gray's question was immediately ridiculed by Lai Kira: "Are you an idiot? Since the memory is affected, you must not be able to listen to our explanation. After holding that cursed thought for so long, you even 'killed 'If I say that they are demons, I will definitely throw a tantrum, think that we can't do anything, and finally drive us out."

"Um... that's what you said... Ah, by the way, since they were demons in the first place, wouldn't the village chief's son die in vain?"

"Don't worry, I've heard that demons are hard to die," Kira explained, "and, since the village chief says his son 'lost himself,' that means he's back to normal, and in this case I I think the probability of him leaving the island is relatively high."

Kira took another step, walking towards the center of the forest.

"All changes have a reason. It is impossible for this island to have such a phenomenon for no reason. Whether it is a virus or magic, since this phenomenon only started a few years ago, it means that something must have changed at that time."

Rocky asked, "Then where are we going now?"

"Let's look around to see if there is anything similar to a magic circle. Since this magic can cover the entire island, there will be correspondingly more preparations. That is to say, a large enough place is needed to arrange the magic circle. This works magic."

"A place big enough? We haven't seen anything like it along the way."

"According to the records in the book, there is an ancient relic on Karna Island, which is a place where the power of the moon can be gathered. Because the power of the moon belongs to the holy attribute, residents who are demons cannot approach it. It is the most suitable place to set up magic circles. place."

"So it is, because the villagers can't get close, and they don't have to worry about being destroyed. It is indeed the best place."

"Hmph! Learn better! In the future, remember to prepare information before going on missions, read more books and newspapers, eat more fruits and vegetables, stay up late and drink less, fight less and pick up girls less!"

10 minutes later……

"We have arrived."

Kira, who was walking in the front, stopped. In front of him was an ancient and mysterious ruin, which was full of gravel as far as the eye could see, and there were patterns that looked like moons in some places.

"This is the ruins you mentioned. Obviously, the village is not far away. Why didn't the villagers mention it?"

Several people looked around and found that there was a road directly leading to the ruins in the village.

"Because they can't get close to this place, they may think that this kind of thing is too unbelievable. Even if we tell us, we won't believe it, so we don't mention it."

"This is both the center and the highest place on the island. If you want to set up a magic circle, this is the best place. Go up and have a look."

At this time, Rocky discovered Huadian: "Huh? There is a cave here."

"There are holes of the same size on the top, is it a coincidence?" Rocky walked forward while talking, looked up, and frowned, "No, several layers on the top have also been opened up, it doesn't seem like natural aging, it's man-made Yes, why would you do such a thing?"

Kanna and Gray approached after hearing what Rocky said, and found that it was indeed what Rocky said.

While thinking about it, Kira's "suddenly enlightened" voice came from behind him: "So that's it, so it's this magic, I figured it all out! If you think about it carefully, this place itself can gather a huge amount of moon power, so it is indeed the most suitable place to cast it." That magical place!"

Kira showed an expression of "I'm going to start deciphering", and said the lines he had prepared: "There is only one truth!!!"

Seeing that Kira seemed to have come to a conclusion, the three asked aloud, "What magic are you talking about?"

"It is said that moonlight is condensed into beams and the moon's power is gathered to form a drop of the moon. It is a kind of magic that can eliminate all magic."

"Magic that can eliminate all magic? Is there really such magic in the world?"

Kira found that Gray and Kanna looked surprised, but Rocky didn't have much reaction.

That's right, he is a protoss who doesn't know how long he has lived. It's normal to know a little more. In the original work, the news of the moon drop was also told by the protoss to them.

"Of course, I read it in the book," Kira nodded, "but the conditions for the formation of the 'Moon Drop' are extremely harsh, not only need a huge amount of moon power, but also need enough manpower, even the spell is very old And the minority is a kind of magic that has long been lost."

"Moreover, this is a kind of polluting magic. According to the book, it will produce a special gas. It seems that this kind of pollution has affected the island."

Kana exclaimed: "Polluted gas? In other words, are the villagers affected by the polluted air?"

Kira said: "Not necessarily, there may be other reasons, the sun is about to set, we will know soon."

"It's disgusting, who is doing this kind of thing?" Gray said angrily, "Why wait at night? Why don't we destroy the magic circle now?"

Kana was also a little confused: "That's right, if you destroy the magic circle, at least you can stop the source of pollution, right?"

"The drop of the moon needs to be performed at night. Now it can't destroy anything. If you want to fight, you can't find anyone."

"According to what the village chief said, this magic has been activated for three years, right? Hasn't it succeeded?"

"It's not that simple," Kira shook his head and explained, "The formation of the moon drop is very difficult. Even if the island has abundant moon power, it can't be completed in just three years; moreover, Its impact is also very troublesome, and it cannot be solved by destroying the magic circle."

Kana asked again: "Is there no way to remove the influence on the island first? You should have a way to purify the air, right?"

"Actually, I haven't felt that the air has been affected since I went to the island, so I said that I won't know until night. As for now..."

"Don't you want to see what kind of magic these unknown guys are trying to use the 'moon drop' to dispel?"

Kira's words aroused the curiosity of several people, yes, what kind of person is he, and for what purpose is he using Moon Drop here?

"The answer is below, do you want to go and see together?"

"Of course!"

The three laughed and seemed to be full of interest in the unknown in front of them.

Gray thought to himself: Sure enough, the S-level mission is interesting, and I learned a lot of things I didn't know before. This experience can be boasted in front of Natsu for a while.

Kira looked at Gray, whose face was full of adventurous interest, and thought darkly: "Laugh, you won't be able to laugh later."

Chapter 11 Gray: I will never forgive this man!

"Then, let's go down and have a look," Kira raised his right foot, "Stand firm!"


"What do you want to do?!"

"Wait a moment……"

A few people rushed up to stop it, but it was too late, Kira had already stepped on it hard, and saw the ground under his feet cracked, spreading in all directions, making the sound of "click" and "click", and then... collapsed and sunk!

"Not good! Dangerous!"

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