Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Bonus Chapter #4: Lunar Princess Ranni

“Silence, mine fragment. Dost thou think I do not know thy part in mine woes? If not for thee, would mine Consort have been so adamant, I wonder?”
Ranni scoffs, as Melina shakes her head in denial. With the gag in her mouth, she cannot actually voice her disagreement. One of Ranni’s four hands comes up and grabs a fistful of Melina’s strawberry blonde locks, yanking the kindling maiden’s head back and keeping her from continuing to give her denials in that form as well.
“Hush, I said. I will not brook thy defiance. Not here, not now… nor ever.”
A quiver runs through Melina, followed by a shudder before ultimately, her shoulders slump in resignation. Good. Submission is the least Ranni deserves, after all that she’s been put through.
She’s still… irritated over how thoroughly her dear consort had outplayed her. He’s lucky she fell so deeply in love with him, because otherwise, she would not have brooked HIS defiance either. As it is, the mortal man who has become the Elden Lord, who even now is referred to as the Tarnished Lord by more and more of the Lands Between, had fully bamboozled her.
Her plans for her order had been all but dashed upon the rocks. Certainly, she still had her power. Her achievement, slaying her Two Fingers and ascending to Goddess all on her own strength, was not necessarily diminished in any real way. But her intentions, of leaving this world behind with only her Consort at her side… were no longer feasible.
The worst part was, he and Marika were right. And oh, how Ranni hated having to acknowledge the latter was right about anything. Tch, even learning the full story of Radagon’s betrayal and the gilded cage the Eternal Sovereign found herself in did not necessarily diminish Ranni’s dislike of the other woman. Certainly, Ranni’s father’s choices were his own, and even if she wanted to say otherwise, she could only lay his betrayal of her mother at the feet of the Elden Beast, that vassal to the Greater Will, and not any other.
But even still… that didn’t mean she had to forgive or forget! Marika had still done much to damage Ranni’s family! She and her Golden Order had turned Radahn against them, using her brother, who had always had more power than sense, to hold back the stars. In doing so, he had irrevocably hampered and damaged their family’s power as well as glintstone sorceries for far too long!
Luckily, the Golden Order was no longer the supreme power in this land. If Ranni had to pay homage to Marika of all people, if her dear consort’s ultimate plan was just a return to the old status quo… nay, even her great love for the mortal man who had so effectively captured her heart would not stay her hand then. She would have been forced to act. To do what, she could not say. Luckily, it had not come to that.
Nay, instead the new Elden Lord had done what no other Lord before him could say. He had stood on his own two feet, rather than kneeling before any God or Goddess. Ranni persisted in calling him Consort even now, but the truth was, he was Ruler and Lord in his own right. Twas half the reason that she had ultimately agreed to the joint marriage between the lot of them at the Church of Vows.
That, and the fact that her mother thought it a good idea. As well as the sneaking of the mortal women who had her Consort’s attention, and had stolen him away to get married by the Pastor of Vows first. Bah! So many scheming women in her dear consort’s life. Twas not fair… but then, life very rarely was.
There were plenty of things for Ranni to be unhappy about, she supposed, even now. And yet… there were glad tidings to be sure as well. The absence of the Greater Will, and indeed the presence of any Outer Gods upon the Lands Between, gave Ranni deep and unending satisfaction. There would be no more messages from the Two Fingers. The remaining Finger Readers were in quite the tizzy, their connection to the Greater Will severed and their ability to read hands cut off.
A few among them might adapt and find something better to do with themselves, but the majority would likely wither away and die, as they’d been doing since Marika first shattered the Elden Ring in the first place.
It did not matter to Ranni. What mattered to her was the protection her Consort represented. It was what made him so valuable, so important. It was what gave him leave to stand as an equal beside not one, but two Goddesses. He was not just the bridge between her and Marika, he was the entire support structure for this new Age. Without him, she and Marika would likely already be fighting off fresh attempts from numerous Outer Gods. Or, more likely, they would be too busy killing each other to notice as the Outer Gods continued to spread the influence they’d already had.
Of course, without him… they would never have reached this point in the first place. Marika would be dead. Ranni would still be a witch, trapped in a doll’s body, hunted by Baleful Shadows.
It was thanks to her Consort that all of this was possible. Thanks to him that she’d been forced to acknowledge the truth. They could not abandon the mortals to the Outer Gods that would seek to abuse them. Her plan, to take him and her newfound power and leave the mortals to their own devices, was doomed to failure from the start.
That did not, however, mean she had to accept the fragment Melina as her equal. Marika might have made Melina out of a part of Ranni that she discarded long ago, but it was merely a part. They were not sisters, and she would never see the kindling maiden as a peer. She only had two equals, at this point in time. One, the Eternal Sovereign, she would stomach for the sake of the other, her dear consort and husband, the Tarnished Lord.
As luck would have it… this was perfectly fine with Melina herself. Indeed, as Ranni had recently discovered, the kindling maiden was not unwilling, when it came to bending her head in submission. The strawberry blonde had a fetish, in fact… and one that Ranni had decided to abuse on this day, most gratuitously.
Kneeling there in the Lunar Princess’ bedroom, Melina is bound and gagged, and besides the rope that crisscrosses over her body, wears not a stitch of clothing. Ranni kneels behind her, similarly unclothed. However, SHE is not bound, and her four hands are quite busy all across Melina’s body.
There is the one, fisting Melina’s strawberry blonde locks and pulling her head back tightly. Then, there are the two playing with the kindling maiden’s nipples, teasing and toying with them, pinching and pulling her sizable breasts out from her bound frame. Finally, there is the fourth hand, down betwixt Melina’s thighs, working away at her fragment’s slit.
It is via that fourth hand that she knows just how much her current plaything is enjoying this, despite the distress she might seem to be in. Indeed, Melina’s core is drenched, and Ranni’s fingers quite the mess for it. Even as she whines and whimpers into the gag, Melina is wiggling her hips, and all but humping Ranni’s palm. Disgraceful… but certainly arousing, in its own way.
The Lunar Princess is no fool. If Melina weren’t enjoying herself, then the naked man currently sat on the bed before them both would likely take issue with the situation. As it is, the Tarnished Lord, her dear consort, sits watching them with a fond smile on his handsome face, his throbbing member fully erect between his legs. He’s clearly enjoying the show, just as much as she and Melina are enjoying putting it on for him.
Or rather, how much Melina is enjoying putting it on for him. Ranni could take it or leave it. She’s certainly not getting as much out of this as the kindling maiden is. No, while it’s rather nice to have such a submissive playmate, especially given how… domineering her own mother had proven to be, and how strong and forceful her consort could be, Ranni… isn’t getting attached, or anything like that.
Sniffing haughtily, tearing herself out of her own treacherous thoughts, the blue-skinned, four-armed Goddess leans forward. In doing so, she presses her own chest into Melina’s back, and in turn pushes the bound and gagged kindling maiden forward as well. The hands upon Melina’s breasts move from her nipples to the sides of her admittedly impressive mammaries, and she hefts the sizable sacks of flesh up in order to wrap them around the Tarnished Lord’s phallus.
She’s not jealous of Melina’s size or anything like that. Who would want to have a rack of cow udders, really? She will admit though, they’re a damn near perfect fit for her Consort. They cover a good half of his large shaft, and the rest, Ranni releases Melina’s hair in order to reach out and slide her palm up and down his length.
Melina’s head falls forward, her hot breath coming out in muffled pants through the gag in between her teeth, ghosting across the twitching bulbous head of the new Elden Lord’s length as a result. Every time it pushes up between the top of her breasts, her breath is there to meet it. Ranni, meanwhile, meets her Consort’s eyes and smiles thinly.
“Dost thou enjoy this, mine Consort? Seeing thy kindling maiden used so? Tis why thou kept her alive, is it not?”
Her fingers, working in and out of Melina’s sex, detect further lubrication and a tightening of her core around Ranni’s digits at those words. This fragment of her enjoys the abuse, be it verbal or physical. Pah, Ranni is almost glad to have done away with this part of herself. Still, there is plenty of use left to be had in this woman.
The Tarnished Lord gets ever closer, Ranni can tell. And so, she ‘encourages’ Melina to pick up the pace, while moving the hand on her Consort’s shaft down to his balls instead. Fondling and groping them, feeling up his churning gonads, the Lunar Princess is unsurprised when he grunts and begins to cum a moment later. His seed explodes all over Melina’s face, and Ranni’s fragment is soon coated in her Consort’s essence.
Only once the kindling maiden is painted from hair to chest does Ranni pull back with a smirk. Letting go of Melina’s chest, pulling her arms free of the other woman’s body altogether, the Lunar Princess stands up, enjoying the way her Consort’s eyes travel along her naked, beautiful body. Tis a perfect representation of her old mentor. She likes to think Renna would approve of the show of appreciation. Certainly, she prefers this form over her old. Even as much as she loves her mother… she would prefer to have no reminder of her father.
Unfortunately, that is all but impossible. She is forcibly reminded of her father every time she has to interact with Queen Marika the Eternal. But tis what it is. There’s no helping it, and Ranni can admit that the situation, as it stands now, is better than it otherwise could have been.
Stepping over Melina’s kneeling form, the four-armed Goddess places two hands on her Consort’s shoulders and one hand on his phallus. The final hand reaches back and hooks two fingers into Melina’s gag, giving it a sharp tug and pulling it undone from between her teeth. As the gag falls to lie around the cum-covered kindling maiden’s neck, Melina barely gets a chance to take an unobstructed breath before Ranni has grabbed her by her strawberry blonde hair and yanked her down to the Tarnished Lord’s balls.
At the same time, Ranni climbs aboard and impales herself upon his lap, moaning all the while as she sinks down the entirety of his length with a shudder. The Goddess of Moon and Stars pouts mightily at her Consort, even as Melina’s tongue is set to work upon his family jewels, even as his throbbing haft pulses inside of her.
“I am not ignorant to thy actions, mine Consort. Thy mortal women… all of them art now pregnant, are they not?”
Melina jolts in Ranni’s hand at that, but the Lunar Princess pays her fragment no mind. The kindling maiden can get hers on her own time. Right now, she is simply a set piece… a tool, to enhance the experience that’s being had between Ranni and her Consort. Nothing more.
To his credit, the Tarnished Lord does not try to deny it. Smiling, he simply nods, his hands going to Ranni’s hips and beginning to help her as she starts to ride him and gyrate her hips across his crotch.
“Hmph. Mine mother was right to push then, I suppose. Truly, tis a great shame to hath fallen so far behind.”
Single eye flashing, Ranni begins to ride her Consort with increasing speed.
“Luckily, I am a Goddess. The assurance of such things, when I am not in the presence of mine own mother, is easy enough.”
Her breath hitches, and she lets out an involuntarily wanton moan as his mast manages to push up to a new level of depth inside of her. Indeed, the embarrassment she’d experienced, having Rennala herself egging her Consort on while he… took her sexually, had been such that Ranni could not focus on making her mother’s wants a reality at the time.
But now? Well, she was a Goddess. And even if her beloved was a mortal man, she WOULD have his children. Starting right here and right now.
“Go on then, mine consort! Fill me with thine essence! Sully mine body with thy seed!”
He grunts… and then tightens his grip on her hips. A moment later, and Ranni can’t even spare the hand she was using to keep a tight, controlling grip on Melina anymore. Tis not as if the kindling maiden is going anywhere though, and so she settles for using all four hands to cling to her Consort for dear life. The two on his shoulders are joined by the others, as she yelps and squeaks and squeals, shaking and shuddering upon his member.
He has this way, a singular way, of bringing out the crass, lewd creature buried deep inside of her. How long had she inhabited the form of a doll? Sex was not something Ranni had considered, in all that time. Indeed, she was not a creature with a functioning libido until after her ascension. But that did not mean she could not feel things. That did not mean she did not have emotions.
Emotions that had slowly but surely turned towards the Tarnished before her. Her Consort had become her whole world. He had pursued her doggedly, had helped her accomplish all of her goals and so much more… he had given her not just her ring, but her own mother back to her.
Even though she’s in the midst of crying out in an ugly fashion as he extracts another pleasurable release from her, the Lunar Princess removes two of her hands from her Lord’s shoulders and grabs him by his hair, yanking him towards her as she lunges in for a deep, passionate, tongue-filled kiss. Moaning into his mouth, she kisses him deeply, shuddering eagerly upon his member.
And then she feels it. He reaches his own release, and spills his essence deep inside of her, just as she begged of him. This time, Ranni is composed enough to at least set the seed to work within her womb. She will give birth to his child now, that much is assured. Her mother, at least, will be quite happy.
Ranni will be… satisfied. C-Certainly, it’s not like she’s excited to be a mother herself or anything. N-Nay… she simply must satisfy her debts to her Consort… and also make her own mother happy. That was all. Certainly, twas not more than that.
As she lays her head against her Consort’s chest, panting heavily, a tongue can be felt against where her slit is joined with his cock. The kindling maiden continues to work, even now, wiggling her tongue this way and that. Ranni stiffens, when Melina gets particularly adventurous and moves her tongue to the Goddess’ anus… but then relaxes. Hmph, let the foolish fragment do as she likes. Ranni c-cares not.


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