Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Bonus Chapter #5: Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Whap! Whap! Whap!
“Nnngh! W-We… shouldn’t…”
“Shouldn’t we? What excuse dost thou have for me this time, hm? Is it thy daughter again, that makes thee think I should stay mine hand?”
A quiver runs through Rennala, as she hangs her head, biting her lower lip to try and contain her cry. It just comes out as a whimper instead though. How… how had she let this happen?
The riding crop comes down on her naked posterior again, and this time she cannot stop the cry from spilling forth from her lips.
“Just this much is enough to excite thee. Thou’rt hungry for the knowledge I have to impart, aren’t thou?”
They were both Queens. By all counts, they should have been equals. Indeed, they’d even been married to the same man. And yet… and yet, what was a Queen to a Goddess? Rennala found herself drawn into the Eternal Sovereign’s games without putting up more than a token resistance. She couldn’t help herself. Marika had proven… irresistible.
It had begun with the wedding. A somewhat ludicrous event, to be sure. Rennala had been happy to be part of it, all the same. Even now, she wore a ring that marked her as bride to the new Tarnished Lord. So did Queen Marika, as a matter of fact. And yet, during the wedding itself, Marika had not had much attention to spare for anyone… but her.
The golden-haired Goddess had been staring at her almost nonstop. The only time Marika had not looked her way had been when she was exchanging vows with the new Elden Lord. Every other moment of the ceremony, she’d been gazing at her with an unreadable expression on her… admittedly beautiful features.
Even dear Ranni had noticed and had brought it up after the fact. But Rennala had waved her daughter’s concerns off, saying it was nothing. She’d told her resurrected daughter, returned to her after so long, not to worry about it.
On the one hand, she wondered if she had been smart to do so, given all that had happened since. On the other… it was for the best that Ranni not see her like this.

Another smack of the crop against Rennala’s reddened backside, another gasp from the Queen of the Full Moon’s full lips. The state of her… if anyone were to see her right now, twould not be good. And there is every possibility of them being found out. They are not anywhere all that private. Nay, instead Marika has ambushed her in one of the Academy’s hallways, pushing her into an out of sight alcove in order to have her way with her.
Her crown discarded, her hair undone and covering her face, her robes in flagrant disarray, and her ass exposed for Marika to punish to her heart’s content. Rennala… Rennala does not look much the Queen she is supposed to be, at the moment.
“To think, the Headmistress wouldst be the one in dire need of discipline. Thou desires have gone unrequited for far too long, hath they not Carian Queen? Do not fret. I shall help thee.”
Marika could push and pull Rennala’s levers like no other, and she had only gotten better at doing so in the weeks since they had begun this… clandestine affair. Rennala had been unsurprised when the Eternal Sovereign had tracked her down soon after the wedding for a confrontation, but she had thought herself prepared for the encounter.
She had not expected Marika to be so very… persuasive. Nor to end up on her back, with the blonde looming over her, and the words ‘I want thee. Right now.’, on her lips. From there… well, the rest had been history. Rennala had found herself deeply entangled with the Eternal Sovereign. Her daughter’s rival… her daughter’s counterweight and peer. And Rennala was here, being spanked silly by the other woman.
It was shameful, but also thrilling beyond measure. As she bends over the bench in the Academy alcove and lets Marika continue to abuse her bottom, Rennala can only mewl and moan and cry out in an ugly fashion. Until finally, the Eternal Queen tires of the action, and suddenly pulls Rennala back by her hair, yanking her head backwards so she can stare down into her eyes.
They are both Queens… but only one of them is a Goddess. And so Rennala kneels, dropping to the floor right then and there, in the seat of her own power. The Academy was hers, even more so than it was Ranni’s. As Marika had mentioned previously, Rennala had taken up her old position as Headmistress of Raya Lucaria. She was intent on showing that Caria, for all that it had fallen into disarray and disrepair, could have value to the new order set about by the Tarnished Lord.
She could not ignore her own feelings however, and there was something so very… attractive about Queen Marika. Something Rennala could not describe, could not truly put into words.
So yes, she kneels before Queen Marika the Eternal, and in doing so finds herself face to face with the Goddess’ quim. Marika drags her dress out of the way, and lifts one long, slender leg up into the air, going so far as to plant her foot upon Rennala’s shoulder in a further display of dominance and ownership over the other woman.

Rennala, her eyes fixed on Marika’s face, leans forward and plants her tongue upon the Goddess’ sex. In that moment, she feels a small surge of satisfaction, as the Eternal Sovereign gasps and shakes, showing her own moment of weakness before she grips more tightly at Rennala’s hair and grinds her further in.
“Yesss… more. Hah… more…”
More, Rennala was more than capable of providing. And even willing, contrary to what some might think of her. Indeed, there were plenty who probably thought Rennala had more reason than most to hate Queen Marika the Eternal. Ranni, her beloved daughter, chief among them. But while Rennala had been lost for quite a long time after Radagon left her, she had never truly hated… either of them.
She was Radagon’s wife. Did everyone truly think she did not know the true nature of their existence? Her husband, who she loved with all her heart, and who she happily bore three children for, was only half of a soul. There were those in Caria who would have decried him if they’d known, and her as well for daring to stay by his side.
But Rennala had never thought less of Radagon for his… deviant nature. Twas not his fault, nor was it something that could be changed. He was still Radagon, for all that he was the twin-soul of a God. Queen Marika stood head and shoulders above her other half, placed upon a pedestal by the Greater Will and the Golden Order that her husband so dearly loved.
Tch, finding out the truth of all that she had suffered after the fact had not necessarily softened the blow by any stretch of the imagination, but it had helped to put things in perspective. Marika, as much as Ranni might think otherwise, had never been the enemy. Rennala’s husband and Ranni’s father had left of his own volition, drawn back to the Capital by the Elden Beast.
Oh, most certainly, it had been Queen Marika’s plans that put things into motion. But Rennala had spent far too long imprisoned by her own subjects to truly be capable of blaming the Eternal Sovereign for her own desire to be free, once she discovered the gilded cage she’d built around herself. In the end, Radagon’s decision to abandon her and return to the Royal Capital had been his. As had his decision to try and make him and Marika one in flesh, as well as soul.
That this had resulted in Marika’s imprisonment and struggle against Radagon and the vassal beast of the Greater Will for the entirety of the time since the Shattering did in fact tug at Rennala’s heartstrings, just a little. After all, had she herself not had to suffer the deaths of her children? And in the end, only one had come back to her. She had only been given the one miracle, in the form of dear Ranni’s return.
All of this was to say… Rennala did not hate Marika. But she also could not quite say why exactly she was so drawn to the other Queen. Not just drawn to, because Marika in turn was drawn to her… but fully enamored with her. Here she was, kneeling before the Eternal Sovereign, her tongue up betwixt the blonde Goddess’ thighs, partaking of the sweet nectar from her quim. Truly, twas an unenviable place to be, by the estimation of most. And yet, she would rather be nowhere else.
“Thou’rt… quite eager. Hah, tis surprising, t-that the Queen of the Full Moon hath proven… s-such a harlot.”
There is no heat in Marika’s words. Rennala looks up into her fellow Queen’s eyes and sees a flustered, almost uncertain expression on the Eternal Sovereign’s face. Something tells her… that Marika no more understands the attraction between the two of them then Rennala does. Or perhaps she does… and no more wants to acknowledge the true nature of what makes them work so well together than Rennala would prefer to.
Because, after all, there is only one common denominator. Tis not the Tarnished Lord. Perhaps he is a bridge between their two ‘factions’, on the face of it. Perhaps they have both enjoyed his company more than either would care to admit in polite company. But it is not him that has brought them together, or else he would BE here now, would be enjoying this moment with them in some way.
Instead, tis just the two of them… and Rennala at least, is perfectly fine with that. She drives her tongue up inside of Marika, and watches as the golden-haired Goddess’ eyes flicker shut, her breath catching and her chest quivering and trembling. A moment later, and the Eternal Sovereign gushes all across her face. There is no kinder way of saying it, no way to make it less crass. But Rennala does not mind. She laps up Marika’s nectar, and even reaches up to grab hold of the blonde’s leg to hold her steady until the moment comes to a close.
As it finishes, Marika collapses back onto the bench just behind her, panting a bit as she props herself up on her palms. Rennala looks up at her for a moment… and then climbs into the other woman’s lap right then and there. Tis easy enough. While Rennala’s robes are certainly voluminous, and so is her crown, in truth… the Carian Queen has a motherly figure, but also a very feminine one.
By comparison, while there’s simply no mistaking Marika as anything less than a woman in the prime of her life, there is a… slightly mannish quality to some of her. Her shoulders are perhaps an inch broader than Rennala’s, and her arms are actually muscled in a way that… well, that reminds Rennala of her departed husband.
Said arms come up to wrap around the Last Queen of Caria the instant she climbs into Marika’s lap, instinctively moving to cradle and hold Rennala close to her, even as the Eternal Sovereign purses her lips and narrows her eyes.
“Thou’rt quick to take liberties, Carian Queen. Mine needs are met, so why should I satisfy thee, hm?”
Rennala just smiles… and kisses Marika on the lips. Tis not a particularly domineering or even aggressive kiss. The Queen of the Full Moon simply doesn’t have that in her. Tis easy enough to… hm, act as a guide, in situations with younger women such as with the Graven Witch Sellen, or even her own daughter Lunar Princess Ranni.

Then, she is not expected to do anything but cradle her daughters as their lover, the new Elden Lord, takes them and makes sweet, sweet love to them. But now? Now she is within Queen Marika the Eternal’s power. And so yes, she steals a kiss… but it is no more than a gentle, tentative request for affection, for love. It was as soft as a kiss could be… and yet it did the trick, all the same.
Marika’s sharp exhale is immediately followed by the Eternal Sovereign seizing more firmly and roughly upon Rennala’s body, in her lap. She pulls Rennala in close, cradling her, and with one hand in the back of the Queen of the Full Moon’s hair, kisses her far more aggressively. Rennala, of course, has no problem with surrendering to her fellow Queen. And Marika… Marika is not so ill-mannered that she would truly leave things as they were, with her needs satisfied by Rennala’s unmet.
And so, the golden-haired Goddess’ other hand dips down between Rennala’s legs, with her splaying them wider open to give Marika all the access she could need. Fingers, long and slender but also rough and domineering, press into Rennala’s core and begin to push past her folds. Marika does not take her time. She is not so inclined to be careful or gentle or cautious about it.
Rennala would be disappointed if she were, to be fair. She enjoys the roughness of the experience, as the Eternal Sovereign’s digits drive in and out of the Queen of Caria’s mouth, making her moan into Marika’s lips and quiver in her lap. Luckily, with Marika’s mouth covering her own, Rennala’s cries are mostly muffled, stifled in fact. Their tongues wrestle back and forth, and their saliva and drool are swapped in equal measure.
All the while, those fingers… oh, those blessed fingers, they do amazing things to Rennala of the Full Moon. Until finally, much like she helped Marika achieve first, Rennala tips over the edge. Her release is sudden and explosive, but Marika has a firm and strong hold on her, the other woman embracing her tightly until she’s done riding out the last of the shockwaves of pleasure.
In the aftermath, Rennala is left panting… and Marika is breathing heavily too. Their lips have parted, but as they rest, they stare into one another’s eyes. Rennala isn’t sure what Marika sees in her gaze, but she knows what she sees in Marika’s. There’s affection there. Attraction, certainly. But also… a degree of confusion and uncertainty.
They were never meant to be, the two of them. Two women, brought together by circumstances outside of their control. What were they to one another, truly? What were they becoming? Rennala did not know. As much as she enjoyed these encounters, she was not sure she would initiate them of her own accord if Marika didn’t keep… showing up like this.
Suddenly, the Eternal Sovereign seems to come to a decision, planting her forehead upon Rennala’s and murmuring to her quietly.
“You will come to Leyndell next week for a visit. Just you. For the week. It will be the two of us… and our Lord Husband. Am I understood?”
Hmph, does she expect Rennala to act flustered? Or perhaps to demure and say something truly scandalous, such as ‘Yes, Mistress’? Nay, she will not go that far… but at the very least, she can nod as she gazes into the other woman’s eyes and give her assent.
For a moment, Marika looks even more uncertain. Then, she is gone, setting Rennala carefully down on the bench and then whirling away, her dress fixed in an instant, her appearance no more disheveled than it was when the Eternal Sovereign first ambushed her. By comparison, Rennala knows she looks disheveled… and spends the next few minutes calming her racing heart besides.
Twould seem… she had a trip to prepare for.


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