Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Bonus Chapter #6: Queen Marika the Eternal

She felt as though she might very well be going mad. Twas rather reckless of her, to engage in a relationship with the Carian Queen. Marika knew this. She was no fool, nor was she all that prone to making rash decisions. Certainly, she’d done some impulsive things in her time, but one act of grief-fueled rage in the form of the Shattering did not wipe away her entire record as Ruler of the Lands Between. Surely not.
Regardless, she’d found herself inexplicably drawn to Rennala of the Full Moon. The Last Queen of Caria had caught her eye at the wedding, and from that moment on, she had struggled not to think about her. The reason why was… abundantly obvious.
She had subsumed her other half. Her twin soul. Radagon had gotten his wish, after a fashion. They had become one in the end, as he’d wanted. Of course, she knew it was not in the way he’d wanted. Nay, Radagon had sought control. He had sought dominance, in their mixing. In the end, he had not even come close.
Without the Elden Beast to support his efforts, their comingling could only ever end one way… in Marika’s total and utter victory. And because of the way Radagon had gone about things, she could not have spared him, even if she had wanted to. It was eat or be eaten, consume or be consumed. And in the end, Queen Marika the Eternal refused to fall.
Radagon, as a result, was gone. Completely and utterly. But in his departure, he had left her with a handful of gifts. One, her slightly more mannish appearance. She was still a woman, with a woman’s body, through and through. However, there was no denying that her shoulders were a bit broader, her arms a bit more muscular. She had… chiseled features all across her body that had not been there before.
Twas the remnants of a certain Champion, of that there were no doubts. Still, she was confident in her continued beauty. Her self-image remained intact. If these few minor physical traits were all that she was left with in the face of Radagon’s attempt to subsume her very self, then that was fine.
… But it was not only that, was it? No, rather… he had left behind other fragments as well. One of those being his love for Rennala of the Full Moon.
Pah! If he truly loved the woman, he could have stayed with her! He could have refused the Greater Will’s steward, could have ignored the vassal beast’s call! If he had, the Elden Beast would have likely turned to someone else, but at least they would have been a lesser choice, by far. It was abundantly clear that Radagon had been the Elden Beast’s primary option for her new Consort and Elden Lord, wanting a way to further tighten the chains around her person.
And he’d let the vassal beast use him willingly, come calling like a loyal hound to its master. He had abandoned Rennala at the drop of a hat not for HER sake, as it might have seemed, but on behalf of the Greater Will’s Steward. And he had the audacity to still love his previous wife? To foist his feelings towards the Carian Queen upon Marika?!
Even knowing where it came from, Marika couldn’t help herself. Before she knew what was happening, she was engaging in a clandestine relationship with her Queenly counterpart that, quite frankly, had the potential to ruin everything. If the Lunar Princess found out what she was up to, Marika could imagine Ranni’s wrath would tear the new Age they were begrudgingly building together apart at the seams.
And yet, Marika could not bring herself to stop. She could, not for the life of her, find it in her heart to quit seeing Rennala. Which left her with only one choice really. Both for the sake of her and Ranni’s tentative alliance, as well as Marika’s own sanity… she would need to bring in a third party. Who better to act as something of a barrier between her and the Lunar Princess’ wrath, as well as an affirmation that she was still herself… then the new Elden Lord?
“… Not a word, Tarnished.”
Alright, so she knows how silly she sounds the moment that leaves her mouth. Still, she’s sufficiently aggrieved by the smile of understanding upon her new husband’s face that she feels the need to say it all the same. Silent as ever, the man they’re calling the ‘Tarnished Lord’ just keeps on smiling and nods. His clothes are already off, his mast already twitching as it rises effortlessly to attention. But then to be fair… he is staring at two of the finest women in all the Lands Between.
Marika flushes at that, well aware her opinion of Rennala’s beauty is at least in part supported by Radagon’s fragmented feelings for the Queen. Still, she likes to think even without her other half’s essence mixed into her being, she would be able to gaze upon Rennala and find her quite beautiful. Indeed, the woman’s normal royal garments are nowhere to be seen. She lays sprawled out on the bed in Marika’s bedchambers, just as silent as the Tarnished.
With her long black locks spread out around her head in a sort of dark halo, and her large breasts slightly thrust up into the air by the natural arch of her back, the Queen of the Full Moon looks positively delectable. Which is good, because Marika intends to eat her right up.
Utterly naked as well, the Eternal Sovereign reaches out and grabs her Lord by his shaft, pulling him along over to the bed and giving his hardening member a few more quick jerks to get him to full mast. Only once he’s completely erect does she climb onto the bed, crawling forward on her hands and knees to where Rennala awaits.
The Carian Queen’s eyes watch her, lidded but filled with feeling as Marika stares right back at her in turn. And then, the Eternal Sovereign does what her other half never would. She dips her head down between Rennala’s thighs, and in the same motion lifts her hips and spreads her own knees apart, offering up her glistening quim to the Tarnished Lord.
He, to his credit, wastes no time. His hands, strong and masculine, come down upon her hips and a moment later, he’s inside of her. As a loud moan leaves Marika’s lips, imparted directly into Rennala’s quim, this at least she knows is her and her alone. After all, tis not as if Radagon routinely allowed himself to be bent over by anyone and buggered from behind. Well, not physically or literally at least. He certainly had the Elden Beast’s appendages far enough up his ass for it to puppet him and-
Ah, she should focus on the here and now and stop thinking about her other half. Certainly, she had a task to do, self-appointed at that. She was not just bent over, on her hands, getting railed from behind by her lord husband in a very unqueenly manner. She also had the drooling quim of one Rennala of the Full Moon staring her right in the face.
Diving forward, Marika begins to eat out Rennala right then and there. This, too, to her mild surprise, she finds is all her. Indeed, she cannot feel any trace of Radagon in this act. Twould explain why she had never done this before, despite her clandestine relationship with Rennala going back several weeks at this point. She had done much for the Queen of Caria, and had firmly forced her to do much for her in turn… but her tongue had never gone this low, to Rennala’s core.
Well then, Marika would be sure to give it her all. Especially with how Rennala was positively gushing from the attention. Driving her tongue deeper and deeper into the other Queen’s core, the Eternal Sovereign goes to town, all while using her hands to great effect as well. One flicks at the tiny little nub atop Rennala’s slit, and the other rests upon the Carian Queen’s inner thigh, gripping down none too gently.
Rennala cries out, throwing her head back in pleasure, while Marika groans into her quim. After all, it is not only her own efforts that see her driven so far forward into Rennala’s mound. The Tarnished Lord is as unrelenting and undaunted as ever. He comes at her like his battle with the Elden Beast. Utterly unstoppable, and wholly determined. His member, thick and throbbing, drives into her from behind with all his might.
His body slams into her own each and every thrust, making the sensation reverberate up through her figure as her derriere shakes and jiggles with the noisy impacts. Her inner walls, meanwhile, squeeze down hard upon his shaft, trying to catch him in the act so to speak, trying to hold him in place. It never quite works, of course. He is too fast and too strong for her to do anything but take it.
In fact, the harder he thrusts into her, the harder it is to keep her position betwixt Rennala’s thighs. Marika doesn’t realize it’s happening, not at first… not until Rennala’s hands suddenly fall upon her head, her fingers lacing through the golden-haired Goddess’ blonde locks. Her tongue is deep inside of Rennala’s sex, when the Carian Queen suddenly yanks her free, right as the Tarnished Lord buries himself deep inside of Marika’s quim yet again.
The result? She finds herself jarred forward most unceremoniously, an undignified, less-than-Queenly yelp startled from Marika’s lips as she’s yanked halfway up the length of Rennala’s body, before she’s quite able to catch herself. Her hands gripping at the bedding down between Rennala’s splayed legs, Marika narrows her eyes as she looks up from where she is now face-to-face with the Carian Queen’s breasts.
Rennala looks back at her with a fond smile, none of the intimidated, timid woman she’d been bullying these past few weeks apparent in the Royal’s face.
“Thou’rt unsure thy mind is thy own.”
Marika stiffens, as Rennala just says it, out loud. The thing they’d both been avoiding voicing for all the time that their clandestine little affair had been happening. But Rennala is undeterred, even with a Goddess glaring at her. Perhaps it is the fact that the Tarnished Lord, their mutual husband, is still fucking Marika from behind, even now.
“Thou need not fret. He is gone. What remains… is thee.”
Never in a million years would Marika have thought Rennala of all people would comfort her with such words. That it would be the Queen of the Full Moon who would assure her that only pieces of her other half remained, that he himself could not harm her anymore. And yet… it makes sense, after a fashion. Were they not, the both of them, hurt by Radagon, each in their own way? Were they not both betrayed by Radagon’s loyalty to the Golden Order and the Greater Will above all?
When Rennala gives her another tug, Marika doesn’t try to fight it even slightly. And suddenly, she finds herself kissing the other woman, even as their husband continues to thrust into her from behind. She and Rennala kiss, but tis different from how these things normally go. Marika is too distracted to take charge, to dominate the exchange as she would normally do.
And yet, at the same time, Rennala refuses to take advantage in the way Marika herself would if their roles and positions were reversed. Instead… instead the Last Queen of Caria kisses her lovingly and tenderly, without expectation and without assumption. She seeks not control, or influence over Marika in this moment… but simple understanding, and a sharing of affection that Marika feels to her very core.
Moaning into Rennala’s mouth, Marika quivers upon the Tarnished Lord’s phallus, shuddering as she tightens up around his length. Tears stream down her cheeks, but they are tears of happiness, and of joy, as a part of her, wound up so tightly in her chest that she had not even realized it was there, slowly begins to loosen, coming free.
It had not been easy, fighting off Radagon and the Elden Beast for all that time. But she’d done it all the same, at great cost to herself. And yet… twas over. She did not have to fight so hard any longer. She could, at long last… let herself relax.
Marika’s eyes drift shut, and she does exactly that, rocking her body across Rennala’s own, moaning into the other Queen’s mouth as their husband takes her from behind all the way to completion. His seed spills into her womb, and when it does so, Marika does not so much as hesitate. She is, after all, not unaware of Ranni’s own decision when she and the Tarnished had their fun with Melina recently. The Eternal Sovereign is not blind to what happens in her Lands. She is a God, after all.
And so, just as Ranni had done, Marika does as well. A child will be born, of her and the Tarnished’s seed. Her womb will grow full once more with a babe. She will give birth to a new child, and regardless of deformity or malady, she will love them as much as she has loved all of her children.
Arching her back, pulling away from Rennala’s lips, she lets out a cry and that loosening sensation in her chest completes, as she feels the Tarnished’s seed take root in her womb. Of course, just because they’re done… does not mean they are DONE. Even as he pulls out, Marika wastes no time stepping aside, so to speak. More like she crawls aside, moving out from betwixt Rennala’s legs, flopping onto her side and laying next to the other Queen as she uses her fingers to spread Rennala’s lower lips.
“Now, Fair Consort… thou shall breed thy second Queen of the evening.”

Rennala blushes and opens her mouth, but Marika cuts her off with a single look.
“I shall brook no argument from thee, Queen of Caria.”
In the end, Rennala’s mouth closes, and though her blush intensifies… she nods her head, embarrassed but willing. Nay, not just willing… eager for it, that much Marika can tell. And so can their Lord Husband, for if Rennala were not fully on board, Marika knows he would not move forward and slide right into her as he does, in spite of it being Marika’s own Will.
Hmph, she is not in control anymore, not in totality, as she once thought herself to be. But then, in hindsight, she did not have total control even then. She merely had a thick cloth wrapped over her eyes, blinding herself to the truth. She had been willfully ignorant of just how powerless, how helpless, and how chained she’d truly been.
Now, she knew better. Now, she was truly free. And if that meant giving up some of her vaunted control, than so be it. Certainly, Radagon would never have abided by such a thing. Smirking, gazing down at Rennala’s face contorting in pleasure as the Tarnished Lord lays claim to the Carian Queen’s womb in the same way he had her daughter and Marika herself, the Eternal Sovereign lets out a low sigh.
O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou will never become me. Thy master’s plans have failed. Thy end is nigh. Trouble me no further, mine other half.
And as she thinks these thoughts to a man dead and gone, but who she is forced to admit will likely remain with her in some small ways for the rest of her days… a small part of Marika, still unsettled, comes to a rest. And for the first time in a long time, the Eternal Sovereign sees peace, a personal one, within her immediate future.


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