Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Bonus Chapter #7: Malenia, Blade of Miquella

The Haligtree had changed greatly, and in such a short period of time too. Even before she’d left for the… for the w-wedding, the changes had been obvious. Malenia had worried, at first. While the perfected needle had purged her body of the Scarlet Rot at long last, completing her dear brother’s work, that did not mean the Scarlet Rot was purged from the Lands Between in its entirety.
Indeed, Caelid was still plagued, and so was Miquella’s Haligtree. Malenia could fight it, and she had immediately started doing so, working to cleanse the Scarlet Rot where she could with her newfound immunity, but she was only one swordswoman, in the end.
Ultimately, her only choice had been to put Miquella back into the Haligtree from whence he’d been torn, and hope that in doing so, he could save the Haligtree… rather than her dooming her brother. It hadn’t been precisely obvious if it was working at first, however. There had been war within the boughs of the Haligtree, war between those driven mad by the Scarlet Rot, and those who still stood strong and loyal to the Twins.
And then it had come. A new Age… and a new Order. The Elden Ring had been reforged, and the impact of that had been felt throughout the Lands Between. The most important thing, however, to come along with this, was the immediate cessation of the Outer Gods’ movements within the Lands Between. And not just their movements, but their influence altogether.
All of them had been pushed back. All of them had had their plans curtailed. Each and every one could no longer work their will upon the Lands Between, not even through their servants. Not without running afoul of the new Elden Lord, her Sweet Tarnished.
For Malenia and Miquella, this specifically meant an immediate turning of the tide. In all regards, the Haligtree could be considered a haven for the Scarlet Rot and the Outer God behind it. But after the formation of the new Elden Ring, bigger and stronger and more versatile than ever, that haven turned upon its denizens. The Scarlet Rot had no place in the Lands Between any longer, and the Haligtree, despite her brother’s efforts to have it far removed from their mother and the Golden Order’s influence, was within the bounds of this new Order.
Twas a blessing in disguise, to be sure. Miquella, deep in his comatose state, struggling to recover from what Mohg did to him, would not need to fight to survive any longer. The Haligtree had been purged and cleansed, and its boughs were slowly but surely recovering day by day. With Miquella nestled deep within it, her beloved brother would recover as well, and one day Malenia knew he would open his eyes and walk by her side once more.
Until that day came, it fell to her to protect him, as she’d failed to do before. But… well, in the wake of the new Elden Ring’s creation, after the discovery that the Outer Gods could no longer touch her or her brother or even the Haligtree itself… Malenia had allowed herself to be cajoled. Not by her Sweet Tarnished, mind, for he did not talk, but by her own mother.
The reunion with Marika had been… hm, interesting. Malenia had half-expected her mother to blame her and Miquella for their abandonment of the Golden Order, for leaving it behind. It had been Miquella’s choice, made off of the Order’s failure to cure Malenia, but all the same… the Twins had left together, and Malenia would not apologize for following her brother into the unknown.
But Marika did not expect an apology. In fact, she seemed pleased that Malenia and Miquella were alright… and utterly full of wroth to find out what Mohg had done to his half-brother in her absence. In the wake of everything, Malenia and Marika’s reunion felt almost unimportant. In the grand scheme of things, it was… hm, simply not that big of a deal.
Of course, Marika demanded that Malenia join the wedding. To marry her Sweet Tarnished at her Mother’s side, to join the other women that he had enamored as his bride… Malenia had been struck by the entire situation. And quite surprised to learn that Melina, the kindling maiden who had watched her lose her virginity, was actually a sister she had not known of.
In the end, Malenia couldn’t help but feel a little bit like she was simply invited along out of a need for symmetry. Especially once they got to the ceremony itself, and she saw how they were arrayed. Her dress, made by a demi-human seamster of all things, was absolutely gorgeous. In fact, Malenia wore it even now, despite having returned to the Haligtree. She couldn’t bring herself to take it off. Like spun golden sunlight, it was beautiful, and she felt beautiful in turn when wearing it.
But it was also made to match her mother and sister’s attire, and as a counterpoint to her half-sister’s and her half-sister’s mother. Lunar Princess Ranni, Queen Rennala of the Full Moon… and someone named Sellen. That was what Malenia had been called to act as an equal and opposite weight to. A Queen for a Queen, an Empyrean for an Empyrean… a kindling maiden for a sorcerer?
Hm, perhaps the comparison grew a little muddled when you thought about it, but in the end, twas clear. Ranni’s lineage had three, and so Marika’s lineage had to have three as well. And so Malenia had been offered the chance of a lifetime.
It was not as though she deserved it… any of it. After all, who was she really, compared to the plethora of other women he had at his beck and call? The Blade of Miquella? The Undefeated Swordswoman? She couldn’t even save her brother from Mohg’s depravations without the Tarnished’s help! She would not even have found her brother, if he had not led her to him. Nor was she able to claim the title of undefeated any longer. The words ‘I have never known defeat’ would not pass from her lips ever again.
Nay, she had known defeat… and what a joyous, pleasurable defeat it was. She was glad she lost, but she was not ignorant to her… lack of value. In the silence that came with the Scarlet Rot’s absence, Malenia was left with her own thoughts, and had come to a simple conclusion. She didn’t really like who she was and wasn’t entirely sure why anyone else would. In comparison to the others, she was little more than a useless cripple with only one actual flesh and blood limb!
Regardless, when the opportunity had come, she’d taken it. And even though it took her away from her brother, she’d gone all the same, trusting in her Sweet Tarnished and his new Age to protect Miquella in her absence.
She’s been right to trust him to, it seemed, because here she was, back in Elphael, back at the bottom of the Brace of the Haligtree. Standing there beside the pool in the center of the grove, Malenia lets her eyes drift shut, a soft smile on her lips as she fiddles with the ring on her left hand almost constantly.
It would-
A sudden sound catches Malenia’s attention, and she spins around, blade in prosthetic hand in an instant. Dressed for a wedding she might be, but she would always be ready to defend her brother from any would-be intruder.
However, her eyes widen in surprise beneath the fringe of her red locks when she sees just who it is.
“Sweet Tarnished… I did not expect to see you so soon.”
He smiles and strides forward, shaking his head as if to say ‘I should have come sooner’. Malenia flushes, as she disengages her blade and tosses it aside, moving to meet him. His hands come down upon her hips, and she blushes as he leans in and kisses her deeply, right on the lips. He treats her not like the Blade of Miquella, but like a woman… and she must admit, she quite enjoys that.
In fairness, it had been some weeks since the wedding now. A couple of months, if her internal clock was not too far off. And Malenia had been sure to extend an open invitation to her Sweet Tarnished, to come and see her whenever he liked. But she had not expected the new Elden Lord to make his way to her any time soon. After all, not only was he no doubt busy with his new rule, but… she was the least of his brides, wasn’t she? Perhaps he’d simply already made his way through the rest, before coming to her? Yes, that made sense.
Coming to the conclusion that seemed most realistic to her, Malenia grows more eager, placing her hands, both the flesh and blood one and the prosthetic, upon her Tarnished’s face, and drawing him into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. In turn, he kisses her right back… and when he subsequently dominates her mouth with his own, taking control near-effortlessly, Malenia melts before his sheer masculine charisma and moans happily into his lips.
When they finally pull apart, she eagerly takes him by his hands, leading him over to a nearby batch of fresh flowers. Not the flowers of rot from before, not the Scarlet Aeonia, but instead fresh, real flowers of vibrant colors that are not red and copper and orange.
There, she lays back and guides him down with her, still in her beautifully crafted wedding dress as she splays her legs wide and hikes it up for him. He notes what she’s wearing with a tilt of his head and a single cocked brow, and Malenia blushes nearly as red as her hair as she hastens to explain.
“N-No! I was not… I wasn’t w-waiting for you, or anything, my Lord. I knew you were busy and did not expect you to make time for me so quickly. I just… enjoy this garment. It is my favorite dress. That is all.”
He continues looking at her, and Malenia can only turn her head and avert her gaze from those eyes of his. Slowly, he reaches out and takes hold of her chin, turning her face back to him and kissing her deeply once more. As he does so, however, Malenia notes how he reaches for her prosthetics.
One by one, he disengages them from her body, starting with the easiest one to decouple, her arm. But then he moves down to her legs as well. Her lower limbs had to be amputated at varying lengths, but the new legs her brother was able to have crafted for her were of the utmost quality and gave her all the mobility and speed she needed… or so she’d always thought.
Indeed, while her prosthetics had not failed her against Mohg at least, they hadn’t done the job against the Tarnished Lord. Her Sweet Tarnished had taken her apart even with them on, so how could she begrudge him their removal now? When he finally pulls back from her lips once more, Malenia is limbless, save for her one flesh and blood arm, the ring signifying their marriage upon her ring finger.
Biting her lower lip, she squirms a bit in this somewhat helpless state, especially when he runs his hands up and down her form, almost tenderly. It’s as if he’s saying that he takes her as she is, that he loves her no matter what diminished state she’s in. When he goes to remove the dress however, Malenia blushes and stops him.
“Please… c-can we leave it on?”
She wants to be taken in her wedding dress. She wants… she hopes to be bred in it, in truth. The Blade of Miquella does not DARE speak that truth out loud. She doesn’t say a word about wanting her Sweet Tarnished to spill his essence deep inside of her again. For him to fill her with his seed until she is overflowing is her greatest desire. Until there is no room left and her body… her body is conquered in every possible way.
She knows that she should be focused on staying strong and in shape to protect Miquella, but is he not already protected? Is it truly so wrong, to wish to bear her conqueror’s child? Perhaps so. After all, tis too embarrassing for her to say out loud.
Regardless, her Sweet Tarnished smiles and nods, leaving her in her wedding dress as he nevertheless hikes it up and brings his member to bear against her dripping sex. Her core clenches even before he pushes in, aching in need for him, and when he finally slides into her, stretching her along the throbbing haft of his meaty ‘blade’, Malenia throws her head back and cries out.
Her voice echoes through the boughs of the reinvigorated Haligtree. Her moans fill Elphael with the sound of her melodic cries of pleasure. She shudders beneath the new Elden Lord, while laid out on a bed of flowers untainted by the Scarlet Rot. In this moment… she is utterly content.
In the absence of the Scarlet Rot, in the absence of those voices whispering in her mind, Malenia had almost felt lost… adrift, even. She had begun to doubt everything. Not just herself, or her place in this world, but the world around her. She had had to fight for her sanity for so long and failed more often than she cared to admit. And suddenly, she was… healed.
It was perhaps odd, but the healing in and of itself was almost too much to bear. The quiet… she’d not been sure she’d be able to last, until her brother was rebirthed anew and returned to her side at long last.
But now, as she lays there with her prosthetics detached and only one functioning limb to her name, as she’s filled with her Sweet Tarnished’s shaft again and again, Malenia knows it’s going to be okay. She knows that she’s going to be alright. For she has her Lord to worship for the rest of her days. Soon enough, her inner muscles flex along his pistoning phallus enough that he finally spills his seed inside of her.
It feels as amazing as it did the first time, and Malenia reaches up, hooking her one remaining limb around his neck and pulling him down into another deep kiss, just to try and keep him inside of her for a little while longer. She wouldn’t say she’s trying to ensure conception… but she wouldn’t NOT say that as well.
Miquella wasn’t there to give her advice, or tell her what to do in this instant, and he would not be for some time yet. His eventual rebirth would herald the rebirth of the Haligtree as a whole, and it would be a time of great rejoicing to be sure. But that was far in the future.
For the time being, she liked to think Miquella, even in his comatose state, was watching over her from above, as she lay upon that bed of flowers, beneath the strong, chiseled body of her Sweet Tarnished, and welcomed him within her again and again and again. Watching… and smiling on in approval.


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